《Goblin Kingdom》Meeting Again, Challenge Back Home


Norgolin and Laura saw the campfire and started to walk toward it. While they were on their way, Laura got quite curious about the goblin.

''Can I ask you a question?'' She asked for permission because she knew her state right now wasn't one of equal authority; She could even be called his slave.

''Of course, as long as it doesn't piss me off'' Norgolin said relaxed.

''Why are you so calm and even happy with the Armons dying? I understand that you were a slave and wouldn't harbor many good feelings toward them, but didn't you have some friends there? And what about the danger incoming?'' Laura blushed as she spoke. She didn't like to ask uncomfortable questions.

''Well, I did have friends there. But they weren't very close; The only close friend I have managed to escape with the warning you saw me make. So with their deaths, It is one less civilization bothering me. Of course, I know about the danger of evolution waiting for me in one year, but I can't do much about it. Even if I cultivate 24/7 all year long, I wouldn't get strong enough to face an army. And all of this sums up with the fact that we are located, from what I know, in the middle of the forest and the only way out that doesn't involve walking into enemy territory is by going toward the human kingdom, so I am trapped in this forest, the only option is to hide.'' Norgolin explained

''That's really complicated...'' Laura pondered for a while before continuing ''Now that I think about it, you didn't come from the Armons did you? If you have a village, you can ask for help there'' She suggested

''It would be a good idea, but those idiots only listen to the chief or someone very important, and goblins are very primitive; Furthermore, I don't know blacksmithing so we wouldn't be able to make weapons strong enough to compete against the gear of humans,''Norgolin said.

''Well, that would be simple: First, you defeat their current chief and conquer their respect; Then you start teaching them how to properly swing a weapon/understand commands. Even if they were the dumbest of races, it wouldn't be very difficult to teach principles such as thinking before attacking and not swinging your weapon randomly. As for gear, you could teach them how to use a hammer, as from what I heard you were a cook(AUTHOR: they had quite a bit of time to talk about random things while they walked) and then use high fertility rate to make an enormous army.'' Laura proved to be quite intelligent, as expected from someone who lived near a king.


Norgolin almost shouted in happiness ''So that's it! thank you, I didn't think about such things'' New motivation seemed to come from Norgolin. He had been a slave almost all of his life, and this was the first time he had a chance to fight for his freedom and had time to plan his next steps. One year of slavery had suppressed his nature that was lively to the point of being childish, and this very nature was appearing again.

They kept walking for an entire day, talking about pretty much everything and exchanging experiences. In this time, Norgolin grew the seed of the idea of an organized goblin society in his heart. It was slowly becoming a rock-hard determination.

When Alom saw his friend arriving with a hot beauty, he was very happy. ''Finally, you arrive here, little green aberration!! Haha, I have been pondering about who the hell warned me about that damn magic, not surprised that it was you though.'' He greeted his friend and the beauty. ''But tell me now, you pimp, who is this beautiful lady?"

''My name is Laura, glad to meet you. I am an alchemist scholar, I take it you are Norgolin's friend, Alom?'' She said in an educated manner.

''Yes, glad to meet ya too, my lady. Now explain to me, Norgolin...How did you use the Wisdom Gem, and why are you with this lady?'' Alom was quite curious.

''It's a long story, sit down'' Norgolin said. All of them sat around the campfire, and Norgolin told Alom all that happened. The Wisdom Gem being a Communication artifact, how he obtained it, why the Armons died, everything. Alom got quite sad knowing all Armons would be used as a sacrifice for some humans, after all, he grew up with them. But he remembered all he had suffered there and this made him relax a little. All Alom needed was some time to process the information.

After some minutes, Alom started to speak ''About creating a goblin civilization, I have something to say; We are very near what seems to be your former village, Norgolin. So I suggest you sharpen your knife''

Norgolin was happy to know about this, so after resting for a while, they all began to walk toward the village.

When they arrived at the village, they were greeted by a bunch of goblins with crude wooden clubs and angry faces.

''I want to challenge to the chief, so take me to him. Don't make me ask again''Norgolin ordered.


One of the goblins took the initiative to run in his direction shouting like an idiot, and when the goblin's club was about to reach Norgolin, he caught the club with his bare hands and threw it like it was nothing. For someone who had to do manual labor for an entire year, doing this was as easy as breathing. Then he punched the goblin's chest so hard the goblin was sent flying 3 meters away. He looked at the other goblin ''Will you take me to him or not?'' The other goblin ran away screaming like a little girl. After five minutes, the chief appeared.

The goblin chief was a goblin 1,50m tall, bigger than any other goblin. He had a strong build, as strong as Norgolin and had a rough face covered by scars. His eyes were red, his head was bald and he was named Crowder.

Both of them stared at each other. Norgolin was 1,40m tall, so he looked small compared to Crowder.

''Let see you strong as talk say'' Crowder said with a strong voice.

Crowder readied his big stone axe, holding it with both hands. Then he started to charge toward Norgolin, ready to attack.

Norgolin's blood boiled. This was his first time in a real fight, against a strong enemy. He immediately readied his knife and waited for the enemy. Crowder swung his axe vertically, aiming Norgolin's head. Norgolin quickly dodged to the right, almost getting his arm chopped off. Crowder proved to be very agile, and swung his weapon again horizontally, this time going for Norgolin's ribs. Our protagonist did his best to defend with the knife, but the axe was just too strong, and the knife broke. He was lucky that the axe was too big, and goblins didn't know how to make big things sharp, so when the weapon landed in Norgolin's ribs, two were broken, he was sent flying for 1 meter and hit the ground, but he was still alive. Just with a big cut on his left side, of course.

He quickly got up again, just to see Crowder swinging his weapon vertically(again) toward him. His only reaction was to use his final resource: Battle Power. But this time, instead of trying an explosion without certainty of killing the enemy, he decided to use it in another way he had been training. In this very split second, he canalized all of his power into the right arm and used it to defend. Norgolin hoped this crazy choice helped him in any way. And it did. When the axe hit his arm, the upper part actually broke! Crowder was stunned for a little time, and when he regained his composure, Norgolin had already started to do an uppercut using the arm infused with battle power. Crowder tried to defend by putting his hands on the way, but it was too late. Norgolin's arm hit his chin and his chin broke. The chief fell back and hit the ground. Norgolin used this chance to quickly punch Crowder's face with Battle Power again, and the chief's face got destroyed in just one punch.

Norgolin was surprised that Battle Power could be so strong if used this way. But then he realized something. The reason why his Battle Power always exploded was because of his lack of control, it was not the proper way to use it. And that's the reason it was so weak when used this way. However, now he found the right way. Battle Power is actually meant to be used as a boost, not exactly a magic casted toward enemies.

His friends ran toward him with happy expressions, but he was so tired and his broken ribs hurt so much that he didn't have a lot of time to celebrate. He laid on the ground and started to scream in pain.

Laura realized Norgolin's state. ''Alom, quickly search the forest for a herb 20cm tall, with four leaves that have red stripes. Go!''

As Alom went running to search the herb, Laura caught a lot of leaves from a nearby tree and started to place them in the cut, to stop blood from flowing. Indeed, she wasn't a doctor but as an alchemist, she knew a bit about medicine.

Ten minutes later, Alom was back with the herb, and she quickly started to knead it in a piece of wood. Right after, she opened Norgolin's cut ''AAAAAAHHHH FUUUUCK!!'' He shouted in pain.'' ENDURE IT PLEASE'' Laura answered. then she spread the remains of the herb in the broken rib parts and connected them again. After doing this, she closed the injury again and waited for Norgolin's body to regenerate naturally.

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