《Judas Valiant: Chorus of the Machine Giants》Prologue: Life Will Change


Staff and family alike rushed to the scene. Huffing and heaving transpired for lengths of time beyond any reason until finally after a day's half, a beautiful baby boy was born. His eyes were crystal blue with a hint of silver sheen. His hair, while patchy, appeared to be boldly blonde just as his business renowned father. Of course his nose and lips small and adorable; like his beautiful mother who has seemingly never stopped smiling upon the child.

3:00 AM

The boy was born in a small white and generously decorated square room within the prominent city hospital. His father towered over his mother proudly, eagerly anticipating even the faintest smile. "Look at little you." She whispered faintly. "Maybe he'll learn to smile sooner than you." She said giving off an exhausted smile to her husband.

He proudly nodded his head in approval, unknowingly wiping some tears from under his cheek. The baby's father was a slender olive-skinned man with a deceiving scowl and a demeanor only a corporation would align with, his presence alone was more than enough to compel a cold silence to the average individual; certainly, enough to repel socializing within doctors and staff in the Labor and Delivery room, until he smiled that is. "My boy!" He stated proudly.

The mother was a tall, beautiful, and light-skinned middle-aged woman. She was capable of easily breaking down even the toughest of exteriors; perhaps it was one of the reasons the boy's father was so attracted to her. His mother's radiant long hair was enough to awe a man and her intelligence would cripple any mind unfortunate enough to be unprepared; for her knowledge of engineering was her unmatched and even intimidating by most. Engineering and planning was her soul, although, after some careful deliberation and parenting classes, she appeared ready for something more.

Within several minutes, a large black private helicopter arrived at the roof of the hospital parting the waves of reporters and staff. Fortunately, hospital security took initiative and escorted the overwhelmed mother and father quickly towards the roof. Security rushed to pave a path to the rooftop, encircling the family tightly within there ranks, and parting onlookers like thick shrubbery.

Now away from the chaos and inside the safety of the helicopter, the boy's parents take a moment's respite to appreciate the stunning cityscape, marveling at the beloved city in which their beautiful son was born. Helicopter blades continued to gyrate in the whistling wind as the helicopter weaved through the night-lit cityscape. The sprawling cityscape was bright and unusually quiet... as if the city did not want to wake the child.

14 years later:

Royalties were not foreign to this family of three as business was at the pinnacle of success. Despite the many problems encountered with running a city, the family triumphed in a way that left them closer to each other every time. Business is booming, and the proud father had no issue showing some of that hard-earned success at there many homes.


Due to their status, many homes were often required for this small family; lest they encounter more aggressive paparazzi, nosy civilians, or crazed radicals. The father and the mother of the boy were avidly aware of the dangers of success. The mother would often whisper to her husband that the city they had nurtured was carefully grown and that it was no different from a simple rose -her favorite flower-, be it the color or the thorns, it was beautiful nonetheless. They were well aware of the thorns of this city, for this is the city that they grew from the dirt; the city of Embrace.

Now grown, the 14-year-old sprung from his bed and peered at the mirror directly across the room. The boy was short, scrawny, and light-skinned just like his father, yet he never grew tired arm flexing and finger-gun routine in the morning. Often inspired by his father, the boy eagerly puts on a similar jet-black suit and his specialty vibrant green tie -his way of distinguishing himself from his father- while succumbing to an adorable cowlick hairstyle from his mother. It seemed the only thing setting the boy apart from his father was his tie and a large silver necklace with a glistening platinum cross hanging down -courtesy of his mother on his 7th birthday- around the boy's neck.

Anticipation and excitement thickened the air on the clear blue summer day of his birthday. The city eagerly awaiting the start of an annual celebration, each more bombastic than the last. The boy's father made sure to supply the city streets with security, huge mouth-watering arrays of food ranging from American to Australian and everything in-between. Music would resound up and down the streets while the boy's mother led a large amount of the city's best dancers in strict order to host an unparalleled and unforgettable parade. It was a day of wonder and splendor. From the dawn of the sun to the break of the moon, the streets of Embrace was filled with hypnotic aromas of food, bombastic music, heartfelt performances, and infectious overflowing energy. It was clear that the city was just as excited for the boy's birthday as he was himself.

Midnight had crept in like an unwelcome visitor and the boy had exhausted his smile; the city not lagging too far behind. The parade was loud and memorable, -"as any birthday should have the privilege to be"- thought his parents as they gazed at the drowsy boy, but the time of celebration had come to a fizzling end. The party had one more surprise... however, the special family visit had to wait until the next day as the boy could hardly stand straight without keeling over like a sleepy piece of lumber. Within only a moment's notice, the boy's parents had already called upon a group of elite bodyguards to escort them inside a luxurious private jet atop one of their many business firms. It was only minutes later and the jet was already transporting the family to a vacation house off the coast of the city on a tiny island completely devoted to the family's recreation and privacy.


