《Guild Wars》Chapter 18: The Meaning of War
Somewhere through the night, Feno must’ve exhausted himself out, because he wakes up to the morning sun, glaring bright through the windows. Amidst the documents he’s crinkled beneath his body that he’s used as bedsheets. Listlessly, he picks himself up for the bathroom beside the bookshelves. Pushing the baby blue door open and reaching for the sink. Splashing cold water on his face. There’re still two toothbrushes in the cup by the cabinet. It’s there because they’ve frequently pulled all-nighters balancing checkbooks.
Lanara's always dreaded the tedious process. Pushing it to the last minute if she could and demanding Feno to help her against his wishes even when he was just a regular squadron member. It’s a division captain’s responsibility to make sure everyone in the squadron is paid salary. Enough for them to afford mission expenses and survive through the longer quests where the rewards may take forever. The money’s collected from the guild funds, so Altyria’s treasurer has requested for the checkbook to be delivered to him at the end of every month.
Although now, Lilith thinks, from the way Feno’s staring at the toothbrushes, he’s even beginning to miss those memories where they’re losing sleep, half delirious from accounting and trying to tally the entire squadron’s monthly expenses in a single night.
Feno’s snapping out of his reminiscence now, dunking his face into the sink once more to freshen himself up. His eyes are still swollen from the tears, red around the rims, and his hair has matted to his forehead. Feno reaches upwards to untangle the strands that’re twining around his horns. Giving it a messy shuffle before brushing his teeth. There’s slightly more life in his movements as compared to yesterday, although, she can’t say for sure he’s gotten over it. But at least, he doesn’t look dead in his pupils anymore.
It's after that, he collects the dimension pouch Lanara’s mentioned in her letter. Tucking everything beneath his belt behind his back as he exits the room. He's surprised to see Nana still standing before the office, like she’s serving a punishment, despite she’s dozing off. Nodding to sleep momentarily before blinking herself awake again. Feno questions,
‘Why are you here?’ to which she immediately stiffens up, disoriented,
‘Y-yes! Um-’ shaking herself alert, ‘You didn’t say I was dismissed. So...’
‘You stood here the entire night?’ the lack of expressiveness in his voice just makes her think she’s getting reprimanded again, so Nana’s timidly asking,
‘Was I not supposed to?’
He sighs, lidding his eyes and rubbing into a side of his head as if he’s honestly questioning if someone can be so stupidly obedient to a point of being pitiful,
‘You don’t need to get permission from me to do anything. If you’re tired, go to sleep.’ he’s getting odd looks from the passing adventurers like they’re wondering what did he make this poor girl do. It’s near afternoon so they must’ve noticed her aimlessly waiting for a while. And the way she always responds as if she’s being yelled at isn’t helping his cause,
‘I’m sorry. I just don’t really understand how things work in a guild yet.’
‘Just do whatever you want.’ Feno doesn’t seem keen in assisting her, walking away,
‘Everyone’s going to war in a few days' time, does it really matter?’ towards the pantry across the garden, she’s following him,
‘Then... What do I do in the mean time? When everyone’s gone?’ he swipes a pastry off the shelves,
‘Go home, take a mission, laze around.’ shoving it into his mouth and immediately leaving the room afterwards in a hurry,
‘Like I said. Whatever you want. I don’t even know how many people are going to make it back alive or if this guild would still exist at all afterwards.’ she’s still scampering after him, now into a jog because Feno trying to lose her around the corners,
‘Then what do you intend to do?’
‘That’s none of your concern.’ until he stops right before the portal room. Turning around to request,
‘I’ll much appreciate it if you stopped following me. I have things I need to get done.’ he’s startled her. She’s backing away slightly, lowering her head but she’s observing him with a prying gaze, as if she’s trying to figure what he’s up to. Nana’s actually a lot more perceptive than she initially lets on when she guesses,
‘You’re having second thoughts about your decision yesterday?’ now it’s Feno’s turn to feel uncomfortable. His eyebrow has just twitched a little despite he’s trying to not let it show. Nana elaborates,
‘Y-you look like you’re...’ she's finding her words, restructuring her sentence with more confidence,
‘You want to be persuaded against your convictions to appease others.’
‘I-’ her statement's making Feno hesitant, he’s pruning the bristles away with a sigh, closing his eyes briefly,
‘I can’t keep antagonizing the people who cares about Lanara.’ he admits,
‘It wouldn’t be what she wants me to do.’ he’s referring to the squadron. Nana’s actually got it right. Is she actually a mind reader? And this whole time, Lilith had just assumed that he’s going to go visit Lanara’s grandmother.
‘But what do you want to do?’ Nana looks a little terrified when she says, ‘d-do you want to go to war? Against Luci? Do you want to avenge Captain Lanara too?’ she doesn’t want him to make that decision. But she’s caught him in a trap,
‘Of course, I do. How could I not? Every thought in my mind’s telling me to tear the crimson witch into pieces and make her suffer.’ he answers the easy question first, before he reluctantly addresses the former,
‘But I also understand that I can’t. I’ve already fought her once.’ Feno looks torn,
‘I’ve felt her aura. She was toying with us. She hasn’t even shown a sliver of what she’s truly capable of. And I know I am unable to defeat her. The same way I wasn’t able to save Lanara. If I march her squadron into war with me. I will not be able to save them.’ he admits,
‘Most, if not all of them are going to die.’ his voice sounds chiseled,
‘But they don’t know that. They haven’t seen her. It’s one thing to hear about an overwhelmingly malevolent entity and another to cross blades with one. How many would change their minds when they actually encounter her? How many would realize, all too late, that they don’t want to die either?’ glancing past her to the adventurers behind,
‘But by that time, once we get to the eastern lands, once we get anywhere close to her, that is no longer an option.’ squadron three’s rallying in the garden. A rugged, Viking looking middle-aged brunette is the middle of a speech to boost their morals, a few of the adventurers are already day drinking. Knocking glasses to the death of Lucifer. It’s getting loud so he retreats into the room, towards the blue glowing portal, framed in grand marble pillars that leads to Athens beneath.
