《Judas Valiant: Chorus of the Machine Giants》Chapter 5-7: Onward! Into new Dwarden!


"Wait a minute! The baby you carry around is sick?!" Taylum asks in utter surprise.

"Yes! Very sick and I need to heal him as soon as possible! This can be my ticket!" I shouted towards Taylum as I sat up in anxiety.

"Why are you all of a sudden talking like you stubbed your toe? You do know you're an Exiled right? A foreigner? Did Nessiah's words not get into that thick head of yours? You will be brutally tortured if caught!" Taylum Scolded.

"I don't see any other option here! Do you have medicine!?" I screamed annoyed.

"Let's calm down and back it up Lian. Whatever sickness your baby has won't get healed by you screaming in my ear." Taylum furiously responded.

I sat in silence. Taylum was right. According to Nessiah, the New Dwarden government will commit horrors to me if I am caught and according to them I don't live here; I am part of this weird religion called Aeronean, and I have amnesia.

At first the enigma seemingly sent me to New Dwarden at random, but now I'm beginning to see the connection. Could it really be? A light at the end of the tunnel so soon.

"And to answer your question, we practically live in an orphanage! Something like medicine is a luxury we can't afford and I’m certain you're not carrying a single talon either! " Taylum furiously responded.

"How long does this festival last?" I asked.

"One more night." Taylum replied reluctantly

"Look..." Taylum heavily sighs.

"Even if I believed in these Mad Madaci, they are incredibly expensive, like life savings expensive. Let’s just go hunting for jobs tomorrow... OK. I promise, just lay low for tonight rest and think it over, there is no need to die tonight, trust me, I would know." He continued.

It was as if my mind screamed for me to head towards the bustling festival. I appreciate Taylum's concern but he doesn't know what’s at stake here, nor can he know. If there is a chance in front of me to end all of this and to see my parents again, then I will charge towards it. The baby I hold in my possession is a random time bomb, one of which I cannot afford to see go off.

"Yeah... tomorrow... Taylum." I muttered.

"Promise!" Shouted Taylum while grasping my white T-shirt.

"You have to promise! You have to promise or I won't let Cannoli take you down from here." Taylum shouted even louder.

"Cut it out with the threats Taylum... I promise." I hesitantly responded.

"Gooooood! Great! Phew...you had me worried there." Taylum sighed in relief.

"Don't worry Taylum, I just got a bit worked up." I said with an odd confidence.

It took me a bit, but I managed to unwind after staring at the sky some more. Something about these Mad Madaci just compelled me to keep moving forward, every moment I wasn’t heading towards them felt like a sin. However, Taylum brought me here and I suppose I’m stuck up here until I can get back down. I won’t forget this family’s kindness, but the moment I have the chance I will move on.

"Lian! The Seraphim Chime IS HERE!" Whispered Taylum excitedly.

"What!? So soon?" I said as if I was sucker punched.

It took only a moment, but the sky above dimmed a shade darker and everyone anywhere stopped everything they were doing. It was absolute silence. The silence gave way to a heavenly gale of warm wind that blew away all remaining clouds and revealed a view of space, unlike anything I have ever seen. It was like every planet, every star, every meteor, every galaxy, everything was visible; New Dwarden seemingly confined inside a clear glass snow globe inches from endless luminous space. I was paralyzed and left to marvel at a miracle I wish my parents could even dream of.


After the warm gale, an odd tune began to emerge from the reverent silence. It became increasingly louder and louder until the tune effectively drowned out the sound of the world. This had to be the Seraphim chime, it was warm and embracing like an interstellar lullaby but had the qualities of an actual instrument. The entire city was indeed the instrument and you could almost hear the wind weave through each building! The city itself a song!

"How is this even possible?" I whispered toward Taylum.

"Weird shaped buildings dude... the Cherubim...they are basically "giant flutes" as you put it before. Music weaves in and out of them, essentially making the city a giant collective instrument for a short period of time." Taylum joyously explained.

