《FINAL WAR: ENTOMONS》Chapter 13: Winter Wolf


Island Cluster 2.

Somewhere in an Asteroid field.

"BOOM, BOOM... "

"Patatata... "

"Buzzz... . ."

Sound of explosions and rapid-fire could be heard while swarms of Entomons surrounded the battleships and swallowed the whole thing like it was nothing. Heavy armored Entomons could be seen charging through the frontline smashing the Prugnator-Droids and ripping them apart into pieces.

Humans replied back with their heavy artilleries. They shot back with their 4th Generation B grade heavy cannons. Multiple rounds of 4B-Rail guns and 4B-Coil guns were fired at those armored Entomons pulverizing them instantly.

Both sides were entangled in the war with Entomons slowly gaining the upper hand.

"Lieutenant General! Our military resources are running low... If this continues, we will not be able to support for more than 10 days." One of the officers reported.

Lt General Henry was calmly looking at the holographic map of the Island Cluster 2. They have been at war for more than 3 months, and now they are being pushed back slowly to the edges. It won't be long before they got kicked out of the IC2 cluster.

He is out of ideas. They have limited resources while the enemy number seems to be limitless. He clearly saw the increasing numbers of the Entomons and powerful Entomons showing up from time to time, and they were classified as Class 3-5 Entomons. They were so powerful that they could destroy an entire fleet of battleships.

It's a small fleet but the number of elite soldiers in the fleet is in thousands. They can't go on like this anymore, he has to find a solution and fast.

"Lieutenant General!"

"Lieutenant General!!"

"You have to see this." One of the officers came running into the meeting room with a panic voice.

"Calm down soldier! Take a breather first." Henry advise. The soldier took a deep breath and calms down. He tapped his wrist and a hologram screen pops out. In the screen stood 27 gigantic Entomons, standing 40-45 meters tall with a metallic armor and scissors like a horn. It looks similar to Stag beetles but more in a humanoid form.

Behind them was a horde of Entomons 10 times larger than the one they have been fighting for, and you can see a lot of bigger and scarier looking Entomons among them.

The gigantic Entomons were destroying everything in their path and none of the weapons were working on them. Their scally armors were too thick and strong for weapons or lasers to penetrate through, it just deflects everything and didn't even leave a scratch on their armors.

Looking at the gigantic Entomons killing his soldiers like a machine, destroying their battleships like papers, and toying with the cyborgs makes him sad and angry. Finally, their proud weapons were rendered useless against these newcomer Entomons...

"They have finally sent out their Noble Entomons!" Henry exclaimed with a heavy heart. They had long realized the existence of these higher classes of Entomons. They name these ruling class/higher forms of Entomons as Noble Entomons because they are the ruling class in the hierarchy of Entomons, and they have the ability to control the other Entomons, there is always a hierarchy in every civilization and it was nothing new or strange.

"It's time for us to make an appearance on the battlefield," Henry said and look at his officers ordered, "Tell every combat officers to suit up." With that, he left for the military warehouse. He went to his private room and start suiting up. His bio-suits was "Silver Wolf" and Atom suit was "Winter Wolf".


The dense liquid started climbing his legs and quickly covered his whole body. The liquid then starts taking shape of a humanoid wolf, slowly growing silvery white fur, and metallic claws. After finishing the transformation, it became solid, now the suit looks incredibly sharp. This suit specializes in close combat, and one of its main strengths is agility. He feels the sharpness of his claws and played it with for a while. Suddenly, he took a fighting stance and closes his fist. His eyes sparkle a glow as his fist sucks in all the air around him. He then threw a punch at a lightning speed.


The punch releases a shockwave that ripples through the air creating smoke from his fist.

It was a very powerful and destructive punch. The suit penetrative, and explosive power were perfect for assaults. The fur on his suit was not for decoration, it was an insulator and his suit perform the best in extreme weather conditions. The fur keeps his suit away from freezing and it can perform in an optimal condition on planets with extreme weather or climates. It also conserves energy whilst the other suit needs to consume more energy to maintain its temperature. But not for 6 generation suits like the "Bald Eagle". They almost have no weakness. Nothing is impossible as long as you have enough money, influence, and power.

