《Bridging The Gap; The Final Records In Unova: An Autobiography》Dana Diagnostics
“Pidove, use Quick Attack! Drilbur, Dig!” I ordered.
“Piiidoooooove!” Pidove flew quickly at Drilbur, right into his stomach, knocking him over to the ground.
“Dril!” Drilbur leaped to his feet and dug underground, his claws tearing through the sand.
The ground began to shake hard.
“Fly, Pidove! Get out of the way!” I shouted.
Pidove looked around, standing still on the ground, but he didn’t move.
“Pidove! I said to move it!!” I yelled.
Drilbur burst from the ground and hit Pidove with a sharp punch directly under his beak.
Pidove cried out in shock as he tumbled through the air and then came back down.
“Pidove!” I cried angrily. “I can’t have you being forgetful at crucial moments like that!”
Drilbur looked at Pidove as Pidove shook his head and then looked towards me sadly.
Sighing, I gazed at Pidove with exasperation.
Elgyem was sitting on my right shoulder, watching Pidove and Drilbur battle.
Cottonee hovered over my head, watching the fight.
Tympole was smiling in the water, watching the battle, June petting his head as she sat on the shore, watching as well. They seemed to be getting along really well. June was very happy around Tympole, and as soon as I sent him out, she walked over to him and apologized for her eagerness to capture him before, offering to be friends. Tympole eagerly agreed, shaking hard in the water, causing a series of ripples to spread out through it, and June picked him up, embracing him in a hug. She stayed with him by the shore, the both of them conversing while they watched me and my Pokemon train.
Tympole seemed to get excited by something June said and he started to vibrate in the water, causing ripples on the surface.
June laughed as she was accidentally sprayed lightly by the water.
Darumaka was in his Poke Ball. He had been watching the training, but continued to interrupt the battle by using Flare Blitz on the two battling Pokemon. His attacks had missed the two times he tried, and then he’d run like mad around me, and sometimes would encircle Pidove and Drilbur while they were fighting. He ignored my constant demands to relax and sit down, so, having had enough, I returned him to his Poke Ball.
Captain Billy stood in his boat, looking out at the sea, showing no interest in the training session I was putting my Pokemon through.
The sun was high up, reflected beautifully in the blue water beneath it.
“Pidove, come on back for now,” I instructed. “Elgyem, you’re up next.”
Elgyem rose from my shoulder, keeping his eyes on Pidove as he flew over and landed on my left shoulder, a sad look on his face.
I pet the tiny pigeon’s head gently and smiled. “We’ll get over this hump. Don’t feel too bad. I suppose you can’t help it.”
“Piii…” Pidove didn’t look any happier, even while I continued to pet his back.
“Pidove…” I said softly, starting to feel bad. Sighing, I turned towards Drilbur and Elgyem.
Drilbur looked back at me silently.
“Elgyem!” I said in shock as I realized he was still hovering above my right shoulder, his eyes glued to Pidove. “Elgyem?” I asked slowly, feeling a little nervous about the blank look in his eyes as he continued to stare at Pidove.
“Pi?” Pidove looked up and noticed Elgyem looking at him.
Elgyem finally floated over towards Drilbur, not taking his eyes off of Pidove until he was near Drilbur. He turned to Drilbur and cried out his name.
What was that? I wondered before shaking my head. Whatever. “Alright, Drilbur, use Slash attack! Elgyem, hold him back with Psychic!”
Drilbur leaped at Elgyem with a pair of glowing white claws.
Elgyem’s eyes flashed blue and Drilbur was held back, twisting in midair in pain, his body outlined in blue.
“Now, toss Drilbur to the ground!”
Drilbur flew back fast, slamming into the sand beneath him, raising sand into the air around him. He got up and shook his head.
“Dig attack! Elgyem, use Psybeam!”
Elgyem raised a hand, the dots blinking before firing a colorful beam at Drilbur.
Drilbur dug into the ground, escaping at the last second as the Psybeam hit the sand in a strong explosion. The ground quaked, and Drilbur tore through the ground underneath Elgyem, pulled back a claw, and slugged Elgyem in the face.
Elgyem called out helplessly and hit the ground.
“Now, use Hidden Power, Elgyem! Drilbur, attack with Metal Claw!”
Drilbur leaped at Elgyem, raising his claws that turned to shiny metal, and then dove down at Elgyem.
Elgyem raised both of his hands and the dots on them blinked before several gray lines fired from them at Drilbur.
Drilbur swiped at them, knocking away the attacks, but one line that Drilbur tried to slash away didn’t dissipate when hit, catching Drilbur by surprise as his claw bounced off of the gray line and it hit him in the chest. The remaining lines hit his body, dropping him to the ground, and his claws returned to their normal color.
“Well done, Drilbur. Take a rest for now,” I told him. “Tympole, you’re up next to battle!”
Drilbur got to his feet and walked over to me, exhausted, as Elgyem kept his eyes on him.
Tympole happily leaped from June’s lap, bouncing over to Elgyem.
“Awwww!” June said sadly, reaching out feebly to Tympole.
Tympole stopped and turned to June, squeaked out to her happily, and then bounced the rest of the way to Elgyem.
June smiled and nodded, seeming to understand whatever Tympole had told her.
Drilbur dropped heavily at my feet and watched the next battle.
Elgyem silently turned his attention to Tympole.
