《The Last Journey》5: Taste of Magic


A meditative state deters someone to tell how time flowed, most especially when there is no concept of such to refer to. But its better definition is that it grounds a person, making them sensible enough to pick a choice they deem fit of the situation.

That was what I felt as I stepped out of my meditation. I was sober and not feeling the giddy, excited, and full of vibrant expectations in the darkness of earlier. It made me stop my want to brave the darkness with a sprint. And the corner of my mind helped me dissuade such rash thought. It always has.

Focusing to what I intended to do from the outset, the absence of the stiffness of my body would be more than enough to explain that not much time has passed. I had my eyes closed and didn't see what had occurred, but I could sort of feel that there were changes somewhere within that pulled me out of my state. Like a tug, or shift, or anything else.

The words reappeared. That's what the tug, shift, pointed to me as I opened my eyes.

But instead of focusing on it, I looked at my uncovered chest, feeling the warmth residing within. This was the second time I had done a meditation that made warmth bubble in my chest. Usually, I'd only feel composed and focused when I do it. But now, doing it with the intent to use magic made me comfortable as if I'd doze off any moment now. My heart seized a beat at what that meant. That was the sign, from what I've known. A sign where a person is now capable of learning magic. So it was indeed true, I had magic. And I had to smile at that before I focused on the magical words.

Mana Manipulation • Lvl 2!

The number... increased. If the previous number, that utter 1, did refer to my years of doing meditation, I found my situation was quite absurdly fast. Attributing it as the spell's work would help explain that. As unbelievable as I I think of it to be. That warmth was the product of years, and that 1 was probably a representation of that. Now it suddenly jumped to 2? I was hard-pressed in believing. But again, that only meant I had better magic now.

I willed back the words of Mana Manipulation, checking if that warmth in my chest changed that percent.

Book of Spells:

Mana Manipulation • Lvl 2

One can not be born of Mana. One bask not of its limitless definition. But if anything, one would prove they know how to bring Mana into something wondrous, unexpected, and changing. Manipulate Mana by your will, for perhaps, in time, you'll learn of its promises.

Use Mana Manipulation to retain more mana into your body. Core[33%]

Yes! It did. A sighed in triumph at those numbers, finding elation filling my chest as I managed something more than just words. I could do magic! The numbers moved.

Still, how... puzzling. I had assumed the core being zero last time meant I had no mana to cast a spell. Using Redirection pointed that to me. Yet, Mana Manipulation worked.

Or is this different? Since I had been doing meditation to gather mana, then did that suggest that I wasn't actually using the spell to gather mana but meditation instead?

My musings was briefly halted as I slapped the itchiness on my unpadded back, letting the strength of my hand burn the itch to a satisfying degree. Another problem. I cast a long look at the darkness in front, realizing I no longer was able to see the floor further like when I was in my detached form. Nothing in sight, actually. The light coming from the door was only enough to illuminate a meter away. And even that light was very dim. Still, I was hoping there'd be a place I'd get some clothes from sooner.


When I finally felt that the itch was tolerable, left only with pleasant stings, I pondered back again to my thoughts.

Magic first. I told my body.

Instead of making fair guesses about Mana Manipulation's role or of its difference to another spell, I opted to believe that meditation must be the machination behind it. Trying the other spell once again was my intent this time.

Redirection. I mentally uttered as I looked in front of me, hopefully waiting for a sphere to form. That, however, resulted nothing. Then I tried mouthing it—which also came short. None formed.


For a moment, I didn't know what to do, so I sat still, rubbing my hands on my back to ebb the invading stale, cold air. I already had mana, but what's missing? Was thinking of the spell's name not enough? Was my will to have it work not enough? Impossible. Or do I have to speak of its name louder? I would have tried that if I wasn't in an unknown place. What more of the color around.

Meditation. I recalled how I'd done it. I just have to focus inside me, let everything fade away except for the feeling of something—the mana, seep into me. That was the process of making Mana Manipulation work. And now that I think about it, mana does not necessarily gather inside me just because I thought of the spell's name.

A process was needed.

A quick heave allowed me to focus my mind. Spell and mana. I repeated. This time, instead of using a spell to gather mana into me, I used what was within me to conjure another spell. Not to my dismay, there was a sudden shift within me. It was beginning to work, so I waited and tried to shift that mana into the spell.

Yet, a second turned to a dozen more, then a dozen turned into a minute. After, maybe, twice the minute more—feeling not a change in the shift, no mana getting injected—I dismissed trying to cast the spell.

It didn't work, again. Still, I remained thoughtful, not letting a frown do its stitchworks on me.

