《Judas Valiant: Chorus of the Machine Giants》Chapter 5-2: Granas, Creature Of Creation


To Lian's surprise, the orbs appeared to have an oddly familiar marking, almost as if he had seen them many times before. Curiosity began lifting Lian’s shaking hand and hovered it cautiously towards the orbs. He then carefully extended his index finger, hoping to touch the mysterious orbs.

“Hello boy!!!” Shouted a voice alarmingly.

“Jee-!” Jumped Lian.

It was a jump scare of a lifetime. Lian perked up like a cat in fear of the close voice. His hand inadvertently jabbing forward while stumbling clumsily.

“Woah.” Thought Lian after briefly touching the orbs.

“It’s slimy…?” Said Lian aloud, rubbing his index finger on his thumb.

After touching the orbs, the room came to an eerie silence. The orbs seemingly vanished into the darkness. It was then that Lian heard a teary yelp accompanied by the sudden emergence of the orbs, only this time they were violently changing in colors.

"A ghost!?" Yelled Lian.

"My eye! You Gnashgab of a creature! The pain, how unimaginable!" Yelled the voice somewhere in front of Lian.

The accent behind the voice was burly, gruff, and yet familiar. It was something Lian could almost say was British, except the voice had a burpy way about it, something animal-like.

"Your eye!?" Asked Lian.

"Hey let's be nice, said Granas! Hey, let's introduce myself to this fool of a human, said Granas! Hey, how about I get my blooming eye poked by the little lubberwort!" Screamed the voice.

“I’m sorry sir. I can’t see.” Said Lian.

“Eh?” Said the voice.

Lian heard a loud snap come from the direction of the voice. He would only back peddle towards the entrance in fear.

“I’m really sorry sir. I-it was an accident.” Said Lian with a horrified gasp.

“I heard you, creature.” Said the voice in retaliation.

Expecting something of a monster, Lian cocked his foot forward in a position ready to run.

“Move a muscle boy, and I’ll have the Primarian Arc’s dogs here in time for only the bones that will remain of you.” Said the voice.

Lian froze in anticipation. He could only imagine what kind of creature possed eyes the size of dinner plates. Lian’s eyes shifted like that of a scared mouse, frozen between a trap and a potential exit. Loud flopping and slapping noises approached Lian as the room began to lite up with a spiral of warm orange light flowing from deep below the platform.

“There called Fire Musca.” Shouted the voice.

“Spirits of New Dwarden, living essence of the life we all share in this land.” It continued.

The warm-orange light slowly revealed the symbol riddled platform Lian was standing on and the seemingly infinite hollowed wooden tube-like room it resided in. At the center of it all stood a disturbing looking creature, gazing at Lian like an ant under a magnifying glass. Standing across the enormous platform was a colorful frog-like creature with something of a warm illuminating halo above it. Despite it's echoing low and gruff voice, the creature was deceptively small. Its characteristics appeared to be a mix between a lemur and a frog, although physically it was far larger than both.

Although primarily portraying "lemur-like" characteristics, the creature stood on two legs like a human, just barely shorter than Lian’s 5 foot 11 inches. Its head was almost purely frog-like but almost the entirety of the rest of the body was lemur, only much larger. Its arms easily swung under its knees like a slimy metronome and its long bulbous fingers were almost touching the floor. The creatures throat expanded like that of a frog and it’s tail -about half its body size- was hairy and stocky.


"Woah...You’re kind of like a frog!? What!? What are you! You’re...yo-?" Yelled Lian rapidly, gazing upon the creature.

"And you stepped on my foot -scratch that- you crushed my foot and poked my eyes! Now then. The obvious has been settled." Said the creature.

"You're a frog! You don't talk...do you?" Said Lian accidentally aloud.

“You’re not from here human boy.” Said the creature suspiciously.

"You’re a human. Your wazzock of a race only spit insult after insult knowing full well the only thing they insult is their own kind when they arrogantly deme anything that isn't their species below them.” Said the creature proudly.

“I’m sorry sir, I didn’t mean to offend you.” Lian responded shakily.

The creature approached Lian with powerful high jump, huffing and puffing its throat as it locked eyes with him. Lian could only ready his legs to run as the creature landed a couple feet in front of him. The creature huffed his throat and walked cautiously towards Lian, growing inch after inch before his eyes until finally, it stood to tower before Lian; its body stretched uncomfortably thin but it’s diamond-patterned eyes as sharp and threatening as ever.

“You know, I heard humans were fools but I didn't expect to meet with one so soon. Especially one so eager to bring a younger newt and a fox into the flames. Innocence does not burn so different wurble.” Said the creature, suspiciously walking around Lian.

