《The Third Genesis: Book of Kings》Chapter XIII Part I


Lady Calimei,

Like you told me to, I’m writing this letter to tell you what King Ozz has done up to now.

Once he discovered me, King Ozz tried to make me go back. Said he didn’t want me on the journey because I might get killed. I eventually convinced him I have all the protection I need, and I’m safer on the road than in the castle. His majesty must think he’s my Dad or something, because he keeps stealing my cigarettes. So far, that’s the only way he’s like my Dad, thank the gods!

On the first night of our trip, we stayed in the town of Duncaster. You ever been to Duncaster? Before you decide to marry Ozz, you might want to check it out. Lots of prime article men with asses that won’t quit!

Lady Calimei snickered at the comment, then continued reading.

Anyway, the villagers welcomed us. Until Neji led Ozz to break into some villagers’ homes because she thought she smelled a demon. Then the villagers went all torch and pitchforks (and at least one gun) and we had to leave town.

That night it was cold, and Ozz put his blankets over me so I wouldn’t freeze.

So, next we went to Briar Hold. Ozz tried to cheat his way past the thorn fields by flying over. It didn’t go well, so Father Jasper and I had to save him. I lost Oli to the jidra in the thorn fields.

After we rescued him, Ozz met the Knight of Thorns, who decided to serve him. Not that the K of T has been nice about it. He’s been downright rude to Ozz ever since, but Ozz always takes it in stride. With a little prompting from KoT, Ozz comforted me about losing Oli. I’m pretty sure he lied to me, but in a good way. Like what you said about peace-making and all that.


Anyway, next he came across two men arguing between two fields. One was a rancher the other a shepherd. He solved their dispute and talked the shepherd into reuniting with his son.

Now we’re on our way back to Brook Hold.

Your loyal servant,


Lady Calimei sat in her bedroom, in a cushioned chair next to her dresser. Upon the dresser sat two send-boxes; one for Azazel and one for Ember. Across from her, on the edge of her bed, sat Zale, her attendant. She held out the letter to Zale and let the elder woman read what Ember wrote.

When she was finished, Zale looked up at Calimei with a smile on her lips. “So, Azazel is sincere. Many a man will be kind in the presence of the woman he loves but turn cruel the moment she is out of sight.”

Calimei nodded. “That was wwwwww-what I feared. I sssssaw the look of rage on his ffffff… his face when he beat the imp t-t-to death.”

Zale’s eyes widened, and she shivered. “Yes. Chilling! But, to be fair, most of our soldiers were just as furious at the demons. If you didn’t want to see men become monsters, we never should have driven your carriage into that battlefield.”

Calimei dismissed Zale’s suggestion with a wave of her hand. “I hhhhhhad to fight ffffffffor my people.”

“And avenge your parents?”

Calimei took a deep breath, then exhaled, “Yes.”

Zale folded her arms. “So, knowing what you know now, and having received several deeply romantic letters,” Zale rolled her eyes, “from master Azazel. Some so romantic you wouldn’t let me read them… what answer do you intend to give him when he returns?”

Calimei pressed a finger to her chin. “I don’t know. I don’t lllllllllove King Ozz… but, let’s be r… r… realistic. How many n-n-nobles marry for love?”


Zale raised a skeptical eyebrow. “From what I hear, angels marry for ‘love’ all the time.”

Calimei squinted. “If you have something t-t-t-to…” she took a deep breath and tried again, “If you have something to sssssssay… BLOODY WELL SAY IT!” Calimei covered her mouth and gave her attendant an apologetic look to let her know she wasn’t really shouting at her. The two of them had an understanding, sometimes it was easier for Calimei to get past her stammer if she shouted and swore.

Zale gave her a forgiving half-smile, but it quickly faded into a more concerned expression. “Angels… well, the simple fact that they can live for thousands of years, potentially forever, means a life-long commitment is nothing for them. Too often, we have problems with mortal men who would have their way with women and then leave them once they are done. They don’t want to accept that once they’ve been with a woman their lives are fundamentally changed. That’s just a problem with men.”

“With b-b-boys,” Calimei corrected.

Zale snickered. “Yes, the problem with boys. Real men are full of loyalty. My Conrad was such a man.” Zale stared into the distance, reminiscing for a moment, then waved a dismissive hand. “But, that’s not the point. For a being who lives thousands of years, even a 70-year commitment is something they can treat flippantly. From what I’ve heard, many an angel has wed a human woman and stayed with her for a lifetime just to have the joy of bedding her.”

Calimei groaned and rolled her eyes. “I sh-should be so lucky… to hhhhave a hhhusband who… lusts for me my whole luh… life.”

Zale scratched the back of her head. “I guess I didn’t think of it that way…” Zale shrugged. “Aside from that, his majesty is still young, even by human standards. He probably still sees time the way a mortal man would.”

Calimei smiled. “I have decided. I’m going to ah… ax… accept his p-proposal.”

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