《The Planetfall Generation》New Horizons (Teaser Chapter)


A man with a golden mustache stood in front of a board. On the board information on six admins. Pruet's part the longest.

Jallow stroke his mustache, deep in thought.

There were a few opponents he had to be aware of. Pruet the foremost, then two others.

One of them was a heavyset woman called Isolda. She was the best programmer they had. Isolda knew the ins and outs of every system on the ship.

She was solely responsible for the Dream's upkeep. Nothing much escaped her grasp.

The other Nadish, deep and unfathomable. He lived in a completely different world. Taking only minimal part in anything.

Nadish was a problem solver, the pinch hitter. When something unexpected or bad happened, Nadish was there to clear the problem.

Sometimes Nadish was there before it happened. His powers of prediction were astounding. Jallow suspected that Nadish knew of his schemes. Nadish could only know the tip of the iceberg. If he did know more he would have done something to him long ago.

Finally Pruet herself. It was unlucky that it had to be Pruet that walked in on him. She was too smart. The fake-out yesterday had rattled a few cages.

"I will have to work on Pruet. She is the most immediate danger. " Jallow thought. Thinking of Pruet's latest breakthrough in finding a subject for Silver Exhaust. Fi's development had to be curbed or Pruet would gain a strong supporter.

Jallow sighed, his hand falling from his mustache.

"I'll have to use another one of my trump cards." Jallow thought and started to clean his pipe. He was an avid smoker.

Jallow walked to his workstation, set in a few parameters and pressed enter. He filled and lit his pipe. Drawing in a long breath he sighed again, his heart aching from using yet another one use trick.


* * *

On the island part of the mountain collapsed. The dust cloud filled the sky. A big shadow loomed from it. A deep growl sounded, shaking the whole island.

A gray mass with a golden glow emerged. Another growl shook the island.

The King had awoken.

* * *

Most of the ship's passengers were inside of Eden Dream. They were on the ship in Eden Dream. They prepared for arrival and were finding groups to join.

A group of burly men were sitting in a canteen drinking. Toasts rang out. The men were celebrating banding their groups together. They were now one of the bigger groups out there.

The groups previously were an adventurers guild and a maker's alliance. With teaming up resources would be easier to gather and protection of the makers was assured.

One of the men was on the forums.

"Hey, a girl named Fi responded to the Radish Maker's Guild.

Adrian isn't your daughter named Fi?" the man asked looking at Adrian's direction.

Adrian took a second to answer. He rubbed his temples.

"I did have one like that yes. Haven't talked to her in many years," he said with no emotion. His skin tone was the same as Fi's. His face was as if carved by the same sculptor.

The man who asked the question shrugged. He didn't care what the reason was.

"Do call her and rope her in to give us the items instead." The man said laughing.

"If it matters It is an order from me, Harry the master of Red Impaler," Harry said his bald head shining in the light. Bushy eyebrows covered his big eyes.

"Fine. I'll do it," Adrian said. He stood up and left the group. Activating the Dream, he sent a message to his wife.

'Fi's back,' he took a deep breath. Adrian tugged at his jumpsuit feeling it cling too close to his neck.

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