“I brought you here wurble. The Fire Musca obey me here boy. This is my domain and I am in charge of the life that takes a breath in these halls. I don’t know who you are wurble, so why is it you smell so familiar?” Taunted the creature.

“You brought me here? How did you know I was lost?” Asked Lian.

“I didn’t, you just told me that little monkey. I merely smelled a new yet familiar scent and led you here with the Fire Musca. I wanted to see what kind of idiotic creatures was breaking a most punishable rule myself and what such a creature would be doing alone.” It continued.

“I’m making my way back to the festival sir.” Said Lian cautiously.

“Uh-uh-ah, no wurble. Do not take me as a fool. Here in New Dwarden, the festival you hear outside is also a 3-day population consensus retreat. It is a time where the Primarian Arc houses it’s individuals in fancy new homes to search their own. Next time you try and lie, try not to fool one with a lie concerning there own home.” Said the creature pompously.

Lian froze stiff in fear, knowing full well he cannot run from the creature before him and this case...even lie.

“Boy liven up! You look like you’re already in a coffin.” Laughed the creature.

“Look. If I had wanted you dead, you’d be dead. Because why? Those are the rules here in New Dwarden. The Arc have already checked this home so you're in the clear from there oblivious perspective...but not mine.” Warned the creature.

“Now clearly you are not from here and I’ve an idea as to where you been, so come clean if you please or I may not be so polite er...merciful.” Continued the creature with a wide smile.

“I aw-woke in an alley. Here.” Stuttered Lian.

“Uh-huh.” Said the creature.

“I was weak. I could only walk a couple of steps before I fell unconscious. There is not much to my story because I simply don’t know. I have something of an amnesia, and was taken in by a group of people somewhere- I-don’t where or who because they...they covered my eyes and threw me into these halls.”Explained Lian nervously.


The creature stared passionately into Lian's eyes, sniffing loudly around him. He looked closely at the baby on his back and even pet the relaxed fox behind him as well.

“You passed the test, monkey.” Laughed the creature loudly.

“Test?” thought Lian.

“Listen here, wurble! Frogs are the creatures on the street, those of which dwell near sewers and canals of the like! I am not a frog..., while those creatures do share some of our traits, we are far evolved, such is the nature of the monkey some of you humans grew from. I am of the glorious race Xi-Fu. Glorious chemist! Excellent blacksmith! We Xi-Fu pride ourselves in our creation's so do not compare us to frog, chimp. I...the far superior Granas, realize that you are of a younger human and friend of the one named Lenelia.” Said Granas with a smile.

“You’re friends with her!?” Asked Lian.

“She is the exception to you Lubberworts.” Said Granas with a grimace.

“She is doing you a huge favor boy. I don’t know who you are to her, but you're doing that family a huge disservice if you were to be caught down in the parade. You will likely kill them all if the Arc catches wind of you.” Warned Granas, his eyes shifting from its original yellow to red.

“The baby behind me is deathly sick. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t have to sir.” Said Lian with a rock of guilt in his voice.

“It's Granas, wurble.” It replied.

“My name is Granastialas or Granas for short. I can imagine a monkey such as yourself has a circus name...no?" Scolded Granas as he pointed his long slimy fingers at Lian.

"To-Tony..." Whispered Lian under his breath.

"Louder human, you may not have as big as mouths as we Xi-Fu have but I know your species are the loudest relative to the size of their mouths." Taunted Granas.

"My name...My name is Ezekiel!" Responded Lian loudly, far too nervous to state his real name, although his intent was purely that.

"Well Ezekiel, the little wurble said you were coming and that you were a friend of the family. She didn’t quite say your name because she had forgotten to ask you in all the chaos of your quote arrival.” Said Granas suspiciously.

“But your story checks out, even that of the sickly newt.” Continued Granas.

“Lenelia knew…. Thank you Taylum. I really feel horrible now.” Thought Lian, his head bowed under Granas’ wide chin.

“Let me ask you this boy.” Said Granas while grabbing Lian’s head and pointing his eyes onto its own.

“You said you have amnesia but you remember this newt is sickly. What is it that you don’t remember and what is it that you do?” It continued prodding.

“I hardly remember anything before my arrival to this town. The only thing I remember from where I came from was its name, everything else is disappearing like...sand through my fingers. Every second is like a grain of that sand and that baby’s condition and fox is one of the few things I can still remember without fail.” Said Lian.

“Interesting. And you are willing to put this family's life in danger for the possibility to save that of yours.” Said Granas, his demeanor more condescending than ever.

Lian’s face grew bright with guilt and his eyes watered at the realization that he indeed had to essentially risk another family for the sake of his own.

