《FINAL WAR: ENTOMONS》Chapter 15: Planet IC2-P4S37


"Everyone retreat!!!"

Henry shouted as he looked in horror at the 100s of billion Entomons approaching at an incredible speed.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

The whole battlefield was in chaos. Everyone retreated including Li Wei who was fighting the Protector Entomons. A few Atom suits came flying and landed next to Henry.

"Lieutenant General Henry! Are we truly retreating?"Asked one of the commanders.

"427 billion," Henry muttered.

When Li Wei and the elite soldiers heard the numbers, their whole body shivers.

"The ones we have fought are mostly common swarms. Now, I can detect a lot of Entomons who are far more stronger than the Stag King, especially the one who is leading them. If my guess is correct, it must be the queen.

Our only hope is to defend from the temporary camp." Henry said and starts giving out instructions.

"Create a defensive perimeter around planet IC2-P4S37 (Island Cluster 2-Planet 4 Star 37), and inform the higher-ups. I think we might not last 2 days."

Seeing the humans retreating, The Stag King wants to chase after them, but he cannot act impulsively in front of the Queen. He was nothing but another pawn for the Queen, and he was expendable.

Human's were a rare commodity and a precious resource for the Entomons. The Entomons plans were to capture and farm them as a source of food supply like many other species in their servitude. They have to feed massive numbers of Entomons and Humans are the best breed among them. They were resourceful and able to feed themselves, unlike other species. They can take care of themselves in almost any type of environment while the other species need a caretaker. They can just leave a few millions of humans on every planet with their tools, and they will be able to thrive and repopulate the planets in just a few centuries, which was perfect for them.

Scout Entomons were dispatched to keep an eye on the humans. It followed the humans from a safe distance.

The temporary camp was not far away from the battlefield. The distance between them was a few light-hours away. (Earth to Mars is 3.11 light minutes.)


Planet IC2-P4S37.

Humans were building up defenses around the planet. Even though it was a hopeless situation, they still won't give up and go down without a fight. They have almost depleted their energy resources, and they were low on ammunition. They can only rely on their battlesuits and battleships.

They don't know if they can survive from this nightmare. They have sent out multiple messages requesting for backup, now their only hope is that the backups arrived on time, or they are toast.

"Deploy all of the minefields. Transfer all of the energy cells from the Motherships into the Warship, and evacuate the Motherships. We will use their self-destruction mode as a weapon and put them in an invisible mode. Don't forget to bring down all of the heavy artilleries." Henry started giving out instructions.

"Line up all of the combat soldiers," Henry shouted.

The non-combat soldiers were busy taking down his orders whilst the combat soldiers started lining up in formations.

Invisible explosive air mines and land mines were both deployed. They weren't able to perfectly complete all of the tasks as they have so little time on their hands.

A huge cluster of Entomons started showing up from the dark abyss forming dark clouds in the vicinity of the planet.

The Stag Queen and her subordinates flew out of the clusters and look down on the planet. The Stag Queen was much bigger and more humanoid than the rest of the Noble Entomons. She was 63 meters tall, and she has a metallic shell with light red colors and black underside, and she was less spiky than the other Entomons.


She stood proudly with her Stag Champion Entomons who were around 60 meters tall. They were a higher class of Noble Entomons and the strongest of their breeds.

She looks down on the planet and saw the humans busy preparing their defenses. She turns her back and then looks at the Stag King who was in a pitiful state.


The Stag King was sent flying across space and slammed against one of the Leviathans. The Leviathan wasn't bothered by the impact, but that's not true for the Stag King. His shells were almost crack from the impact.


The Stag King vomit out disgusting mushed-up half-digested food along with his blood. He stood up slowly with his whole body shivering. Nobody knows whether he was shivering because of the injuries or because of the Stag Queen.

After the little farce was over, she gave out signals to one of her subordinates.


One of her subordinates took down the order and lead tens of billion Entomons and charge straight into the planet. They started descending down like a Tsunami, ready to devour every living creatures on the planet.


The Entomons started coming down like rain from the dark clouds, except it wasn't rain, it was gigantic bugs who were far more powerful than any living creatures they had ever faced.


For humans, it was like a doomsday scenario.


The Entomons were screeching as they descended down with madness. But suddenly there was a loud explosion in the sky.


A large group of Entomons was blasted away by the explosion and torn them into pieces, then there were multiple explosions as the Entomons keep descending down.

The Entomons who were in the midst of the explosion were confused and doesn't know what to do. They were battered from left and right by the explosion and everything was in chaos.


You can see a lot of injured Entomons screeching with pain as their bodies are riddled with holes.


Henry shouted. The soldiers raise their guns and started firing at the sky, while the Entomons were busy trying to get away from the explosion, but the sky was suddenly filled with a rain of lasers and bullets, they did not have anywhere to dodge. The lasers and the bullets tore through their bodies and incinerate them into nothing.

