《The Land of the Unknown》Episode 6 (Part 5)


The group backed themselves up in the corners of the tree as far back from the entrance as possible. The dinosaur’s large feet plopped onto the ground as the tree shook violently. It leaned down and stared at them with its glowing violet eyes. It gave them a menacing evil grin, showing off its bright white razor-sharp teeth, before turning around and stomping off. Tommy, Antonio, and Maggie cowered in the tree afterward.

“It’s leaving?” Maggie stuttered, wrapping herself up with her arms. “That’s odd, and why would it do that instead of—?”

“Maybe it was toying with us or got bored or something?” Antonio guessed, afraid to peek out for himself. “But whatever the case, we should wait for it to leave, and then sneak out as fast as possible...”

Tommy just sighed and slumped down on the wooden walls. “Great, could this day get any better?” He mumbled. In the distance, thunder clapped loudly, as if in response. Jade green rain fell from the sky and hit the ground outside their tree. “Come on, that was sarcasm! He screamed toward the sky. “Oh, forget it...” He muttered as he realized how futile that response was.

“Guess we’re staying here for the night...” Antonio concluded.

“Man, that sucks...” Maggie groaned, pounding her fist on the bark.

“Well, it’s not so bad. It might be a good opportunity to give this a try.” Antonio took out his backpack and pulled out a yellow crystal.

Upon seeing this, Maggie gasped and pointed. “You stole one?”

“What? It’s not like you’re one to talk! He rebuked. “Who knows, maybe I can get the computer to work again...”

“Do you even know what they do?” Tommy asked, tilting his head.

“Well, I know yellow is electricity,” Antonio answered, trying to sound as smart as possible.


“Are you serious?” Maggie asked bitterly.

Antonio grabbed his laptop and set it on the floor next to the yellow shard. “Now, let’s see here...”

“Hey, when you finish with that, could I borrow it?”

“The crystal or—?”

“Yes, I need to charge up my video camera.”

“I see. Well, I guess it depends on whether I can get this thing to work. Why isn’t anyone responding?”

“Your uncle and that other lady might be asleep by now and that’s why they’re not answering?”

“So are you saying I should wait until morning...?”

“It’s not like they’ll be of any help regardless...” Maggie muttered.

Antonio considered this when they both heard someone sobbing. They turned around as Tommy sat and cried quietly to himself. Antonio and Maggie glanced at each other and frowned.

“Tommy? Hey, don’t worry,” Antonio tried to reassure him, “Once we get back in touch with my uncle, we all can find a quick way to get back to Aylont—”

“I don’t care about the field trip anymore.” Tommy interrupted, sounding broken. “I want to go home! I miss my aunt and might never see her again!” Tears streamed down his face as he struggled to speak.

Besides Antonio, she was the only one that was there for him. His insecurities and impatience got the better of him sometimes, preventing him from doing things he loves or making many friends. He never knew how much his aunt was there for him, with her comfort and love, until he had it all taken away from him in an instant.

“Dakota might not even know what happened to me! I want to go back! I want to tell her I’m sorry for everything!” He buried his head under his arms and continued crying.


Neither Maggie nor Antonio knew what to say. They both walked over and sat down beside him in silence, understanding the pain he felt. They fell asleep shortly after.


Meanwhile, Dakota rested in her home, sitting on the couch and drinking some Sherry Stardust flavored tea. She glanced at the clock on the wall. After taking another sip, Dakota looked down at the bottom of her cup and sighed.

“Man, how's Tommy doing on that trip? Hope he’s not getting into trouble." She laughed sadly to herself. "I mean, kids nowadays usually—”

A ring from her phone interrupted her thoughts. She put her drink aside on the coffee table and got up to answer the phone.

“Hello? Yes, this is Tommy’s aunt; why do you ask? Is there something wrong?” She asked.

Dakota listened to the words uttered from the other line, and her eyes widened with alarm. She dropped the phone, quickly put on her dark brown coat, and raced out the door.

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