《FINAL WAR: ENTOMONS》Chapter 16: Stag Queen takes action


"Locate Taurus!!!"

Henry shouted as he tore through the thick layer of the worm's skin with his frequency claws and dive into the body.

A signal shows up on his indicator showing Li Wei 30 meters down below the stomach.

He boosted his engine, burning the flesh of the worm and push his way downwards. The Greed worm scream as he wriggles his body due to the intense amount of pain. Li Wei was laying down in the mushy acidic liquids. He was struggling as he tried to move his body, but he was squeezed tighter by the stomach walls and everything around him was slippery and pitch-black.

He was feeling bitter as the thought of his ending in the stomach of a worm. He wanted to die while fighting, not in the stomach of some alien worms.

He was thinking of ways on how to escape from this predicament when out of nowhere, a hand suddenly pulls him out of the darkness.

Henry grabs his Li Wei's shoulder and both of them burst out of the body.

Finally, they were able to see the light again. Behind them, the Greed worm was wriggling and screaming with pain as he slammed his body across the battlefield in rage destroying countless numbers of machines.

Before they could rest they were assaulted by a group of Entomons,

Henry and Li Wei fought off the incoming Entomons and landed on the side of the humans.

The Stag Queen was already bored with this stupid game and gave out signals to attack the humans.

Suddenly the planet was covered in darkness as all of the Entomons started descending down. It was like a black cloud was gonna swallowed the whole planet.

Billions of Entomons penetrated through the planet's atmosphere and clash against the battleships. Humans were falling like leaves at the sudden increase in the amount of the assault.

"Deploy the Mother Ships!!!"

Henry shouted with a grim expression on his face. He looks at the dark sky filled with the Entomons. He saw the many battleships crashing onto the ground and explodes, some flew into the swarm of Entomons in a suicidal crash like a kamikaze.

The invisible Motherships who has been stationed in a safe area quietly flew into the clusters of Entomons. When the Entomons were descending down, some of them suddenly hit an invisible wall. The Motherships cover was blown, but they ignore the puzzled Entomons and speed their flights before the Entomons could organize their thoughts, the Motherships exploded.


A loud explosion tore a big hole into the clusters of Entomons, the fireball disintegrate the surrounding Entomons and the blastwave push back the Entomons miles away from the epicenter of the explosion, and causing millions of injuries.

The blastwave pushes back even the humans who were prepared on the grounds, that's how powerful the explosion was.




The explosion continued as it rips the whole atmosphere of the planet-killing countless number of Entomons.

When the Stag Queen saw all of this, she was truly enraged.


She screeches as she ordered her elites to attack.


She flapped her steel-like wings and charges straight to the planet followed by her elite warriors.

Her shells start glowing from the heat as she made contact with the atmosphere.


She landed on the ground like a meteor creating a crater and blasting away all of the nearby humans and Entomons.

She stands up from the pit and looks at Henry with full of hatred and killing intents.


She slammed her feet on the ground and charge straight towards Henry who was already on the defensive position.



She was so fast that she instantly appear right in front of Henry. Henry who already knew how powerful the Stag Queen was. He dodges the attack and swung his claw keeping the Stag Quee at bay.

While he was busy dodging and defending, suddenly there was a warning coming from his suit.

"Warning!!! Enemy approaching from behind." Warned Leto

Before Henry could do anything he was already in a clutch of the Stag King. The scissor claw was tightly clutching onto the Atom suit, Henry was wriggling as he tried to get out of the claw, but to his surprise, he wasn't able to do anything.

They can hear creaky sounds as the Stag King puts more pressure into his claw.

"Protect the Lt General!!!"

Everyone shouted as they tried to rescue Henry. Li Wei was the first one to realize so he gets away from the entanglement and rush to rescue the Lt General.

But before anyone does anything, the Stag Queen grab the lower half of the body and pull it hard, ripping Henry's Atom suit into half.


To everyone's surprise, the "Winter wolf" a Titan class Atom suit was ripped in half from the waist. Stag King holds the upper half body of the Winter Wolf as a trophy and he proudly lifted up so everyone could his achievement. Every Entomons knows Winter wolf was the leader and one of the toughest foes, they don't know how many Noble Entomons lost their lives in his hand. If the Stag Queen hadn't shown up, they don't know how to kill this human.

Some of the humans who came running to rescue slumps to the ground. "It's over…" One of the soldiers said looking at the torn Winter wolf with tears in his eyes.

They all lost hope. While the Stag King was having his moments, a body suddenly drop down from the top half of the Winter wolf, it was a 5 meters body but compared to the size of the Stag King, he looks like an ant.

With a flash, the tiny human went straight up to the underside and pierce through the Stag King's neck between the joints in its carapace. It wasn't a problem for Henry to tore through the neck of the Stag King already got a deep hole in his neck. It's the injuries he had when he fought against him in one of the asteroids. He tore through the shells and went inside the body of the Stag King.


The Stag King screeches loudly as he crashes into his fellow Entomons. The pain was truly unbearable.

Henry climb inside the head of the Stag King and smash the brain like scrambled eggs.


The Stag King let out a long screech filled with pain, and suddenly his body collapse. Blue blood came out from his mouth and like that, he died pitifully.

This won't happen if the Stag King was a little more careful.

The Stag Queen's anger was at the limit, all of this took place within a second, so she didn't have time to save the Stag king. In a flash, she went next to the Stag King head, lifted the skull and crushes into a pulp.


Henry fell out from the Stag King's head.

Henry bitterly smiles as he looks at the wound on his stomach, he was heavily injured. He should have died if not for the Stag King skull and the bio-suit taking all of the pressure and the damage.