“Hmm,” I thought out loud. “Now what kind of a battle should these two have? What kind of moves should they use against each other to make things interesting?” I pulled out my Pokedex and scanned Tympole’s moves, and then Elgyem’s. My attention was drawn to Elgyem’s differing moves, unfamiliar with a few of them. It was then that I felt the hot stare despite the cold air blowing gently around me, and I turned to see June looking at me intently.
Her eyes widened, but she didn’t look away.
“What?” I asked her.
Her eyes lowered. “Nothing, really.”
“Don’t give me that,” I said firmly, lowering my Pokedex. “What is it?”
June didn’t look up. “I’m just thinking that maybe we should leave Cenumerus Island,” June said in a tiny voice.
“Why would we do that?” I was glaring at June now.
“Gary, it’s nothing but a stupid thought,” June said, turning away. “Forget I said anything. Please.”
“You think I can’t beat her?” My voice, like my anger, was rising.
June sighed in exasperation. “Gary, the kind of training she described that she puts her Pokemon through is one that I’m kind of familiar with.”
My eyes widened in surprise and my anger subsided as my interest was piqued. “What do you mean? You’ve done it before?”
“No, not really, but I almost did back when I was a Gym Leader. It’s very mathematical, precise, and it sure as Hell isn’t easy or fun. It’s not spoken of often, and it’s a bit of a controversial topic for some, but the results are real. Her Pokemon, if she trained them as she claims, have near perfect, if not absolutely perfect, stats. She isn’t unbeatable by any means, but nothing you own is evolved. Your Pokemon’s stats are minimal in comparison to what she owns and how she raises them. Nothing you own can stand up to her because they aren’t raised in that style of training. It’s very advanced. She’s just too strong. You beating even her Braviary yesterday was nothing but luck. You don’t have the Pokemon to beat someone like her.”
Elgyem, Tympole, Pidove, Cottonee, Drilbur, and even Captain Billy, were looking at June with stunned looks. They all slowly turned their heads in unison to stare at me.
I was frozen still, staring at June with a hard look, unsure of what to say, but knowing that this wasn’t going to end positively. Taking a deep breath, I slowly wrapped my hands around Pidove and set him on the ground next to me.
June’s eyes flashed with fear as I advanced over to her. She got to her feet and took a couple of shaky steps back, her mouth dropping open in shock.
I stopped right in front of her, just a foot away. “Tomorrow, I’m choosing three Pokemon to battle Dana, and I’m going to defeat her,” I said in a slow, clear, solemn voice. “I don’t care how she raises her Pokemon. I know how to raise Pokemon! I am not some novice. Pokemon battling is not just about stats. It’s about much more than that. Pokemon Trainers don’t just walk around winning matches because their Pokemon are extremely strong, throwing their muscles around. Teamwork and skill count, too.”
June let out her breath and crossed her arms, lowering her eyes. “Okay, Gary.”
I could tell she still didn’t think I was going to win against Dana. “There is no bullying in Pokemon battling, June.”
June looked up at me silently.
I turned around to see everyone looking at me.
Elgyem, Tympole, Pidove, Cottonee and Drilbur had serious looks on their faces.
Captain Billy was staring at me curiously, rubbing his chin.
“We’re beating Dana tomorrow!” I exclaimed with determination. “And if not, we’ll beat her next time. We’re here to stay until the General Badge is ours!”
My Pokemon all cheered happily.
Captain Billy turned back to the sea.
I heard June sigh, which made me turn to her quickly.
Her eyes looked into mine with worry.
“Just you wait and see, June. Doubt us all you want. I’ll come up with something to beat her.” I turned back to my Pokemon and stared down at my Pokedex. My eyes widened in surprise.
My heart was beating hard the next day, June a short distance behind me as we walked through the woods where we were confirmed by Nurse Joy that Dana would be approximately four thousand feet deep into the woods by this hour, taking us about twelve minutes to find her. It seemed to be about thirty minutes of walking through the trees and low, prickly shrubs, leaves blowing into my face every couple of minutes from the strong winds that were slowing June and I down, before I heard the growling. We both stopped walking, June glaring at something straight ahead.
I finally spotted it, too. “Whoa! What is that?”
A hairy, large dog stepped towards us and barked loudly.
“He wants to know who we are,” June whispered.
Before either of us could move, something rustled the grass behind the dog, and someone stepped out.
“Dana!” June and I both uttered loudly.
Dana adjusted her glasses and smiled. “Oh! You’re back! How nice. It seems more than a fair deduction that you wish to challenge me again, Gary?”
“You bet,” I nodded, my eyes going from Dana to the large dog.
“Right. Of course,” Dana nodded. “Come, then.” She turned in her yellow jacket and dark blue jeans and disappeared into the woods.
The large dog growled at June and I again, and then he leaped after Dana.
June and I slowly followed after them and emerged into a large clearing.
Dana and her dog Pokemon stood on the other end of the clearing, Dana’s arms crossed, an eager smile on her face. “Four-on-four. No time limit. We both can alternate Pokemon. Okay?”
“A four-on-four this time? Fine!”
Dana nodded and grabbed an Ultra Ball, throwing it. “Braviary! Go!”
“Pidove, you’re up!” I shouted.
Both birds appeared from their Poke Balls and eyed each other, my Pidove with a noticeably more serious look.
Dana pointed at Pidove and laughed loudly. “It-it-it still is a Pidove?!” Her nerdy, screechy laugh was infuriating me already.
