《Bridging The Gap; The Final Records In Unova: An Autobiography》Banned From The Bolt
Pidove. The Tiny Pigeon Pokemon. Pidove aren’t especially intelligent, but love the company of humans. They are often located in cities.
Excadrill. The Subterrene Pokemon and Drilbur’s evolved form. Their nests are located over 300 feet underground and they build amazing mazes to keep out intruders.
Elgyem. The Cerebral Pokemon. To protect itself, it may use its Psychic powers to squeeze its opponent’s brain. This Pokemon is typically friendly but very shy.
Cottonee. The Cotton Puff Pokemon. This Pokemon can shoot cotton from its body to distract foes, preferring not to battle.
Darumaka. The Zen Charm Pokemon. It prefers to live in the desert, enjoying the rough environment. When asleep, they pull their arms and legs into their bodies and cannot be tipped over, the internal flame in their bodies then shrinking.
Tympole. The Tadpole Pokemon. Tympole can communicate through vibrations and sounds, though it unknown what it is feeling to humans.
Galvantula. The EleSpider Pokemon and the final stage of Joltik. Multiple Galvantula will occupy the same tree at one time. When attacked, they create electric barriers.
Rotom. The Plasma Pokemon. They live in electric appliances, taking over the objects they possess. By doing this, they pull pranks on people and seem to get a thrill doing so.
Vaporeon. The Bubble Jet Pokemon and one of Eevee’s evolved forms when the Water Stone is applied. This Pokemon can breathe underwater, unlike Eevee’s other evolutions and Eevee itself, and can also melt into water, walk on water, and glide in the air for very brief periods of time due to its fins.
Electivire. The Thunderbolt Pokemon. This is Electabuzz’s evolved stage. Electivire can be brutes in battle, often unconcerned with their wellbeing when going into combat.
Magneton. The Magnet Pokemon and Magnemite’s evolved form. Magneton can emit peculiar radio waves that can damage electronic equipment and also raise the temperature slightly. They usually don’t bother humans unless provoked.
“Wow! You guys have some of the coolest Pokemon!” Ella exclaimed happily, looking up from her Pokedex.
Servine. The Grass Snake Pokemon and the evolved form of Snivy. Servine moves very quickly, appearing to be sliding when running along the ground. They keep their bodies clean to allow for proper photosynthesis.
Pachirisu. The EleSquirrel Pokemon. Full of energy, this Pokemon tires out those pursuing it. It may shock others when its body builds up too much electricity.
Druddigon. The Cave Pokemon. It warms its body by absorbing sunlight from its wings, but usually stays inside of caves.
Boldore. The Ore Pokemon. The evolved form of Roggenrola. The energy within its body is constant and is oozing out of its body in the form of the orange crystals found on them.
Gurdurr. The Muscular Pokemon. This is Timburr’s evolved stage. This Pokemon hangs around with its friends, often boasting about their huge muscles. It always carries around a heavy, steel beam.
Musharna. The Drowsing Pokemon. Munna’s evolved form. It is often found asleep, but always wakes up when spotted, implying that it is aware of its surroundings even when sleeping, though this is not yet confirmed and arguable to prove.
“Your Pokemon are really cool, too, Ella!” I smiled at her as I lowered my Pokedex.
“Yeah! I’ve never seen some of these Pokemon!” June added, squinting at them. “But that one is familiar to me.” She pointed at Pachirisu.
Ella looked down at her Pachirisu and smiled at it.
It looked back up at her and let out a cheerful cry.
“That’s my little Pachirisu,” Ella said, her voice lowering to a more gentle, calm tone. “They’re from the Sinnoh region, originally. Out of all the Pokemon I own, this is the only one not from Unova.”
“How did you catch one?” June asked curiously.
Ella didn’t take her eyes off of Pachirisu.
Pachirisu cried out and ran up to her, its tail on end, wagging swiftly.
Ella’s smile lessened and she kneeled down, petting her Pachirisu’s head.
Pachirisu squealed and crawled up her arm, running quickly around her shoulders and then disappearing under her white coat.
Ella laughed like crazy as she fell onto her back, yelling for Pachirisu to stop. Her coat swiveled and bulged as the electric squirrel ran underneath it, tickling Ella. “Pickles! Pickles!” she cried with laughter.
Pachirisu leaped from her coat and stood on Ella’s face.
Ella grabbed her Pokemon in her hands and sat up, breathing hard, smiling mischievously at her little Pokemon.
“Aww! You and your Pachirisu are really close!” June commented. “It’s like you’ve known each other for years! This is such a delight to see.”
Ella giggled. “Pachirisu is my favorite Pokemon. I love all of the many Pokemon I’ve captured, but me and Pachirisu…”
Her first Pokemon, Servine, as well as all of Ella’s other Pokemon, had their eyes on their Trainer and Pachirisu happily.
“What’s pickles?” I asked.
“That’s our safe word,” Ella explained. “I say it when we’re playing so he knows when to stop. Sometimes, he’s just a little too energetic and playful.”