His words have made Nana clutch her book tightly against her chest as though that gives her solace against her worst fears that’s just realized, she isn’t following him forward,
‘You know that, yet why... Why do you still want to choose otherwise?’ she’s tearing up,
‘Why do you want to send us to our deaths?’
Feno’s finding her sentence funny. He’s laughing a little, like it’s something extremely ironic. Approaching before the portal, stepping a foot forward, Feno glances over his shoulders,
‘I’m also hoping that I can find the reason soon.’ and leaves through the other side.
Lilith is starting to understand why Rufus’s decided to show them this. It isn’t just him asking her to forgive Feno. Luci creates tragedies. That’s why they were so wary of her. That’s why Feno’s attacked her. Is this guilt that she’s feeling right now? Guilt for longing the same woman who’s destroyed the lives of so many? And she can’t help but to ask, pulling her eyes away from watching Feno traversing down the path,
“What does Luci hope to attain from this pointless destruction?” if she truly is Luci like Feno’s accused her of. Then she can’t understand her. But Rufus isn’t giving her a direct answer, instead, he continues leading them forward, down the memory drive,
“Patience, young one.” he replies calmly,
“We still have some time before we reach the end of this tunnel, perhaps when we do. You may find some enlightenment to that question.” he wants her to witness till the very end. It’s getting rather hard to swallow actually. Even Cyan’s withdrawn from making snarky remarks. Regardless, she turns her attention back onto the clips.
Leaving the town of Athens behind him, Feno’s reached a meadow, going up a hill, passing grazing sheep that’s been herded by a young shepherd boy that’s dozed off beneath the tree in the mid-afternoon sun. It’s really bright so he’s pulling his clock lower his face to stop the light from blinding his eyes with rainbow circles. Beyond it, there are three small cottages, scattered amidst the blossoming wild flowers. Four young children, playing tag in center as a dog chase behind them. Is this where Lanara’s grandmother lives? Approaching the settlement, Feno's searching for her. Asking one of the children, to which, the little girl points him in the direction behind a half-constructed house. The roof and a side of its walls are still undone.
There’s an old lady hunched next to it, wiping sweat off her forehead that’s matted with white hair, coming loose from her messy bun, with her knitted shawl. She resumes slobbering cement onto the red bricks, laboriously piecing in the foundation.
Hesitantly, Feno approaches her,
‘Elena?’ to draw her attention. She tilts her head up to greet him,
‘Who might this be?’ wrinkles, creasing in her eyes as she warmly smiles, ‘how may I assist you?’ despite how lethargic she looks; her voice remains so kind. But it’s strange, because she doesn’t have the same cheetah ears and tail Lanara has. She’s... a Sapien. Feno's just as perplexed, but he’s trying not to be rude and instead introduces,
‘I’m Feno. Feno Ozris, Lanara’s lieutenant.’ hearing that name rings a bell in her head,
‘Ah...’ she wipes her fingers on her apron. Smearing the dirt away before she tries to pick herself up. There’s something odd about her legs. It’s prostatic. Feno quickly extends a palm to help her. Her hands are all blistered up. Stabilizing herself, she laughs softly,
‘That girl speaks a lot about you.’ leading them forward towards one of the cottages. Feno helps her with the door. Opening it for her,
‘It is a little messy, but please. Have a seat.’ and invites him to the circular table in the middle. It’s extremely cramp. On one side, there’s the kitchen, lining the walls with racks of cooking utensils. Pots and pans hanging above the stove. On the other, it’s the living room, but the space is too small to fit a couch in so instead, there’s a single rocking chair by the fireplace in the middle of shelves clustered with miscellaneous ornaments. Collecting dust on the higher tiers that the old lady couldn’t reach to clean. Feno's looking at the single door opposite him as he slips himself onto the creaking stool, probably leading to the bedroom.
Although, what catches his eyes is the gold banner hanging over it. It’s of two intertwining swords. That’s Atlantia Empire’s guild sigil. But before Feno’s able to ask, the little kids that were playing outside peeks from the entrance behind him,
‘Granny Ele!’ the brown eyed boy calls out to her. He isn’t looking at Elena, he's staring straight at Feno with a hostile gaze. There are three more, glaring nonetheless despite they’re hiding behind the first child.
Elena addresses them from the kitchen counter, plating cookies from a jar and brewing a pot of tea,
‘Nothing to worry about, children.’ she laughs softly, lifting the tray up and takes a few wobbly steps forward. Feno attempts to help her, but she shakes her head at him,
‘I may be old, but these frail bones can still manage this much.’ setting it down before him with a little clink. She flickers her eyes up to dismiss the kids,
‘Run along now. I will call for you when lunch is ready.’ they still look a little reluctant. But it’s only after another reassuring wave that they close the door behind them. The brown eye boy gives a final look through the windows before they return to their game. No wonder she’s building houses, this cottage is too tiny to shelter them all.
‘Pardon their demeanors.’ Elena takes a seat before him, pushing a plate of rose shaped cookies forward. Is that why Lanara’s thought roses were edible. Feno isn't commentating on that. He's pouring tea into the little floral cups that she’s brought,
‘We were ransacked by bandits just a few days ago,' Elena explains as he serves it to her, 'that's why they are skeptical of any hooded strangers entering this place.’ picking the cup up with shaky hands, she takes a sip before saying,
‘Easy pickings considering we live so far out.’ perculiar, they belongings still look intact. Nothing seems to be stolen or broken. Finally, Feno points out,
‘Those children can use Magia.’ he must’ve felt it just now,
‘Who...’ he’s a little skeptical to ask, but it’s the curiosity that makes him continue,
‘Who exactly are you? You’re not blood related to them, or Lanara.’
