《The Divine Traits》Prologue


During the dark of night in a small town, a golden glow can be seen a moment later a baby wrapped in a golden blanket made out of an unknown fabric softer than silk. Unknown to the world this was the birth of a new godling a holder of the divine traits. Given god-like powers. A blue screen can be seen in front of the Baby.

Transportation: Successful

-Beginning world Adaption-

Godling: Jericho Stormblood

Mortal Name: Josh

Status: Stable

Givin Divine Traits: Archaic

-Trait Holdup: 16 years-

Rank: Harbinger

-Harbinger bonus: Blessed class:

Archaic intervention with Blessed Bonus:

New class created due to circumstances Blessed Archaic-

Mortal Appearance: Brown hair, Brown eyes

Godling Appearance: White hair, Red eyes

-End of World Adaption-

Message From Patron God: Good Luck My Son.

-The Screen Fades from existence questioned to even exist at all-

After the Screen is gone the door opens and the Orphanage owner hurries and grabs the baby not even noticing the note attached to him saying- To Josh- with the godly symbol stamped on the envelope.

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