“Ah, okay. That makes sense.”
“But, where did you get him from?” June asked again.
Ella looked down at Pachirisu and rubbed his head. “He was given to me,” she said softly.
“As a gift? From who?” June inquired.
The smile on Ella’s face faded, and she stood up, holding her Pachirisu. Sadness became evident and she silently returned Pachirisu to his Poke Ball. Soon afterwards, she had returned all of her Pokemon. She faced June and swallowed nervously. “I should change my shirt. He tore it up as he usually does. Excuse me, please.”
I swallowed nervously at the mention of her now torn up shirt.
She stood up and walked into the Pokemon Center that stood several feet away from us.
June and I exchanged glances before turning back to where Ella had left us.
“What did I say?” June asked, a hurt tone to her voice.
“You were being too nosey,” I scolded her, and returned my Pokemon to their Poke Balls. “You don’t need to ask people so many questions. You must have touched a sore spot.”
“I had no idea!” June’s eyes filled with sorrow.
“Well, let’s just not bring it up when she gets back, alright?” I insisted.
June returned her Pokemon and then sadly looked down.
June, Ella, and I had been standing outside of the Pokemon Center this morning, excited about starting a new day as traveling partners.
Ella had suggested that we show all of our Badges and Pokemon that we had in order for us to get better acquainted with one another. She had four badges, three of which were from Gyms I hadn’t encountered at all. The only Badge I recognized from her was the Trio Badge. She also claimed that she hadn’t lost to a Gym Leader so far.
After showing her my badges, Ella and I scanned each other’s Pokemon, Ella using her Pokedex to also scan June’s.
This is sure going to be a lot more different of a journey with me and June injured like this, I thought as I looked up into the sunny sky, a freezing cold breeze blowing nonstop into my face, forcing me to squint as my eyes watered.
“Hey, guys!” I heard a voice call out as the door to the Pokemon Center opened, and Ella came out with a big grin.
“Ella! Are you okay? I’m really sorry,” June apologized. “I didn’t mean to pry.”
I just said not to bring it up, I thought angrily, glaring at June.
Ella gazed into June’s eyes. “Don’t worry about it. Let’s just forget about it. I was kind of wondering where you guys wanted to go from here. I mean, since Elesa won’t battle me, and the news says that the Driftveil Drawbridge is still closed, the only real option we have is to head back from the entrance into Nimbasa City and get back onto Route 4, and then take a really long detour to the closest Gym, which would be…” Ella pulled out her electronic Town Map and touched the screen several times. “…Daint City. That’s where Fay, the Fairy type Gym Leader, is at. But it’s really deep in the woods and supposedly hard to reach.”
“But, I don’t understand why Elesa won’t battle you,” I said, looking at Ella’s perfect face.
“You can find out for yourself if you’d like,” Ella offered. “We should take a walk there. With the trains down, it’s not going to be a short trip, but we can talk on the way. We can swap stories and stuff about our adventures so far!”
“Sounds nice,” I nodded.
Ella’s dazzling smile glimmered at me, and I felt completely swoon by her.
“You know, if I didn’t want to see Elesa so badly, I’d stay at the Pokemon Center,” June said mysteriously, a sinister grin on her face.
“Huh?” Ella and I turned to June in confusion.
“You two look awfully cute together right now,” June teased. “I feel like a third wheel.”
My face grew intensely hot and I found myself rubbing each of my cheeks in turn with my left hand. “What are you talking about, June?” I snapped at her angrily. I was too embarrassed to even look over at Ella.
“Oh, now June, don’t feel threatened or anything, okay?” Ella giggled.
“Me? Threatened? Oh, not at all,” June said slyly. “In fact, I’d gladly stay behind and let you both battle Elesa, and I could visit her after you two have battled her and are healing your Pokemon, if you’d like. This will be a long walk to her Gym, right? All the more reason for you two to have a nice, roman-”
“June!” I growled angrily. “Please, stop.”
“Aww, Gary isn’t too interested in me, it seems,” Ella smiled at me. “I guess we should all travel together.”
“I-” I had no idea what to say. No. I knew exactly what to say! I just couldn’t get myself to spit it out!
Ella turned away, giving me a last second look, and led the way down the street.
June silently motioned towards Ella, her eyes on me.
“June, quit it!” I whispered sharply, and walked away from her and after Ella, wondering what I should say and do.
June followed behind us, getting used to her cane and busted foot.
Ella eagerly filled June and I in on her journey so far. She had managed to capture about forty-eight Pokemon so far, had been in about thirty battles with Pokemon Trainers, not including Gym Leaders, had lost about half of those matches, and hadn’t met Trixa at all since they split in Nuvema Town.
I told Ella that Trixa had been with me and June for a while before an argument drove her away. Ella seemed kind of upset that we had been fighting, and I could feel my heart pounding as I worried about what she thought of me as a person. I found myself trying to downplay the argument, painting Trixa out to be the overemotional one. A part of me believed that she was, but another part of me felt that I was the one who was in the wrong.
