《God's Game》Prologue
It was a bright and sunny day, the light illuminates every green leaves of the primordial trees. Plants danced by the cool and fresh breeze blowing some dried leaves from the earth. Different species of animals playing on the background. The birds were singing in chorus, gliding swiftly from the midair in the vast of clear and blue sky. The perfect scenery of the majestic nature.
Amidst on the nature`s life, A thud of multiple footsteps resonating from a distance.
A group of 20 people strolled gallantly around the heart of the forest.
Each of them were donned with different kinds of apparel with different vibrant colors and matched with weapons in all shapes and sizes. Armors clad men are holding either swords, lances or shield, and some clad in mage –magicians, sorcerers, or witch outfit.
Despite of those differences of their armory set, the only thing they have in common was they all wearing the same badges made in adamantite. An outline image of a heater shield which tinted with silver pigment protruded on the said badge.
“Stay alert” said by the man with a low but sharp voice.
Clad with the most vibrant silver helm and armor with a black cape swaying behind on his back. His right hand was on the hilt of his silver sword which on the right side of his waist.
“We are currently halfway near the center of the second region of the Island”
“I don`t know why is this Island is dubbing by the people to be [Island of Death] –I mean we haven’t even encounter any [danger beast] since the beginning…. Loosen up a bit Captain”
Calmly reply by a happy-go-lucky female clad in a mage outfit with her hands behind her head. The prominent features of her facade was her long and pointed ears. She seems the only one doesn’t carrying a staff.
“Just because trees are one of ye`r fighting advantages, doesn’t mean ye can drop yer guard down. We should be not be careless in this situation Alenia.
A stout but short man grunts some words of advice. A thick and long hair dangled flamboyantly from his face. He was wearing a heavy black armor. His weapon – a battle axe – hangs behind his back. His eyes crinkled from the serious look directing to her.
“We already know that every adventurers who set their foot on this place had never comeback”
“I thought the race of dwarves are said to be portraying the image of strength and power. I guess bravery doesn’t correspond to those characters –Droma”
“Ye want ta test my bravery ye damned monkey?!”
“Bring it on you filthy bullfrog! –I`ll incinerate you with my highest destructive magic”
“” –grrrrrrr”” This out-of-nowhere bickering caused the serious atmosphere to heated up. Now both parties grow hostile.
All the adventurers came to a sudden halt. They seem to be feeling unease caused by the two people in front. They quietly observe the two them. The Elf slowly raise her left hand and face if to dwarf. A magic circle slowly appeared on that hand.
Sensing the danger, the dwarf also slowly grasp the hilt of his two-handed battle axe which sling behind his back. The battle axe glint with a raging ochre light.
Annoyance and irritation pasted on the captain`s visage. His nerves bulges from his forehead.
Amidst of this situation, before the two of them can make their move. The captain of the group, suddenly step in-between them.
“Will you please stop this skirmish? –We are on the middle on reconnaissance. You two are the commander of warrior ranks and mage ranks… please reflect your action based on your position”
The two stop their bearings and lower their heads.
“All right… Now let`s stop for now. Since we are already one step away from the center of this place, I want you to group you self in three –2 groups with six members and 1 group with 4 members. Groups with six members will compose of 3 mages and 3 warriors each. The remaining 3 will come with me. This is the real mission begin. We are the guild of [silver shield]! We are the most powerful adamantite rank guild in all of the kingdom. That’s is why the king himself are entrusted with this mission to investigate this dangerous place. Everyone let`s show them who are the adventurers of the guild of [Silver Shield]!!!”
All of the nodded in unison as they forget the tension and uneasiness a while ago. They were now filled with vigor and courage
They begin to assemble themselves in to their respective group. Each and every one of them prepare themselves to the approaching dangers which will come to the uncharted place. As everyone was full ready, they marshal in the beckoning of the leader.
“Now let’s roll–“
The captain in front step his one foot forward
At the same time, all of a sudden, the sound of the forest become mute. The birds which chirping abruptly stop the same way as insects which buzzing until now. The sky which was bright and clear and free from obstruction, slowly engulf with dark clouds coming out of nowhere. The darkness of the clouds is strange itself –darker than an average thunder clouds –like an advent of a great disaster that will unravel at any moment.
