《Goblin Kingdom》Returning, Checking on Progress


Norgolin got quite irritated as they walked back toward his village. Turns out Diana was very slow, as she hadn't developed her wings yet. Anyway, both still walked as fast as they could. However, this time return wasn't safe all the time. Diana and Norgolin found a lot of wild beasts on their way back, but Diana explained the reason: She didn't have the ability to hide her demonic aura yet, so the beasts were curious. Norgolin was even surprised after seeing her kill a wild boar with ease, using a strange magic; She used her mana to create a dark purple circle full of runes, from which a black ball of flame appeared, launched toward the boar. Diana explained to him that all succubi had magic that used these rune circles.

They took an entire week to come back, along with the hindrances. When they arrived, Norgolin introduced Diana to his friends and tribe. Laura seemed relieved after she knew there was another humanoid girl other than her, coupled with news about a vine tree.

However, Norgolin was still worried about something. If a succubus had already appeared curious about the evolution happening, what about other races? what if some giants, strong demons or anything like that appeared? This just increased his urge to make an army and get stronger himself. 'Oh, I need to check on the training' He thought.

Arriving at the training camp, he saw all the males training. All of them seemed to be a little more sophisticated on the swings, but the time he had been off wasn't enough to make them any stronger. Checking a little bit on their speech, they were now starting to discover that there were other things to talk about other than food, sex, and hunt. Alom explained this was giving them curiosity previously unknown. Some were even starting to search on the woods for new herbs as something to kill time. Laura told him she was surprised with how diversified were herbs in this forest. She wasn't exactly a herbalist but still started to study herbs on the surroundings.


Norgolin wondered about all these changes. The conclusion was: leave it as it is. He was intelligent, but not a jack of all trades. Our protagonist was intelligent, but not to the point of being capable of controlling all areas at the same time. He just let Laura take care of herbalism and Alom on training.

Norgolin went to his hut, thinking about another topic: Buildings. If Norgolin wanted a strong civilization, he needed better houses, specified places built for training, researching(as he didn't want anyone causing an explosion outside), a school, and last but most important: A WALL. If he wanted to wage war, a wall was essential. However, humans were accustomed to battle against walls made of strong types of rock. And what they had here was nothing, just rock from the mountains up north(now Norgolin knew where North, East, West, and South was because obviously Laura and Diana had taught him how to recognize them using the sun.). And even if he tried to mine there, better pickaxes were needed, but they had nothing other than crude utensils. So our protagonist decided on one thing, and that was to train on making better equipment. That would help in all areas, indeed killing a lot of birds with one stone.

Norgolin immediately ordered two goblins to go toward the vine tree with knives and bring as many vines as they could. After that, he ordered three more to go and search for the biggest stones they could find.

That being done, Laura called him with a strong shout, giving him a big scare. He quickly went toward her, just to discover it wasn't her almost dying for a strong animal as he expected.

''Come, come, come and see, it was actually here, what a surprise!'' Laura was found screaming like a BTS fangirl, looking at a very strange plant on her hands. It had the composition of a rose, but its petals were a deep black and the part which should be green was yellow. It looked like nothing else, just a bit different from other plants.


''Damn girl, I thought you were dying, just why are you so happy to see a different rose?''Norgolin complained

''It isn't a normal rose, It is a Black-Sun Rose! It actually is the best plant for cultivating Mana and one of the rarest ingredients of the best Mana potions. I never thought I would have the chance to see something like this in my life!'' Laura seemed quite different from her normal shy personality. It looked like she really loved these strange plants.

''So what use does it have other than making potions?'' Norgolin asked

''If you put it in a place where it doesn't die, and that would be a place which receives water constantly, the Black-Sun Rose can help you canalize Mana faster and better.'' She explained

Norgolin was happy to know that a plant that helped him in the area he had been very bad at appeared at such a time. Now he could resume his testing on Mana! he immediately made a deal with Laura, to put it on his hut, so he would let her study it as much as she wanted, as long as she let him use it too.

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