Ella laughed at me a little when I told her I only owned six Pokemon, but I reminded her that I also own ten other Pokemon back in Kanto before realizing that Ella still had more than twice of the Pokemon I did. Ella pointed this out, and I felt extremely stupid and got silent. She apologized to me, realizing I was now embarrassed, but I acted like everything was fine, secretly vowing to capture a truckload of Pokemon at every given opportunity.
June spoke on her previous work as a Gym Leader back in Kanto, and the hard work and pressure that came along with it. The same pressure that made her angry with her Electabuzz’s battling skills and drove her to evolve him, resulting in the sour relationship the two had for each other now.
Ella was drawn in by this story and gazed at June in shock, gasping as June detailed a lot of what had occurred on our journey through Kanto together.
My eyebrows furrowed when she mentioned the fights her Electivire and my Ivysaur got into often. Ivysaur, I thought bitterly.
I had once owned an Ivysaur, although I use the word “owned” loosely. Ivysaur was my late friend, Aly’s, chosen Starter. When the two had met, Ivysaur was only a Bulbasaur, and it was like love at first sight. They seemed like they were made for each other. But once Bulbasaur had evolved, she began to disobey Aly and would attack anyone and anything she wanted. When Aly died, Prof. Oak was having trouble taking care of Ivysaur due to her temperament, and asked me to raise her. I agreed to it, but found myself having the same problems Aly did. Ivysaur rarely listened to me, but won a few matches for me as well, usually disobeying my orders in the process. On the way to the Pokemon League, I had decided to send her out during a battle with a Trainer and realized that Ivysaur was no longer in her Poke Ball. Although June and I searched for her for a while, I soon accepted that she was gone for good.
“And you still haven’t sorted things out?” Ella asked June, a sad look on her face.
June smiled and shook her head. “Not yet, but I have hope that one day, we can put all of this behind us. I don’t blame him for his anger towards me. I really don’t at all.”
Ella nodded. “That’s still so sad, though.” She turned to me. “So, you have an Ivysaur, huh? That’s really cool. Is it in Kanto?”
“Um, she was,” I mumbled. “Ivysaur was like June’s Electivire. She didn’t listen to me. She pretty much hated me, really. She ran away from me before the Kanto League took place.”
“I guess everyone runs away from you, huh?” Ella smiled. “I hope you don’t scare me away, too.” She winked at me in a manner that made my body tremble and weaken.
I shook my head quickly. “She was just a more independent Pokemon, I guess.”
“Gary tried very hard with Ivysaur,” June defended me. “She really was a hard headed Pokemon.”
“Where are your Kanto Pokemon at? I was hoping you’d have some with you.”
I paused, my mouth open to speak. “I’m… Just still getting used to my Unova friends, here. My Kanto buddies are still with Prof. Oak. I’ll see about letting you see them, though. Right now, I’m still getting close with these six.”
“Hmm.” Ella’s head tilted towards me as her eyes forced their way into the very depths of my soul, to the point where I had to look away from her.
“Hey, that wasn’t too bad of a walk, huh?” Ella pointed ahead.
“Is that the Gym?” June gasped.
A building ahead of us stood out stunningly with its unique design of black bricks, streaks of yellow between each individual brick, and white zigzags along the front and sides. A white design involving a Poke Ball sat at the top.
“This is definitely it,” Ella said wearily and sighed. She turned to me. “Gary, good luck.”
I stared at her, confused, but nodded and then led the way towards the electronic twin doors.
The blue doors, outlined in gold, didn’t open when I stopped in front of them.
“I had to knock,” Ella told me. “I knocked for almost ten minutes before Elesa finally came out.”
“Ten minutes?” I raised a determined fist and knocked on the doors.
The three of us waited.
“You’ve got to do better than that,” Ella informed me.
“Fine,” I replied, glaring at the doors, and knocked much harder and louder.
The three of us stared at the doors.
“Why wouldn’t Elesa be here?” June questioned.
“She’s here,” Ella answered as I banged on the doors repeatedly. “I’m certain that’s not the problem at all.”
“You mean, you don’t think she’ll battle Gary, either?”
I didn’t hear Ella say a word as I banged even harder on the doors. “HEY! I’VE COME HERE FOR A POKEMON BATTLE! LET ME IN, PLEASE!” I shouted before angrily slamming against the doors again. “ELESA! ARE YOU HERE? ELESAAAAA!”
Suddenly, the doors slid apart and we all gasped, taking a few steps back.
“ELESA!” June screamed, and hobbled past me, grunting in pain, stopping in front of the woman before us.
The woman was tall and had short, messy blonde hair on top of her head that didn’t even reach her shoulders. She looked tired, dark bags under her blue eyes, and was clearly not wearing makeup. She also looked very furious. She was wearing a black and yellow nightgown that reached her knees, and long, black socks that stopped at her ankles. “GO AWAY!!! LET THIS OLD, DYING WOMAN FADE AWAY, WILL YOU?!”
