《Under The Crescent Moon: Power, Corruption & Lies/Laughing Stock (A Final Fantasy IX Fanfiction)》XXXIX: Red Velvet Corridor
♫Swans - Red Velvet Corridor♫
July 15, 1779
...Sigh. Where was I?...
UUUUUUUU... In the pub, in the field, at home... AAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHAHAHHAHAAA... B-RR-R-R-R-RR-R-R-R-RR-R-R-R... These places are the same ones because of their purpose: they had been made for us to forget. Forget what happened there. Forget what happened to Clyde. Remember what will happen here. It sure ain't a special day, isn't it? The new King has already been crowned, or so that smoke still rising in the air tells me and everyone else, even the blind in eyes. This darkness outside makes everything else hard to see, still I can listen to the rain falling into the grass, the tree, the path of cobblestone, everything, except those who shares of lifes with homes like these. Home... you're back to home. Fine, isn't it? I pretend that everything I felt before that day was just an awful nightmare, but that isn't enough; not even calling such thing by 'nightmare' is enough of a try.
Yet, same darkness, that appears even on this morning, is comfortable for the little one there. bbrrtrr-r-rr-b-zzzbbbBBLUUUUUUU...UUUU...bbzztzztzzznzzzntzztzZNTZNNZTNZZNZBBZTZZBZTBZTBZT
ZZTBZTBZTZZZZZBR-RR-RR... I remember the day it has been placed outside its mother. This happened once, on this same house, on that same bed. It can happen anywhere, but some like Lenneth are lucky enough to share of some comfort prior the labour comes. A bit of, but some slice of 'comfort' may be a relief to such painful experience. I ain't rich, even after all I had done, but there are millions within me. Only one, or two, or five children at once are able to get in there. I couldn't hear anything coming from upstairs, except those tiny steps further taking the whole of my ears. It's Jack, my first son, and I wonder what shall be the name of the second one...
HjartaðhamastsvohljóttbzztbbzztzzbbzztbzzztzbtzzaaaaADADAAAAAAAADADAAAAALSDSAIDADSALEEEEENNNNNNTEIIIIIIIIIAAAAADSADSSAGBASDSADADASDSASDASDSA...CUUUUUAAAARRRRRAAAAWLLLLAAAAAAAUUUUUUIIII...Daddy... that's what Jack said, as he came near me. Lenneth and I just call this child by Jack, as he just call us by daddy and ...won't you be there for mother? he later asked. Mother... I don't recall him saying those words, but anyway, he would learn to say it so. He is already born to do it by himself, and growing strong as much as I used to do. He seems hungry, and worried, as much as I, but less tense. Those legs of him aren't that tall enough to be shaken as mine. The blood of that meat I cut didn't belong to me, or Lenneth.
brrr-r-r-r-rr...AIEOUUU...AIEOUUU...AAAIEOU!... AAAGH-... heh, why the smirk? It ain't funny when you tumble just to fall into the ground. The cartilage on those knees makes it easy for such thing to crawl around this house. Someday, I won't even be able to catch you up like this. Wait... what is it in your mouth? Is it a strand of hair? A cockroach's leg? No, my dear, you cannot eat these things. They aren't tasteless, but they won't do any good for you. You can't say anything yet, so I'll let it pass. Currently, I am preparing some meat. Lizard tails. Used so, before I took you in my arms. I would never try or attempt to cut your tiny tail, and this ribbon. Let's see... your mother seems to be the one who puts her surname on the children. I don't mind, though. EEEEAAAMCCCGO
OOINGOPUyouiiintehgGOURNDSSSSONTTERAAIEEETOEEEAAATTANHGCUR-R-RALINGGGGEEGJNUHFG... I won't be able to do it so easily when my back hurts.
TAKK... Consider it as your lunch, Jack, and I'm sure that she'll be hungry too, so I didn't poured any spice on it. Lenneth... Jack didn't wanted to see it for himself, even thought I heard that he had been spending his time when I was out by killing some Basilisks. Why the fear of blood, maybe it's because same blood belongs to his mother, not a creature, althought they both had been made to share of same purpose. But Lenneth... she is more than that. She shares of her own purposes, as much as I do my best to make my own goals to happen. I was made to help others, and to create others to be helped. The existence of this kid I gave the name of Jack proves such argument. I sat on the chair, same one whom I occupied most of the times. I was a bit tired, seeing how much I blinked, maybe it was because of how dark this room became, alike your eyes there. I seem to be bothering you with details, don't I? Whatever.