The whole group quickly seize their movements. Their glorious valor was now replace by a subtle trepidation. With no time to waste, all of them move to their battle formation. They sharpen their senses to their surroundings. The warriors slowly bound their weapons and the mages raised their staves –each with different colors and symbols of magic circles for different purposes –they begin their incantation of magic to augment their attacks and defense. All vanguards step forward. And the mages were in the rear guarded by few warriors.
“I can sense something moving slowly towards us”
“What’s the appearance? How many?”
“It`s impossible for me to discern one`s appearance by just recognizing their magic but for their numbers“
Alenia pause for a moment and say “only one”
Despite of the number mentioned, they don’t drop their guard down and focused to the front –Except Dormo.
“hahaha only one?!” Dormo dryly laugh the words of Regina. It seems that his wary act a moment ago was defeated by the resurfacing arrogance. He seems too confident to underestimate one danger beast.
“I already killed [Rank A] difficulty [danger beast] all by myself. And the most powerful danger beast in the forest of Vigan in our Dwarf Kingdom. This monster poses no threat… ye can rest easy while putting my bravery in to action –“
Then he paused and haughty shows a face full determination accompanied by seriousness and added “All by self”
From his position, he fiercely walked passing through the frontlines and stop a little further ahead.
He focused his eyes in front. And he found—
What reflected on his eyes is a lone large radiant grey wolf sitting on large rock. The said creature was not scary at all –horror, savage, and ferocious beast with a drooling saliva coming out from its sharp fangs like usually perceive in adventurer`s stories –what he saw was nothing like those description. The wolf`s furs grey with white color. Its eyes were ripe lemons but there is no hostility. Mysterious aura radiates from depths of the creature. [Danger beast] was not the word to be used –majestic beast will fit.
The party had freeze up in their position with their mouth agape. All eyes were fixed to the majestic creature. Sooner than Dormo was about to speak. The beast spoke first.
“Greetings travelers… this is the sacred land of Queen Octavia, which now what it was currently called by your tongue [Island of death]. I am but the guardian of this place which is you called third region. I have but one job that is to protect this territory. If you truly value your life, go back and never set your foot here again and no harm shall be put upon you”
The white wolf had a like a voice of an iron maiden –calm but serious voice.
It can talk!? And it’s a female! Impossible! There were no incidents ever happen like this before! This land is not normal! We should retreat immediately! This thoughts circulate around their mind in shock, surprise and confusion. In amidst of this turmoil, the leader speak in a low voice like of a whisper to the ears of the elf.
“What is the rating level of its magic and also its overall power?”
“For its offensive status, I assume the magic is [level 10]…. And since it’s a danger beast with unique features, its strength and speed are far greater than of human. Maybe both are [level 10]. For its defense status, resistant maybe around 5-6, and its immunity around 4-5, which means-”
“Its power level is 41, [Ranked A]” Captain shows a sign of relief. An ominous grin emerged in his face.
“If it’s like that, then I think we should capture it. The enemy poses no threat against three [Rank A] and seventeen [Rank B] adventurers. Besides we can get huge amount of bounty if we sell it to the traders…. This one is in the bag”
Regina also shows the same expression and nodded—
“I will inform our troops about this. [Telepathy]”
She apprise immediately all the adventurers. Sooner than later, all of them are now showing with smiles of greed. They now have a clear objective in situation. Dormo –who was in the frontal part followed up his answer—
“hahaha…. That is some courage yer showing, I like it. But it`s seems yer no in position to bluff like beastie. How `bout ye submit yer self to us. That way, we can save ourselves from `hurtin ye. What da ye say?
The wolf close its eyes gently. A heartbeat later, he open his accompanied with killing intent
“Foolish mortals! Disrespecting me is an invitation of death. You just wasted the kindness of Lord Haven. Death shall befall to those who folly!”
The mischievous adventurers were taken aback of her words. Their evils grins were replace fear.