My eyes were wide in shock as I stared at her. “Elesa?” I squeaked.
“You can’t even tell it’s me, huh?” Her eyes suddenly filled with tears, his face twisting into sadness. “Just go away! I know I look like death! I am death!” She wept in front of us, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Just let this shadow of a former, glorious beauty wither away into eternity! Please!” Her eyes narrowed at June, and then at Ella. “You!” Elesa hissed at Ella. “How could I forget you?! Come back to rub your youth in my face, and also bring a young girl equally as glamorous?” Elesa’s eyes hardened as they landed on me, but then she burst out crying again. “DON’T LOOK AT ME!!!” She backed away from the doors, and they slid shut.
The three of us stood there with our mouths to the floor, none of us speaking a word.
“Well, she was there for you longer than she was for me,” Ella said slowly.
I turned to June and Ella.
June turned to Ella and I.
Ella stared at June and me.
“I guess I met my idol,” June said sadly, lowering her head.
“What… was that?” I exclaimed.
A loud cry from behind the doors rang out, making the three of us jump, and we turned around as the doors slid open again, Elesa glaring out at us, tears pouring down her cheeks. “What was that? What was that??!!” she screeched. “That horrible, ugly, vicious, stomach churning, nightmare creating thing was me!! ELESA!! The world’s ugliest living creature!!!!” She backed away from the doors and they slid shut. The sound of her hysterical cries from behind the doors faded until they could no longer be heard.
The three of us stared at the doors, stunned.
“I-I-I-I-I d-didn’t mean it that way,” I stammered.
“I know,” Ella said, crossing her arms. “I don’t understand what’s going on. She acted just like this when I was here alone.”
“Why would she say she’s ugly?” June asked. “She looks like she needs some sleep, and she has not a spot of makeup on, but, damn it, I’d love to look as good as she does, even on some of my best days!”
“I agree,” I told June and Ella. “She looked great! What’s wrong with her?”
“She called herself old,” Ella noted. “Elesa’s only about twenty-eight, maybe. Late twenties, but not even thirty I’m pretty sure! I’m kind of worried about her. Looks like we may have to head to Daint City after all.”
“This doesn’t make any sense! She’s a Gym Leader!” I yelled, turning to the Gym building. “She can’t just refuse our challenges!”
“Well, I’m not willing to try bothering her again. I really think we should just leave Nimbasa City.”
“But…” I glared at the door.
“Gary, I’m freezing,” June complained. “Can we discuss this inside or something?”
“Yeah, June’s right,” Ella said.
I was just about to agree that I was rather cold as well when a gentle hand landed on my left shoulder. I turned around to see Ella staring into my eyes.
“Could we warm up together, inside? Please?” Ella begged innocently. “It’s just too cold out here to discuss this.”
My entire body warmed up immediately, but I nodded. “Sure. Let’s go inside for now.”
Ella smiled and clasped her hands together. “You know what I was thinking, actually?”
“You and I should have us a Pokemon battle! And then, we should head back to the Pokemon Center to heal our Pokemon and warm ourselves up.” She gently bumped me with her elbow, which, for some reason, made my face flush with red hot embarrassment.
“Um, whatever you say,” I replied nervously. I noticed June staring at me from the corner of my eye and I turned to her.
She was smiling broadly and nodding her head quickly, her eyes bright.
I shot her a dirty look before looking back at Ella.
“A battle will get us warmed up, and since Elesa won’t battle us, we might as well do so.” Ella backed up several feet away from me and grabbed a Poke Ball. “I was thinking that we should have a three-on-three match. How’s that sound?”
“Works for me, Ella.”
“I’ll referee, then!” June hobbled over to the side, away from us. “This will be a three-on-three battle between Ella and Gary! There’s no time limit! First person to lose their Pokemon is out!” June smiled sneakily. “You two play nice, not naughty, okay?”
“June!” I shouted at her, baring my teeth.
Ella giggled. “I’ll behave if Gary will.” She stared at me seductively.
No. There must have been a different word for it. I just didn’t know what it was.
“Let’s go!” June exclaimed.
“Servine, you’re up first!” Ella tossed her Poke Ball at the ground.
“Servine!” her snake exclaimed, standing up tall.
Hm, the Grass type Pokemon, Servine, I thought. “Pidove, I’m going with you, first! GO!” I threw his Poke Ball.
“Piiii!” Pidove cried out, flapping his wings in the air.
“A good choice, Gary,” Ella nodded. “Obvious, but good. Good luck. We’re here to do our best!”
“Same to you, Ella,” I nodded. “You should go first.”
“How gentlemanly of you!” Ella fluttered her eyelashes at me.
I could feel my cheeks getting hot in the cold and I looked down, struggling not to smile too hard.
“Servine, use Growth!” Ella said strongly, taking me by surprise as I looked up at her.
Servine’s body was outlined in a light green glow that faded after a moment.
