《FINAL WAR: ENTOMONS》Chapter 5: Block all Exits


When everybody left, Nolan invited Brayden, Colton, and Jayden to a private meeting.


“Please... come in.” Nolan opens the door and invites them in. “The Lord is waiting for the three of you inside." He leads them to a private hall with Black and Gold soldiers guarding the entrance.

The first thing they saw when they entered the room was the amazing scenery. It was a wonderful garden with lots of exquisite plants, the whole floor was covered with green grasses, exotic plants, flowers and a little pond in the middle.

“Please! This way...” Nolan guides them to Lord Adril.

Lord Adril was sitting alone in a chair holding a teacup.

"Come and sit, commanders!”

“Two herbal and one lemon tea, I guess?" Adril said as he starts pouring hot water into a cup.

"HAHAHA... Thank you Lord Adril!”

Brayden laugh loudly and sat down on the chair. “I don’t know what magic you put into our drinks, but we are already addicted... Our throats have been craving for your tea all the time. Especially Jayden...! He always nags about your tea." He nudges Jayden with his elbow and wink at him.

Jayden faces turn red looking at this shameless friend of his.

"So, what's the real situation?" Adril asked as he put some lemon jess and herbs into the tea. He pushes the cups to them and waits for their replies.

The three of them pick up their cups and savor the flavors of the tea.

"The situation is much worse than we thought. It's only been 3 months since we started the war, but the casualties have reached more than 50 million, counting both humans and meta-humans. We have lost many of our great combat soldiers and battle pilots in this war." Colton answered while sipping the tea.

Colton continued.

"The size of the swarms are getting bigger and bigger, and we have spotted more Leviathans. After analyzing all of our data, we made a few models and predictions. If our prediction is right, then the swarm within our sights are just scavengers. That means there is a whole bunch of colonies within that cluster, and we don’t know how big the size of the colony is. What we know is not enough, there might be even more colonies in the surrounding clusters.

Lord Adril had a serious face after listening to Colton. He went into deep thought contemplating over the who situation. He still couldn’t come up with anything even after analyzing the situation for half an hour. Nobody has any new ideas.

Colton continued. “These Entomons seems to be commanded by someone of something. From the first look, their attacks seem to be wild and chaotic, but after going through their attack patterns, it was well organized and used some kind of tactics. The most astonishing part of all is that we have detected another swarm of Entomons in PW7 Cluster.” Colton took a few sips and explain.

"Is there really no way of escaping from this predicament?" Adril knitted his brows.

"I wish there is one… But we are out of ideas.” Colton shook his head, ”We have run through many simulations and tested many ideas, but all of them came out as failures, and we just received some new information after the meeting. Our recon satellites have detected another swarm of Entomons in PE 6 Cluster, and they are closing in on us slowly." Colton put the empty cup on the table and laid back to his chair feeling exhausted.


Lord Adril suddenly stood up with a solemn expression. He seems to have been struck by lightning.


He breathes out slowly.

“So, they are cutting all of the paths of our retreats." Lord Adril murmured as he stood their blankly, he seems to have realized the seriousness of this issue. They had underestimated the intelligence of the Entomons.

In the face of extinction, and when you are powerless to do anything against the outcome, everyone’s minds would crumble.


Jayden replied as he twirls tea and drink it to the last drop and put it on the table.

“They have blocked the East and West. South is their base and North leads to the Galactic Bulge, which is the center of the Galaxy.

Vertical up and down is just an empty void. We cannot go down there with our current technology, We will be stranded

and that's 100% certain death. There is nothing but empty void outside of our Galaxy and the distance between Galaxies exceeds one's imagination.” Jayden put out a virtual map of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Everybody went silent… They realized they were facing a very scary opponent. The enemies were highly intelligent and extremely powerful, If this news were released to the public, humanity would crumble from within in a matter of days.

"How are things on the other planets?" Adril asked sadly, this is the first time he felt so powerless.

"The situations are all similar to Earth. Criminals and Notata are not much of a threat right now... We are closely monitoring all of their movements.” Nolan reported from the sidelines.

“What is our current progress?” Adril looks at Nolan.

“We are recruiting massive numbers of new recruits daily. Our supply chains are operating 24 hrs a day. Millions of Prugnator-Droids, weapons, and ammunition are manufactured every day. But we are still far away from the listed quota. The major issue we are facing right now is that we are low on high-quality materials." Nolan listed all of the current progress and the problems

"How about the Noble’s and those greedy merchants?" Adril asked distastefully.