‘Oh, you certainly are perceptive.’ she laughs, putting down her teacup,
‘Nice to meet you, Feno Ozris, I am Elena Mirth Evergarde. You are right, I am not blood related to any of them.’ that name seems to have surprised Feno. He’s widening his eyes,
‘Elena Mirth...Evergarde?’ muttering, he’s trying to recall, ‘wait! I’ve seen that on the memorial tablet in the guild hall.’ it’s a giant marble slate engraved with all the names of the adventurers that’s died in Athens during the war with Beelzebub,
‘You-’ he’s still in disbelief,
‘You were the first Admiral of Atlantia Empire. The one that sealed Beelzebub away with your life! I thought you-’
‘I died?’ she finishes his statement with a small amused smile, ‘well, I suppose, in the state that I am in right now. I am no different from the dead after Beelzebub drained most of my Vita away and left me as an old hag.’ she jokingly says,
‘I am already one prosthetic foot in the grave.’
‘Why are you holed up here? You’re a war hero. I’ll let guild leader Vaegil know of your survival, we can provide much better accommodation for you and-’ he’s trying to get up but Elena stops him on the wrist,
‘No. That’s fine. It’s on my own accord that I want to be holed up here. Vaegil already knows. What good is wasting precious guild funds to take care of a crippled old lady. I’m really trying to retire here.’ instead, she recounts,
‘It certainly has been a while since I’ve seen him. Vaegil Strauss, is he still as flippant now as he was back then? If I recall correctly, that man never fancied wearing clothes.’ she sighs whimsically, completely mismatching her appearance,
‘Oh, you should’ve seen how the female adventurers squealed when they realize that they’re getting sent to the same war front as him.’ she giggles a little, remembering a funny memory,
‘He’s brightened their days. It was the only thing they looked forward to after surviving the skirmishes.’
Feno’s getting utterly confused because she isn’t answering his questions, so he pries further,
‘How did you end up becoming Lanara’s grandmother?’ that wipes the dreaming smile off her face.
She’s taking another sip from the cup to compose herself. Heaving laboriously this time like it’s something she’d rather not answer. Nibbling into her cookie, she does after a few moments of silence after seemingly contemplated that Feno deserves to know,
‘Her parents were a part of my infantry. I’ve tried to send her mother away when I found out she was pregnant but there was nowhere safe in the entire north. That silly woman had to give birth right in the middle of a seige.’ she’s starting to get defensive,
‘It’s a war for god’s sake! I get the entire, let's go out with a bang. But that’s too irresponsible!’ before she stops herself going on a tangent,
‘And just a day before the rescue vessel is scheduled to arrive, we were flanked in the night by Beelzebub’s flesh devouring locusts.’ she says with a sympathetic gaze,
‘No one anticipated that attack, we were already far from the war fronts at that point so I’ve let my guard down. Lanara was hardly even a week old when both her parents were eaten to bones.’ before clicking her tongue in annoyance,
‘Can you imagine how it felt like carrying a screaming infant in your arm whilst trying to hit murderous bugs? She was lucky I was such a skilled Incantatio back in my days to save her burdensome ass and get her on that ship.’ it’s funny how mismatched it is to witness such a frail looking old lady swear, she takes another aggravated bite on her cookie,
‘But Lanara was such a handful when she was growing up, getting into fights with everyone just because she was a little gifted with Magia. She’s lashed out a lot.’ laughing, she admits,
‘Although, I suppose, it is my fault that she didn’t have a normal life. If I have reacted earlier, perhaps, things would be different for her.’ her voice quietens,
‘Perhaps I could’ve saved her parents.’ she chuckles,
‘Maybe that was her way of getting back at me for my incompetence. I’ve almost broke my back apologizing to all those other old hags in town.’ Elena smiles fondly at the memory,
‘But she’s turned out to be a good kid in the end, becoming a division captain and all. I’m really proud of her.’ she leans back into her chair, glancing out the windows at the four kids who are now kicking a ball in the grass,
‘Adopt one helpless orphan, and before you know it, you’re adopting all of them. Look at me, I’ve never imagined I will get to experience parenthood in my twilight years.’ she says endearingly,
‘It’s not bad actually. This calm after the storm, to think, even someone like me, can lead a normal and peaceful life. I’m one of the luckier few that actually got to enjoy what we sacrificed for. I must’ve really appeased some benevolent gods if there were any.’ so that’s what Lanara’s desperately trying to protect. This simplicity of daily life for someone that has never experienced simplicity. Elena’s fought so Lanara could live, and Lanara’s fought, so they could live. Elena doesn’t know they’re already in the midst of another war,
‘So let me guess. You’re here to ask me for her hand in marriage.’ she doesn’t know Lanara’s died,
‘Whenever she visits, you are all she ever talks about. But before this granny can give you her approval, you first have to tell me.’ she simpers proudly,
‘What do you think about her?’
There’s this tormented expression on Feno’s face,
‘You haven’t heard...’ but Feno’s cutting himself off there. He couldn’t bring to himself to tell her. So instead, he gives a forced smile,
‘I’m actually here because Lanara wants to pass you something.’ reaching behind his back for the pouches,
‘You see. We recently completed a big mission, and there’s a huge payout. She wants you to have it.’ pushing all four of them forward, he’s even giving her his own.
It stuns Elena by the sheer amount she’s seeing, blinking at it for a while, before she waves a hand, rejecting,
‘There really isn’t any need. What will this old hag do with all this money. She’s already providing me enough for our daily expenses. Ask her to keep it. She’ll find more use in it than I ever will.’
‘For the other kids.’ Feno says, ‘you can hire workers to help you build the houses. She’s insisting that you should have it. She really wants you to.’ pushing it forward he lies,
‘That and, we’ll be going on another long mission soon. So, it won’t be a while until we’re back. That’s why, she wants to make sure everything’s being taken care of when she’s gone.’ that’s quite cruel. He’s intentionally deceiving her.