“Pidove, use your… um…” I froze. She’s so pretty, I thought as Ella stared at me with a determined glare, waiting for my move. I’m really battling Ella right now. She’s traveling with me. This is like, a dream come true! I should ask her out. When we’re alone. When June isn’t around. When it’s just me and Ella…
“Um, Gary?” Ella called out to me, staring in confusion.
“Gary! Pay attention, will you?” June yelled at me.
I glared at June. “I am! I was just… thinking about something.”
“Oh, I’m well aware. Try thinking about the battle!” June said seriously.
“I was thinking about the damn battle!”
“Well, I think we’ll just go first again! Servine, use Leech Seed this time!” Ella ordered Servine.
A seed poked out from the leaf on top of Servine’s head and shot out at Pidove.
“Pidove!” I shouted. I opened my mouth to order him to use Gust, but my eyes focused on Ella as she balled her fists, glaring at the battle between our Pokemon, completely focused on it.
She looked so cute being so serious. Seeing her in battle mode was amazing. It was easy to see how badly she wanted to win and how serious she was about it. I was taken aback by her in this moment, and watched as her face slowly eased up and she looked at me in surprise. “Gary? What’s wrong? It’s your turn to attack.”
“Gary!” June yelled at me.
“What?” I shouted back, and then I noticed my Pidove.
He was on the ground, the seed on top of his head, vines from the seed wrapped around his body, sapping his health!
“Pidove! No!” I shouted. “Oh, no! Pidove, get out of there!”
“What is wrong with you, Gary?” June screamed at me angrily.
“Are you feeling alright, Gary?” Ella asked with concern. “Are you sure you want to battle? You don’t seem too focused right now.”
“No, I do!” I shook my head hard. “Pidove, try to use your Air Slash!”
Pidove was unable to move, screaming out as his health was sapped from him.
Ella sighed and stared down pitifully at my Pidove. “Servine, end this now! Slam attack!”
Servine moved really fast as she sped towards Pidove, lifted him in the air, and with a strong jump, slammed his body to the ground.
“Leaf Tornado, now!” Ella commanded.
Servine, still in the air, spun in place, turning upside down, and a light green, green, and dark green tornado with glowing, light green leaves inside of it appeared at the end of her tail. She spun her body fast, her tail controlling the tornado as it lowered the tornado onto Pidove and she stopped spinning, her body flipping right side up, and hovered in the air.
The tornado sucked up my Pidove helplessly and spun him around, finally crashing to the ground before dissipating.
Pidove moaned weakly.
“Pidove is out. Servine wins,” June said, staring at me with disappointment.
“Yes! I can’t believe this! Servine, that was great!”
“Pidove!” I cried. “I’m so sorry! Come back! Where was my head at? This was my fault, not yours.” I returned him to his Poke Ball.
June shook her head at me, but I ignored her.
“Gary, I know you can do better than that,” Ella smiled at me. “Show me what you’ve got!”
“Okay, this time, it’s on!” I grabbed Darumaka’s Poke Ball. No, I told myself. That’s a bit mean. That’s not very fair. I clipped the Poke Ball back on my belt and grabbed a different one. “Tympole, go!”
Tympole appeared from his Poke Ball and bounced along the ground happily.
June gasped, staring at me as if I had lost my mind.
“Tympole is a Water type!” Ella said, confused. “Why a Water type against my Grass Pokemon?”
“Um, well.” I took a moment to think up a reason. “You beat my Flying type with a Grass type. Type doesn’t really matter much, now does it?” I smiled, satisfied with my answer.
“Hey, good point!” Ella said excitedly. “Alright, then! Servine, use Leaf Blade, now!”
Servine ran towards Tympole, her tail glowing light green.
“Tympole, use Rain Dance, now!”
Tympole cried out as he was slashed by the Super Effective move and bounced across the ground. He struggled as he turned to Servine, groaning, and he started bouncing hard, faster and faster, his body glowing blue, until he looked like a bouncing blue ball. The blue raised itself from his body and into the sky, exploding sharply, and the clouds immediately darkened and moved to block out the sun. With a rumble of thunder, it began to pour rain. Tympole bounced even quicker.
Ella pulled her hood over her head and smiled at me, seeming thrilled by my choice of a move. “Servine, Leaf Blade again!”
“Tympole, dodge that and return with Supersonic!”
Servine tried to slash Tympole, but Tympole was a lot quicker, avoiding her attacks as both Pokemon moved like lightning, Tympole jumping and ducking Servine’s powerful, fast strikes. He bounced off of the ground as he avoided another Leaf Blade and bounced off of Servine’s head, getting higher into the air. My Pokemon opened his mouth and let out a shrill cry, circles of noise hitting Servine in the head.
Servine grabbed her head and screamed, and her eyes turned red. She stumbled around, Confused.
“Okay, now use your Uproar!”
Tympole landed and opened his mouth wide. A loud cry emitted from his mouth.
June and I could only raise one hand to one of our ears in a poor attempt to block out the ear piercing scream, Ella raising both of her hands to her ears, but still scrunching up her face, the noise coming through.