“Gary…” I heard June whisper near me nervously.
I ignored her. “Pidove, let’s do it! Quick Attack, now!”
Pidove flew at Braviary, slamming into her chest.
Braviary’s chest flashed white as a Critical Hit struck, but she didn’t seemed fazed in any way, keeping her eyes on Pidove.
Dana had stopped laughing and smiled, watching as Pidove continually flew at Braviary with all he had in him, but Braviary was hardly flinching against the hits.
Pidove finally stopped, flapping his wings, breathing hard as he stared at his foe.
“Alright, now let’s wrap this up really quickly and use Crush Claw!” Dana called to Braviary.
Braviary’s talons glowed light blue and she flew at Pidove dangerously.
“Detect!” I told Pidove.
Pidove’s eyes glowed light blue and he ducked directly underneath Braviary as she tried to attack him, keeping his eyes on her, not blinking.
“Now, use Air Slash!”
Pidove’s wings glowed white and he flapped them strongly at Braviary, several white saw blade looking circles of energy catching Braviary in the back.
She cawed hard and flapped her wings frantically to regain her balance as she started to dive to the ground. She got back into the air and faced her opponent.
“Another Quick Attack!”
Pidove flew at Braviary’s chest again, the large bird appearing to not feel the hit.
“Crush Claw! Knock that little baby out,” Dana said, moving her glasses from the tip of her nose as they slid down.
“Detect again!” I screamed to Pidove.
Braviary’s glowing claws crashed into Pidove as Pidove calmly hovered in the air, watching Braviary.
The shocked look on Pidove’s face told me that he had forgotten to attack once again, and I groaned in disappointment.
Pidove landed on the ground, his eyes closed.
June sighed sadly, shaking her head, her eyes down.
The enormous dog barked a couple of times and his tongue hung out as he panted eagerly, his tail wagging happily.
“One down,” Dana laughed loudly.
“Will you shut up?” I yelled at her, balling my fists.
Dana continued to laugh strongly, not intimidated in the slightest by me, and I eased back a step as her dog took a step towards me, growling.
“Pidove, come back,” I muttered as I returned him to his Poke Ball and grabbed my next selection. “Tympole, you’re next!”
Tympole bounced on the ground for a moment and then laid still, vibrating.
Dana let out a loud shriek that ended in hysterical laughter as she pulled her head back, her hands covering her face.
I’d have loved to grab a huge rock and chuck it at her face at that moment. I desperately desired to drag her beaten body to Captain Billy and toss her into the sea.
Captain Billy’s words suddenly flashed into my mind as I stared at Dana laughing. Before June and I had gone back into town to get some sleep the night before, Captain Billy told me, “I’m no fan of Pokemon battling, but I support your right to do so. I wish you the best of luck. I may not be knowledgeable about Pokemon matches, but one thing I can say about the oceans is that, no matter how majestic the ship, no matter how monstrous the wave, a hole will drown you before the calm arrives to scare you. When all around you has stopped, acknowledge it. If you can, keep going until you can’t.” Captain Billy’s words made no sense, as I’d come to expect from him, but something in what he told me gave me hope then, and remembering his words now, I felt comforted on some level, though I wasn’t sure why.
Dana removed her glasses, wiping at her eyes, still laughing her annoying laugh.
“Alright, it’s time to show what we’ve got, Tympole! Use Rain Dance!”
“Braviary, Crush Claw and make this fast!” Dana smiled, putting on her glasses.
Braviary charged at Tympole with her attack.
Tympole bounced around the ground, his body outlined in blue, and swiftly dodged the Crush Claw attack, flipping over it, tumbling in the air.
Braviary scooped up ground in her talons and cried out loud as she flew up.
The blue around Tympole’s body removed itself from him and quickly soared into the sky, and with a loud POP! the sky darkened with the clouds, and drops of rain began to pour down.
“Braviary, another Crush Claw! Don’t let that thing get away!” Dana said, looking up into the sky.
Braviary cried out as she attacked again.
“Dodge that!” I called out with a smile.
Tympole easily dodged Braviary, leaping to the side at a quick speed.
“Whoa!” Dana exclaimed, fixing her glasses, staring in disbelief at Tympole.
“It’s gonna be a lot harder to catch us now,” I smiled widely at Dana. “Tympole has Swift Swim Ability. In the rain, his Speed boosts greatly.”
Dana laughed. “Is this your way of trying to show me that a battle isn’t all about stats? You’re pretty funny. Crush Claw, right now, Braviary!”
“Muddy Water!” I said to Tympole.
Tympole bounced a couple of times on the ground as Braviary flew at him. A huge wave of brown water flushed up from underneath Tympole and rose up over Braviary.
Braviary cried out in surprise as she flew right into it. She burst from the other side, screaming, her eyes closed tight from the dirt in them from the water, and continued flying straight, crashing into a tree with great force, and she dropped down.
“Now use Supersonic!” I said eagerly.
Tympole vibrated on the ground, and a shrill cry rang out, transparent lines flying from his body at Braviary.
I covered my ears, one of my eyes closed tight as I struggled with the sharp noise, and watched as Braviary was hit by the attack.
Dana’s dog had his eyes closed tight, his teeth bared in pain against the loud attack, his fur wet.
June and Dana were also covering their ears, their hair also wet, looks of pain on their faces as they watched Braviary.