Henry walks out with his bio-suits and went into the large warehouse, where they keep their Atom suits. Inside was a beautiful sleeping giant, white in color, humanoid wolf similar to his bio-suit. His colossus battle suit was huge compared to the standard Atom suits, standing 52 meters tall. It was just lying there quietly, sleeping like an innocent child.

He looks at the sleeping giant and suddenly had a flashback of memories. He remembered some of the battles he had gone through with his trusted battle suit. He enters and syncs in with the battle suit.

"Old friend! It has been a long time since we fought." He sighs... "The battlefield has called us again. It's time for us to reunite again." He became serious as he turns on the Atom suit.

"Zzzz Vvvvvv…"

The engine started and release a powerful pulse. The "Winter Wolf" opens its eyes and flash a bright light as if it was responding to his partner.

"Welcome, Henry!"

A female voice came to his mind.

"Hello, Leto! Open up the carrier door for me please." Henry said.

"As you command," replied Leto.

The carrier door opens up slowly… Henry started condensing light particles below his feet and slowly floats above the ground. He then flew out of the Mothership and…


Vanish from the Mothership and headed straight towards the battlefield at an incredible speed. Millions of light rays closely followed behind him. They were human elite forces.


Frontline, on the battlefield, the war was getting intense.

"SCREECH... . ."

"ROAR... "

The Noble Entomons were slaughtering the humans and Prugnator-Droids alike, and having fun with their victims. The soldiers were in despair. They don't know what to do with these Stag Entomons/Noble Entomons. They were feeling desperate and urgently needs help. They were not afraid of death, but they can't accept useless death.

Matthew was one of the captains who was leading a platoon of combat soldiers. He was fighting with his trusty CCS2-907 (Colossus Combat Suit 2nd Generation- Serial no. 907) Atom suit which was 33 meters tall. They can handle most of the Entomons, due to their advantage in size. They were squashing the lower class Entomons like bugs, but now their size has become a burden. They were now the target of the Noble Entomons. Good thing these Noble Entomons were low in numbers or else they would have been wiped out in just a few minutes.


They have tried many tried almost everything, but nothing was working on these Noble Entomons. Unless they brought in the heavy weaponry from the Mothership. It was truly a frustrating situation for right now. Whilst Matthew was busy battling against a group of Entomons, he saw one of the Noble Entomons targeting his girlfriend. Suddenly, his eyes became bloodshot and charge straight towards them.

Natalie's mind becomes blank and everything around her was in a slow-motion. When she saw the gigantic Entomon charging at her. She hasn't done anything extraordinary or stands out among her peers, and she wore the standard CCS1 Atom suit which stood only 30 meters tall.

'Maybe its fate.' She thought.

she doesn't have any hopes of defending against that monster. Everyone saw what they did to a few of the soldiers who wore CCS2 Atom suits which were one grade higher than her's. She tried to escape, but the Stag Entomon was too fast. He drew in closer and closer by the tick of every millisecond, like a grim reaper. Her legs went soft as she stupidly stood still out of fear. She saw the Entomon closing in. With death looming at the doorstep, she gave up on escaping and accepts her fate.

"Nooooo... . ."

Mathew burst out of the crowd and charges straight into the face of the Stag Entomon. The Entomon was surprised by the sudden attack of Mathew. It didn't feel threatened… So, he ignores Mathew and tried to grab Natalie with his pincer. That was a fatal mistake, Mathew went straight for the left eye, and pierces it right through the Entomon's left eye.


The Stag Entomon let out a shrill, and screech loudly. He truly underestimates the human and paid a heavy price. He was fuming with anger now.

'A mere tiny worms dare to hurt me.' He screeches as he swiped his giant pair of scissors attacking Mathew, trying to pulverize him. But Mathew dodges it gracefully as it was already within his calculation...