‘Tell that silly girl not to overwork herself. There’s always going to be one more bandit to catch, one more bridge to fix. I’ve got the kids to help me with the houses, so there’s no need for her to worry.’ relenting, she’s choosing to unconditionally trust his words, and it only scratches further at his heart. Feno’s getting up,
‘I shouldn’t be disturbing you any further.’ he doesn’t look like he’s able to continue this façade much longer. The guilt’s gnawing at him, so he’s pulling his hood lower to cover his face,
‘I’ll be going now.’ he approaches the door.
‘Ah...’ Elena stands from her chair, ‘give me a moment.’ going towards the kitchen counter. She packs more cookies into a sack, before limping forward to pass it to him,
‘Take these back and share it with her. She really likes the cookies I make.’ it’s tied up cutely with a pink ribbon. Feno’s eager to get out of there, receiving it, he’s trying his best to not let his voice waver when he replies,
‘Yes. Of course.’ before bidding her a quick farewell. Feno isn’t even looking back at her when Elena leans out and hollers,
‘Goodluck on the mission! Bring her with you on your next visit! Tell her just because she’s got a boyfriend doesn’t mean she gets to neglect her granny.’ she sounds genuinely excited to see Lanara again.
Feno’s picking up his pace, meandering around the children who’s warmed up to him after seeing Elena’s interactions and amiably waving goodbye. When he’s out of sight. Feno begins running. Down the meadows, slapping a palm over his lips, looking like he’s going to throw up over the disgust of his own actions. It’s only when he reaches the edge of Athens, after weaving down a couple more winding streets, that he starts hurling over the railings separating the cliff face and the ocean. He’s earning himself some curious looks from passersby, clutching tight into the beams as he is. The stone begins to clip, crumbling into small fragments on the ground. Wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeves. Feno draws a deep breath. Closing his eyes briefly to compose himself for the rest of the journey back to the guild hall.
The incident yesterday has made the residents rather tense. There’re rumors flying in the air, Luci’s name is a common utterance by the gossiping cafe patreons. The paperboy beside the fruit stand is waving freshly printed news about the latest updates. That aside, Athens really does look rather peaceful. Life went on as normal. Vendors are conducting their businesses per usual in their little square buildings tucked neatly onto each other. Children running down the cobblestone streets, playing with windwheels. There’re still some remnants of the past war visible near the outskirts lining the borders of the ocean where the cliff slops downwards. A half-demolished building here, an abandoned house there. Lilith can’t help but to imagine, at one point, Athens must’ve fallen into the same state as YunChuan. Empty but grey smoke furling into the skies.
The guild’s entrance portal is opposite the harbor, although now, there are more ships docked in it than just the fishing vessels, flying Altyria guild banners. Adventurers, scurrying in and out to load the ships with supplies for their upcoming voyage.
Entering the portal back to the guild hall, there are even more adventurers joining in on squadron three’s celebration. They’re partying by the gardens, a few of them, getting into drunken brawls with others surrounding and cheering them on. Decoration posters had been hung up onto the pillars. Slurred with insults wishing upon Luci’s demise and motivational quotes, ‘for family, for justice!’ and ‘for the hot Athenian women!’ scribbled in a red marker right at the corner. Another inebriated female adventurer’s precariously standing on a picnic chair to add, ‘and hot men,’ to the phrase in blue. But she’s tripped over herself before she could finish writing so now it just says, ‘and hot me’ with the e squiggled to the edge of the poster following the trajectory where she’s fell.
Passing them, the Viking's throwing his arms around Feno’s shoulders, raising a mug at him, he probably smells like booze,
‘To her last breath!’ slurring in a softer voice, ‘or ours...’ but he’s drinking to it regardless. Spilling the beer over his beard and tunic in a wet splotch beneath his chin, before stumbling away in a drunken stupor to knock glasses with others. Is that squadron three’s captain that gave the speech earlier? Feno isn’t staying there long enough for Lilith to figure out through their interactions. He’s headed for the second floor. Towards where Vaegil’s office is at.
There seems to already be a crowd at his door. On closer inspection, it’s Lanara’s squadron that’s clamoring outside. They haven’t noticed Feno yet. Instead, they’re huddling Vaegil, making demands and not letting him leave until he’s given them the answer they want. Vaegil’s at a loss, barricading himself with his hands flared out before his chest, he’s backing away a little from getting overwhelmed by the interaction,
‘I really appreciate the sentiment, but if your Division Captain’s refused then I can’t bring you guys to the war front without someone to lead you.’ he laughs frivolously, admitting,
‘It’s going to be utter chaos, and I don’t want to be responsible for your lives. Salem’s going to yell at me if I agreed.’ how did he even become the guild leader in the first place? He’s extremely unreliable.
Delinquent guy is the first to rebut,
‘Then make me the Division Captain. We will never acknowledge that daydreaming idiot as our leader.’ Vaegil’s awkwardly scratching at a cheek, flicking his eyes away,
‘... You know I can’t do that.’ as if he doesn’t want to put it bluntly that delinquent guy simply isn’t qualified for the rank. The moment he does, Vaegil catches sight of Feno,
‘Oh!’ looking like he’s just found a scapegoat out of the situation, he jovially waves at him, ‘actually. Look who’s here!’ to redirect the attention away from himself. They’re judging him with a scornful gaze. It’s easy to tell they’re still feeling indignant about yesterday, just recalling that memory is making a few of them ball their fists with anger. But no one’s willing to say anything immediately, so there’s just a tense silence in the air. Collapsing when delinquent guy looks like he’s about to lash more insults, but before he could. Feno asks,
‘Are you willing to throw your lives away even if you won’t land a single hit on the crimson witch?’ they didn’t have any expectations of Feno to even address anything, so that statement has made them slightly confused. Quietly exchanged gazes with each other, they probably don’t understand what he’s getting at, so Feno continues,
‘Are you willing to let her toy with your corpse and humiliate you even in death?’