I couldn’t help but think to myself that both girls looked oddly more attractive wet from the rain, but I quickly shook my head angrily and turned back to the battle as the loud screech of Supersonic ended.
The majestic bird got to her feet and stumbled around in Confusion, her eyes glowing red, repeatedly crashing into the tree she had flown into.
“Braviary! Shake it off and use Crush Claw! Come on!” A worried look was now on Dana’s soaked face.
Braviary continued to slam into the tree, rocking it continuously.
“Braviary!” Dana was looking angry now as she reached for her Ultra Ball.
“Tympole, Muddy Water once more!” I shouted.
Tympole created another wave of filthy water and it crashed into Braviary.
Braviary shook her head against the water, no longer Confused.
“Now use Crush Claw and finish this already!” Dana’s voice cracked.
Braviary soared for Tympole, raging, but her eyes were squinting, unable to see straight, and she flew past Tympole.
“Now, Muddy Water!”
Tympole used Muddy Water to make a large wave that went after Braviary.
Braviary just barely avoided a tree, both of her eyes closed, the dirt from the Muddy Water attacks blinding her, and the Muddy Water attack behind her slammed into her back, pushing her with great force into a different tree! She groaned in pain and slid down the tree, crumbling at the bottom.
“I can’t believe this! Braviary is out! Yes! Yes!” June said loudly with a surprised smile, her eyes wide in amazement, bouncing on her feet, water running down her face.
The rain began to slow down to a drizzle, and then it finally stopped.
Dana’s mouth hung open as she turned to me in confusion.
“Muddy Water,” I told her with a smirk. “It lowers the Accuracy of the opponent sometimes. You’re one down.”
The dog at Dana’s side growled at me and shook his fur, trying to get it dry.
“Ha! You can’t be serious,” she said as she returned her Braviary. “But if you really are, I’ll simply have to show you just how weak you really are if you want to go there. Bouffalant, I choose you!”
Her large Bouffalant appeared from the thrown Ultra Ball and pawed at the wet ground, glaring at Tympole.
I swallowed hard. She has a freaking Bouffalant? “Alright. I can work around this, too. Rain Dance!” I couldn’t keep the smile from my face as I said those words. This should work out perfectly.
“Just so you know, Gary, Bouffalant has Reckless Ability. Moves that it has that hurt it from recoil, do even more damage. For example, Wild Charge!”
June and I both gasped loudly.
Bouffalant’s body was outlined in electricity and sparked dangerously as it ran at Tympole. Or tried to.
Tympole’s body was outlined in blue as he used Rain Dance.
Bouffalant ran a few feet and then slipped, landing on the muddy ground, covering himself in the wet dirt, the electricity now gone from its body.
It was my turn to burst out laughing as I looked at Bouffalant with such a stunned look on its muddy face.
Dana’s mouth was wide open with deep surprise. She closed her eyes and shook her head, not believing what she saw as Tympole’s Rain Dance caused it to rain again.
“Tympole, Muddy Water, once more!” I pushed on happily.
Tympole created a huge wave as Bouffalant got to its feet, and it was knocked back down as Muddy Water landed.
Dana’s face no longer dared to contain a smile, fury now blatant. “Bouffalant, cut the crap and use Wild Charge, damn it!”
Bouffalant let out a loud roar and ran rapidly at Tympole, its body sparking with electricity again.
“Knock it down with Muddy Water!”
Tympole repeated its move.
“Counter with Surf! Into the water!” Dana shouted with rage.
“Surf?” I gasped.
Bouffalant leaped into the Muddy Water from Tympole, roaring strongly, and a second wave of fresh water rose from the ground, meeting the Muddy Water, and they meshed into one blend of dirty water. The wave then turned direction and headed for Tympole!
Tympole whined in horror and bounced in place rapidly.
Bouffalant was standing near the top of the wave, surfing! Its body was still sparking with electricity, and the wave itself was now flashing repeatedly as the electricity spread throughout it. Bouffalant and the wave it was riding were one large, bright wall of electricity as the wave holding the electric buffalo dove down and crashed into Tympole.
Tympole’s scream was devastating. He was flung back with ease and landed on the top of his head right next to me, twitching, sparking, and then he stopped moving. He was clearly unable to battle.
Dana’s dog barked happily again, panting with his tongue hanging out, his tail wagging.
“Two down,” Dana smirked. “Cute strategy, but I’m far ahead of your thinking. You can’t beat me!”
I knelt down and gently touched Tympole.
He flinched and groaned at my touch.
“That’s alright,” I whispered. “Return. And thank you.” Returning Tympole to his Poke Ball, I stood up and smiled at Dana. “I’m doing better than you thought, huh?”
“You’ve beaten one Pokemon. Just like last time,” Dana sneered.
“Ha, yeah. But this isn’t over, yet. Next, I choose Drilbur!”
“Drilbuuuur!” Drilbur exclaimed. He looked up at the sky, showing visible dislike of the rain falling on him.
“More unevolved Pokemon,” Dana shook her head, looking down at Drilbur with disgust before looking back up at me. “You’re done here, Gary. Head Charge, now!”
“Sandstorm, Drilbur! Be careful! We can do this!”
I gritted my teeth and watched as Bouffalant ran at Drilbur, the afro on its head glowing red, the front of it glowing a bright flash of yellow.
Drilbur’s body was outlined in a brown color.