The method was correct, I think. The mana was responding to my call for it to turn into the spell. Yet somehow, no matter how I will the mana to the word, it doesn't even show even a tiny progress. It was as if the mana did respond but it didn't know how to be that spell.

"Spell and mana." I softly murmured as I brought the magical words again.

Primal Spell: Redirection • Lvl 0

Imbue mana to form a transparent, one-feet wide sphere to redirect light physical objects.

Form. I zoomed to that word, then realized. That was missing. If Mana Manipulation paired with meditation worked because the form it required was a core—which I seem to have—and I imagined it in a way that it fills my chest, then casting a spell requires me to create a form I don't have.

"Spell, mana, and form." I inaudibly uttered, to the point where I could only hear it as a whisper.


I had my two hands side-by-side, palms out in a way as if I was holding something circular. Spherical. With a thought, I willed the mana to be imbued in the spell. At the same time, I let my mind conjure a wide, white, transparent circle. Like the lamp orb the fancy houses adorned their homes during grand occasions. No, not that—a bubble. Because it had to be transparent.

Millions of bubble rubbed from a soap and bucket of water came into mind, and I focused on the biggest of them.


It didn't disappoint. Mana continued to flow out within me—from my chest. It was unseen, yet I felt it ejecting from my... core. And I only had my eyes to widen at the forming white sphere in front of me. A bubble. White bubble. Different than what I had intended but still what I had envisioned.

Nice! I encouraged myself with a smile. But at the same time, I didn't let my fascination take me out of my focus. The spell has not finished yet.

A second more longer, mana stopped getting injected into the spell's form. The white bubble then turned to become transparent, becoming hard to notice with the limited light I have. But a closer inspection as my hands neared the doorlights, it wasn't actually fully transparent. It was still encased with a dim, white color, but enough that I could see my palms through it.

Mist-like... not shimmering. I found.

So, to test it, where could I find something light except for my hair? But now, how do I pluck a strand? I mused as I stared at my hand full of the sphere.

Slowly, I had my left hand move away. And found out the sphere didn't shatter or fade. I wanted to try removing my other hand too, but that's for later.

I plucked out a strand from my hair, only knowing I had it pressed between my fingers when it neared the doorlights. As it fell into the sphere, my hand suspended above supporting it, I immediately knew that I could change its direction.

Left, right, sides, and even up and down. Those were the choices I instinctually felt. So I tried them. One by one.

Pulled up, parted away, and as if gently blown. It looked that way to me. Which was quite peculiar to my eyes, as if, in a way, the strand of hair was waved by a non-existent hand.

Oh... that was nice. I commented was the increasing heartbeat until it formed into a smile. Then the sphere dissipated a minute later. I think.

It took me another cast of the spell to cage in my curiosity. What could I do? The first taste of magic is always tempting or disappointing, they said. And I was of the former. Though the magic wasn't fascinating or awe-inspiring—visually and its usage—it was still magic. And knowing it was my own excited me to cast it just one more.

That curiosity at least led me some insight as to what it could do. One of which is that it actually needed nothing to latch upon to be used. Hovering was just fine unlike my initial assumption. And the other, which was my best finding, was that I can actually move it around with just but a thought!

After that, I directly dropped the strand into the sphere. And with narrowed eyes, I quickly noticed that I actually couldn't flick it like I had hoped. It was just as its name suggests—it redirects around the sphere.

There was that option to try whether it can redirect my hand or other parts of body. Though not an object, it might as well work.

And it didn't happen. Which was quite within expectations. At least, I managed to count to 58 this time. So perhaps the spell does last for a minute. Or the heaviness of objects affects that too? Probably. But for now, I made no attempt to re-cast the spell. Two were enough. And twice justifies.

Willing the spell's words again, I checked how much mana I have left, specifically willing the relevant words only. Once again, marvelling how easily manipulated the words were.

Mana Manipulation • Lvl 2!


How much mana did the spell take? 33-18 is... 10... 13! Uh no... 15.

It took me a couple of seconds to find the number, still not used in doing some mental calculation. But I was sure that with some dust and soil around, my finger would instantly find the answer. Well, not exactly, but faster than my mind trying to scribble the symbols.

So... 7 and a half for each uses. I concluded, finding the number easier to halve.

Thinking of how meditation works, I instantly knew I had no way to make sure how long I could gather mana to my core. And counting while meditating was never something I could pull of, so I didn't know whether the gap between each number was by a second longer or more. Still, I wouldn't be wronging myself trying. And they had this mana regeneration. I mused how that actually works, smiling to myself how I'd have mana despite not doing anything at all. Books and hearsays weren't enough of a reference, and not when those scant mages loitering around us deliberately not telling us anything helpful.