‘What-’ but Feno interrupts delinquent guy,
‘Are you willing to die for people that won’t ever remember you as heroes, but just an unknown name amidst many unknown names on a marble slate?’ it’s angering them further, Feno’s intentionally antagonizing them and he isn’t stopping,
‘Even if we win the war, are you willing to be one of the unfortunate casualties that will never get to experience what you’ve fought for. Have you considered that even if you survived, you may lose an arm or a leg and be forced to live out your remaining days as a cripple without anyone to sing you praises for your sacrifice?’ the cleverer few has already figured out his intentions, whereas the hotheaded ones are grinding their teeth at his statement, delinquent guy snaps,
‘If you’re afraid then just say so! Don’t lump us with self-pitying bastards like you.’
‘I am afraid.’ Feno admits, ‘after encountering her, I’ve felt nothing but fear and desolation. I am deeply terrified. Every time I close my eyes, I’m able to see her eerie smirk looking down on me as if I am but a plaything in her palm.’ he steels his resolve,
‘But that will be the reality of what’s to come. There is no glory in war. No deus ex machina to ensure your safety just because you’re a good person.’
‘Don’t push your pessimistic narrative on us, you haven’t even fought and you’re already admitting defeat!’ but it’s someone else that’s replying to delinquent guy,
‘What he said is the entire truth.’ Feno turns over his shoulders to witness the speaker. There’s a teenage boy behind baldy pushing the wheelchair he’s sitting on. Despite he’s regained consciousness, he’s still bloodlessly pale, covered in bandages. There’s a cannula attached to his elbow, connecting to a wooden pole that’s holding two bags of crystalline up to sustain his life. From the looks of it, he must’ve lost a few internal organs judging from the massive concavity in the place of where his intestines use to reside.
There’s a horrified look to his face, his voice is hoarse, it sounds like he’s wheezing when he speaks,
‘We’ve already fought her. We’ve witnessed the way she’s mutilated the corpses.’ as if he’s trying to breathe without lungs,
‘Disassembled their bodies, and even then, at her command, they’ve gotten up to fight.’ he’s shaking when he admits,
‘And it isn’t even her that did this to me. But her undead army. I couldn’t even get close to her. I wasn’t even worthy enough for her to pay any attention to me.’ burying his face into his hands, he’s trembling from the memories,
‘I-… I won’t even wish her upon my worst enemy.’ the utter heaviness in his voice is a horrid wakeup call, he’s deeply traumatized,
‘So... please reconsider. Forget seeking revenge. Forget trying to kill her. We won’t even be able to leave a single scratch on her skin.’ he’s trying to warn them. Baldy’s brother immediately attends to him, telling him that his fight is already over. He’s done his best. Before he rushes forward, weaving past the stupefied squadron members to hand Vaegil a resignation letter. He’s withdrawing from the guild. Baldy’s too incapacitated to continue being an adventurer.
Giving the squadron a hasty apology, the teenage boy dismisses himself so baldy’s able to get more rest. Vaegil solemnly waves him goodbye, thanking him for his services.
After they disappear around the corner, another squadron member puts a hesitant hand on delinquent guy’s shoulder, whispering to him,
‘Perhaps... perhaps it’s the best we shouldn’t involve ourselves in this.’ It’s only now that the squadron is beginning to acknowledge it. They’re starting to look a lot more empathetic towards Feno’s cause. But Feno immediately interjects,
‘If your conviction still hasn’t changed after hearing that. Then I’m begging of you, throw your lives away.’ he’s confounding them. Even delinquent guy’s rendered speechless at his contradictory behaviors, so they’re just looking at him with a perplexed gaze waiting on him to elaborate,
‘Fight, for those who can’t fight for themselves. It will be a thankless job. You will die for nothing. And even if you don’t, others will do it in your stead.’ it’s funny because they seem extremely reluctant now. So he continues persuading,
‘That’s what Lanara’s grandmother did for her, and that’s what Lanara’s did for us, and now, it’s our turn to do it for someone else.’ the mentioning of her name sparked some fire in their eyes. The wound is still fresh. He’s using this as leverage,
‘From the beginning, it shouldn’t have been about revenge. Lanara would’ve never wanted us to die trying to avenge her. But I am requesting of you now, please die, so others can have a future.’ he’s bowing to them with a sincerity,
‘Please follow me forward.’ those must’ve been the conflicting feelings he was so desperately trying to bottle away. Feno’s found his own answer. It’s making the squadron waver; his message was conveyed to them blatantly clear. They’re exchanging a few indecisive glances, before delinquent guy finally understands. He’s sobbing a little, wiping his tears away with his forearm,
‘You were trying to look out for us this whole time...’ he’s unexpectedly emotional, stepping forward to pat him on the shoulder,
‘Lanara wasn’t wrong to have picked you.’ he’s hugging him despite Feno seems to be highly distraught by his gesture,
‘I was the one that have judged you wrong.’ he’s acknowledging him, ‘Captain Feno.’ smearing snot over him, before he draws back, with a salute,
‘Send me to hell but I won’t drop dead until I’ve landed one hit on the bitch!’ his outburst has stirred the feelings of the members behind him, a few of his more loyal followers immediately imitates, parroting after him, more and more are picking up the gesture, until eventually, they’re echoing,
‘Send me to hell but I won’t drop dead until I’ve landed one hit on the bitch!’ down the halls, so echoingly, even the partying adventurers beneath them has heard. Calling for them over the railings, the Viking raises his mug at them,
‘I’ll drink to that, division six!’ delinquent guy’s running forward to lean over,
‘Oh! Even division three’s captain has acknowledged us!’ he pumps his fist into the air, repeating the phrase like it’s something brilliant he’s proud of. Inebriated as they are, the adventurers on the ground floor are mimicking after him,
‘Send me to hell but I won’t drop dead until I’ve landed one hit on the bitch!’ picking up their glasses and clanking to his valor. Before the Viking beckons them over,
‘What are you laddies doing up there. Come drink with us!’ Feno watches them scurry down the flight of stairs. Towards the multitude of beer barrels lined up against the side of the wall. Half of them has already been emptied out, division three squadron members are handing them extra mugs. Filling them to the brim with froth, the Viking raises his cup, drawing the attention of those surrounding him,
‘Here’s to taking the crimson bitch to hell with us!’ the contents, lapping over the sides and trickling down his arms,
‘For Lanara! For division six!’ He’s so intoxicated that he’s stumbling, but despite so, his charisma is rallying up the members to follow him,
‘To hell with the crimson bitch!’ chugging it down in one giant gulp, echoing after him, ‘For Lanara! For division six!’