"I thought so. A technical and musical wonder! I don’t remember much, but I think my parents... would have loved this." I muttered under my breath.

“Is the chime helping you remember!?” Shouted Taylum as he sat upwards.

“Not quite. I could only remember bits and pieces, and how things made me feel. Everything really gets blurrier by the second.” I said.

I wish I was lying, but I really wasn’t. It was as Eva or Evan said, my memory of my parents will eventually fade. I could feel it slipping through my fingers like sand already.

As quickly as the Seraphim Chime arrived it disappeared, leaving behind a big open bright blue night sky, a roaring crowd, and the indefinite continuation of explosive fireworks. The festival was truly a testament to the cities success and spirit, it was an amazing sight but a troublesome one as well; a grim reminder of my time limit.

Taylum was a boy who was seemed to be comforted easily, something I wish I had in common. He seemed to have fallen into a harmonized sleep after the chime finished playing. In his defense, the Seraphim Chime was so relaxing I also found myself relaxed and groggy. I couldn’t help but lie next to Taylum and Cannoli despite this newfound sense of duty.

"Hey, Taylum. I’m feeling pretty sleepy, should we go back to your house?." I asked.

"Huh!?" Taylum yelled extremely loudly as if woke from a long sleep.

"Do you always do that Taylum?" I said while laughing.

"No..." Said Taylum coughing.

"Oh yeah, Lian it's definitely time to go home, I'm beat. Let's go Cannoli." Taylum commands exhausted.

Shortly after a heart-stopping ride down the side of the Cherubim, we arrived at the quiet sleeping household. Only this time, Taylum and I may have been actually too sleepy to yell.

"Thanks, Cannoli, go to sleep it's getting late for you too." Taylum stated as he and I got off the creature.

The poor exhausted creature collapsed onto the balcony with a slimy thud. I don’t think Taylum quite realized how exhausting traveling vertically was too it, although he did notice that the creature was incapable of moving any further without rest so he did what any person would do and grabbed a small blanket from his room throughout over Cannoli’s head. It was heartfelt, and I’m sure the creature appreciated it as he fell asleep the moment the blanket touched his head.

"I know Cannoli...I am on that same creaky boat. Lian I'm going to sleep so take care of yourself and I will see you in the morning. I can barely stand right now. Go to the same little guest room you woke up in, the beds same as you left it I promise, oh and the baby and dog are sleeping in Nessiah's old room next to hers...I don’t know if she told you." Said a continuously yawning Taylum.


"Thank you. Goodnight Buddy." I whispered towards Taylum as he gives me a thumbs up.

After at least a long grueling hour awake, I made sure the whole household was sound asleep so that I may find a way to the bottom of this incredible structure. Even so, I felt extremely bad for betraying Taylum's promise and leaving this makeshift family so soon, but it feels like I have no choice.

This world was strange but it’s unlikely that the only way up or down would through Cannoli. It’d be strange not to have some kind of elevator or staircase in a building this size, although stairs would seem near endless.

There wasn’t much light, but the sky illuminated the house just enough to see my way around. I slowly creaked my door open from my room with my gathered belongings and a set of clothing generously reserved for me in a drawer. It took a moment to gather some courage but I tiptoed around the home looking for anything resembling an exit of some sort. Next to Nessiah's room was an odd looking wooden door riddled with locks and weird symbols. If it wasn’t for a small ray of light shining from beneath the door, I would have thought it was the entrance to a temple of some sort. After some more searching around the home, I could only conclude that the wooden door had to be an exit as every other door did not have any light glowing from underneath.

I could hear snoring coming from different rooms all around me, including one particularly loud one coming from Nessiah's room. If Taylum was correct than the sleeping baby and my fox should be close by.

It was just as Taylum said, with a slight push of a door I walked into a room too big to be considered a closet but too small to be a bedroom. It was dark but I could hear some pouting and shuffling from the fox as it struggled to escape the tiny metal box in which it was kept. The baby was kept in a small cot, unusually decorated with frogs and pearls. I felt guilty but, I had to move. Carefully, I picked up the baby in one arm and the tiny fox in the other and clenched both close to my chest. It took a moment, but I quickly got used to secure position.