Servine stumbled back, covering her ears, her eyes closed, crying out.
“SERVINE! STOP IT!” Ella begged.
Servine stumbled around the field, seeming unable to focus. Her eyes suddenly opened and she glared with her Confused, red eyes at Tympole. In a flash, she ran towards him.
Ella had one eye open as she watched Servine charge at Tympole.
“Finish it with Leaf Blade, now!”
Servine’s tail glowed light green and she leaped at Tympole.
“Tympole, keep it up! Dodge those swipes!” My eardrums began to throb.
Tympole bounced at high speed, dodging Servine’s moves and still deafening everyone with her Uproar.
“That’s right! Take it out, Tympole! GO!”
“Serviiiiine!!” Servine slammed her tail down upon Tympole’s head, finally catching him.
Tympole was silenced and remained still, a worn out look in his eyes.
I lowered my hand from my ear and sighed from the relief my ears were getting.
June was sitting on the ground, wet from the rain, rubbing her bandaged head. “Could you not do that again?” she moaned.
“Are you alright, June?” Ella asked her, a worried look on her face.
“I’m sorry, June!” I said sincerely. “I wasn’t thinking.”
“That’s twice today,” June said, a displeased look on her face. “Tympole is defeated! Servine wins this one as well!”
“Tympole, thanks for a great battle. Return!” I smiled down at Tympole’s Poke Ball before putting it back on my belt.
“That was fun, Gary! I can’t wait for what’s next!” Ella’s face was getting soaked in the rain, her hair pressed against the sides of her face underneath her hood. It seemed she looked enchanting no matter what she was doing or what condition she was in.
“Okay, let’s see,” I said, staring at my belt. Servine’s still Confused, but won’t be for much longer, I thought. What should I use to beat her? Alright, I guess it’s his turn. I can’t look bad and get swept like this. “Darumaka, I’m counting on you!”
Darumaka landed on the ground, immediately looking up at the sky, displeased with the rain.
“I guess you ditched the types don’t matter strategy?” Ella smiled at me.
“Um, I guess,” I laughed a little, unsure of what to say, feeling embarrassed. My eyes lowered away from Ella to Darumaka. “Darumaka, pay attention! It’s time to win this one! Use your Fire Punch and take out Servine, now!” I instructed him.
Darumaka let out a cry and ran towards Servine with a blazing fist.
His punch went right over Servine, Servine stumbling, Confused, but not really moving anywhere.
Darumaka swung again with his other flaming fist, missing, and stumbled past Servine.
“She’s right in front of you, Darumaka! Just hit her!” I shouted.
Darumaka shouted angrily and finally slugged Servine in the face.
“Viiiine!” Servine dropped onto her back, but she still got back up slowly, shaking her head. The red in her eyes was gone as the Confusion faded.
“Darumaka, use another Fire Punch!”
“Leech Seed, now!”
Darumaka ran at Servine as Servine launched a seed at him.
“Darumaka, Flare Blitz instead!”
Darumaka lowered his head and his body was set ablaze. Flying into the air, he collided with the Leech Seed, making the tiny seed burst into flames, and he flew right into Servine.
Servine screamed loudly as she collapsed.
Darumaka landed a few feet away, the flames gone from his body, and he flinched as the pain from recoil hit him.
“Servine has been defeated! Darumaka wins!” June stated.
“Alright! That’s how to do it, Darumaka!” I congratulated him.
Darumaka faced me and nodded happily.
The rain suddenly calmed to a drizzle, and the dark clouds lightened. In a matter of seconds, the rain stopped and the sky was back to its early afternoon, wintery, gloomy brightness, the sun shining above doing little to add warmth to my body.
“Guess Rain Dance is over,” Ella said, looking up into the sky.
Darumaka leaped in the air repeatedly, happy about this.
A suspicious look came over Ella’s face. “Hm. Alright, let’s see how you react to this! I choose you!”
“Druuudigon!” Ella’s Dragon type roared.
“Oh, crap,” I said, my left shoulder dropping. “Fire moves won’t do well against a Dragon type.” I pulled out my Pokedex to check Darumaka’s other moves since I couldn’t remember them at the moment.
“Druddigon, let’s start this off with Dragon Claw!” Ella wore a stern look, pointing at Darumaka.
Druddigon roared angrily and charged ferociously at Darumaka, both of its claws glowing light blue. It swiped at Darumaka, flinging him back easily.
Darumaka gasped in pain, holding his stomach.
“Darumaka! Can you keep going?” I shouted to him. “Darumaka!”
Darumaka pushed himself up and stood strong, jumping up and down, glaring at Druddigon, showing his energy.
And here I was trying to be fair and easy on her, I thought, staring in shock at Ella. What was I thinking? As a Pokemon Trainer, I should be ashamed of myself, and I am. What took over my mind? Those perfectly shaped eyes? Those slightly pouty lips? Her noticeably curvy hips? How tight her jeans fit on her body?