Joining beside Feno, Vaegil folds his arms atop the rails to say,
’It’s quite fun, isn’t it?’ smiling warmly, he asks, ‘how’s Elena been?’
‘You’ve sent me there because you knew seeing her would convince me.’ Feno gives a conceding sigh, ‘for someone that appears so carefree. You really are cunning.’
Vaegil’s faking another,
‘Ouch.’ theatrically slapping a hand between his ribs to convey that his feelings got hurt. But Feno isn’t entertaining him, instead, very seriously,
‘I lied to her.’ he confesses, ‘I couldn’t tell her the truth about Lanara.’
‘You should’ve told her.’ Vaegil’s said it without hesitation, Feno turns to look at him,
‘It’s crueler if you are trying to spare her feelings and she finds out through gossips.’ he’s explaining as if it’s already obvious,
‘We’ve repeatedly watched our men die for us, die because of us, but even then, we still choose to jeopardize them again and again. As adventurers, we’ve already acknowledged that every mission may cost our lives. It’s the ugly truth behind all the flowery narratives of heroism and glory.’ he laughs at the irony,
‘But of course, everyone likes to hear the prettier parts that’s sang in folksongs.’
‘Does it ever get easier?’ Feno’s looking a little tormented when he sincerely asks, ‘losing people you care about.’
‘Unfortunately, that feeling never gets dull.’ Vaegil’s pondering a little, ‘you just get used to the pain.’ that’s so tragic. But he’s saying with a smile,
‘You get better at not letting it show.’ is that why Vaegil’s so flippant all the time? That’s the mask he wears to hide the scars, Feno catches onto that,
‘Do you have a tragic back story to tell?’ but Vaegil’s giggled him off, playing a coy façade, he twirls a strand of hair around his fingers,
‘You haven’t achieved enough friendship points to unlock my tragic backstor-’ but he’s hit on the head with again with a clipboard. Salem’s deadpanned voice is admonishing from behind,
‘Quit flirting with everyone you see.’ on top of Vaegil’s complain of, ‘ouch, that hurts.’ he’s turning around to defend himself with a puffed cheek,
‘I’m not flirting!’
Salem’s impatiently tapping the clipboard on his own shoulder, gesturing with a head flick towards the conference room,
‘New updates. Things are looking bad in the east. The crimson witch’s resurrecting the dead adventurers to help her expand out of the quarantine area. Most of the eastern land guilds and the reinforcements we’ve sent are getting wiped. It isn’t just the commoners anymore. Her army’s getting bigger and stronger with Magia users. Even the third admiral of Raven’s Death has fallen to her. She’s building her own guild with our men.’ before Salem acknowledges Feno with a brief glance,
‘You’re the replacement division six captain, yeah? Meeting tomorrow, at nine. We’ll be discussing the infiltration plans. Get your people to write their last wills, we’re going in two days. We can’t afford further delays. She’s growing more dangerous by the second.’ Vaegil seems just as taken aback by that statement as Feno is, blurting,
‘We are?’ but Salem’s already dragging Vaegil away, towards the conference room,
‘Announce it tomorrow. Everyone’s waiting on you.’ Feno watches them disappear behind the door.
After they left, Feno’s beckoned to the garden by delinquent guy.
He’s inviting him to drink with them by the buffet tables. The squadron’s loosened up a little, introducing themselves with small talks and apologizing for their outbursts yesterday. It’s shortly after that they got to the point. A buzz cut guy in the midst couldn’t help but to blurt it out, asking about the rumors, they’ve been speculating about Feno’s relationship with Lanara.
Feno’s denied it at first, he appears a little uncomfortable by the mentioning of her so soon. But he eventually admits to their relentless prying like he’s trying to get them to stop. That’s immediately made most of the squadron members dejected. Reluctantly forking out three pieces of gold coins to the few that’s celebrating with a little, ‘yes!’. It was probably the bet that freckles had talked about. It seems, they too, are trying to find closure in their own weird, insensitive ways.
After which, Feno finally asks for delinquent guy’s name. It’s Demos Vassellis. Although he looked rather offended that Feno didn’t remember it the first time he’s told him. But before Feno’s able to defend himself, the Viking interrupts them. Introducing himself despite no one’s asked. He just goes by Algo, to which one of his squadron members chimes in from behind to tell Feno that for some reason, Algo hasn’t revealed his last name to anyone.
Algo’s advising Feno to lighten up, Lanara wouldn’t want him to be constantly sulking like this either. Suggesting that the best way to heal, is through intoxication. Pushing a mug into Feno’s hands, he's insisting that he should.
Feno doesn’t even hesitate before he starts chugging. Looks like he’s really trying every method to alleviate the pain of what’s transpired.
‘Look at him go!’ Algo laughs, gesturing to his squadron mates to bring a barrelful more.
By the evening, division five has also crashed the party. Complaining that how come the others got to relax the entire day whilst they had to load the ships. Although, considering how their division captain’s dressed uncannily like a pirate straight out of a children’s book, finished with eye patch and everything. It isn’t surprising that he’s volunteered his division to do so.
Division four joined shortly with their division captain, a short Mythical girl with rabbit ears and red cloak, hovering more barrels of wine behind her on a cotton cloud like Magia,
‘Here’s my contribution, as promised!’ she declares, setting them down in a pile before immediately challenging the pirate and Algo to drinking games. Hollering everyone around them to place bets. At the sight of Feno, she’s inviting him to join too, its customary for division captains and Lanara was always the first to lose and get knocked out.