Quietly, I moved the door open with my foot and made my way towards the exit only to be interrupted by a loud chewing sound.

"Um, what are you doing Lian?" Said Taylum while yawning.

"What are you doing still awake?" I tried changing the subject.

"Eating... I told you I was hungry..." Taylum tried speaking with large amounts of food in his mouth.

"Shhh... you're going to wake everyone quiet down. You said you were hungry over an hour ago..." I whispered defensively.

"I get hungry pretty quick. Hey! Hey, you're trying to sneak out Lian...you're breaking our promise." Whispered Taylum loudly.

"Shhhh! I have got no choice Taylum please understand.... This is some life and death stuff here man." I pleaded.

"This isn’t a game, I know this is life and death! I’ve been there! I rescued you from the alley so I'm not going to let you kill off a baby and maybe a dog because of your stupid mistake. You’re Aeronean, your gonna die out there! Anyone can tell you're not around from here if they just ask you one questions!"Taylum muttered while swallowing his last bit of food.

"I’m not stopping Taylum." I said while gritting my teeth.

“Fine.” replied Taylum.

Taylum reached into his front pockets and took out a pair of intimidating odd metal looking gloves filled with holes.

“Let’s do this fair and square, get through me and I’ll compromise. Don’t and you stay.” Whispered Taylum.

Where I come from, the word comprise had many meanings, especially when tension is high. Nevertheless, if Taylum were to yell the entire household may collapse onto me and stop me from moving anywhere. He had me trapped.

“What is this?” I asked suspiciously.

“Leave the baby and the dog in their room and follow me outside. Close the balcony door, so we don’t wake anyone. You’ll find out.” He replied confidently.

I did as he told. After leaving the fox and the baby in their respective rooms, I followed him towards the center of the balcony. It took me only a moment to realize this but Taylum appeared to be ready for a fight. He stood at the other end of the balcony stretching and getting into a boxing position. The balcony was like an arena and the glowing night sky only made it appear more dramatic.

"Ok...you were supposed to be scared of these gloves when I dramatically pulled them out." Taylum awkwardly laughed.

"Not even close." I muttered, although truly I was somewhat frightened.

“Knock me down and you win. I knock you down, and you win. Clear?” He asked.

“You just said this wasn’t a game, why are treating it like one now!?” I shouted.

“It’s not. But clearly, you think it is if you're just gonna walk the heck out of here. You think Nessiah and I would be cooped up in here if we could just do that!? If you can’t knock me down, then you won’t survive down there. Deal?” He explained with a serious grimace.

“Please, by all means.” I shouted without control.

I felt very afraid yet my exterior could only smile. It was like I could hear the enigma laugh and applaud this like a show. It was exciting. I had never gotten into a fight in my life yet Taylum had his own pair of gloves that he keeps on him. Should I be afraid? Should I stop? Absolutely...not. It was now or never.

Taylums face was as red as a Cannoli's fur and his weird sense of nobility was beginning to sicken me. Our eyes locked onto each other like missiles.

"I just got to know you Taylum. Please move." I forcefully spoke with the coldest of breaths.

"No." Taylum responded firmly.

"People's lives are at stake. Is that not what you fight for?" I shouted as I charged Taylum with a shaking cocked fist.

"Who's life, Lian!? Who's life!? Because right now, only your life, the dogs, and the baby's is at stake. Can't you see? You're dead out there! What if they interrogate you!? What if you tell them where we live!?" Taylum scolded as he dodges my first punch.

"Get out of my way!" I screamed as I turn and cock my fist at him once again.

"It is my duty as a Dominus Aeronean to stop-" Cried Taylum, interrupted with a quick and precise jab in the nose.

"Wow! Right in the nose! Please understand." I said as his eyes rolled into his skull and his body staggered violently backward.

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