With the sheer amount of the firepower, the first wave of Entomons got eventually wiped out.

The Stag Queen was curiously watching everything happening around the planet as the death of her subordinates didn't matter at all. The first wave was just to test the waters, she wants to know the capabilities of the humans.

This time, she sends down tens of thousands of Bruiser Entomons. The Bruiser Entomons tuck in their bodies like a ball exposing only their hard shells and descend down like meteors. Tens of thousands of hot black balls came down falling from the sky.

"Boom, Boom Boom…"

Multiple explosions could be heard as they crash into the atmosphere and into the minefield. The explosions ripped the air creating many blast waves. The minefield bombs didn't really do any damage to the black balls, it just blasts them a few miles away from their position.

"Boom, Boom, Boom…"

They came crashing down onto the planet creating many small craters. From the craters came out a huge 40-45 meters tall thick, and scaly Entomons. These Bruiser Entomons were both a tank and a fighter class Entomons. The Bruiser Entomons shook off their dizziness and charge into the frontline.

Seeing this, Henry sent out the combat soldiers wearing Atom suits to stop them.



A clash between the titans started again.

"Seems like the Stag Queen is very smart. She got 427 billion armies while we have only a few billion soldiers.

They could have crushed us with the sheer amount of their numbers. But instead of blindly charging in, she chose to use her brain.

Which is both good and bad news for us. The bad news is, they are smarter and our surprise attacks won't work on her.

The good news is, she is more cautious and that gives us more time for the backups to arrived. Let's play along with her while we wait for the rescue." Henry said and gives out the order.

"Li Wei! Bring a team and showcase your power. Give the Stag Queen a good show." Henry commanded. He understood some of the Queen's personality, she was curious and want to know more about humans, and Li Wei was the best person for that. He was one of the best soldiers.

Li Wei selects to pick a group of people, they were Günter, Aat, Benjamin, and Owen along with thousands of elite warriors. Their people are all tanky fighters, their defenses are the highest and best for frontal combats.

They flew off and landed right onto the battlefield.


Li Wei smashes the Bruiser Entomons in front of him. After Li Wei's team arrives, the tide of the battle suddenly changes.

Li Wei and his Taurus Atom suit charges through the battlefield and smash the Bruiser with his giant battle-ax. Even though the Bruiser Entomons were huge and have thick shells, they were not Noble Entomons. They were a higher class of common Entomons. They just have higher defenses and stronger vitality. When faced with the elites of the humans, they weren't faring well.

'Interesting.' The Stag Queen thought. She ordered another wave of Entomons. This time it was more than 50 billion led by one of her Stag Champion, and there were thousands of Warrior Noble Entomons.

On the battlefield, Li Wei was busy fighting against multiple enemies. He dodges their attack and smashes their limbs with his double-sided Ax. The Bruiser Entomon screeches with pain as his leg got pulverized. He tried to run away but suddenly his wing got smashed by the Ax.


He tried to crawl away but...


His head was smashed into a pulp. Green blood splatter all over the place. Li Wei had already adapted his fighting style and he knows where and how to attack the Entomons. Every creature has its weakness, that is their joints. Even though the Entomons have one of the toughest shells, they still have gaps within their joints, but even their joints have thick layers of hardened gelatin protecting them, that gelatin is many times stronger than some of the strongest fibers.

Not everyone has success with their attacks, and not everyone is Li Wei. Many soldiers got crushed before they can even land their attack.


Henry and everyone looked up and saw more Entomons descending down from the sky. This time the number was even more massive. The whole planet becomes dark.


Henry shouted. The soldiers aim at the sky and release another barrage of bullets and lasers covering the whole sky. The common Entomons falls down like rain as the bullets and lasers pierce through their body.

"Thud… plop ...plop...plop…"

Seeing this, the Stag Champion was enraged, this was his swarm and they were being killed like bugs.


He roared and flew directly towards humans camp along with his subordinates.

"Enemies incoming!!"

Shouted one of the captains.

"Boom… boom… boom…"

The Stag Champion and his subordinates crash and landed into the sea of human soldiers.


Hundreds of humans were killed and thousands of cyborgs and Prugnator-Droids were destroyed in an instant. Henry and his elite warriors rush in to stop the Stag Champion and his subordinates from going on a rampage.


The Stag Champion was pushed away by a kick. The Stag Champion was surprised and look at Henry. They have information about this guy, this is the person who almost kills Stag King.

'I have to be cautious with this guy.' He thought.

The Stag Queen was calmly observing everything, she was just a Queen of the Stag species. There are many other Queens who are far more powerful than her in terms of strength and also the size of the colony. The overall Queen was the Overlord Empress who controls almost half of the Galaxy. She was one of the affiliated Queen under the Overlord Express. She was a smart Entomon and has her own ambitions and dreams. One day, she wants to become an Overlord Queen who can decide her own fate. For now, she just had to find an opportunity to grow her strength. Watching everything is in a stalemate, she was getting a little bored.

