《FINAL WAR: ENTOMONS》Chapter 12: Bald Eagle


Planet Earth.

Lord Adril Mansion, Alaska.

"Lord Adril! Colton has succeeded in his mission." Nolan reported.

"Good! He didn't disappoint me. How is the situation in Perseus and Island clusters?" Lord Adril asked.

"Right now, General Rick is preparing for a war in those two clusters. He is sending out civilians tomorrow at 11.30 pm. We have sent Oliver as a back-up for emergency retreats." Nolan reported.

"Alright. Recall back Colton and all of the high ranking officers, and above to Earth. We will hold meetings in 7 days." Adril ordered.

"Yes, Lord! And how should we reward Colton on his victory?" Asked Nolan.

"Give them a hero's welcome and generous contribution points."

"Yes, Lord!" Noland replied and gave his subordinates instructions.


Z Solar System.

Thousands of Gigantic space ships could be seen floating in the Z Solar System.

Planet Zeoter, ZA1 Military Camp.

Many soldiers could be seen standing near a Mothership. The ship was 6.2 miles, specially designed for exploration. It was basically a self-sustaining city in space. It was 11.25 pm, and everyone was abroad ready to leave the planet.

"General! We are set and ready to depart. Give us your command, Sir!" William reported.

"Air Chief Marshal William Barr. I hereby order you to return back to Earth safely." Rick gave his command.

"Yes, SIR!" William gave a salute, and both of them shook their hands.

"Godspeed," Rick said goodbye. "Thank you, Sir!" Willian said his farewell and entered the Mothership along with his subordinates.

"Zzvvvveeeeee... . ."

Light particles started condensing below the ship and thrust out waves of heat into the ground. The Mothership slowly start floating above the ground, and flew up in the sky and vanish into the clouds.

"Ethan! Connect me with all of the MotherShips within Perseus and Island Clusters." William ordered.

"Yes, Sir!" Ethan replied and instruct the technicians.

A big hologram screen pops out in the command center along, and many faces started appearing on the screen.

"Air Vice Marshal." Everyone greeted William with a salute.

"Captains! Most of the smaller ships cannot travel long-range wormholes. The distance between us and Earth is around 10,000 light-years. It is impossible for small space ships to travel as they don't have the required energy, and not to mention we will warping the space twice. We will meet up and travel together. I'll send the rendezvous point to everyone where we will warp space, and head off to Space Desert. Do any of you have questions?" Asked William.

"No! Air Chief Marshal!" Everyone answered.

"Ethan! Send them the coordination of Blue star, near planet B13." Ordered William.

"Yes, Air Chief Marshal." Answered Ethan, and starts giving instructions to his subordinates.


Then with a zap... They vanish into thin air and headed towards the Blue Star. The soldiers left behind on the planet look at the sky with twinkling eyes as the Mothership vanishes into empty space.

"It's time to have fun. Everyone! Prepare for war." Rick shouted. "Tomorrow, we will leave for the battlefield."

"Yes, SIR!" Everyone shouted.

General Rick returns to the Military base followed by his subordinates.

"Tell the cook to prepare a feast. We will all have a sumptuous meal before the battle." Ordered Rick

"Yes, Sir!" Everyone started preparing for the feast. The military camp became loud and noisy. Everything became lively again.

The night was crowded and filled with laughter. The soldiers were enjoying the meals and the drink. They knew this might be their last meal, some of them might die in tomorrow's battle.

They were happy with this life. They have lived for more than 200-300 years, some even 500 years. Their lives were full of happiness. Lord Adril brought peace and prosperity to everyone.

Today was a great day for them, they were able to eat, drink and laugh together with the great General, one of the famous General in History. He was the youngest, and also the strongest General in history. Even though his rank was below Field Marshal Brayden or the other military leaders. He isn't in no way less than any of them in status and reputation.


Everyone keeps cheering and drinking. They were shouting, singing and dancing as they laugh together.

"General! I think you should take a rest." Li Wei said. He saw the General was a little tired.

"Alright! Keep in tab with the Frontline. As long as there is any change in the situation inform me immediately, and let the soldiers go to bed before 11.30 pm." Rick didn't deny his advice and goes to sleep while giving out his order. These past few months have been quite exhausting for him. He needs to stay in optimal condition for tomorrow's war.


3.30 am in the morning, the loudspeakers went off and woke up everyone.

The soldiers drowsily woke up from their dreams and hurriedly start doing their morning drills.

4:00 am.

Everyone stood in formations. There are 100 thousand of them in one base. This was happening in all of the bases. Some early planets have already finished their drill exercises and checking their weapons.