Why? Why are they in shock by words of the wolf? They have the advantages of the situation whether it`s in terms of quality or quantity. But Why? The reason was none other than the words of the wolf itself. The wolf was clearly full of rancor and disdain. There was no sign of forgiveness in her tone. The wolf has a clear meaning to what she is saying. Unshakeable truth that was felt apparently on those sharp words. Adventurers, whose life is always traversed in line between life and death. They trained their mind and body which makes them aware of an incoming danger and solved the predicament with the best discretion. And their sixth sense recognize this predicament they were in.
The adventurers hold their breath and waited unbudgingly.
“awooooOOOOooooohhh” a thundering howl was reverberated to the whole island. The wolf apparently emanated a killing intent aura.
Realizing this, Dormo lift his battle axe. He poured his mana and to said weapon –the ochre light shrouds. He began charging towards the white wolf like a loose arrow. But he stop immediately halfway—
What was that?
He suddenly felt a tinge of danger and broke out a cold sweat. Similar to the people behind his back.
I can feel multiple footsteps coming from every direction. T-these are—
“Wolves are coming in towards our direction!!”
Before the Dormo can finish its train of taught. The elf Regina shout the incoming Armageddon.
“What`s their Power level and how many!?”
Sensing the abnormality around, the captain bellowed a question at her. Regina`s Face was pale and in a state of shock. A visible fear was pasted on her visage. Large beads of cold sweat fell from her face. She muster an amount of courage to answer while stuttering.
“I-It’s… It’s a [Ranked A].... F-Five hundred of them!!!]
Those words had passed through all the ears of the adventures. All faces are white. They trembled in terror for the coming storm of death. All of the courage and valor disappeared like a popped bubble. They lost their ability to fight to their fate. All hope were clearly lost. Except for him—
“All forces retreat while in defensive position!!! Mages chant your [Flying Carpet] spells and combined into one whole while running. We are all going to jump up while when you start flying—
“C-ca-captain?.................. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!”
Before he can finish his instruction, the captain`s head had been hit by an unknown force causing head burst forth. Not even his helmet –which is made from the mithril –one of hardest metal and also reinforced by magic— could not withstand that assault and it shattered in pieces. His deep red blood spurted like a fountain coming from neck. Everyone had no time to grieve. They ran so fast, and so hard like their life depends on it. No… their life literally depends on it. It’s only a matter of minutes before those savage beast can bear their fangs on their necks. All the mages cast [fly] spells –faster than the than [flying carpet] –for them to travel to air faster and higher with a little cost of mana. They have no time to think about the warriors who were fleeing to ground. It`s every man for himself now –like a school of [stickleback fish] which has lost its leader.
Dormo –who was in frontal area –throw down its battle axe and its extra armor. He burst forth running faster than those adventurers who are retreating as he passed through them.
Only Alenia remain—
She staggered and plopped down on her knees supported by her arms beside his decapitated captain likes puppet whose strings were cut. Her eyes were shot wide while staring on his remaining body. Her hands dripped on the puddle of blood. No fear can invade inside her heart as a ravaging anger searingly surging. Vengeance was the word inside her head. She absolutely not planning to run away. She made up her resolved, she turn her head to face the white wolf—
She was dumfounded. Unable to discern what situation takes place, her face which was supposed furrowed on anger was immediately returned to the state of perplexity. She was looking at the wolf.
What`s with that look? Why!? Why are you also so confused!?
She can`t understand the white wolf. Her eyes filled shaking in shock and confusion similar from hers. She want to know but she can’t…. She don’t know why….. It’s like she was looking at mirror…. They both have the same expression.
Several seconds later and she realized—
Something is wrong…
She twist her neck and look around. She noticed something—
What reflected on her eyes was none other than the absurd actions of the wolves. They all sat up and bowed their heads like they submitting themselves in something unknown. Something out of ordinary is clearly happening here.
Why did you stop? Why are you bowing your heads?
Is it the black dragon? –which was the most powerful beast in the Island –No… the black was on the other side of this section and there`s is now way a guardian will bow down to another guardian. Then, who is it? This is thoughts circulate in her head. She can’t grasp the situation. A few heartbeat later—
--Throb……throb…..throb….throb…throb..throb.throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb, throb,
What!? Why is my heart beat so hard and so loud?...... Its feels like something is gripping my heart. It’s so hard to breathe…. What is this!? I’m feeling intensely terrified. I don’t want this… someone please stop this!!! Something is approaching here…. Something is….. It’s feels like—
--Its death himself.
