《Forgotten》Chapter 3


Lee’s heart rate sped as he crept towards the rocky alcove.

For all his bravado, his nerves were on end. Was he this nervous before? Perhaps. He had far more to lose now. Or perhaps it was exactly the same as all the other time. He had no way to tell. He wondered if he could leave messaged without saving his memories. That would be useful—a strategy or tip to win the fight.

But he knew how to fight this thing already, didn’t he?

And he was stronger than before.

He looked at his attributes again.

Perhaps that was the key. Maybe he’d been over confident before. Lee read the descriptions again. Perhaps he should have increased his Agility rather than his Strength. Being harder to hit would lead him to being more likely to survive.

He then spied something else under Constitution and Vigor.


Your ability to recover from exertion as well as endure physical strain. Determines both your stamina pool and your max burden allotment.


Your ability to recover from illness and heal wounds. Determines your natural defense and health pool.

What were these pools?

As he thought it, two bars emerged in his vision. One bar was red and labeled Health and the other green and labeled Stamina. More words appeared.

Combat Meters

You may use the combat meters to adjust your strategy in the midst of battle. Manage your Heath and Stamina carefully. Swinging wildly will leave you unable to dodge or defend. You will die if your Health bar reaches zero.

Lee looked at the bars more closely.

Health: 10/10

Stamina: 12/12

Those numbers didn’t look very high. But then, neither were his attributes.

Why hadn’t he seen this before? Perhaps his greater concern and focus on combat made him think of it and the bars to appear. Was this the first time? Perhaps he’d done this before and still failed. But he couldn’t think that way now. This seemed new.


He’d have to believe it was so. Being able to control the fight was likely his key to winning.

Lee took a few practice swings with the club and saw the stamina meter lower by three points with each one. When he reached zero, he indeed was breathing hard and could manage to only walk slowly or lean his hands on his knees to recover. It took nearly four seconds of standing still for him to regain a single point. I’m in poor shape, he though.


He tried jumping to the side and lost two points of Stamina.

Lee sighed as he recovered. This had to his problem.

He could only dodge once or twice and get perhaps one good hit in before he was totally exhausted and needed to rest. The lizard could easily strike him then and with its toxic venom he’d be dead for certain. He’d clearly only won by surprising it before.

And he would need to do so again.

As Lee approached the alcove he crouched and slowed his pace to a tiptoe. He spotted the lizard, just barely. It was perched atop a rock and its skin was somehow blending into the slate gray surface of the stone. Perhaps it could change color. He needed to distract it somehow.

Lee found a small pebble and threw it towards the opposite end of the alcove.

He ducked around the edge of the pathway just as the lizard perked its head into the air.

That’s it…go take a look.

But the lizard lost interest and lowered its head again. Lee tried again, finding a larger stone and this time the lizard came running so fast, he barely had time to conceal himself.

Hells be damned!

His heat sped as the beast snapped the small rock up in its jaws and with frightening force, crushed it as easily as if it were an egg. The display of power caused him pause and weakness entered his knees.

No time to hesitate, he told him. Now’s your chance. Go!

Lee sprinted towards the lizard and too his chagrin he realized that that too reduced his stamina at an alarming rate.

Stamina 10/12

Stamina 8/12

Damn it!

He’d have to make the hit count. He wouldn’t have much Stamina to dodge afterwards. The lizard turned about just as he brought the club down towards it.

Please don’t miss!

Lee felt the satisfying crack of bone as the club landed on the lizard’s spine. To his surprise a red bar appeared above the lizard and instantly reduced to less than half. It was stunned as before. But according to the meter clearly not dead. He had only five stamina left. Enough for one more attack and a dodge. But could he kill it with just another hit?

Lee glanced at the creatures Health meter. Less than half. He’d have to try.

Lee raised the club with a scream. “Die!”

Weapon skill: Savage Cry!


Strength and Damage temporarily increased.

He brought the club down with tremendous force and the weapon bludgeoned the lizard’s skull.

You killed the Dusk Lizard!

You regain 90% Essence.

Elation ran through him. He’d done it! And a good thing too. The special attack had used a 5 full points of Stamina and Lee rested his hands on his knees winded. He was back up to 91% now though, nearly enough to gain another attribute. Perhaps it would be safer to go back and save before he tried to kill the lizard again. Although that would cost him half of his gains. Still it was safer. He was just about to consider it further, when the lizard despawned.

An idea struck.

The lizard seemed disorientated when it respawned before—a perfect chance to strike.

Lee had barely regained half his stamina when he ran across the alcove to where he recalled the lizard had spawned. He waited with his club held high and when the beast finally materialized he brought his club down upon it with all his might.

The beast winced with the blow and fell upon its back, a third of its health gone. Lee struck it again with a Savage Cry and he fell back on his rear completely spent, breathing hard.

But the lizard wasn’t dead, its health just under a quarter.

Oh no…

It slumped towards him, just barely clinging to life. Lee’s heart jumped into his throat, realizing the grave mistake he’d just made. He’d gambled yet again. And lost. He struggled to back away from it, vainly kicking his feet against the sand. His stamina was still at only two points.

Enough to dodge, but nothing else.

He was dead.

As the beast slithered towards him, thoughts of losing his memories of the Keeper flashed through his mind. No.

I need to save her.

To save her memory!

Lee took another desperate gamble and didn’t dodge. He saved his stamina and instead raised his arms as the beast lunged for his head. He cried out with pain has the lizard’s jaws clamped around his forearm. His health bar was reduced instantly by half and immediately turned purple, perhaps signifying the poison now running through his veins.

He endured the excruciating pain.

A second more…

His Stamina meter raised to three and Lee used the last of his waning strength to plunge the sharp end of the club through the lizard’s eye.

You killed the Dusk Lizard

You regain 80% Essence.

He spent another moment or two to recover, before pushing the lizard off himself and stumbled down the path way. His health dropped another point, sapped by the poison.

Keep going, he told himself, almost here.

Health 3/10

Health 2/10

He fell into the stone clearing and immediately willed his memories to save.

“Chosen One!” the Keeper cried as she ran to him.

His Essence reduced by half as the crystal formed and the world vanished as his Health dropped to zero.

* * *

Lee regained his memories and let out a curse as the Keeper knelt by his side.

“What happened?” she said. “You dragged yourself in here and then immediately died.”

“Yes, I know,” he said rolling onto his haunches. “I remember clearly now.”

“So… did you kill it?”

“Yes,” he said. “Twice. But I’m not much off by doing so.”

He checked his Essence.

Essence: 85%

Curse the Hells. He’d been at 91% before. Why had he decided to take a chance and kill the lizard at its spawn? Not only had he risked losing everything, but he’d wound up with less than he started with.

“What a waste,” he muttered.

But then something else occurred to him.

It was a costly loss, but not a waste completely. He’d managed to save his memories. And the memory of a mistake was perhaps more valuable than the memory of a victory. He’d learned something about both himself and this world. One, that he was a risk taker. And two, that being greedy was not a risk worth taking.

“Well,” Lee said rising to his feet. “At least I still have you to remember.”

“I’m glad,” the Keeper said as he smiled at her, and her returning smile brought a warmth to his soul. He’d be careful to not gamble with her memory in the future. It was worth far more to him than he realized.

Lee stooped and spent 43% Essence to save another crystal. No—to save another memory of her.

“Are you going to try to kill it again?” the Keeper asked.

“Yes,” he said. “But I promise to not be so greedy this time.”

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