“Gary!” June’s voice ripped me from my thoughts.
“What?? Um! The moves!” I remembered. “Darumaka, use your Headbutt!”
Darumaka ran quickly with his head lowered, aiming for Druddigon.
Druddigon braced itself.
Darumaka soared into the air, flying past Druddigon, and landed on the ground, stumbling around in confusion. He looked back at Druddigon angrily.
“Why is he missing?” I shouted.
“I own a Darumaka myself, Gary,” Ella informed me. “They have an Ability called Hustle. It makes their moves very powerful, but it also results in loss of Accuracy. It can be frustrating.”
“Well, that explains it,” June said.
“Darumaka, try your Thrash, then!”
Darumaka leaped, chattering angrily, and slugged Druddigon in the face.
Druddigon cried out, shocked and stumbling back.
Darumaka closed his eyes and stopped attacking, holding his fist.
“Darumaka, what happened now?!” I was getting tired of all of these weird surprises during this battle.
Darumaka glared at Druddigon and jumped high, kicking Druddigon in the face.
Druddigon was knocked over and Darumaka landed on his feet.
My Pokemon lifted his foot that connected with Druddigon and grabbed it, bouncing up and down on his other foot.
“Somebody, please, explain this to me!” I begged weakly.
Darumaka reached out, running in fury towards Druddigon before jumping into the air, and he landed on top of the other Pokemon, kicking and punching and clawing at the Dragon type, but it seemed like every hit was delivering pain to Darumaka as well!
“Druddigon, get Darumaka off of you and use your Dragon Rage!” Ella told Druddigon firmly.
Druddigon’s tail smacked Darumaka back, and it was able to get to its feet.
Darumaka landed on his back, but he jumped back up and with a mad screech, leaped at Druddigon.
Druddigon opened its jaws, and with a loud, threatening roar, fired a blue and black beam at Darumaka. The beam took the shape of a blue and black dragon and collided with Darumaka in a powerful, loud explosion.
Smoke filled the area between Ella and I briefly, blocking our Pokemon from view. When it cleared, Darumaka was on his back, beaten.
“Darumaka is out! Druddigon wins this match!” June smiled at Ella. “Ella is the winner!”
“ALRIGHT! Druddigon, we did it! Yes!” Ella ran over to her Druddigon and hugged it.
Druddigon smiled and leaned against her.
“Darumaka.” I walked over to him.
Darumaka opened his eyes and looked up at me. He sighed as he sat up and lowered his head.
I sat down on the ground and rubbed his back. “Don’t feel bad. That was pretty tough, huh?”
Darumaka nodded, still upset over his loss.
“Gary, you did really good,” Ella said from close by.
I saw that Ella was standing right behind me, her Druddigon a few feet away. My eyes remained on the ground as I slowly climbed to my feet, refusing to look her in the eyes, and I kept my head down, embarrassed. Her hand extended towards me, and I looked at her. She was smiling, and it made me smile, and I grabbed her hand gently, shaking it. The feel of her skin on mine was magic, lightning itself lifting me off of my feet for as long as we were touching.
“Thanks for battling me, Gary,” she said softly.
“Thanks for the battle,” I nodded. “I learned a whole lot. Except, what was up with Darumaka in the end with attacking your Druddigon? He kept getting hurt whenever he landed a hit.”
“It’s an Ability called Rough Skin, Sugar Lumps.”
My blood ran cold as I turned around in shock with a startled jump and a gasp.
“Courtney?” June gasped.
She stood in a pink winter coat with a hood on her head, wearing a pink beanie hat, her blonde hair peeking out from under it, a few strands in her face. On her nose sat thick-framed, pink glasses. She had on white jeans and pink, fur boots, a pink backpack hanging tight on her shoulders. Her hands were inside of large, white gloves.
“Druddigon’s Ability, Rough Skin, hurts the opponent that attacks it with a Physical move,” Courtney explained. “That being said, the Pokemon with that Ability won’t harm anyone it knows and trusts. The Trainer is usually safe to touch the Pokemon if they have a good relationship. I must admit, it’s cute how after all this time, you still seem to know absolutely nothing.” She laughed for a moment before staring at Ella. “Well, well, got rid of that other girl you had for this little cutie pie. We’re a ladies’ man in Unova, are we, Gary?” She turned to June and sneered. “I see you still can’t get over the redhead, though. At least you’re considering better options, I guess.”
“Courtney, I’m going to f-!!” June moved as quickly as she could with her cane and wrapped up leg, ready to attack.
“June!” I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her back.
“Gary, that hurts! Get off of me!” June struggled.
“Ow, June! You’re hurting me, too! Stop acting like an idiot for once, will you?” I screamed at her.
“Yeah. What did happen to you two?” Courtney asked calmly as June and I struggled with each other.
“Never mind, Courtney. Just beat it, will you? What are you doing in Nimbasa, anyway? Are you here to battle Elesa?” I demanded.