Feno’s already looking a little inebriated at this point, mid declining her offer when Demos nudged him in the back. He’s already placed his money on him. Feno’s got to redeem Lanara’s honor. Feno reluctantly agrees.
After a bit of finessing at moving a garden table to the middle, the four of them have crammed themselves around it. The bulky sizes of Algo and pirate makes the furnishing look miniscule, like a play set from a toy house. Pinching shoulders to shoulders. Barely enough space for the mugs to rest on the surface. As if the crowding squadron members around them weren’t already claustrophobic enough, cheering on the captains which they’ve betted on.
Rabbit’s explaining the rules to Feno. It’s a simple game. Chug fast as it is humanely possible until they pass out from intoxication. The winner’s the last one standing with the greatest number of mugs that her lieutenant will be recording on a scoreboard he’s waved into existence from nowhere. Four number pads, hovering in midair.
Algo’s already ahead of them whilst rabbit’s still speaking. Downing three in a single breath and having his squadron to constantly refill. At that, pirate and rabbit’s immediately start swigging after him. Passing their emptied mugs to their squadron members behind them. Feno hasn’t even started yet, so the few that’s betted on him start egging him on. Peer pressuring him that their entire month of pay is riding on him.
Tough luck, because from what Lilith’s recalled. Feno isn’t a heavy drinker. Regardless, he’s being a good sport by trying his best. Scrunching his face at the taste. It must’ve been strong. Just as Feno’s finished the first, Algo’s already on number 15. Pirate’s on 6 and rabbit’s on 8.
Wiping his mouth on the back of his sleeve, Demos is relentlessly shoving Feno another, hurrying him that he’s got to pick up speed otherwise they’re going broke. The poor dude’s really pushing himself. The wine, tricking down the sides of his mouth to stain his collar red. It’s near impossible to catch up to Algo now. He's on thirty. Where does all the liquid even go? Pirate isn’t backing down. He’s yelling at his squadron that they’re too slow on the refills so he’s demanded to drink directly from the barrel. Lifting it over his head. At the sight of that, rabbit immediately mimics him. It’s funny how the same sized cannisters looks tiny in pirate’s hands and massive in rabbit’s. Lilith thinks, if she’s dropped it by accident, it may completely flatten her.
It’s after another hour or so where their paces have significantly slowed. The sun has set by this point. Feno’s lying on the table looking as though he’s about to throw up, despite Demos is still persistently nudging more mugs into his hand trying to improve his measly score of 28. Demos’s about to cry at the brutal realization, Feno’s just as lightweight as Lanara is. A few of the other squadron members who’s betted on him has resigned to their fates and started swigging away their losses in hopes of being inebriated would make them feel less bad.
Before Feno, pirate’s knocked out leaving his final counter at 199. He couldn’t finish the last one to 200 before he’s passed out. His squadron members are shaking on his shoulders, trying to wake him, but it instead, just made him hurl over the table. Nearly splattering onto rabbit beside him. She’s too intoxicated to care for it. Eying the numbers on the scoreboard, 250 as she sluggishly forces herself to swallow her 251st. She’s getting far behind Algo who’s already on 315. He’s still going strong, telling them that they have just adopted drinking, but he, he is different. He was born in alcohol, molded in alcohol. In fact, he is alcohol.
He’s drunk. That’s what he is. He’s been drunk since morning.
On the 252nd, rabbit finally taps out. Hitting the table twice. She’s flushed red as her cloak at this point, to send Algo standing up with a victory cheer. Throwing both his hands in the air with a roaring celebration and whistles from his squadron members who’s betted on him. Immediately, gold coins are being exchanged in the background. That’s when Vaegil, who probably was finally released from his duties skips down the stairs, pointing his finger at Algo and demanding him to drink against him,
‘You’ve beat the mid bosses! Time to face up against the final boss!’ Vaegil’s even made the offer that if he wins, he’s going to increase division three’s squadron budget for an entire year. Only for Salem to yell at him over the railings from upstairs,
‘Like hell you will!’
But it wasn’t like Algo needed reasons to continue, he’s receiving Vaegil’s invitation with open arms,
‘Mid bosses? You mean the small fries! A real man never backs down!’ hammering his chest twice and bellowing, ‘come at me!’
At the sight of that, rabbit’s drags herself off her seat to make space for Vaegil, nauseously demanding him to avenge her, then swearing at Algo,
‘Don’t get too full of yourself,’ she flips a finger, ‘one day, I’m going to beat you, just watch your bac-’ but she passes out cold. Before she’s able to hit the ground. Her lieutenant rushes in to catch her, carrying her away from her shame.
It’s here Feno’s blinked out of conscious, the alcohol must be finally getting the better of him too.
When he opens his eyes again, Vaegil and Algo have both stood up. They have been going at it for a while now. The counter that rabbit’s lieutenant has left behind is being manually flipped. They’re tied at 600. Just how inhumanly much can these people drink? Adventurers sure are amazing. On his 601st, Vaegil’s losing his clothes. Shrugging them to the ground and stripping stark naked. Declaring his hatred for the useless pieces of fabrics slowing him down. That made the female adventurers in the crowd squeal. Some of them that hasn’t even initially attended the party was drawn over by all the commotion, screaming,
‘Wife me, guild leader!’ but Vaegil’s looking completely oblivious as to why he’s attracting so much attention to himself. Are all Merfolks like that? He’s getting a little inebriated, but the women are agreeing with him,
‘Useless fabrics deserve no spot on your perfect eight pack abs!’
‘Yeah, you don’t need it! It’s slowing you down!’
‘Mother, I’m so glad I was born.’ well, he certainly is respected in this regard. They’re cheering him on, double downing their bets against the guys who’re siding Algo and telling them that they’re shallow. They aren’t letting their brother go unsupported, so they’ve also raised their stakes, roaring,
‘Show them what a real man looks like, Algo!’