"Natalie! Get away from here. Retreat back to the base." Mathew shouted while dodging the attacks. Natalie hesitates.

"But..." Before she could finish her sentence, Mathew shouted. "That's an order. Now go back to the base."

She knew she was a burden... So, she didn't hesitate any more and flew off away from the battlefield.

The Stag Entomon glared at Matthew with his right eye. 'I cannot let this little worm escape.' He thought. He glared at Matthew who dodges his attack, he can't wait to tear the person standing in front of him into pieces. Now his focus was all on Matthew.

He buzzes his wings and charges straight to Mathew. Even with his large body, he was extremely fast. It almost reaches the speed of sound.

When Matthew saw the incoming Entomon, he knew couldn't dodge the attack. It was too fast and too big for him to evade.

So, he activates his energy shield and flew back to reduce the momentum and impact.

The Stag Entomon accelerates his speed and slams Mathew with his scissor-like horn. Mathew watches as the gigantic Entomon shattered his energy shield like a fragile piece of glass in slow motion. He then activates his life-saving Airbag which instantly puffs out an oversized Airbag and covered the whole mech, but it was short-lived as it deflated as soon as it comes in contact with the Entomon's horn. He flew like a rocket and slam against an Asteroid barely surviving the impact. The one-eyed Noble Entomon was confused, he felt he had hit something soft and notice the deflated airbag, he then looks at Matthew who was still alive, only to realize that he had been tricked again.

"ROAR… ."

He madly roars and flew straight towards Matthew as if he had gone insane. A few soldiers wearing Atom suits tried to block him, but he smashes through them like a paper wall.


He landed on the Asteroid where Mathew had fallen.

Matthew smiles bitterly as he watches the gigantic Entomon approaching at him.

'I promise Natalie to marry her after we return from this war.' He thought.


"I cannot fulfill that promise now." He closes his eyes and waits for his imminent death.

The one-eyed Entomon close in on Matthew and looks at him viciously. The Entomon grab Matthew with its scissor horn and was gonna rip him apart when time suddenly freezes. Everything came to a stop.

The next moment, something unbelievable happened in front of Matthew's eyes. He saw a white silver flash, and when he thought what was that silver light, he realized the one-eyed Entomon had already been torn into two pieces.

Everyone scream in surprise.


"What was that?"

"What's happening!!"

The Entomons were also stunned for a moment.

There was a hazy smoke covering the person who just saved him. When the smoke was cleared, everyone finally saw a gigantic Atom suit with silver color standing next to the carcass.

It was bigger than any other Atom suit they had ever seen. It was a 52 meters tall Atom suit. It was totally different from any other Atom suit they have ever seen.


"That's Lieutenant General Henry! That means the backup is finally here."

One of the higher-ranking officers recognizes the suit and shouted out, they realize their savior had finally arrived and screamed with joy. Seeing their back up has finally come, everyone was feeling excited. General ranks were the spiritual leader of an army. These soldiers have been suffering from the hand of the Noble Entomons, and they have been desperately seeking for help. But, finally, the wait is over and the reinforcement is finally here. They saw their Lt General squash the Noble Entomon like a bug, it was one of the most satisfying things they have ever seen. They finally got someone who can fight back against the Noble Entomons.

Millions of streak of lights could be seen flying towards them wearing CCS3, and CCS4 Atom suits. They charge straight through the swarm of Entomons and start smashing and slicing them into pieces. The Entomons didn't have much resistance against the reinforcement. They were just bugs in front of these towering Giants, not to mention the one piloting them were all elite soldiers. They have gone through many battles whilst exploring hostile planets. One could tell the difference with the way how they battle. They were much more lethal and effective with their killing blows. The Entomons were blown apart and cleanly cut whenever they come in contact with these elite soldiers.

High ranking officers who wore CCS4 starts attacking the Noble Entomons, keeping them busy and occupied. Without support from the Noble Entomons, the lower class Entomons were at a disadvantage. Humans got back into their formations and taking advantage of their superior weapons, they start pushing back the Entomons.