The Next day...

This is it! The boy woke up with a spring in his step, flailing his arms wildly in excitement. "It's time for the promised surprise." He huffed aloud. He had awoken in his incredibly detailed ocean themed room in the basement of his family's usual vacation home on the island. However, nothing was different in his room, even the toys lining up his walls was as normal as can be. "Not here..." he thought, jogging in place in anticipation.

The boy had rushed so fast into the bathroom next door to his room, he nearly tripped over his large collection of green army men, pointy as they sometimes can be. He quickly whipped his balance straight and ran for his toothbrush to begin brushing his teeth. He couldn't help but smile and laugh as his right hand began splashing water on his face and his left hand finished brushing. Whether his teeth were clean or not mattered little, to him, he was ready to spring into his parents' bedroom to claim his surprise or at least ask his parents where this surprise might be held.

The boy contemplated what he would receive as he scurried up his wooden basement stairs, uncharacteristically kicking open doors while dancing eagerly in the process. He quickly scanned the front end of the house for a sneak peek, just in case his parents decided to hide the surprise from him longer than he wanted. Of course, he quickly grew tired of waiting and prowling. Seconds later, his curiosity got the best of him. Slowly he crept upstairs so as not to wake his parents. With each step, he quickly became suspicious of the absence of just about everyone. "Where was the elder butler? Where were the big maid and her group of younger ones? Where the heck is anyone for that matter? He thought quickly as he continued to ascend the wooden stairs. Each step garnered more silence. No sign of any kind of staff. Sure this was a much smaller vacation home but still for the first time ever... the boy felt lonely.

The boy quickly shrugged the staff's absence off as a part of the surprise and continued to climb the stairway. In fact, after the touch of loneliness, everyone disappearing began to spur his anticipation to the point where he began singing for his mother all the way to the top of the winding stairs case and towards his parent's room down the hall. As he made his way through the hall he stopped at the big room belonging to the head maid. It was covered in a weird liquid. He began to hear the sounds of liquid slapping under his flip-flops as he investigated the room closer. "A flood?" wondered the boy, staring down at the strange thick liquid. "And what's that smell!?" He thought, grabbing for his nose. "Mom!? Dad!?" He began to call out towards the door until finally, he felt a strong grip descend onto his shoulder.

"Don't turn around kid. Everyone you know is dead and going to die. I'm going to kill you quickly as a mercy. Something your good for nothing father and mother never gave me or my families! Something they didn't give our city! Not a fucking soul gave a shit!" Ranted the voice.

The boy could feel the man's breathe warm his ear. He could feel the man's body shaking and smell the scent of smoke ooze from this man's breathe.

"Where's my Mom? Where's my Dad?" Muttered the boy, his teeth chattering alongside his body.

"Forgive me, father. Forgive me Lord. " Cried the voice behind the boy hysterically.

"What about my kid!? This city doesn't care about me! Or any of us! It never did! We're not here for revenge or for the money but judgment upon those who judged us. Fuck this city and fuck you! You hear me fuck you!" Shouted the voice.

The boy heard his mother beg the voice to let the him free. She screamed for the boy not to turn around. She warned him and yet... he did.

As the boy turned he saw a glimpse of his mother. She was tied up with a dark rope, tape hung from her cheek, and she was covered with dirt and blood. Two big men guarded her side, one man stood directly behind of him. The men were all covered in black as if they were part of some sort of military. They all had masks on. One was black with horns coming from its mouth and head, another had big black eyes covering the entire halves of its face and the man just behind the boy wore deep red goggles and a pale white mask with a crack where the mouth would be.

"We're leaving. Dump the body down the stairs. He will burn with this house." Commanded the voice as he struck the boy with a powerful jab.

Just as the boy began to make sense of things his vision darkened and his body gave way to the sharp pain on the side of his head. As he closed his eyes, he saw a glimmer of orange; a spark, right at his feet. It was at this second the boy heard his a drowned out blood-curdling scream. "What was she saying?" He wondered.

Everything seemed faded and slower. He tried listening for the drowned howls of his mother echoing further and further away while clouds of fiery red ash and smoke rose from around him in what felt like slow-motion. Moments later a rush of burning scalding pain took over his body. Somehow he could feel nothing but a floating kind of sensation, he could no longer feel his contorted arms or his bent legs. Everything had faded.

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