"The Noble’s are oddly quiet on all of this. The merchants, on the other hand, are very active, they are taking advantage of the current crisis and selling everything at a higher price. We also saw them recruiting a lot of mercenaries and stocking up more supplies." Nolan was a little frustrated when talking about the merchants.

"Those merchants are truly disgusting. In this time of war and suffering, all they care about is money and profit. I would love to smash their skull like an egg." Brayden pounded his fist against his palm.

Adril contemplated for a moment and said, "Introduce new policies. Limit the number of items and products a person can purchase. Especially household items."

"Yes, Lord!!"

Nolan happily replied.

"If there is no more path for us to retreat, then we will give those bugs a long-lasting memory of us Humans," Adril said firmly releasing an aura of a leader.

Nolan hesitates for a moment...


“What are you hesitating? Tell us anything that’s on your mind. Any new ideas are most welcome right now.” Adril looks at Nolan with a little expectation. Nolan is a very smart person who always thinks outside of the box.

"Cough… Yes, Lord!”

“I was thinking... Why not pay a visit to Professor Aizel?”

“He is after all, once in a lifetime genius and one of the smartest human beings. He might have the answers we are looking for." Nolan said calmly


Everyone’s jaws dropped. They felt like they just ate a fly.

"Great idea!!”

“Why didn't I think of that before.” Everyone exclaimed.

“What are we waiting for?... Let's go and pay him a visit then." Adril stood up and left the room hurriedly, followed by Nolan.


Brayden smiles and pat Jayden’s shoulder. "Let's go visit your old pal.”

The three of them stood up and hurriedly followed Adril and Nolan.

They came out of the chamber and got inside their vehicles. To keep a low profile, they went with only a few guards.

The vehicles light up and flew off into the clouds, without leaving any trails.


The US, Central Institute of Technology.

On-campus, a few advanced military-grade flying vehicles landed on the ground, which attracted everyone’s attention. It is rare to park vehicles on campus ground, not even the principle could park inside the campus.

Many students were curious, they gathered around the vehicle trying to get a closer look, but they were shooed away by the teachers and the securities. They started taking pictures and videos with their Ai pet, some students start searching the model number of the vehicles into the virtual network.

After a few seconds the door open with a hiss… A few people came out of the vehicles wearing masks. looking at their sizes, the first thought that came to people’s minds was...

‘Those people are freaking huge.’

Looking at their forms and figures, they knew these people were high ranking officials or commanders. All of them were more than 3 meters tall, one person especially stands out amongst them as he stands 3.5 meters in height, that person was Field Marshal Brayden.

Their clothing changes colors as they walk out from the vehicles, even the elite soldiers change their suits into black color, no one was able to recognize their identities or status.

However, that doesn’t stop people from taking videos and pictures. Adril and his group attracted a lot of attention because of their cool outfits, especially the elite soldiers.

Two young boys were watching the whole thing from afar, they were sitting on the stairs of Lord Adril statue.

“Who are they?”

A young boy named Liam asked his friend with awe, his body was still shivering when he was scanned by one of the elite soldiers. He felt a huge amount of energy rushing through his body and almost choked him to death.

“I don’t know about those 5 guys, but I know the soldiers who are protecting them.” Calum looked carefully at the 5 people and the guards protecting them.

“Care to explain?” Liam looked at him with curious eyes.

“Well... alright!” Calum thought for a moment and started explaining.

“Let me first ask you this. Do you know anything about elite soldiers?”

Calum looked at him asked.

“Umm… All I know is, elite soldiers wear; blue, red, green, purple and black? Lowest blue and highest black?” Liam thought for a moment and answered.

“True, but all of them count as a single grade, that is Standard or Grade 0. The lowest grade in the military.” Calum shook his head and replied.

“What do you mean standard? And what is grade 0?” Liam asked enthusiastically.

“Well… There is a ranking in Standard or Grade 0, which is the 5 colors you just mentioned, lowest blue and highest black. Normal people took the 5 colors as elites, but they are just standards with grades in the military. Now, these people are something special, above standards, there are even more elite soldiers which is hidden from the public eyes, that is; Elites, Super Elites, Specialist, Elite Specialist, and Custom or in simple terms; Grade 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.”

Calum slowly explained, so his friend could understand.

“Do you see the small tags on their shoulders that says G3V U16? That’s Grade 3 elite soldiers or Specialist from Unit 16 and the V represent the highest rank within its own rank, their suits should be Black and Gold. They change their suits into single colors when they are in public space.”

“What’s the benefit of being an elite soldier?” Liam was very interested in these elite soldiers.

“Just know that better grades mean better resources; You will get higher grades of genetic enhancement, better weapons, and equipment, like those bio suits they are wearing,” he pointed at the elite soldiers. “They are wearing one of the most advanced bio suits in the military, their suits are so powerful that they could bring down all of the buildings within our vicinity.”