I could try and count how that works, its duration, but that'd be for later as a blooming discomfort on my back was once again slapped back to a sting.

For now, its time I find some clothes. Using Mana Manipulation first as I couldn't wait mana—my mana to regenerate by itself.


The darkness was still around as I woke from my state, but the stiffness on my legs told me that quite some time had passed now. But not overly so, maybe quarter to half an hour if I knew my body well.

Mana Manipulation • Lvl 2!


Hmm... 73-18 is...

"Five, thirteen, sixty and take 5 away is... fifty-five?" I mouthed as I assessed my then six uncurled fingers turned to five.

Fixty-five. I reaffirmed a few moments later. I really need some soil now to be sure. How does this place doesn't even have a swipe of dust? That could've helped. The thought remained as a wonder before I stopped my musings at that, focusing instead on how I'd tread through that thick black color.

The darkness beyond required some light as my assistance, a quick scratch on the glowing stones etched beside the door was obviously useless. The doorframe may look old, but I knew that if it came down to necessitate me to scratch out the stones, my nails would find itself polished clean or ruggedly cut first before I'd even scratch it.

Neither using my teeth would do progress either with how the stones were smoothened along the frame. Using my newfound spell on it was also of no effect. It stayed clear to what it was. Doorlights. Not removable.

If anything, the stones and my spell told me I needed to either traverse clad in black or use some other means to get a light. Which I didn't have.

Or maybe I have?

Mana Manipulation - Lvl 2

One can not be born of Mana. One bask not of its limitless definition. But if anything, one would prove they know how to bring Mana into something wondrous, unexpected, and changing. Manipulate Mana by your will, for perhaps, in time, you'll learn of its promises.

Use Mana Manipulation to retain more mana into your body. Core[73%]

"Manipulate Mana by your will, for perhaps, in time, you'll learn of its promises." I murmured as I thought of what meaning it holds. Which came as fast as I had thought of it.

The possibility of creating a spell.

My heart didn't need to be reminded to leap a beat, it had to as my mind wandered the possibilities that guess entails. Still, I had my imagination narrowed to a particular idea for now. To create some light. As for the other thoughts? That would be rediscovered when there's a place I could lie and sleep with nothing holding my mind taut.

The Mana Manipulation began its spellworks again. But instead of trying to focus the mana seep into me, I let myself reach for the mana that was already in my core. The intent was in how to transform the mana to the form of light. Which, in my mind, was fairly easy. I already had what was needed to create the spell: mana and form.

So I began imagining a spherical object once again. The lamp orb I initially thought immediately coming to mind.

Shifting, pulling, transforming, the unseen mana moved through my will. I fell into that cycle for seconds. I was sure that there was a pull and if a bit more of this mental manipulation was used, I could will it to something more. Change it to the spell I wanted it to be.

Then as minutes trickled by, in my mind, specks of white color began to show amidst the darkness enveloping my sight. Light. But as it was light, it didn't have the concept concomitant to the word's nature.

It wasn't shining. Nor luminous.

But then, neither was it dim. It felt like a color meant not to wade through darkness but was a segment of it. It didn't serve as a torchlight, I was sure. And as I realized, I came to know what it was. It was mana.

I shifted it to my will, finally realizing that I could. Then as it faded from my view, the feeling of mana seeping out from my chest came again. I opened my eyes just in time to see how this guess of mine would work. How the fire would form. And how I'd have another spell.

That—that didn't make me grin and widen my eyes in wonder, however. That was just my hopes, thinking how things should be like for me, to my situation.

Spell Undetected.

Oh... of course. What would you expect. New life new everything? More luck? Solid giveaways? Well, while free is certainly the best, that was delusional if stretched farther. And in my case, I think I hoped for too much. So I stood, one deep heave mixed with straight six beats of exhalation escaping me. Then I rubbed my hands together in defeat, knowing heat is needed on the next feat.

But of course, I wouldn't bravely sprint my way through it. Who'd dare? Right now, I was on the wall, plastered and taking safe steps onto that veiled, cold, dry ground. Probing with light steps in case there were rough surfaces. And in-between, I was sending hesitant looks to the doorlights five leaps away from me.

Still reachable if some sort of cloth corpse is around. I mused as I looked back at the darkness again. Squinting at it gave reassurance to me at least. The magical words said none, after all.

A heave once again found its way out of me. No more looking back.

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