Henry closely observes the overall situation of the war. He needs an overview of the situation, and make a decision.


"Lieutenant General! Thank you for saving me." Matthew cough, and stood while giving a military salute.

"Don't mention it! I saw your fight against the Noble Entomon. You did a great job. and work hard. We will need everyone's strength in the near future." Henry praises him.

"It was just luck," Matthew replied with shame.

"I don't think so! No luck can pull off that kind of stunt. You should return back to the base, and take care of your injuries." Ordered Henry.

"Sir! I... "

Before he could finish his sentence.


Go back! that's an order." Henry waved off his hand ignoring his pleading.

"Yes, Sir!" Matthew could only helplessly shake his head and flew off to the temporary base.

Henry watches the fight between his officers and the Stag Entomons. Both of them have similar speed, size, and strength, but the elite soldiers have superior fighting skills, better weapons and equipment, and the suits were made out of Titanium, pure graphene and rare materials from planet Nanian, which can certainly take hits from the Noble Entomons. So, the Entomons were at disadvantages right now. The Atom suits were also equipped with one of the most advanced weapons, and a high-frequency blade that can slice through almost anything.

The Noble Entomons were screeching as their bodies split into two. The soldiers were in awe. It was truly satisfying to watch the Noble Entomons cut into half, they finally got revenge for their friends. The moral of the soldiers were boosted.

The soldiers cheered as they saw many elite soldiers chasing down the Noble Entomons and killing them...

"I wish I had that Grade A high-frequency blade." One of the soldiers look at the radiating sword and spoke his mind.

"Dream on!"

"Those are not cabbage. They required an enormous amount of energy, and someone strong enough to wield it. Even if you wield one, I don't think you can slice through a cabbage, and you need to be a high ranking officer or elite soldiers to wield it. It will be just waste in our hands." The person next to him replied with a bit of sarcasm.

The soldier tightly clenched his sword and made a firm decision. He needs that sword. If he survives this war, he will practice 100 times harder than his usual training.

As the fight continues, humans were gaining momentum with the help of the elite soldiers, and the Entomon's number was slowly dwindling.

"SCREECH... ."

A very long and painful screech was heard. It was the last Noble Entomon that was killed.

The lower class Entomons realize that the war was going south. So, they started retreating slowly. In this battle, the Entomons lost more than 65% of their numbers whilst the human lost around 11%. If not for the backup, they would have lost this war.

Henry was pondering deeply about the sudden retreat of the Entomons. He looks far away into the pitch black dark abyss.

A CCS4-Atom suit came flying and landed next to Henry.

"Lt General! We lost 790k soldiers, 6 million Cyborgs, 21 million Prugnator-Droids, and 143k Meta-humans, Sir! We lost 11% of our fighting power." Colonel Luke reported.

"Sigh... ."

"We lost so many even after we intervened." Henry was remorseful. so many lives were lost in one day.

'I don't know how long we can keep this up.' He thought.

"Go and give everyone a one hour rest, and get everyone ready for combat. Our guest will be arriving soon." Ordered Henry.

Luke was startled. He followed Henry's eyes and looks at the deep space. He zooms in and saw some activity. It was not clear but he gets the idea of what it was. It was the Entomons, the blurry cloud was getting bigger by every second.

"Yes, Sir!" He gave a salute, and flew off to the battlefield and started preparing for the upcoming battle.

"Leto! How many hours left before they reach us?" Asked Henry.

"1:15 hrs." Replied a soft female voice.

"How many of them are there?" Asked Henry.

"37,261,047,931, and counting. I detect a lot of higher energy lifeforms with two at an Upper Peta level." Leto paused for a moment and gave detailed answers.

Henry sucks cold air. He was truly intimidated by the numbers. He looks at the pitch-black dark abyss and gnashes his teeth.

With a growl, he gave a long howl.


When the soldiers saw their Lieutenant General howling, they can't help but feel lonely. The howl is a declaration of war by Henry.

He gave a final look at the black space and checks his battle equipment. He knew this was a life and death battle.

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