He smiles bitterly and looks at the Stag Queen who was glaring at her. He doesn't think he can survive the next few seconds even without the injuries. Nobody can stop the Stag Queen.


The Stag Queen looks at Henry who was bitterly smiling at her. She had enough of this human, she lifts her leg up and tries to crush him when suddenly a sword came flying at a lighting speed aiming at her eye.

The Stag Queen suddenly retreated when she saw a sword flying at her aiming her eyes. As soon as she retreated a gigantic sword plunge into the ground…


It landed in the location where the Stag queen stood before. A metallic gigantic sword stood there proudly reflecting the sunlight. The sharpness of the sword can be felt just by looking at the sword. The Stag Queen looked up and saw a few people approaching her. She knew these people are bad news.

A few figures appeared in the sky, they were floating and slowly descending down to the ground. Behind them was a whole new army consisting of billions of battleships and soldiers, blowing the Entomons apart. There were hundreds of Mothership and a few Gigantic Warships floating in space and watching over the war.


Henry let out a long breath at the arrival of the backup. He slumps down on the ground due to tiredness. He was finally relieved and can take some rest.

A Titan class Samurai Atom suit slowly landed next to Henry. It was Lieutenant General Akira. One of the great warriors known for his offensive, similar to Henry.

Akira looks at Henry and made fun of him.

"Oi Oi! look at the fluffy dog. Is he still alive?" Akira jokes while freezing Henry's stomach wound. As long as your brain isn't damaged, you can be healed from any type of injury. So, this wasn't anything serious for the soldiers.

A few other high ranking battle officers also landed next to Henry.

"So, is General Rick here?" Henry asked with a little excited voice

"Stop talking! You will find out soon," Akira snorts. "Aria! Take the fluffy dog to the General's ship." Akira ordered and look at the Stag Queen who retreated far away and surrounded by her swarm.

"Yes, Lt General!" She picks up Henry and flew away to General Rick's warship, Battlestar II.

The battlefield was stabilized with the arrival of the new back up. The soldiers fighting on the front line finally felt relief.

Billions of Battleships and Prugnator-Droids pours out from the Warships and Motherships, and cut through the Entomons like butter and pushing back the clusters of Entomons for the moment.

The Warships and the Motherships started firing their heavy artilleries decimating everything in its path.

But even for the new incoming armies, the number of the Entomons were too large, they can barely put a dent on the clusters of the Entomons.

General Rick was sitting in the command room, he was in deep thought about for his next step.

Right now, the only advantage they have is their firepower. The military resources they have will only be able to stabilize the battlefield for a few days.

"Rescue everyone from the planet and call for a retreat. We will be leaving this planet and we need to reserve our strength for the future battle." General Rick gave out commands.

"Yes, General!!"

Shouted the Officers who were standing behind him.

The Battleships push the Entomons with the help of the heavy artilleries from the Warships and Motherships. Everything was going smoothly. Millions of rescue ships landed on the planet and started rescuing the soldiers. They loaded the soldiers and shift them to the Motherships.

The Stag Queen wasn't able to organize her thoughts with sudden disruption from the new army. She realizes that the humans were much more powerful than she thought, even with their small stature and smaller numbers, they were able to take on stronger opponents and much larger armies.

She flew off to her main cluster without looking back at Akira. Even though she was angry at Akira for almost eye, the current situation was more important than revenge. She needs to assess the situation and the new enemies first.

The Stag Queen started recalling back her armies. Humans and the Entomons began to separate like there was an invisible wall.

"Tch! I wanted to fight the Queen but I guess today is not my lucky day." Akira sadly sighed, and jump up high from the ground, ignited his engine and flew straight towards the Warship.

Akira knew his chances of winning against the Stag queen was only 25%. He gave himself a generous amount of the winning percentage. The surprise attack didn't even land on the Stag Queen. Her reaction speed was too fast and her instinct was on another level.

The Rescue mission was complete, the Stag Queen was regrouping the Entomons because.

When the new armies suddenly show up, they were unprepared and they were too heavily focused on the planet. So, it puts them at a disadvantage. If they duke it out, they might win but at what cost? She won't dare to imagine how many Entomons lives would be lost. She cannot afford it, so, she chose to retreat first. Her nature has always been cautious, that's how she survived to this day.

She needs a new strategy and more armies. She knew these new opponents are a tough one, just look at their momentum, she felt a little pressure which she had never felt before.

"Someone, inform the Rhino King for backup. Tell him, I need help!" She sends out a messenger to the Rhino King.

She clenched her teeth and look at the humans retreating.

'It's a shame, but I have to team up with the Rhino King to fight against those disgusting worms.'

Just thinking about them makes her blood boil with anger.

"General! Everyone is rescued and we are ready." One of the officers informs Rick.

"Alright, set the destination for Planet Zeoter," Rick ordered.

"Yes, General." The officer gave a bow and starts giving out orders.

Soon, a wormhole opens up and the spaceships start entering. With a zap, everyone vanishes and the space became quiet again.

"Did you get their coordination?" The Stag Queen asked.

"Yes, my Queen!" Replied one of her subordinates who manage the Leviathans.

"Rhino King would be here within an hour. Let them enjoy their 1 hour." Stag Queen said and flew inside the mouth of a Leviathan.

She needs to come up with some battle tactics. Even though the humans were small in numbers, they are very strong with both close combat and long-range attack.

In a distant star, in a pitch-black planet, Deep inside one of the largest caves, You can hear a screeching sound filled with excitement, as if it was a call or transmitting a signal.


A large Gigantic eye suddenly opened his eyes and gave a loud roar. All of the Entomons on the planet heard the roar and began screeching wildly which shook the whole planet.

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