《Goblin Kingdom》Fourth-Alom's Life and Trauma


It's a normal day in the cave. Alom has already woken up and is talking to something very strange; It's actually a hole in the ground. In this hole, two names are written: Anoric and Silmia.

''Father, Mother, your son is doing very well. Actually, I have even found a real friend, but I'm sure you would laugh at my face if you knew he is a goblin; But don't be worried, he is very intelligent and gets smarter every day and yes, this is very strange but I'm not in the place to go and ask bluntly for the reason.''


Alom almost shouted in rage when he heard this because this was a very special moment to him that he repeated every day. Alom was a very religious person and had always believed in communicating with spirits and this was one of the reasons for the jokes made about him. Indeed, this was how he met Norgolin, on a day when they both were made fun of at the same time.

The Armon put armor on and picked up the backpack; It was working time. Indeed, hadn't he worked as a walking backpack, the rabbit wouldn't have known all of the forests and where to go when he wanted to steal books.

When Alom arrived, he was greeted with more disapproval from the six Armons '' You're late, man. Next time you keep hanging around you will get some beating. Now, this is the plan: we're going to hunt near the Orc territory so watch out for any pig-like noise, although we aren't hunting such a big pig today. Our goal is to find a good deer but relax, I know there aren't a lot of these in this territory. It's just that in this forest that part is the only one that actually has deer to be hunted; These damn animals prefer to be in open plains.'' The leader of the expedition, a black-furred Armon with brown eyes and long brown hair named Dango spoke.


They departed, and after walking north for what it seemed to be one hour, they actually found a good deer sleeping between two trees. They couldn't miss this opportunity and immediately readied the two archers of the group.

''Lora, Lexy, aim for the head and leg respectively; If we miss the head we at least can limit its movement. Quickly, attack!'' Dango whispered.

They aimed for four seconds and shot their arrows.


The arrow aimed at the head hit the horn of the deer, and the one aimed at the leg hit its target. ''UIIIIIKK'' The deer started to run for its life; It was time for Dango and the warriors of the hunting group to act. They readied their weapons and started to give chase. Indeed, if it wasn't for the fact that the deer was injured, they wouldn't be able to run as fast as their prey, but the group actually reached the deer and stabbed another of its legs and it fell to the ground making a loud noise, after that they finished the poor animal.

As Alom was carrying all of the group's luggage, he was still at least 15 meters behind. He didn't know, but this very fact would save his life in just a little second.

VUPT, VUPT!! little noise was heard as the group saw various figures appear out of nowhere. Were it two or three they would be able to handle. However, there were actually thirty armored orcs surrounding them!! The Armon group readied their weapons, ready to fight for their lives. But the orcs were too many.

Dango fought bravely and managed to hurt two orcs and kill one before he and his entire group(except for Alom) were massacred by the ones they had previously called ''pigs''. The sight of the strong and tall(as tall as a normal Armon) orcs using their maces, hammers and even bows to butcher the group was just too cruel. Probably, these orcs had already found out about the group very early and had been waiting for the moment of happiness after the kill to ambush them and do what they had done.


Alom was so scared he almost couldn't run. Of course, it was ''almost''. The Armon ran with all he had and left the big backpack behind, Though the orcs couldn't care less about one Armon that seemed to be the weakest and just returned to their place.

When he reached the cave, Alom reported everything to Bultharr. As Alom was just useless in fighting and it wasn't his fault, Bultharr decided to leave the matter but one thing for sure was decided: The orcs would suffer.

The Armon just sat in his room, without crying or lamenting. This was his own way of dealing with trauma, silence. He kept silent in his mind and mouth for two hours. Unexpectedly, Norgolin appeared; Working time had been though on Norgolin but he still wanted to help his one and only TRUE friend.

''Hey, don't sit there like this. They won't come back from the dead even if you stay silent for years. Get over it, Man'' Norgolin said.

Alom wasn't a talkative person, but for some reason, he made an exception today and started to talk about his problems. ''It's just that I can't endure any more suffering from dead people. I didn't even have a friendship with any of them, instead, I hated each and every one of these bastards. But I've seen too many people die. My father was a hunter and my mother a tailor, and they died in a very cruel way. The very day they decided to give me a present: a sword, we were invaded by some wolves; my father fought with courage and strength, but he died protecting Bultharr. He was too loyal. My mother died just after because Bultharr, that bastard, wanted to make her his concubine and she suicided in shame. WHY DID THEY HAVE TO DIE SO MISERABLY? WHY ARE GOOD PEOPLE ALWAYS THE FIRST TO DIE?'' Alom was already crying all he could as he said these last words.

Norgolin breathed deeply and said ''man, I don't know why, but if your father died like that it was his choice, so you need to be strong and become proud of the attitude he had. In what concerns your mother, I bet she was a good person too, so get over her death and make her proud wherever she is.''

The goblin gave Alom a big hug and stayed comforting him for some time.

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