“Well?” Asked the towering creature.

“Yes.” Mumbled Lian, his voice trembling once more.

"I can't hear you, wurble! Are you gambling with that families life!?" Shouted Granas, his voice powerfully echoing through the entirety of the room.

"I...I...yes...Granas please..." Said Lian. His voice violently quivering.

“How very... human of you. Disgusting.” Said Granas, bowing Lians eyes back toward the ground.

“Do you truly think you have more value than that family in there?” Asked Granas, his voice painfully stern.

“No.” Said Lian, his head bowed ever lower.

“You are an adolescent of your species, therefore this choice you have is likely difficult. Should you want to stay, turn back now, and that family’s life is likely sparred. Should you continue, risk not only your life alongside the newt and fox but risk the lives of everyone in that room.” Warned Granas, his widening diamond eyes rapidly shifting between red and yellows.

“Look at me, Ezekiel!” Shouted Granas.

"Look at the choice you're going to make!?" It scolded ever louder.

“This fate may have not been your choice, but it is here you have one very difficult one to make. That family of that little girl has been in my care for a long time now! You stand here bowing your head at the prospect of using there lives as a piece to wager for the family that is your own!” It continued.

“It’s not my own choice. It’s not!” Cried Lian looking up straight into Granas’ piercing eyes. His tears building generously under his eyes.




..............choice" Said Lian, his voice piercing through his gritting teeth.

Lian’s body seemingly crumbled under the weight of Granas’ unfiltered words. Lian became existentially disgusted. Granas’ general disgust for humans had value in each one of his words. It’s a kind of truth most people don’t want to hear. Lian’s father would often discuss the atrocities of humankind with Lian's mother. His marvelous city, his beautiful home, his loving family, Lian’s father discussed them all; including all the horrors only mankind could especially provide. The murder, the rape, the butchering of animals, all over a glass of alcohol after dinner; all when Lian was supposed to be in bed. His staggered words would often veer into: not good enough, they hate me after all I did, and disgusting. The conversation would get so bad sometimes, Lian would cry peering through the rails of the stairs, watching downwards as his mother embraced his father.

“It’s not…” Cried Lian, his voice trembling.

“Tell me, wurble, what is your choice in the matter.” Said Granas while crouched and leaning into his ear.

“I have to go.” Said Lian, his tear wiped away by his forearm.

“So be it.” Said Granas, rising from his squat.

“You’re not wrong to hate humans.” Said Lian quickly as Granas was rising.

“We’re sick, we’re proud, we hate just because we can’t love, but worst of all...we can easily walk all over each other. I...I care for that family b-but I choose to save this baby! If that makes me garbage, then so be it!” Shouted Lian, his fist clenched with guilt.

“No Ezekiel, that makes you human.” Said Granas, his head turned, ready to jump away.

“I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that family’s secret remains a secret and they remain safe. I promise Granas, with my life.” Said Lian confidently.

“Like hell, you will wurble. Don’t make a promise you can’t keep.” Shouted Granas while sifting through a bunch of sacks around the railing of the platform.

“You will not leave without drinking this Ezekiel.” Said Granas, his long fingers dangling a vial of red liquid.

It was odd, but Granas seemingly lowered his guard a bit. Lian had picked up somewhat of a softening in his glare which was previously filled with hate and suspect.

“What is it?” Asked Lian.

“It’s Tameric.” Replied Granas.

“What is it do?” Asked Lian.

“Drink it and I’ll tell you.” Said Granas, while approaching Lian.

Lian was grateful to Granas, as he indeed knew that he was merely acting this way because he cared for the family that cared for him or at least Lenelia. He knew that if Granas were to trust to him, then he’d have to trust it.

Lian nodded his head in response to Granas and began drinking the mysterious red vial. He coughed and hacked for a bit and returned the vial right back into Granas’ extended arm.

“It’s a concoction that further withdraws your memories. Since you have amnesia, you should have no problem as you won’t really won’t remember anything from the last sun cycle. It’s a little ironic, isn’t it? It should begin to take effect anymore between one hour and three hours. After that, all your memories of here will be Kapoof!” Explained Granas, its eyes looked at Lian’s bleak looking own.

“C’mon, let’s take you into New Dwarden. You've made your choice.” Said Granas, his voice somewhat hopeful.

“Thank you Granas.” Said Lian, his eyes once again hopeful.

“For delivering you to death, no thank you. If you somehow make it, then you thank me by never seeing me again.” Retaliated Granas swiftly.

“Are you ready to go? High up in the sky!?” Shouted Granas while drinking from different colored vials.

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