'Let's see how they handle this.' She thought and she sends out Reaper Entomons (similar to Tiger Beetle).

"Ziip... ziip... ziip…"

Like a flash of lightning, thousands of Reaper Entomons vanishes into thin air. On the battlefield, everyone was busy fighting against the swarm of Entomons. Suddenly they detect something on their radar. What they saw was an Entomon, it was very thin and has a very sharp jaw. The problem wit this Entomon was, it was extremely fast, and they were all over the place.

"Reaper Entomons detected!!! I advise everyone to be cautious!" One of the commanders informs everyone. As soon as he finishes his sentence, he saw a blurry image and the Reaper Entomons had already snapped one of his subordinates into half right in front of him.

"Activate AT-gun!!!"

He shouted. A laser gun pops out from his shoulders and starts shooting. AT-guns are autonomous targeting guns, it targets enemies when humans are incapable of reacting to the speed of their enemies. The weapon reaction speed is 10 millisecond and 1 millisecond to reach its target. The sensory data will lock on to the targeted enemy's position and shoot out lasers with 100% accuracy.

But the sad thing is, the AT-guns on their suits weren't working against the Reaper Entomons. The AT-guns weren't made for the Entomons, due to the abrupt situation of the war, and lack of intelligence. None of their suits were upgraded to fight against every species of the Entomons.

The battlefield was starting to become chaotic. Everyone was worried and getting restless, they don't want to be the next target.

"Snap… Snap… Snap…"

Everyone started hearing snapping sounds on the battlefield like someone was having a snack. The Reaper Entomons were reaping lives like grim reapers.

Everyone's limbs went numb each time they hear a snapping sound. It was like a nightmare.

One of the soldiers was shivering inside the Atom suit, he watches the indicator and turns his head around, again and again, pointing his gun at the direction, but by the time he turns around, the Reaper Entomons had already vanished. Suddenly he detects a blurry image coming to him at an insane speed. He was anxious. He tried to aim his muzzles at the approaching target.

"Zap… zap… zap…"

The Reaper Entomons burst open and splash gooey mucus and red blood all over his suit.

It was the newly made special Prugnator-Droids equip with AT-Guns. The humans knew about the Entomons with incredible speed, so they made a few batches of Prugnator-Droids strap with AT-Guns.

"Zap... zap… zap…"

It shoots out highly intense 20 Gigawatt power green light lasers which burst open the Reaper Entomons. The battlefield was stabilized again as the AT-Prugnator-Droids helping from the sidelines.

The soldiers breathe a sigh of relief. The war continues as the humans bitterly struggle to defend their line of defense.

For elite soldiers, they didn't have much problem with the Reaper Entomons. Their suits were superior, to begin with, and their reaction speed and fighter instinct gave them the advantage to predict the pattern of their enemies.

Henry turns around and swipes his claw cutting the Reaper Entomon into half. Similar things were happening to all of the elite soldiers as they squash the Reaper Entomons.

Even so, they cannot chase down and kill the Reaper Entomons and the AT-Prugnator-Droids were in limited numbers and they cannot cover the whole battlefield.

"Everyone retreat back to the camp!!!" Henry shouted.

Henry knew if they continue this battle, they will lose. They were distracted by the Reaper Entomons while the Noble Entomons were causing destruction. It was hard to keep up with both of them.

Li Wei was getting all the attention of the Entomons especially the Reaper Entomons.

"This is not good!" Seeing Li Wei getting the attention of the Reaper Entomons, He ignores the Stag Champion Entomon and charge straight through the group of Entomons.

"Li Wei!!! Watch out!!!"

Henry shouted as he blasts through the nearby Entomons.

Li Wei was aware of the Reaper Entomons. While fighting the Noble Entomons, he was always cautious and tracking the movement of the Reaper Entomons.

Li Wei suddenly lifts his Ax and...


He smashes into thin air. But to everyone's surprise, there was a Reaper Entomon twitching on the ground.

A sudden warning came from his suit. He turns around and swings his Ax and slice another Reaper Entomons, but another two caught his arm and leg as they try to snap his limbs. But it was tougher than the other Atom suits. They clutch onto him as they try to break his arm and leg causing a lot of damage to Li Wei's suit. He grabs one of the Reaper Entomons clutching his arm and crushes his head. While he was tangled another 3 Reaper Entomons jumps on him and pushes him on the ground.

Li Wei rolls on the ground and crushes them with his weight and smashes the one tangling on his leg with his Ax.

Suddenly the ground starts trembling. Everyone on the grounds was shaking.

A giant mouth suddenly burst out from the ground where Li Wei was and swallowed him whole along with a few other Entomons and dive down on the ground. But before it went underground, suddenly there was a silver flash and it penetrates through the colossus worm's body.

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