《Goblin Kingdom》The start


Were this a normal reincarnation into goblin story, this is where we would be putting some game-like pop-ups talking about the protagonist's stats, abilities, etc. But as I'm already breaking the fourth wall right now, I might as well just explain it right away. This world doesn't have status windows, instant-learn skills, or some common sense, ok now that it is already explained let us continue the story.

The goblin woke up and the first thing he saw was the round-shaped and full of wrinkles face of his mother. Goblins had different eye colors, so his mother's blue eyes were quite different from his red ones. He had an oval-shaped face, with eagle eyes and thick lips. (AUTHOR: Ok, memorize this because I won't describe his face a lot later)

As this novel doesn't have the reincarnation cliche, this little green animal didn't have memories from a past life, unique skills, etc. The only thing he had that made an actual difference was that he possessed both Mana and Battle Power, even if he didn't know it yet. He didn't have a skill that appeared as normal but later developed into a hack; No, he was just a normal goblin like all the others.

''Name, Norgolin I choose'' His primitive mother Noa named him. Norgolin's father was unknown, as in this goblin society, sex was treated in the same way talking was. If one walked through the little tribe, one would often see one couple or another having sex in public, and they had sex with literally anyone they wanted without much refusal from either the man or the woman.

In his first 14 days of life, Norgolin grew as a normal baby. That happened because he hadn't woken his energies yet so he needed to do it before growing to an adult in 30 days like normal goblins. After his core formed into a rice grain-sized gem he started to get bigger and 9 days later he was the same in comparison to a 14-year-old child, save for the size as goblins were around 1,40m tall at most.


His mother Noa, Unlike any other goblin mother, for some reason, cared for him. She educated Norgolin into being more intelligent and of course stronger than any other goblin. That way, he found knowledge something enjoyable to acquire from his birth. This even affected his speech, making him quite the bit less primitive than the other goblins.

Life in the village was very boring and unfruitful for a knowledge-loving goblin like Norgolin. Although he talked to quite a bit of goblins, they weren't very interesting as all they could talk about was hunting, eating, sleeping and having sex.''Hunted have you today?'' ''eat, very good'' ''good goblin in bed yesterday'' Was all they said.

The only interesting goblin there was his mother. She was very caring and liked to look at beautiful plants and cook. Norgolin was very happy to have this only parent and learned to appreciate the calm and peaceful way of life. Despite that, soon his story would become very hectic.

One day after he reached the suitable age he woke up with a strong shout from Noa. ''NORG, GET UP, IT HUNTING DAY'' the primitive language resounded in the little hut. He quickly jumped and almost forgot to catch his crude stone knife in his own clumsy way. Today was a special day so Norg had to go toward the center of the village to a big gathering.

Our little protagonist was now standing in front of a ''strong''(stronger muscles than most others) goblin that had a rough face and blond hair. Indeed, he looked like an experienced hunter. Along with Norgolin there were at least 40 goblins standing and listening to the speech. ''Now, hunt ceremony begins. Hunt stronger creature you find preference for bigger go and no team, hunt alone'' The middle-aged goblin, Carlin, spoke. Yes, this is the classic hunting ceremony from all the other novels; It's just that no subpar goblin society had a different concept from ''the stronger the better'' and that's why most goblin societies didn't grow a lot, save for the evolved ones.


As Norg started to run toward the forest and look for prey for the sake of being the first to hunt, he got lost and didn't know how to go back. He did, indeed, after a few hours, kill a tiny rabbit with a lot of struggle and fighting, but after that, for some reason, he couldn't sniffle his way back to the village. One had to understand that goblins relied on their superior sense of smell to go back home as this forest was just too big and had no special thing to use as a checkpoint so goblins didn't develop a sense of direction.

The only thing he could see was that a little far in front of him lay a very strange cave entrance, and he could see from the smell that rain was about to come. ''rain comes, I look for shelter'' Was what he thought and for that reason, he entered this strange cave entrance; Inside the dark cave various red light dots shined toward Norg, but he didn't know exactly why that happened. The poor goblin discovered right away that these lights were the eyes of at least 12 beasts and as an enormous roar that could be heard all over the cave resounded, all of the beasts started to shine and that very fact illuminated the cave. Despite his lingering fear, he could see all of them clearly; they looked like rabbits, but way bigger(like 2 meters tall) and human-like. They stood on two feet just like any normal humanoid and had very, very strong furry bodies as well as two 30-cm long horns protruding from their foreheads and wings twice as big as their bodies in their backs. Their leader had three horns and shone a red light, different from the blue light all others had.

Behind the frightening rabbit humanoids stood what looked like a series of holes that served as houses for the rabbits. Their place was very neat and strangely well-built.

''FUCK, RUN'' These two words couldn't exit the goblin's mouth before the leader rabbit hit him with a mace, rendering our protagonist unconscious.

''Karak neymarak cainelik amerik popelicon emelicaria(This idiot couldn't give us any valuable food so I propose we study him; Do you agree?)'' Leader rabbit spoke in that strange language.

''vaisiferrAaA mocarion uriosidem iroligist(of course, never seen one of these before)'' Brownish black-furred rabbit said.

''aagovasen emecil predelche(I agree too)'' Purple-furred agreed.

Indeed, these humanoids thought about killing the goblin and studying his insides, but this was too hard of a task for little gain. After pondering for a while, they decided to try and learn how much could these species be intelligent to learn, adapt, fight and things like that; That way, they would learn about a possible enemy and gain a slave at the same time.

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