“Huh? What did you say? Just beat it? Sure thing,” Courtney winked. She turned to Ella and smiled sweetly. “I hope he ends up with you, personally. I’d take him myself if I were single. You’re not crippled, so you’re in the lead in two categories! Bye, now!” She strolled away from us, laughing.
“OW!” I screamed as June struggled even harder in my grasp, making my right shoulder move painfully. “June, please! Calm down!!”
“Gary, let go of me! MY LEG!! OOOOWWWWW!!!! My head is splitting apart!! GET OFF! IT HURTS!!” June shrieked.
“Then stop trying to attack Courtney!!” I begged her, my shoulder burning now. “AAAAHHHHH!!!!!”
“I’ll do what I want!!”
“You guys, please! I don’t understand what’s going on!” Ella cried frantically.
There were people outside, a few of them stopping to watch, some of those few even taking pictures and filming a video of this bizarre scene, while others just watched as they walked by us, some smirking, others laughing, the rest looking confused.
Our original concern had been figuring out what we were going to do about earning our next Badge if we couldn’t get Elesa to battle us.
Now, my main concern was stopping a physically, and perhaps, slightly mentally, handicapped June from killing Courtney.
- In Serial606 Chapters
Dragonborn Saga
Meet Jon Dare, your every day's 25 years old who one day wakes up in Honorhall Orphanage in the city of Riften in the Kingdom of Skyrim. He reincarnated in his favorite game 19 years before the start of the game’s events. Armed with knowledge about the future and full potential in Magic, Combat and Voice, the Nord kid will set out from Riften to find himself becoming a Hero way before the start of the game events.
8 1811 - In Serial47 Chapters
He fought his way to the top. His birth was lowly. His life had been insignificant. But his will to survive was unwavering. One day, his soul merged with an unknown existence. From that point forward, he was destined for greatness. Each step of his path was marked with danger, but he did not stop. From nothing, he rises with an era of legends.
8 202 - In Serial59 Chapters
The Shadow Paradigm - Book 1: Project Orb Weaver
Gardening, cooking, innovation, preservation, charity events... Madzistrale, Tom and Gabzryel does it all. But when they encounter the mysterious Shiakar Paradigm Society, a clash of paradigms ensues. Although both groups are aiming to make humanity stand stronger, their ideals and methods could not be further apart. Between the trio's optimistic yet naive ideals, and the SPS's tried-and-true surgical methods, determining the answer which methods can better humanity is a struggle that both parties must resolve in their own ways... Welcome to the 7th revision of my 10+ years ongoing novel trilogy. This revision took out some flawed plot concepts to re-introduce a more down-to-earth, film noir-like ambience, where a battle of wits is what will determine the outcome. It also added instead more in-depth expansion into the lives and mindsets of the characters, especially the heroes (a missing factor in older versions). Third-view limited storytelling was also introduced more prominently over my favoured third-view omnipotent, with each chapters concentrating as much as possible on a single character's point of view instead of head-hopping. So I shall begin uploading the chapters as I finish them; they're edited as much as I can, but there'll most likely be some typos and mistakes. As always, I welcome your comments and critiques, and I hope you enjoy reading that story as much as I did creating it! A parting poem to introduce the story (translated from its original French version): Credit: Les Mots, Mylene Farmer & Seal Firmly, the sky writhes When a mouth begets a death There, I will give my life to hear you To tell you the most tender words When all becomes all alone I'll break my life for a song And to lives that stoop to notice mine I know I will say goodbye But a fraction of this life I would give anything, anytime The universe has its mysteries Words are our lives You could kill a life with words Soul, how would it feel? If our lives are so fragile Words are mysteries Words of feelings Words of love, a temple If one swept the world away One could touch the universe I will tell you how the sun rose high We could with a word become one And for all those words that hurts us There are those that touches us Which illuminates, touches the infinity Even if nothingness exists For a fraction on this life We will give anything, anytime The universe has its mysteries Words are our lives We could kill a life with words Soul, how would it feel? If our lives are so fragile Words are mysteries Words of feelings Words of love, a temple
8 188 - In Serial321 Chapters
TF Amethyst
A new and undeveloped world with abundant natural resources, and efforts to exploit it using modern technology, knowledge, and military capabilities. *****
8 191 - In Serial25 Chapters
Old Friends (K/DA x male Reader)
This story is about (Y/N) (L/N) a navy seal and old friend of the K/DA girls. they meet again after a decade without contact. will (Y/N) learn to trust the four girls again? And how will the four react when they find out what Y/N has been doing for the last 10 years?*I do not own any pictures and/or videos shown in this story. All credits goes to their respective owners
8 69 - In Serial42 Chapters
It's not that I won't or refuse...I can't.(S)chizoid (P)ersonality (D)isorder- A condition in which people avoid social activities and interacting with others.Depersonalized Schizoid- Often described by the schizoid patient as a tuning out or a turning off. Affectless Schizoid- Lack passion, remain unresponsive in social situations, and are highly unlikely to show any affection to prospective significant others.
8 64