Bouffalant screamed out and lowered its head, nearing Drilbur, but slipped on the ground again, stumbling, and ran right past Drilbur, tripping to the ground, and sliding fast into a tree. One of its enormous horns tore right through the trunk of one of the trees, and as it tried to stand up, it found that its horn was stuck!
The brown color around Drilbur fell off of him and dry dirt rose up in a whirlwind, rising to the sky. It filled the area around Drilbur and Bouffalant, and the rain was replaced with a sandstorm!
“Drilbur, let’s do this! Hone Claws!”
Drilbur’s claws glowed white and he swiped them together to raise his Accuracy and Attack.
“Bouffalant! What do you think you’re doing?! GET UP! COME ON!!” Dana shrieked desperately.
“Now, use Earthquake!” I instructed Drilbur.
Drilbur took a strong leap in the air and slammed down, quaking the ground hard.
June, Dana, her dog, and I stumbled about through the soft, sandy ground that was now trembling out of control.
Bouffalant roared loudly as it tried to free itself, the tree its horn was stuck in shaking hard.
The ground stopped rocking, and Drilbur was looking at Bouffalant, just as June, Dana, her dog, and I were.
Bouffalant let out a loud roar and forcefully got back up to its feet, yanking its head up.
With a loud ripping, cracking, and tearing sound, the whole tree rose from the dirt it was planted in, still stuck on Bouffalant’s horn!
Bouffalant let out a triumphant roar as it lifted its face high towards the sky. The tree, still on Bouffalant’s horn, moved with Bouffalant’s head as it screamed success and freedom, and the top of the tree was forced downwards, slamming into Bouffalant’s back with speed and power. Bouffalant’s happy yell turned to a painful scream, and it dropped down, lowering its head, removing the top of the thick tree from its back it had just slammed down into. It twitched painfully, laying on its side as it groaned loudly.
The tree managed to get free from Bouffalant’s horn in the buffalo’s pained twitching and landed loudly on the ground near it.
“Her back! Dana, her back is hurt from that tree! Please, return her!” June begged, raising her hands to her face fearfully.
Dana quickly returned Bouffalant and looked at her Ultra Ball. “My poor Bouffalant. I can’t believe this!” She fixed her glasses and placed the Poke Ball on her belt. “Don’t worry. This battle will be ending in the next three hundred seconds for sure. I’ll get you the help you need at the Pokemon Center.”
Dana’s dog growled viciously at me.
I kept my eyes on the large, intimidating canine fearfully.
Dana pointed her finger at me, glaring angrily. “Get him!”
Her dog barked and leaped towards Drilbur.
“Stoutland here has Sand Rush Ability. You can’t keep up with his Speed. It’s boosted in a Sandstorm.”
I grabbed my Pokedex to scan Stoutland.
Stoutland. The Big-Hearted Pokemon. This is the evolved form of Herdier. It is very clever and can be found on mountains assisting lost hikers. Its fur protects it from extremely cold temperatures.
“Drilbur, Earthquake again!”
“Stoutland, Ice Fang!”
Stoutland was as fast as a lightning bolt as he flew towards Drilbur.
Drilbur ducked under the first ice covered pair of fangs that lunged at him, and then the second pair, and the third pair as well. Despite Stoutland’s Speed boost, Drilbur was still doing great, and he leaped into the air, coming back down to stomp on the ground.
Stoutland let out a loud howl and stumbled to the ground.
“Now, return!” I shouted, returning Drilbur.
Dana squinted at me through the sandstorm between us.
Stoutland shook his head and stood back up.
“I’ve been waiting for the chance to use this one. I think now is as good a time as any,” I said, holding up my next Poke Ball. “Elgyem!”
“Elgyem!” Elgyem appeared in the sandstorm.
Stoutland growled, seeming to be bothered by the sand blowing around him, occasionally hitting him in the face, lowering his stamina and health.
The sandstorm suddenly started to die down quickly, and then faded away completely. The ground still had traces of sand on it.
Damn, I thought in dismay. That ruined my entire plan. Stoutland’s Ability only works in a Sandstorm. Oh, well. The end result just occurred either way, I guess.
“Come back, Stoutland!” Dana said to my surprise. Stoutland obediently ran to Dana’s side, and Dana threw an Ultra Ball to the ground.
“Cinccino!” the little chinchilla exclaimed happily, holding her Damp Rock.
That thing, I growled to myself. This could still work, though.
“Fling attack, now!” Dana demanded.
Technician Ability, I remembered. Dana told me Elgyem isn’t that fast, but… “Hidden Power!”
Cinccino tossed her Damp Rock, which became outlined in black as it soared through the air, headed for Elgyem.
“Elgyem!” Elgyem raised his hands and they blinked, firing a gray stream of beams at the Damp Rock.
The moves collided in the air with a loud BOOM! and a cloud of smoke appeared in the air where the moves met.
Cinccino watched as her Damp Rock landed on the ground several feet away from her.
“Get your Damp Rock, Cinccino!” Dana ordered. “Don’t let them get that! Fling it at that alien!”
Now was my chance. “Simple Beam!”
Elgyem raised one hand, the dots blinking on it, and a tan colored beam hit Cinccino in the head.
She froze, her paws reaching for the Damp Rock, her eyes wide. The Simple Beam attack ended and Cincinno shook her head, staring down at the Damp Rock. “Ccino!” She scooped up the rock and threw it at Elgyem quickly, the rock flipping in the air as the Dark type attack smacked Elgyem right in the head.