She turned her back on the white wolf. She fixed her vision into her fleeing comrade –Not because she want to spent her last moments facing her comrades –It is because she doesn’t want turned her face in the direction where the white wolf –whence the killing intent aura is.
While staring at them in horrible and hopeless situation—
Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!, Pierce!
She almost forgot to breathe at the scene reflected on her quivering eyes.
All the warriors which running on foot below suddenly lifted upward about eight meters above the solid ground, supported by a protruded stake of a solid earth –which pierced their sagging bodies in the air. Blood flows gently though the stakes. The fleeing flying mages also noticed horrid scene happened to their comrades. Trepidation swallowed their entire existence as they cruise to air faster than they was before. Getting faster on their route –but their speed drops momentarily instead. The climate becomes windy all of a sudden. A moment later gushing tornado was formed on those dark clouds –descended from above to the heart of silent forest –pulling every adventures in center of the scourging vortex like dust being sucked on a vacuum cleaner.
Large numbers of trees were pulled out from their stand. The beautiful landscape with a satisfying scenery was devastated. The bodies which pierced high above was nowhere to be found including the mages.
It’s without a doubt a total wiped out.
Regina was the only on left.
Her face was blank –devoid of any emotions –she clearly knows that next would be her turn to die.
The powerful killer aura was already beside her. She closed her eyes gently –a single bead of tear escaped from the corner of her eye.
Mom…. Dad…. I coming home soon…..
Sooner before her tears reach the ground—
The deadly atmosphere I have felt…. disappeared all of a sudden? This thoughts circulated on her mind. All she can felt was a satisfying comfort. Peaceful aura wafted through the surroundings. Danger was gone like someone from heaven had descended. Warm sweat gushed out from her body.
Is it magic? No, there`s no magic coming from the creatures beside her. Maybe it`s a trickery was devised here. No, that’s even more impossible. She can’t figure out what is really happening here. It’s always has been. There’s already no threat she felt in this situation. So she takes the courage to take a look at the creature beside. And again, no expression was shown on her face but bafflement at the creature looking down at her.
“You really are fond on surprises and shocking moments…. seriously”
What she saw beside her was boy wearing a long white cardigan coating a white military-liked clothes, accompanied by blacked-striped white hat. His eyes was the same color of his hair which is silver. His skin was glowing with fair ivory tone. And eerie aura gushing from his existence. The appearance overall was like he came from a family of royalty. His voice like an angel –so pacific but there was a sarcasm on the words he spoken. His expression was forlorn and stoic and somewhat lethargic.
The stamp his foot twice. She witness how wrecked landscape fix itself. The stakes that protrude retracted. The dredged earth slowly bulge out, making earth even. New trees protruded, replacing the every pulled-out ones. The dark clouds dissipates from above. Azure sky can be seen in the naked eye. The light shines warmly which balanced by the cool breeze. Everything was normal from the way they was before. It was like nothing happened.
The fast recovery of the land is beyond explanation, beyond comprehension. No magic can keep up especially absurd rejuvenation. A damage area normally can be fixed within a month. But in a matter of minutes….. Hats off.
She was still wearing the same expression while contemplating everything that transpired. She looks back at him. Both of them made eye contact.
She open her mouth but no word had escaped –unable to speak that her mouth repeatedly opened and closed –She gather enough courage to speak. But before she opens her mouth again, the mysterious male spoke first.
“Go home and never comeback. This is the only salvation I can offer you”
Regina was given no time to speak as the white-clad male slowly turn his back on her. He walked forth with while the hem of his clothes fluttering on a gentle breeze. Sooner followed by the white wolves and its subordinate.
All was left is Regina sitting down at the blood pool beside here. The figure of the boy disappear from the distance.
The warm bright light shone defeating all the darkness in surroundings. Cool breezes blew gently through his face. The boy saunter across the heart of primordial trees. Together by his side, the white wolf asked the boy clad in white—
“My liege, is it okay for us to spare that woman. I do not see what benefits that girl will brings to us”
“She will be the message”
The Boy did not reply immediately.
He continue walking and came to a sudden halt. He looked to the sky and nodded.
“To inhibit them from disturbing my peace”
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