《Judas Valiant: Chorus of the Machine Giants》Chapter 1-3: Rebirth Into Adventure (R)


Each thundering crack was accompanied by a loud snap and lightning streak on the mirror. My breath shook colder each second I looked at that mirror.

I backed further into the head of the bed until I was practically going up the wall. Anything to get away from the mirror. Voices of shouting and screaming children began to echo from the mirror and into the room. They grew so loud, I covered my ears and yelled louder so I didn't have to hear it.

"Am I dead? What is HAPPENING TO ME!?" I shouted again. No response. I'm too scared to move, too curious to close my eyes. I could only stay on the bed...staring. The voices spoke, so maybe I had to speak too. I just can’t. My lips feel frozen shut. What if they're demons? What if the voices in the mirror were demons? What about monsters? Maybe the monsters were real when I was a kid? I couldn't help but laugh hysterically at every thought that would come to mind. I made sure to try and laugh louder than any of the voices could speak.

One thought went to another and I found myself screaming: "HELLO, I'm here? God, I'm here.” No response. Not even from the voices. “YOU LEFT ME! B-BUT...but... I'm here, please...I need you..." I cried. This time something answered. It was faint but I could hear a voice from behind the mirror. The voice was distorted but it was definitely a response. The voices, they were like children, tiny things calling for me. "I hear! I hear you! I-". I tried responding.

One after another, muffled voices stacked eagerly on top of each other. "Who am I even speaking too?" I asked. The whispers echoed louder in response. Their collective ghostly voices snapping over one another.

"WEAK...! *chuckling "

A child...? *snickering...

It's FAMILY - how long has it been

don't do it - STAY DOWN *cackling ... useless


DO IT - Stay... ...poppa...

LET ME OUT! *crying/sniffling - Save me! *hysterical laughing

No.No.No. NO!

Mom...*gutted yelp - out...out...out... TIME TO COME OUT! - ...cold"

Once again the noise grew out of control. I cupped my ears trying to silence them, even just a bit…, just before I was going to yell all over again, the voices had snuck away and gone silent. I could hear them recede back into the walls and towards the mirror. Only a strange music box chime remained. The music, like the voices, sounded like a chorus of children singing alongside like a slow lanky waltz; it's a melody that made me feel strange, like medicine or something. As much as I tried to keep my eyes open, the music seemed like it was calling to me...calming me... each note dancing...matching my slowing heartbeats. The more it played, the colder the room felt.

Suddenly, the music box stopped playing and I could see my breath just in front of me. I quickly covered myself under the blankets of the bed. Maybe it was the cold but the mirror grew more cracks. Each crack snapping louder than before. Even worse, I don't know when but my reflection just disappeared from the mirror. I could feel frustration building inside me, hoping to wake up from a dream or nightmare that was going on for too long.

I stared into the mirror once more, desperately looking for my reflection until something above me caught my eye. Again, something had appeared between a blink. A small white and bony humanoid creature with long milky fingers and elongated pale feet hung over me like a gargoyle. It was like something between a horribly disfigured hairless human and a skinless lizard. I knew I heard teeth chattering, I just couldn't help but think it wasn't just my own.

I looked to where this creature was supposed to be and just stared. It didn't matter. I didn’t take long for me to figure out no matter where I looked, the creatures lives in the reflection alone. I stared into the mirror watching it observe me. The creature had independent moving marble-like black eyes that bulged forward the more it looked at me. Maybe it was searching for something.


The creature's stared on, twisting its head around like a loose swivel while its bones cracked and popped in a twisting symphony. After a loud echoing crack, it squatted at the mirror, seemingly ready to jump out of it. The creature shifted its head towards the entrance of the mirror and suddenly plunged its head into it with enormous force, eventually smashing straight through the mirror! It didn't care that the shards were digging deeper into its head with each savage thrust of its head, it just wanted out! Even then! The creature never broke eye contact with me...not once.

Maybe God was this thing. Maybe God is this scary creature. Maybe I’m supposed to be scared. I just watched on, watched it pull the rest of its body with brutal force through the cracked mirror’s opening as shards of glass would leave gaping wounds on its sides. It didn’t care.

I ended up closing my eyes. I couldn't help it, even if it was God. I can hear the creature gasp uneven heaves and breathes while its feet slap the wooden floorboards like wet socks. This is it, I had to see it! I had to see GOD! God knows why these things happened to me! As soon as I open my eyes, all my questions should be answered. This is it.

I slowly opened my eyes in anticipation and of course, there it was; never breaking eye contact. Before I can even speak, the pale figure curled into some kind of fetal position. I stared on as its chest rose and fell alongside its deep grunting and labored breaths. I could even see its spine protruding from its pale skin. "H-hello..." I forced myself to speak. The creature screeched in response, rolling its black marble eyes like a crazy animal. "God?" I asked hesitantly. The creature began to uncurl itself from the strange fetal position. As it uncurled, I could see everything on it was sticky and slimy. Strings of slime and sweat weaved around its joints like a spider's web.I inched toward it only slightly. I needed to see what God is. When I moved closer, it took notice immediately and crawled toward me in a rush. I froze yet again. My eyes now deadlocked to it’s. What’s it want?

The creature crawled closer and closer until it was right by my side. I couldn’t help but shout at it to stay away but every time I did it would just whistle loudly in return. Maybe it was silencing me. As it whistled its creepy melody, more of its bones snapped in place. Maybe I'm supposed to watch it grow; like watching a tadpole turning into a frog, only way more disgusting and human.

I could see it's little legs snap, getting longer every time it did. Its arms were no exception. After a pop and a snap, it would grow muscles in its arms like a veiny pastry rising in an oven. It continued to grow veiny and transparent. Everything growing and shuffling from its insides can be seen as clear as day. It's disgusting. When the creature finally found some success in standing, I just fell back further onto the head of the bed and in turn, the creature eagerly got closer to me. It's breath racing faster and more forced as it took a step closer...and closer… and closer, until finally, it's movements became...natural.

"Please. God, I'm your son." I begged. Staring at it climb onto my bed.

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