‘Guild leader or otherwise! Don’t let the pretty boy beat you!’
But Feno passes out again before Lilith can see who’s won.
By the time he’s woken up, it’s dead middle of the night. Most of the adventurers sober enough have walked themselves back to their resting chambers. The others however, laid defeated on the ground in puddles of their own vomit. It’s rather chaotic.
Picking himself up, Feno’s stumbling a little, slapping his hand over his mouth. It’ll be the second time he’s thrown up in a single day. Avoiding the knocked-out adventurers, he staggers himself towards the dorms. It’s across the memorial hall, going down it.
He sees Nana standing by the marble slate. Glancing up the clusters of names of those that’s died. Her shoulders are shaking as if she’s crying from the realization that hers is going to be going to be added on it soon. Perhaps Feno was pitying her when he brings himself to say,
‘You don’t need to come along if you don’t want to.’ hic-cupping midsentence. He's stabilizing himself against the entrance frames. Leaning against it. It draws her attention to spin around. Like she’s being startled,
‘I-’ she stutters. Her eyes are wet, she’s hesitant, ‘I heard your speech from earlier.’ muttering softly,
‘I too... have people I want to protect.’ she’s shaking a little when she breathes,
‘I... I don’t want mama to die in this war. So...’ forcing herself forward as if it’s something extremely difficult to do. She fists her hands,
‘I want to fight.’ trying to find her resolve, ‘I want to fight too. For mama’s sake. I don’t want to be the only one cowering and left behind whilst everyone else risks their lives.’ but Feno’s in no state to entertain her heartwarming discovery. He’s completely wasted at this point, probably with a throbbing headache and buzzing ears so he’s replying uncommittedly,
‘Suit yourself.’ before dragging himself away. Nana isn’t following him. She’s choosing to remain inside the memorial hall, trying to swindle herself from her fear.
Feno’s going towards his bedroom. It’s down the walkway beside baldy’s that’s now emptied out. There are still a few cardboard boxes remaining of baldy’s stuff that his family hasn’t gotten to take home yet. The duckling pajamas folded on top of one of them.
Feno enters his own. Collapsing on his bed. He’s turning on a side, hazily blinking at a vase of wilted roses placed on the dresser that Lanara’s bought for him prior to the previous mission. Their once vibrant petals, rotted to black. He’s taking out the pouch of cookies Elena gave him, sighing towards it, muttering in a very soft voice like he’s questioning Lanara after taking a small bite,
‘Am I really making the right choices?’ accusing, ‘you’re so selfish for leaving me in this dark tunnel by myself.’ that spark of light is gone. He’s all alone again, trapped in a hellhole without end. Finishing the cookies one by one,
‘I’m not sharing them with you.’ he sounds vengeful about it,
‘They really are pretty good.’ before he blacks out.
- In Serial21 Chapters
The VocaLords
Gumi and her best friend Miku front a rock band called The VocaLords. Using her cherrywood Les Paul guitar as a weapon against evil, Gumi also pursues a more pressing agenda -- sending deserving souls to Hell where they belong. Everything starts going wrong when VioLinja -- a violinist with a God Complex -- is allowed to join the band. A very big God Complex. Thanks to VioLinja, Gumi must set Hell loose upon the world she sought to save. Alone and half alive, without her bandmates or her best friend, Gumi struggles to contain the havoc VioLinja wreaks. Things start going right when a mysterious, sea-faring man who goes by the acronym of T.O.P. comes to Gumi's rescue. Aboard his research ship in the Sea of Okhotsk, T.O.P. helps Gumi prepare for her final battle against VioLinja's reign of terror. * * * * * * * * * * * * The VocaLords is written as if it were a series of thirty minutes animes. Each Episode will consist of a sixty second teaser, followed by three to five chapters of about ten minutes reading time apiece. Each Episode will also contain one or two songs I have written personally, with the lyrics incorporated into the storyline. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I have had with writing it.
8 194 - In Serial12 Chapters
Signs of Nature
Welcome to world Thagua MB3! We at the Paladin Embassy hope you enjoy your stay here! Please be sure to spend as much time as you can in our many sightseeing activities, whether that be trekking through the Kamman Peaks or taking a dip in Mancouche Depths. We want to make sure that you, our loyal paladins, have the best time of your lives here. Happy vacationing! Please note that any decapitation, crippling, paralyzation, melting, internal bleeding, and mental trauma due to the Naid infecting the planet will not be covered by the Embassy.
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A Moth's Stories
Pictures have a thousand words.Let us find out for ourselves how many there are. IMAGES DO NOT BELONG TO MEI have recieved permission from the creator, who has allowed me to use their images.
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The prince of mages
A legend told that far, far away, on the edge of the magical realms, there was a city, a great black city built on a mountain famous for its curse. Only the black mages and all those who were deeply linked to the darkness were allowed to enter this place of the night, feared by all. It was there, far from the light, that a young boy named Miron was imprisoned. He lived within the walls of a huge building, among other children, under the domination of a banished black mage, who tried to subdue him because of his rebellious and untamable nature. Miron did not know how to break free from this terrible prison. But opportunity knocked in the year he turned thirteen when he discovered a power his dark tormentors wished he had never known.
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Best Friends or Lovers? | A Sashley love story
A Sashley love story :3 Idk what else to say lmao
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Swan Lake - Larry Stylinson Ballet AU
Larry Ballet AU. *Louis is a boy covered head to toe in Mickey-Mouse band-aids, Harry is a professional Ballet dancer, and they are partners for the Swan Lake performance at the end of the year. But something waits behind Louis' bedroom door. It waits for a long time. It's quite sad that December comes.*3rd person narration.SPOILERS - Trigger Warnings: This story is horror and a tragedy. Sensitive themes including abuse, mental illness, and character death are strongly present. As the author, I do not advise this book for persons under the age of sixteen.
8 126