aaaaaaaaaaaabbghabhaammbr-r-r-r-r-r-r... Let's see... dry carnations, oats, dishes, and... there it is; a pair of candles. That is a candle, my dear. AAAAAANNNN-N-N-N-BBBBbbb... Please, don't drowl on my shoulder. So, why the need to put those in there? Maybe it's because we can't allow our children to play and be burnt with fire, althought I'm sure that Jack wouldn't do that. This house can't be burnt, only half of its wooden inside, mainly the kitchen. I just took them, and lightened one's tip in flames, as I attached the remaining candle so light could fill in this same room. It used to be quiet in here, alike on that same night, before you came to be here. I could only hear my breath, and now yours, besides my few steps, I can't ever hear you crawling in the floor; even the burnt of the candle didn't seemed that strong as before. I'm more attent to the noise, as it seems. I wish my ears developed when I was out, or before such events of the past happened. They happened, and still they happen to have left some remnants, as a candle who melted leaves of it's melted part wherever it had dropped.
A candle remains a candle, even when melted. I'm smelling like fish, but still I remain as a Burmecian. I think I should had taken a shower, maybe I could go outside, where it's raining, but I don't wanna. I am preparing some meat, and I don't want such to be rotten. All flesh is meant to rot someday, or to be eaten before it does. This night sure seems cold, even with the window closed, and the clothes dry, and the candles set in the table. Lenneth is covered in blankets, and the nursemaid arrive in there within time. She is the same one who helped to bring Jack to this world, on a same night like this one. A night without stars, obscured by the clouds, gray as we; I saw the stars shining as I bleeded on that night, althought the tip of my spear shared of same blood, of an other person. It'll take some time to eat of this flesh, raw like this. Jack sat on the table, still he is there, only looking at me. The joy on his face that came days before, as soon as I returned to this land ain't there, but a single line of that mouth. Jack had the doubts of what he had to express on such moment, as much as I had my owns. It seems that we are even, even with the discrepancy of our ages.
Daddy... I heard Jack, with eyes open like a fish, before he left a yawn out of that mouth. AAAAAAAAAYYMMM-M-M... yes, like thaaaawm... this sure seems infectious, as they say. The time for Jack's sleep had been already passed a long time ago back on that day. Even my own time for a sleep is gone, same for Lenneth, and for you as well. You seem a bit tired, my dear. Did I bothered you enough? m-mmmmmm-mmm-mmm... what is it? AAAAADAADADDAAAAA-A... AAAA... OOOOO-OO-oooo-oocoomom-Omooo-ooo-ooo... are you hungry? Your stomach seems empty. Soon she'll be there, don't worry... Why don't you try to sleep? I guess my shoulder's bone ain't that much of comfortable for your head. Althought I couldn't hear anything coming out of that room, the less the noise, the better seemed that night, but these worries always seemed to came into this mind. I holded of Jack in on my arms, still I could do it somehow, but with you is more easy to do it so, and I didn't blew the candles, since I would be walking in the dark without them, and I didn't let Jack fall on its sleep, until I reached to its bed. Same for you, and that crib upstairs.
AAAAAAAAaaaaAa-A... UUA! UUUuuuun-nhh-guuuaaaah... aaah... UUA! Daddy, please stop yelling... Jack said, but I didn't even uttered a word to his. As we reached the stairs, this same ones there... You've learned to go up and down on these stairs already, don't you? I guess not. Either way, Otterley, the nursemaid, stood there, atop the second floor, where a corridor leads to Jack, Lenneth and the toilet room. Her face didn't seemed to express any kind of worries, but they didn't showed any smile whatsoever. Maybe it's the darkness, or maybe because it's too blight in there, who knows... Mr. Brandford... Otterley spoke, on such formal tone, like she does with anyone else. We are not that much related to each other, even if the existence of that Jack here in my arms became possible because of her. Yours as well. I guess everything lead into that, it all began with this ladder, and I already expected the words about to be uttered.
...ummmm-m-m-m-m-m-guuuuu-u-u-u-u-Aaaaa... AAAA? U-uuuuu-mu-mu-m-uuuu... Lenneth ain't there, I she'll be back, and that's not a promise. It's the truth, my dear. She only stood for a month with you entirely, and with another month with you outside of her, and after a month, she came back to become a Dragoon Knight once again. That's something by the name of routine, my daughter. Daughter... I thought, same for Jack, that you would be a boy, a brother for his. You sure look alike your mother; not a split-image, besides this hair, but you also share of some things that belong to me, alike these eyes, and-AARGH! Careful... Well, maybe the front teeth as well. AAaaaAaa-a-a... I see you are a bit happy, althought not fully as before. They were closed, but I knew that your eyes were as green as much as the ones belonging to me. And this tail too is short at the tip... ATAIL-I-I-I-IAEEEEAUAAAasaaa-... b-b-br-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-rr-r-r-r-r-rr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r... Don't worry. I knew my shoulder would be soaked, anyway... aaaaaAAAAAAWWWNnnnn...
