《Goblin Kingdom》Having Some Fun


' Shit! Now she will scream, then hide her precious parts, call for her bodyguard and then I will discover she's some king's daughter, who wonderfully happened to come here and bath right at such a convenient time...' Norgolin thought. But it didn't happen like that.

The girl just stood there, unmoving for some seconds; It was a strange scene indeed. Then she unexpectedly made a lustful face, approached the goblin and whispered to his ears.

''So you were spying on me? Wanna have some fun, little one?'' The girl said.

''Ah...Wha...!'' He couldn't even finish saying what he wanted, as her lips had already touched his and they engaged in deep kissing. As Norgolin kissed her, he could feel something very odd, although he didn't know exactly what.

Her hands went down to between his legs and caught his already hard dick. ''Wow, this one is big'' She whispered again, with a seductive voice. The goblin wondered why did she call his dick ''this one'', however, he didn't care much. They immediately left the river, as she started sucking the dick. The goblin was far from being a virgin, but this sensation was still unknown to him.

With the beautiful scenery of the waterfall as a background, they started their fun, as he laid down and she sat on top of him. But right as Norgolin was about to blow his load, he felt something very strange. His head went dizzy and his vision blurred. His energy seemed to be drained more and more! He was foolish to think she was just lustful.

The girl recognized Norgolin's state, conscient of the fact that he should have discovered her ability. She giggled, as she knew it was too late. Surprisingly, after the goblin ejaculated, he didn't pass out! She was stunned by this fact, but what surprised her the most was that Norgolin even had more energy than before, so he forced her to lay down, quickly switching to the missionary position.


''My turn, you slut'' He whispered. For some reason, she seemed to get a lot more excited after seeing he didn't pass out.

Norgolin and our girl continued until she passed out because of pleasure. The goblin wondered why the hell, at a moment of despair, he didn't pass out but revigorated his energies. Indeed, fatigue filled Norgolin, but it was the normal fatigue after intense sex. He was so bothered by the fact that he didn't sleep. Norgolin just spent his time wondering and deciding if he should kill her or not. In the end, he decided not to kill her; Even if she had tried to drain his energies, bringing imminent danger, no evil could be seen on her face, from start to end, coupled with the fact he didn't even fight, Battle Power wouldn't rise by killing this girl. Instead, Norgolin looked forward to doing her again.

When she woke up, she seemed surprised by the fact he didn't kill her. ''Why didn't you kill me? I was trying to hurt you!'' Unexpectedly, she said that with an angry face.

''Hum... you are very good at what you do. Also, there's no point in killing you''

''Well...thank you, I guess?'' She looked confused.

''You're welcome. By the way, what's your name, why and how did you try to drain me with sex?'' He blurted out questions without even thinking. No point in having manners right now.

''My name is Diana, I tried to suck you dry literally because I am a succubus. We have the ability to grow(in Mana, of course) by having sex. But this spends the partner's entire Mana/Battle Power and kills him/her. I came here to see for myself what the hell was that source of extreme demonic energy. Relax, I'm not some strong demon's son, or important at all in the demon kingdom. Indeed, I was kicked out from our kingdom''


'This Diana seems to talk a lot. Not that it matters anyway' He thought. ''So it turns out to be like this. Do you have any place to stay?'' Norgolin asked. He did consider the possibility of what she said being a lie, but even if it was, from the way she was surprised, it seemed no one had been like him. If it was all a lie, demons would be looking for him anyway and if she was important the location of his village would be easily found too, so no need to throw a good hot succubus away.

Diana ''No, I don't. why do you ask?''

''Because I took a liking on you and just happen to be leading a goblin village. They are still dumb right now, but it doesn't matter, In a short time they will get as smart as me'' Norgolin said.

''Thank you for the offer, I will have to accept. This gives me another good question: Why aren't you dumb like all others?''

''I'm as clueless as you, I just happened to be like this. Other than my mother teaching me to like intelligence, there are no other reasons. Oh, and as I can see, you don't have any clothes nearby, where are your clothes? You need to know that for the moment I have no clothes back at the village'' He explained.

''I don't like to use clothes. Most succubi use a little cloth, but I think it is unnecessary, and it is uncomfortable. Relax, I won't ask for cloth even if you make some'' She said, without the least bit of shame.

''That's perfect, one less problem''

''Err...I kinda never had sex like I had with you...If it doesn't bother you, can we have another round?''She asked

Norgolin understood that she probably saw all the men she had sex with die right after the act, so he found it reasonable for her to be excited after finding him, so he accepted. They continued until both were satisfied and departed back to the village.

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