《Global Awakening: Awakening the New World - A LitRPG Story》Chapter 5


[Simulation begins!]

Along with the beep sounded.

The light screen in front of Su Yu changed once again.

It turned white, updating the simulation for Su Yu in real time.

[Day 1: Grey mist has descended and everything is awakening. You are well stocked with food and confident. There were no risks, the first day passed safely.]

[Day 2: With the help of the internet, you begin to learn about what is happening in the outside world.

Through the internet you get the important news that many humans are mutating under the influence of the grey mist.

Elemental awakenings, body mutations, organ mutations ......

Unfortunately .... You did not undergo mutation, and for this reason you complained for a long time ....]

Seeing this, Su Yu's brow furrowed.

He clearly remembered that in the last simulation, he had obtained a mutation through the grey mist and his whole body attributes had been boosted.

But this time, it did not happen.

This undoubtedly told Su Yu a message.

"Could it be that the mutations all happened randomly?"

"Under the effect of the grey mist, humans randomly obtain mutations or awakenings?"

"Or is it just me?"

Apart from that, Su Yu also obtained another useful piece of information.

That was that after the seven days had passed, there would be a large number of humans awakening.

After the awakening ...... They would completely break away from the category of human beings.

They would become "new humans!"

Yes, Su Yu defined these awakened people as 'new humans'.

"Let's continue to watch, in this simulation I have the unicorn arm, I should be able to last longer."

With this thought, Su Yu continued to look towards the light screen.

[Day 3: Nothing happened, passed safely.]

[Day 4: You slowly woke up early in the morning, and this time you decided not to wait any longer, and prepared to go out and check things out.]


Armed to the teeth, you quietly walk out of your flat.

At that moment, you suddenly hear the sound of gunfire in the distance.

You run to the sound and see an army armed to the teeth clearing the city of mutants.

A young officer spots you and suggests that you follow the army and evacuate the city to a temporary sanctuary set up by the Dragon Kingdom.

You readily agree and follow the army as they evacuate.]

[Day 5: ......]

Nothing happens for the next few days.

Su Yu in the simulation is all safe in the shelter.

But .... The plot changed from the seventh day onwards.

[Day 7: As the number of people in the temporary shelter surges, the demand for food increases! You are also getting less and less food each day.]

You know that staying in the shelter is not a permanent solution, so you decide to leave on your own and head for the city to find a way to survive].

[Day 8: In the city, you kill several mutant creatures with the help of your unicorn arm. Without a scare, you manage to find a safe place to land and drift off to sleep ....]

[Day 9: You are awakened by a sudden noise and you go outside your window to check. You found a large swarm of rats in the city, the tide of rats formed by the head of mutated rats was like a black tide, overwhelming everything!]

Seeing this, Su Yu immediately took out the notes beside him and recorded it down.

"On the ninth day, a tide of mutant rats will appear in the city."

Apart from that, Su Yu also recorded a lot of information.

"Donghua Supermarket is safe."

"The Jing Fang gas station has been occupied by a group of mutant spiders."


"In the temporary security station, a youth has awakened the fire element and was taken away by the military."


All these information were the big things that happened in the simulator in the past few days, and they were all recorded by Su Yu into his notes for easy access.

It was important to know that the things that happened in the simulator were real.

So, these were all things that were really happening in the future.

It was the most important information.

After completing this, Su Yu continued to look at the light screen in front of him.

[Day 10: Under the onslaught of the rat tide army, everything was wiped out! And you were among them .... You were gnawed by countless mutant rats ......]

[Pawn .......]

[This simulation is over and lasts for ten days.]

[The simulator is now on cooldown, cooldown time: twenty minutes.]


[Congratulations, you have gained the blue talent - 'Unicorn Arm' in this simulation]

[You can manifest this talent into reality, and this talent will also be used automatically in the rest of the simulation!]

[The rewards are as follows.

Successfully kill three First Order Mutant Sparrows, experience value +60!

Successfully kill ten first-order mutant rats, experience +200!


Looking at the light screen in front of him, Su Yu fell into silence.

This simulation had allowed him to grasp more information.

"In the future, many creatures have undergone mutations."

"And the most terrifying one is the rat wave attack, all these rats have gained a huge boost after mutation."

"And that's not the most frightening .... What is truly terrifying is their numbers, a beast tide army of thousands of mutated rats is enough to wipe out everything!!!"

Between emotions, Su Yu closed the simulator.

The next simulator had entered the cooling time, and he needed to organize his thoughts properly.


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