《Goblin Kingdom》Food Problem, Teaching Goblins and Scouting


Norgolin now sat on the ground of his hut, seemingly concerned with something. In these three months, Norgolin tempered himself both in physical and mental form. Now he felt prepared to command the goblins. However, there was just one last problem remaining: food! If he wanted to make an enormous kingdom of goblins, food was essential, even more so for goblins that reproduce faster than any other race. Now came the question: how to get enough food for hundreds, maybe thousands of goblins? Norgolin learned farms were almost always a solution, but not for goblins, if he wanted to feed thousands, land would be needed; What monster race would gently give all of their land to some goblins? Even if they did conquer the land by force, it would always be a temporary solution. Think about it, if they conquered 1 square kilometer of land with 2500 of population and it produced for 3000 goblins (in a very generous estimative) considering population would double each month, in two months they would be starving. A terrifying rate indeed.

What if he just ordered goblins not to have a lot of sex? Not even an option, sex was what they liked the most. Take this away from them and you will have all of them trying to kill you. Contraceptives? These were too expensive, just rich humans could use. While thinking about such things, our protagonist discovered goblins seemed to be the favorite food for a lot of monsters. Otherwise, how could they still have just a few less than 100 population?

There was just one solution remaining: Magic. One would need to use magic in order to increase the rate of growing crops.

Now it's just start planting and discover how to make it grow at an amazing speed. After a quick talk with Laura, hope appeared in form of Mana. She explained that if someone infused mana into plants, they could grow even instantly, depending on the caster's ability and mana pool. Last question: How to get such a big source of Mana?


Norgolin spent three days testing, using seeds Laura extracted from the plants they found. On the fourth day, they discovered something even the smartest human didn't accomplish: A way to make magical plants. The goblin found this in his last attempt; He infused Battle Power and Mana in a seed at the same time. this way, Mana didn't exit the seed like always. Battle Power actually made some type of shield around the seed, making Mana stay! This made plants absorb mana from the surroundings several times faster. What they didn't know was that humans had already tried this method of making Mana plants, but they couldn't, because the Battle Power and Mana needed to come from only one person's body, otherwise, Battle Power wouldn't be compatible with Mana. However, no race had Mana and Battle Power at the same time.

They also discovered, after some testing, the rate of growth of these plants. In four days, they were ready to give fruit. one day later, the fruits started to appear. And that's how food shortage would never be a problem. With this rate of growth, they would even need to throw food away. Norgolin put Laura in charge of 10 goblins, chopping trees to make a plantation.

Time for training to start. Our protagonist immediately reunited with his five newly ''graduated'' teachers, called all goblins for a meeting and when all of them had arrived, he started his explanation.

''Look, five females. They teach speak to you. You learn and don't complain, otherwise dead'' he made as much effort as possible to make it clear for these dumb idiots.

A lot of whispers and noise was heard, but from what they knew, Norgolin had even successfully hunted a Spiked Lion, a feat still unheard of, so no one dared to complain. First class was very fast, just thirty minutes as Norgolin didn't want to teach too much in order for them to process information better.


He continued ''Also, me teach fight men. Each pick strong branch from tree'' When they had picked up their branches, our protagonist started training them in basic swings. These were swings any weapon would use, save for bows. They learned just the basics like being calm, thinking before attacking, and of course, swinging intelligently, not just charging and trying to hit the opponent in any way possible. This would lead them to experimenting with various types of attacks and training them, later resulting in fighting techniques; But of course, that wasn't something that happened overnight.

They established that speech classes and training would happen every day, increasing in intensity as things developed.

Norgolin put Alom in charge of monitoring fighting train, as now was time to scout the forest for available resources. He quickly departed toward the deep green. Of course, before leaving he made sure all goblins saw how strong Alom was as an Armon, just to make sure no one tried to start a revolution.

The first day of exploring proved to be boring, nothing interesting. Second day? Just as boring, but on the third, he finally found something he was in desperate need of: location full of vine trees! Moreover, it was very close to the village. Norgolin remembered it and continued exploring until he found a very special river. It actually led to a beautiful waterfall, where a hot girl was bathing. her hair was black, her face was a perfect round shape and she had green eyes. Her breasts weren't that big, but their shape was perfectly aligned with her body curves, along with her butt. She was 1,70m tall.

He quickly climbed a nearby tree and started to approach, silently jumping from tree to tree...Bad choice! when he reached the nearest tree, Norgolin's branch broke, and he fell on the water, right in front of the beauty.

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