“Wow…. So cool!!”

“How can I become an elite soldier? Will I grow as tall as them if I get the genetic enhancement?” He asked Calum with full of hopes. Calum could even see stars in Liam's eyes.


He answered.


“Let us both apply for the military right now, both of us will be brother in arms.” Liam patted Calum shoulders, he was feeling excited.

There was a smug off his face just thinking about how tall he would become.

Calum facepalm himself looking at his stupid friend smugging. ‘You don’t know how tough it is to become elites. If so my dad would have become an elite.’ He thought. His dad was a second lieutenant, a high ranking officer, but even he.. can never become an elite soldier.


Five people leading a group of soldiers walked towards the residential area, they pass through the University and came across many luxurious buildings, halls, and gardens, it was fully funded by the government, so everything was beautiful and highly advanced. The university gave out many privileges to the professors; they give high salaries, big house and new resources from the planets which are newly discovered and explored for research items.

As they were halfway through, the Principal of the University came out running and hurriedly welcome them.

"Welcome Lord’s.”

“It’s truly a pleasure for your excellencies to come and visit our humble institute." Principal Sebastian gave a courteous bow. Lord Adril gave him a nod.


Brayden can’t help but chuckle when he heard Sebastian calling them Lord.

“Is there anything I can do to help your excellencies?" Sebastian asked hurriedly as had felt the pressure from these people, he shriveled his neck when he looks at Brayden. He was just a normal guy with an average height of 2.4 meters, he felt tiny looking at his surroundings.

"We are just here to meet Professor Aizel, If you don’t mind, we are a little tight on time.” Nolan indicates the principle go away politely.

The principal seems to understand and walks away quickly, feeling a little intimidated.

After the principal left, Adril and his men had reached the residential area and stop in front of a house. It was none other than Professor Aizel house.

It was a big and beautiful house on a nearby lake. One of the privileges of being a professor and a scientist in this institute is that, you get to choose your own house design and the location, everything will be funded by the University.

“Have you inform the professor that we are coming?” Ask Adril.

“I did! But didn’t get a reply.” Answered Nolan.

“I think he must be working on something important. He won’t answer anyone's call while he is working. Let’s go! I can get us into his house.” Jayden said and led them to the house.

When the guards saw a few people and a dozen of soldiers approaching their gate, they were startled. Their scalps got numb when they saw the insignia on the soldiers.


Captain Theo shouted. He was the captain of the elite soldiers who is in charge of protecting Lord Adril.

The guards came out of their stupor and hurriedly opened the gate. They gave a salute and stood by the gate like a living statue.

They knew these people were from the military and a very high ranking at that one.

They were shivering with cold sweats on the back, when the elite soldiers pass by them, the only thing in the minds was “death”. They have never encountered elite soldiers, not to mention up this close in real person, they almost peep their pants...


Brayden laugh loudly looking at these shriveling guards.


Brayden pats one of the guards on his shoulder, and then pointed at the elite soldiers and said.

“Look, kid! Never worry about these soldiers, just imagine them as cute little kittens.” All of the guards fall down on their knees and almost fainted. The guard who was slapped by Brayden had already fainted.

Adril sigh... ‘These people are really hopeless.’ he thought.

"Captain Theo!!”

“Stay outside and watch our surrounding perimeter." Nolan gave out orders.

“Yes, sir!”

Captain Theo starts organizing his team.

Hisss… The door opens up after scanning Jayden’s body. Jayden then leads them to the Professor study room. Brayden tried to scan the house but all of his signals were blocked.

Even with all of the powerful tools and technology, Professor Aizel was always one step ahead of everyone in terms of science and technologies.

‘Interesting’ Brayden thought. Professor Aizel was currently sitting in a quiet room scribbling something on a hologram diagram.

Jayden tried to call out Professor's name but was stopped by Lord Adril. Adril didn’t want to disturb the professor who is in his thought process. He has great respect for scientists. The room was a little messy, but they found an empty couch and sat down while waiting for the Professor to finish his work.

They didn't disturb the professor and let him continue with his work. “If lady luck is on our side, maybe, he can really make a breakthrough in some kind of groundbreaking research and help us get through these troubled times.” Lord Adril softly murmured and close his eyes.


Military Grades :

Standard or Grade 0: Blue, Red, Green, Purple, and Black

Elites: Elites, Super Elites, Specialist, Special Elites, Custom or Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5.

Elites Dress color: Steel + Bronze, White + Silver, Black + Gold, Blue + Platinum, Custom.

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