Elgyem tumbled to the ground, his eyes closed, but managed to stay afloat as he shook his head and stared at Cinccino.
“Psybeam!” I told Elgyem.
Elgyem use Psybeam, but Cinccino raised her white fur and blocked Psybeam!
Cinccino and Dana both laughed with delight at the failed move.
I forgot about that little trick, I thought angrily. No. We can’t be stumped by this. We need to find a way to get that stupid oil off of her. Or maybe we should just use a different kind of move to get around it. Or maybe we could…
“Alright, now use Thief!”
Cinccino flew at Elgyem and smacked him down with her fist which gave off a black glow.
“Now, one good smack with your Damp Rock to end this!”
Cinccino scooped up her rock and turned on que, hurling it at Elgyem.
Elgyem’s eyes closed as he fell to his back.
“Elgyem, wait! Please, I need you to use Psychic, now! Smack her around with your attack constantly!”
Elgyem’s eyes opened and I could clearly see the struggle, the determination, as he sat himself up and his eyes glowed blue.
“It’s still fighting?” Dana gasped, her eyes practically taking up half of her face as she looked at my Elgyem.
“Ccino! Ccino! Ccino!” Cinccino was now stumbling back as if something was pushing her and smacking her face around, her head turning sharply from side to side. She tripped over her feet and fell.
“Cinccino, use Fling again!” Dana begged her Pokemon.
Cinccino tried to pull back her paw, but the Damp Rock fell out of it as she continued to be smacked around by an invisible force.
“Okay, Elgyem! Now give Cinccino a Psychic rub down!”
“Eeeeellllllll!!” Elgyem cried, raising his arms, the dots on his hands blinking rapidly.
“Cciiiiinnoooooo!!” Cinccino struggled as she was lifted into the air, her body outlined in blue. Her body tumbled around, spun, and maneuvered in circles.
Elgyem’s hands moved around, the dots on them blinking continuously, Cinccino spinning in the motions Elgyem’s hands were moving.
A glob of clear liquid was now forming in the air, outlined in blue, next to Cinccino, as she continued to be spun around as if she were in a washing machine.
“What are you doing to my Cinccino? What is that next to her?” Dana’s hands were at the sides of her face.
“Elgyem!” Elgyem finally let go of Cinccino and she dropped, the blue color no longer around her body.
Cinccino held her head, dizzy.
“Elgyem!” Elgyem waved his arms and the clear liquid he held in the air was flung deep into the forest.
“Psybeam!” I said to Elgyem.
Elgyem used Psybeam once again.
“Cinccino! Focus! Block that!” Dana urged.
Cinccino got to her feet quickly and raised her white scarf, but was taken aback as the Psybeam tossed her back! She landed on the ground and gasped as she noticed dirt on her body. The little clean freak desperately tried to wipe it off, but it wouldn’t come clean.
“Cinccino! Your oil!” Dana looked ready to cry.
“No more oil, Dana. We wiped the makeup off. And now, Psybeam again!”
Dana shrieked desperately, her voice ringing throughout the forest as the Psybeam hit Cinccino again.
The normally clean Pokemon was now getting covered in filth as the Psychic move got her even filthier.
“Cinccino, just relax and fight back for now! Use Fling! That thing should be defeated already! Focus on the battle! We’ll clean you up later, I promise!”
But Cinccino was too focused on the dirt all over her body as she used her paws to scrub at her body, but she remained a mess.
“Psychic attack! Let’s end this already!”
Elgyem used Psychic, his eyes glowing blue again, and he lifted Cinccino into the air, squeezing her with his attack.
Cinccino bared her teeth, her eyes closed, and groaned in agony as Elgyem applied his pressure. With a loud gasp, Cinccino’s body tensed even tighter, and she screamed out for mercy.
“Okay, stop, Elgyem!” I shouted at him.
Elgyem’s eyes turned back to their normal color, and Cinccino’s body was released.
“Elgyem did it! Cinccino is down! Cinccino is out!” June cried in disbelief.
“B-b-but, but!” Dana pointed a shaking finger at Elgyem. “We have Technician! We did weak Dark moves! That thing should have been beaten!”
“Normally, maybe,” I nodded at Dana, smiling. “But we did Simple Beam, which I guess you’re unaware of, Miss Know-it-all.”
“Simple Beam?” Dana asked, a confused look on her now blushing face. “It didn’t do anything!”
“Ha! It removes a Pokemon’s Ability. Your Technician Ability was no longer active, so your moves were just a bit weaker than you expected.”
Dana was speechless, her eyes wide, her face reddening even deeper, obviously embarrassed that she didn’t know about that move. She pointed her Ultra Ball at Cinccino angrily and returned her. “Crunch attack!” she bellowed immediately.
Stoutland barked furiously and leaped at Elgyem with glowing fangs.
“Elgyem! Psychic!” I said, my heart beating hard from the fright of Dana’s order to Stoutland and Stoutland’s instant reaction.
Elgyem’s eyes slammed shut as Stoutland sunk his teeth into him, but Elgyem placed his hands on the dog’s face and forced his eyes open to attack back, his eyes glowing blue, outlining Stoutland in the same color.
Stoutland growled as Elgyem’s Psychic attack did its damage, but the blue around him faded, and Elgyem’s eyes stopped glowing.
