《The Land of the Unknown》Episode 6 (Part 4)


Tommy, Maggie, and Antonio got back on their feet as the bats flew off toward the sky. They breathed a sigh of relief, as they appeared to be safe, for now.

“Aw, man, I wasn’t able to record any of that!” Maggie complained, looking at the video camera in her bag.

“Hey, we could have gotten killed, you know!” Tommy brought up.

“Hey, where are we?” Antonio asked. He adjusted his glasses and inspected the surrounding area.

“A different part of the world, I presume?” Maggie guessed with a shrug.

“Whatever the case, we should be cautious...” Tommy told them.

The place they were in now was dark and hard to see around. Only a small amount of light shone down from the newly risen moon. Nightfall had already come, and quickly at that.

Ponds filled with murky green water with red eyes, shadows made noises in every corner, rocks covered in wisteria moss, and the ground dry like salt crackers.

As they tiptoed around slowly, Tommy pulled his phone from his pocket. He tried to turn it on to open the flashlight, but it wouldn’t operate.

“Dang it; why won’t you work?” Tommy yelled at the phone. “Are you serious, my phone died? Did it run out of batteries or something? What the—?”

The hot winds blew around them, cutting off Tommy’s rant.

“Ooh, I feel sick...” Antonio covered his mouth and clutched at his stomach as it continued to churn. The nausea was getting to him slowly but surely.

“We better find some shelter soon, or else we might be in trouble...” Maggie mentioned with a weak cough.

“But how can we do that when we can barely see anything? We have no light source!” Tommy pointed out.

“Well, there’s always this crystal I still have...” Maggie brought up.


“Didn’t we already establish what it can do, though?” Tommy reminded her.

“Well, maybe it can get us a shelter. I don’t know; it’s better than no light source, right?” Maggie countered.

“Yeah, I guess so...”

Maggie rubbed the peach shard until it shone a light. This time, reflected off of something and created a big light surrounding the corners of her eyes. As the dark parted with the alternative light source, something big appeared in front of them: A massive black dinosaur that resembled a dragon covered in armor. Its eyes seemed blinded by the light, and it made a nasty roar in protest.

“W-What is that?” Antonio asked, his body trembling.

“I... I don’t know!” Maggie exclaimed. “But, let’s get out of here!”

By the time the dinosaur could finally adjust its vision to the light and open its purple eyes again, the three humans ran far and away from them. The dinosaur roared in anger as it turned to give chase.

“He’s getting closer!” Antonio cried out.

“We need to hide somewhere quick!” Tommy exclaimed.

“But where?” Maggie shouted from behind him.

“I don’t know!” Tommy thundered. "I can’t think of everything!"

“We got to think up something soon, guys!” She could feel the dragon dinosaur’s footsteps get closer to them.

“Wait, what about over there?” Tommy pointed toward a tree with a hole in the middle. “I don’t think the dinosaur can reach us if we go in there!”

“It’s worth a shot!” Maggie replied.

“But we only got one chance!” Antonio shouted.

The hard blast of hot air from the dinosaur’s breath hit their backs as they jumped into the hole of the tree.

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