You are tired, my dear. I'll need of this shoulder and those hands, even if you have already put your head there. You can use my shoulder as a pillow, althought I'm not that soft to anyone else, besides your mother and Jack. Soon you'll be laying on your crib, and later on your mother's arms. It was the first thing Otterley did for you when arriving on this place. Cold, isn't it? It was more cold before, my dear, when this gray fur of yours was just a pinky skin, covered in blood. Your heart pumped so much, more than now, that it seemed to want to be out of your body. My heart is slower than yours, though I am still alive, and warm. That blood belonging to your mother was the same one who let you alive, and comfortable inside her, until the contact with the thin air began. Your tiny lungs burned, and so you cried, I know you did it so. Was I so tired that I couldn't even hear the cries of my own son, your echoes? Maybe, until I came closer of that room. An eerie sound, a screech belonging to a puppy born out of an offspring, who had wounded one of its legs, and left away from the breast of its mother, I don't know, I can't describe such song anymore, once uttered by the infant here in my lap. Yes, you there. The lights here seemed stronger than the ones belonging to that darkness left by the wind, althought I did closed the main window of the kitchen. No, there's still an ounce of light there, but now that I am here, after I crossed the staircase, allowing my ears to contemplate of such sound, not loud enough to make me feel headaches, or comfortable enough to cease these shivers of my skin.
So dark is this room, and any kind of noise is denied by the nursemaid, and those gestures made by the waving hands. Jack felt asleep already, althought I can feel his head shaking, and see his ears cuddling to avoid any mosquitBZZT!BZZTAAAABBBZZTBBZZTBBZZZZTTTTZZZZzzzzzzBBBBZZZZ-T-T TbzzzztbbzzztbbzzzzaaattbztbztzzzzzztzzzzbzzzztztzttttzaaaaababaBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...AKIDTJHJWYHERTUJRHKUYKI5FVSDGSEGRGSAWHJOPÇAVORDHOSBNRTHEDHDQATERHNAASSS/AAAAAAA/RFRGEGEDDFBDADASHNJRJHTWTGFJH/ftgedsyhredhrdhgwg/AFSFASRAGRTHWFASFDASSAFDSAFSAREWGWEADASRDAWBNTEHERT/dasdebtbbregwf/SFEDFDSFBTEHTHJAASAAAAAA...AAAAAA...AFRRRRRRYYYAAAAAA! aaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaaa... BUUUUUUAAIEOU...AIEOU?...AIEOU! BBRRRT... BRRRT...B-R-R-T... B-R-R-T...AAA...AaART!... BAaRaT...B-R-A-T B-RAT...RAT... B-A-R-T... B-A-R-TD-A-T... D-A-TDA... DADAA... A-DAA-DA... A-GAA-DA...DADA...DADADADbzzt...brrt...bzzt... BZZTRTHumhouUUUAAARUDUIIINFRIJAAAAFRIJA...!AAA... !AAA... AAAAAAAaaaaaa... f-f-faaaaaa-a-l-l-l-l... Theeeeeeeeaaaaa... aaaaaAAAAaaa... AASS-S-S-STEEEH... EEEEPA-AA-A-PAAAAAssssshhht... AAAAaaa... PA-A-A-PAAA... ADADAGAFADAADADADAEiou... AAAA! rAIN-te-a-AternOOn...hUUUm... drum... d-r-um... d-r-U-m... D-R-U-M...br-r-r-r-t...BRRRT...HUMDRUM... HUMDRUM...H-U-M-D-R-U-M. HUMdrUM...hhUMdrUM...BRRT...bRRRt...TAEIKAROLDWNGETHR...ExcuUEmEnbUt...BYEEeejaaa...FRRYHJIAAAIII!...LLIIITLANGIAALL?... h-UM-d-r-UM... h-U-m-d-r-U-m... U... U... d-r-u-m... h-U-m-d-r-U-m... h-u-m-d-r-um...drum...drum...drum...drum...mum... mUMO...mom...MOM...OTHER...OT...HER. mum... MOM... otherm-o-t-h-e-r... FyrstafyrstafyrstayrstaF-F-F-F-F-R-R-R-E-E-E-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-AAAAA-A-A-A-A-A-A-aPPYAPPÝ!Happy?ouldouCoshpyPappyPattyAPATHYappya-a-aaaaA-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-AYAAAAAAAaaaaaaawwmmnnn...
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