“El…” Elgyem’s eyes closed and his body became limp in Stoutland’s jaws.
Stoutland growled and shook his head viciously, my Pokemon’s limp body in his jaws, shaking him about helplessly, and then he finally flung Elgyem’s body at me.
“Hey!” I screamed angrily at Stoutland as I walked over to Elgyem who was a crumpled heap on the ground. “You can’t do that!” Stoutland gave me an intimidating look, but I didn’t care. Tossing my Pokemon like that crossed the line. I picked up his body and rubbed him gently. “Thank you, Elgyem. You did more than enough. This won’t be for nothing. Let’s count on Drilbur, now.” After returning Elgyem to his Poke Ball, I gripped Drilbur’s tightly. “It’s all up to you, Drilbur,” I whispered. I glared at Stoutland, hoping my face was as vicious as his was. “GO!”
“Drilbur!” Drilbur came out, raising his claws high.
“Sandstorm! GO!”
“Gary!” June gasped.
Drilbur used Sandstorm and Dana fixed her glasses on her face, staring as the area between us was invaded by sand and strong wind.
“So, your Drilbur must have Sand Force,” Dana said, staring at him. “You’re betting on the power boost to save you.” She smiled and shook her head slowly.
“Let’s see, then! Drilbur, Earthquake!”
“Stop this with Ice Fang!” Dana stomped on the ground angrily.
Stoutland was too quick and sunk his ice covered teeth into Drilbur.
“DRIIIILLLLL!!!!” Drilbur squirmed in Stoutland’s mouth but he couldn’t break free.
“Drilbur! No!! Come on!! Get out of there!”
“Slash it, Drilbur!” I called out to him.
Drilbur’s claws glowed white and he swiped his claws at Stoutland, but Stoutland held his grip tight, refusing to let go as Drilbur cut at his face. Drilbur’s body was starting to get coated in ice.
“Drilbur, come on! Get out of there!! You won’t last long taking that Ice move as a Ground type!”
Drilbur kept slashing at Stoutland’s furry face, struggling against a pain I could only imagine. Half of his body was now coated in ice, and only one arm was able to move, the other one stuck in the ice that was spreading to coat his entire body.
“Do it!” Dana screeched.
Stoutland’s face was covered in painful looking scratch marks, dried blood all over his face, but he didn’t seem to notice as his jaws sunk deeper into Drilbur.
“DRIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLL!!!!!!!” Drilbur’s body burst into a flash of light, and the ice around his body exploded.
“Drilbur!” I stumbled backwards and tripped, landing on the ground, but I didn’t take my eyes off of my Pokemon.
The silhouette of Drilbur’s body expanded, getting wider, fatter, taller, longer, his claws stretching even further, his snout stretching, his body morphing. He was too big for Stoutland to keep in his jaws, and Stoutland backed up, his eyes wide in amazement.
“Drilbur! Oh my gosh!” June’s scream was in the background of my mind.
The light vanished from my Pokemon’s body and he let out a strong cry, getting to his feet.
Excadrill. The Subterrene Pokemon and Drilbur’s evolved form. Its drills are strong enough to tear through iron. Their homes are found underground.
“Excadrill…” I whispered, mesmerized by my new Pokemon.
“FIRE FANG FIRE FANG FIRE FANG NOOOOOW!!!!” Dana was jumping up and down like a spoiled child, angrily demanding her Stoutland attack my Steel and Ground type Excadrill with a Fire move.
An Ice type move like Ice Fang wasn’t as strong against Excadrill now that he was part Steel type, but Fire moves would be Super Effective against him now.
Stoutland howled and made a strong, high jump towards my Excadrill with his jaws set in flames.
Excadrill reached out and grabbed Stoutland’s jaws with his metal claws, holding the large dog steady in midair, the flames on Stoutland surrounding my Pokemon’s claws.
Dana cried out a stunned gasp.
June made a very similar noise.
Stoutland was staring down at Excadrill in surprise as he was held in the air by just his gaping mouth.
Excadrill was struggling to hold Stoutland, the heat getting to him.
We have to end this fast, I knew.
Excadrill cried out and let go of Stoutland, dropping to his knees from exhaustion.
Stoutland howled and fell to his knees, too.
“Excadrill! Earthquake! Here’s your chance!”
“Stoutland, Fire Fang it while it’s down!”
Neither Pokemon moved, both wincing from their hard battle.
Excadrill looked up at Stoutland through the sandstorm.
Stoutland seemed to be struggling in the sandstorm, sand blowing at his face constantly.
The sandstorm suddenly started to subside.
Excadrill closed his eyes, breathing hard.
Stoutland let out a threatening growl.
Excadrill gasped, his eyes back on Stoutland.
I gasped.
June gasped.
Dana gasped, a smile on her face.
Stoutland collapsed.
“AAAAHHHHHH!!!!” June’s voice rang like an alarm. “Stoutland’s out!! Stoutland’s out!! GARY WINS! GARY WIIIINS!!!”
Excadrill dropped right after June’s words.
“Excadrill!” I ran to him and wrapped my arm around his back. “You okay?”
“Excadrill…” Excadrill groaned, turning to me with a smile.
“Excadrill!” I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. “You actually did it! You made it through, and you evolved.” I could feel my heart sink at my own words. He evolved… I could hear the sound of Stoutland being returned to his Poke Ball, and I looked up.
Dana glared at me from a distance.
Nobody said anything.