A Gigantic 3D holograms of General Rick pops up on all of the military bases in all of the planets.

"My fellow soldiers! I don't have much to say, and I don't want to give you a long lecture either. All I can tell you is; Today! We will give those Entomons a lesson they will never forget in their lifetime. They think we are weak insects, and treat us as food.


But today we are going to show them that we are not weak. We are not some food or toys for them. We are humans who lord over everything. Now, let's go kill us some bugs." Rick shouted and roar loudly.


All of the soldiers shouted along with Rick.

"Now, onto each of your battleship. Let us meet on the Frontline. Everyone is dismissed." The gigantic hologram vanishes.

The Commanders became busy, giving out orders. The soldiers started gearing up their Bio-suits.

Soldiers started boarding the Motherships, and the battleships in droves. Technicians, who specialize in handling war weapons like the Heavy Artilleries, and Androides were put into a special compartment. Right now, the whole military is functioning like a machine. Batch by batch soldiers line up to the military warehouses and came out with a suit like a manufacturing line. After they are done with their equipment, they boarded the ship, and take off into space.

This was happening on all of the planets.

General Rick and the high ranking officers went into the special warehouse and start wearing their advance bio-suits.

"Ava! Load up the 'The Achilles' to the Mothership Centurion." Rick ordered. Centurion was the name of his personal Mothership. He cannot walk around on the Mothership with a 55 meters tall suits.

"Yes, Rick!" Ava replied with a soft female voice. Ava was a personal Ai assistant of Rick.

He walks up to a podium and stood in the middle. "Activate 'Bald Eagle'." He shouted. A highly dense liquid came out of the podium and slowly start attaching to Rick. The liquid than fully covered his body and take shapes into wings and armor. Rick then activates the liquid into solid-state. Once the liquid becomes solid, the atomic structure of the materials arranges itself and became one of the super materials. The material became 60 times stronger than carbyne. It has self-healing abilities with nanotechnologies.

The suit has 2 metallic wings. The wings were thin like blade which can slice through almost anything, and the wings can be used for a defense as well. A highly advanced bio-suit with both offense and defense is the epitome of battle suits.

It was one of the latest hybrid suits which were only available to the high ranking officers and elite soldiers. Its engine is powered by anti-matters and thermal powers. It has high compressed cells in a small chamber which can store Petawatts of energies.

Rick clench his fist and feels the power rushing through his suit. His physical body was already powerful enough to be called the strongest in human history. In the 26th century, people can change their genetic code, and get rid of all the bad and weaker genes, they can also modify and enhance their genetic structures with similar characteristics to the animals or bugs. People can even change their bone structure into steel, and their muscle fibers into synthetic fibers. These are things are very costly so it's not common for everyone to change or enhance themselves.

We called the people who enhance themselves "Enhancers". They are adventurers and explorers to new and different planets. Their jobs were risky as well as lucrative. Anybody can enhance themselves if you have the money and resources, or you can become a part of the Military to enhance yourself. There are two types of Enhancers; One is Enhance through genetics and the other is Enhance physically, which is to mechanize their body or change their body parts.

Some people took as far as with their enhancement that, they transplant their brains into powerful robots. But there are always pros and cons to this weird physical enhancement. That is, they lose natural instinct, muscle memories, body proportion, sense of their surroundings, and many more. When you change your body, you have to adapt and adjust to your new body and that takes a lot of time. You might never be the same person again, so it was risky to Enhance physically.

While Rick was adjusting his suits, his subordinates have already started lining up outside waiting for Rick. All of them were wearing advanced 3rd and 4th generation bio-suits.

Rick walks out with his custom bio-suits. It was golden in color with black bold lines between the muscle lines. He was originally 3.7 meters tall with sturdy muscles. Now with the suits, he stands 6 meters tall above the rest of his subordinates, and it was really intimidating.

Everyone admires him and the suit. 'It looks so damn cool' Everyone thought as their eyes were glued on the suit.

"Attention!" Rick shouted getting everyone's attention. "Everyone! Get aboard to the Mothership. We will now depart to Island Clusters."

"Yes, SIR!" Everyone shouted and in a uniform fashion, they started climbing to the Mothership Centurion.

The Mothership then started floating up slow and along with all of the other ships, they flew and vanish into the clouds.

"Everyone! We are about to enter the wormhole. Brace yourself!" Rick shouted. The countdown started.


As it hit zero, the space ship Centurion shot out dense repulsive energy and rips apart the space opening up a wormhole, then all of the space ships warp into the hole and vanished, leaving behind only the eerie darkness.

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