《FINAL WAR: ENTOMONS》Chapter 6: Professor Aizel 1


Professor Aizel felt some people entering his room, but he didn't seem to be bothered by it. He knew this was one of the most secured areas and the people who entered his house without his permission are his family or friends, this is not the first time people enter his room without permission. As long as they don’t disturb him whilst he was working, it was fine.

Even though the people visiting him might be an official or someone from the higher-ups, he doesn’t care, he just ignores their presence and continued scribbling and adjusting the hologram model. He couldn't divert any of his attention right now, he was working on something that could change the world.

Every scientist had their own temperaments, so Adril doesn’t mind his attitude.

Jayden sigh… ‘When he realizes he is sitting up Lord Adril, I don’t know how he would react.’ He thought.

Professor Aizel was fully focus on his works, he kept murmuring and calculating something on his mind, his Ai pet Luna helped him with all of the big numerical numbers. Both of them worked together tirelessly.

As time passes by, Professor Aizel seems to have caught something, he was feeling excited, and happiness could be seen all over his face. The sky soon became dark, and Professor Aizel was still in his train of thought.


After a long time, he exhaled out a long breath and sigh deeply


”You guys are still here?” I thought you guys would have left by now." His voice broke the silence.

"Ha ha ha…”

“Aizel…! I hadn't thought you would become this skinny, I should have brought some skinny pants as a gift." Jayden walks towards him and gave a big hug.


“Look who's is here, a Grizzly bear?" Aizel jokes while hugging back at his old friend.

Aizel and Jayden were old pals since high school. Aizel was a genius nerd whilst Jayden was a strong boy who possesses the qualities to lead people, they were an odd couple in high school.

Jayden was an open-minded person who accepted everyone as a friend. He is the type of person who will always stand up for his friends, no matter what situations they are in.


Aizel, on the other hand, was a typical nerd who is extremely smart and has a very high IQ. He is exceptionally smart for his age when he was young, so it was hard for him to get any real friends, Jayden was the only one in his class who was mature enough to understand his feelings. They hit right off the bat when they meet at camping, they became close friends since then and hung out together.


“I know you guys like to cuddle, but we came here for important matters." Brayden cough while reminding the two that there are people around.

The two of them look at each other and became awkward.

"Who the hell wants to cuddle with this fat grizzly bear! And who are you to judge other people?" Professor Aizel turn around and shouted. His face was full of anger, he looks at the surrounding people and realizes these people were not his friends nor families.

"It was just a joke. My name is Brayden! We came here with that fat grizzly bear.” Brayden gave a wink at Jayden and jokes again.

Jayden almost flared up.


“Enough with your silly jokes.” Adril waves his hand stopping them from going any further. He looked at Professor Aizel and said.

“Hello Professor Aizel, I’m Adril. I think we have met quite a few times before in the past… We came here for important matters, I hope Professor Aizel could help us.” Adril put out his hand for a handshake.

Professor Aizel mouth gap wide open when he saw Lord Adril face.

‘Are you freaking kidding me? That’s Lord Adril!!!’ Professor Aizel was screaming in his mind.

Of course, they have met a few times when scientific communities gave demonstrations of some of the most advanced technologies. Lord Adril didn’t attend all demonstrations, but he attended on some of the major breakthroughs in science and technology.

"My Lord!”

“I'm sorry for the rude behavior. I didn't know you were here."

Professor Aizel hurriedly grabs and shook his hand while constantly apologizing. He was trembling and sweating all over his body.

He was clueless as to why Lord Adril was here. ‘He could have just summoned me if he wanted my service,’ he thought. He was a little flattered and intimidated by his visit.


You have to know that Lord Adril is basically the ruler of the entire human race.

Looking around he saw many more faces, all of them were familiar faces. They were the highest-ranking members of humanity: Field Marshal Brayden, Marshal of the Air Force, Colton, Admiral of the Fleet, Jayden, and Nolan who oversees all of the policies and also the right-hand man of Lord Adril.

These people could command billions of soldiers within a snap of their fingers.

'And here I thought some random relatives or friends visiting me.' Aizel shook his head.

Even though he was one of the genius scientists, he didn't have any power or authority. All he could do is give advice and publish research papers.

To be honest, he was nothing special. There are hundreds of millions of scientists in all of the planets. They could have picked any other scientist.

He has a lot of respect for Lord Adril Ryde, the one who united everyone, put science and technology at the forefront, which benefited everyone, and the whole humanity prospered from it.

"How is it? Got stumped after meeting your idol.”


Jayden laughs loudly as he pats Professor Aizel shoulders. Professor Aizel face becomes red with shame, he was in an awkward position right now. He couldn't even refute the claim because that would destroy all of his images, and lost all of his decorum.

Everyone smiled looking at their childish behavior.

"Enough with the jokes, and let’s get down to business,” Adril said solemnly.

"First and foremost, we should get Professor Aizel to eat something. He must be hungry since he has been stuck in this room the whole day, and

I think you guys must be hungry as well, right?" Adril looks at the trio whose stomachs were grumbling when he mentions food.

"Yes Lord"

Braiden was the first one to happily comply.

"Lord is wise." Nolan nodded his head in agreement.

When you have an empty stomach, your brains stop functioning properly. Your mind won’t be able to focus, it will start wandering around, thinking about food all the time, causing a distraction.

Professor Aizel was truly happy when he heard he will be having a meal with Lord Adril. He could brag about this meal for his whole life.

Professor Aizel's dining room...

In just a few minutes, the dining table was full of tasty dishes, you can see there are tons of expensive food with unique and rare ingredients. These ingredients are all from different planets. Nolan had ordered and arranged all of the dishes within 10 minutes.

Everyone was having a hearty meal together. Brayden jokes around as laughter filled the dining room. The three commanders had a very big appetite. They were chomping down the food to their heart's content. As a soldier, the three of them had great respect for food.

In order to reach their positions, they had survived and overcome many ordeals. They have faced many dangerous situations whilst exploring new and unknown planets. There are many dangerous and risky planets; some planets have storms that can destroy everything in its path, while some have native species which is extremely strong and dangerous. Not every exploration has been a successful mission.

In some situations, they had to survive without food for many days, and the edible food they found was disgusting and taste awful. The worst part is when they had nothing to eat for days.


“Have you order food for the soldiers outside?" Adril looks at Nolan who was slowly cutting his steak.

"Yes, Lord!”

“I have already arranged all of their meals right before we started,” Nolan replied calmly.

Professor Aizel was truly impressed with Nolan. ‘This guy seemed to have thought through everything without making a single mistake,’ he thought. He was a bit tad jealous of Lord Adril.

The dinner was over, and everyone's stomach was full.

"Now, let’s go and discuss important matters.” Adril stood up from his chair.

"The meeting room is this way, Lord!" Professor Aizel hurriedly stood up and guides them to his meeting room.

Everyone followed Professor Aizel to the meeting room.

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