I rubbed Excadrill’s back, staring at Dana.
She snickered and then let out a sigh as she walked over to me. “You won, fair and square, Gary.” She reached into her jeans and pulled out what I instantly recognized as the General Badge. “You surpassed everything I thought I knew about this match.”
I swallowed, my dry throat hurting from all the yelling I did and the action that had just occurred, and I stood up. “The General Badge,” I muttered, swallowing again, wishing I had some water, and I took the Badge from her. But what did I really win? I thought to myself. “You were right.” My eyes focused on Dana.
“I’m not sure what you mean,” she said curiously.
“I won because my Drilbur evolved,” I explained. “When a Pokemon evolves, its stats increase usually. We won because of that. And because of other lucky instances. Without that final evolution, we would have lost. I know this is true.”
Dana stared at me with a serious glare.
“Don’t you dare minimize what your Pokemon did out there, Gary.” I turned to June as she stepped up to me, scowling. Her voice was shaking with anger at me. “Don’t you disrespect your Pokemon’s hard work like that. Ever. Ever! Your Pokemon all worked hard for this win! You pulled out their strength, Gary, and figured out a way to overcome evolution and stats. Your Tympole’s Swift Swim and Muddy Water was executed perfectly!”
“And that Simple Beam from Elgyem took me by surprise,” Dana nodded.
“And Drilbur was exactly the one needed to beat Stoutland,” June continued. “You beat all of the odds, and one of your Pokemon even evolved in the process, Gary. You taught me something important today.”
“Like what?” I asked her, squinting at her suspiciously.
June smiled. “A battle can never truly be determined by the strength of the individual Pokemon alone. Not when the opponent knows what they’re doing and is experienced like you are. It becomes a lot more than just strength. It becomes a show of the bond between Pokemon and Trainer. When a Pokemon truly loves their Trainer, it becomes its own ability, so to speak. When the Trainer truly cares for their Pokemon, that’s a power in and of itself. While witnessing the battle you two had, I saw so many things that I’ve gone through in my own battles, and have witnessed other, experienced Pokemon Trainers go through, as well. I think every truly great Pokemon battle must be combined of three different elements at once!”
“Three different elements?” I inquired.
June nodded eagerly. “I think all great battles are made up of three factors: strategy, stats, and luck! Those three things were prevalent in today’s match, and I really feel honored to have witnessed it. This battle has forever changed the way I see Pokemon battles. Thank you, you two. This is a philosophy I shall test and bring along with me as I continue to grow as a Pokemon Trainer!”
Dana laughed. “I’m not so sure how accurate that is, but strangely enough, I like it! Gary, you earned that win. I wasn’t right, but I am not convinced I was all around wrong. This requires study. But I will say that you and all of your Pokemon displayed a memorable, deserving effort. Well, Pidove needs work, but the rest of your Pokemon were inexplicably used to perfection in every way. I congratulate you humbly.”
I sighed as I thought of Pidove, but managed to smile at Dana. “Thank you, Dana. Good luck to you.”
“And good luck to you, too, Gary.”
I laughed excitedly and grabbed my five other Poke Balls, tossing them to the ground.
Tympole stared up at me, still drained from his battle.
Darumaka leaped up and down repeatedly, excitedly.
“Everyone, we earned our third badge today! The General Badge!” I shouted excitedly, holding the badge in the air. “This is our victory and we earned this! Thanks to every one of you for your support and determined battling, including our friend Drilbur, who has now evolved into Excadrill!”
Cottonee, Tympole, Darumaka, and Pidove all cried out in shock and turned around.
Cottonee floated over to Excadrill, hovering over his head.
Tympole bounced over to Excadrill, and then bounced happily in front of him.
Darumaka ran over to Excadrill and squinted at him before leaping excitedly.
Pidove flew over to Excadrill, landed in front of him, and looked up. His head cocked sideways before he looked down at the ground and pecked at it, ignoring Excadrill.
I sighed at Pidove’s forgetfulness. “Pidove,” I growled.
Elgyem hadn’t moved from his spot as he stared blankly at Excadrill.
“Excadrill!” Excadrill greeted the Pokemon.
“Pidoooove!!” Pidove flapped his wings and took off into the air in fright, seeming surprised that Excadrill was there, as if he had just appeared from out of nowhere and hadn’t been standing there the whole time.
Darumaka chattered at Excadrill excitedly as he leaped up and down in front of him nonstop.
Tympole stayed on the ground, vibrating excitedly.
Cottonee peacefully cried out to my smiling Excadrill.
My Pokemon were all so thrilled with the good news, except Elgyem, who seemed to be more distant, silent, keeping his eyes on the group of Pokemon.
Pidove flew over to my left shoulder and nuzzled his face against my cheek.
“Thanks for your work, Pidove,” I said gently to him as I pressed my face back against his.
Elgyem turned around, his eyes on Pidove, and then he floated over to my right shoulder, hovering above it.
“Elgyem, thanks to you, too,” I laughed.
“Elgyem!” Elgyem replied happily, nodding, and sat down on my shoulder.
I loved Pidove a lot.
But as I pet his head and laughed with him and all of my other Pokemon about our victory over Dana.
As Dana waved goodbye as she headed to the Pokemon Center.
As June talked joyously to Tympole and congratulated him on how well he did.
In the back of my mind.
I was starting to feel that Pidove was becoming a lot more trouble than perhaps he was worth.
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