《FINAL WAR: ENTOMONS》Chapter 4: Notata


All of the High Council members had an ugly look on their faces.

"Don’t we have the mass destructive weapons? Why aren’t we using any of them?" Elder Dominic said with a pale face.

“We have and didn’t get the result we wanted. The mass destructive weapons are only effective within the range of plasma wave(bright fireball when a nuke goes off), thermal pulse and the flash doesn’t have any effect on them.

And we don’t have enough explosive weapons to casually detonate, they are all strategic resources.”

Brayden pull out a map of the starfield.

"The only option we have is to migrate someplace safe and far away from the Entomons as much as possible.” Brayden pointed to the west side of the Sagittarius arm, giving them a little hope, but before they could rejoice, Brayden continued.

“But that will expose us from all sides and weaken our ability to defend, which is more risky and dangerous, and with some of the insider information we have,” he looked at the Lords and Elders with serious eyes.

“No matter how far we escape, the Entomons will always know our location.”

Everybody was startled.

"How is that possible! How can they know our location?" One of the Elder shouted. He was in total panic. Not just him, all of the Lords and Elders were in despair.

"Because... we have spies amongst our rank." Admiral Jayden butt in the conversation.


Everyone was stun. They had an unbelievable expression on their faces, never in their life thought that there would be spies amongst them.

All of them look at each other with full of doubts and worried expression.

Even with all the commotion, Admiral Jayden calmly explained the situation.

"We call these people Notata and Blue Bloods. We believe there are Entomons with psychic abilities. Our evidence suggested that Blue Bloods are likely to be the ones behind the scenes and controlling all of these events.

We believed that they have lived on Earth since ancient times and they are part of the Entomons, I don’t know how they got here but one thing is certain... That is, they are on the side of the Entomons.”

A vengeful look appeared on his face.

“They have reared small insects which can release toxins with hallucination or psychedelic effects. Every Notata is bitten by these insects to their spinal neck, the insects than release toxins to their brains with psychedelic effects and control their mind and thoughts, more like a conversion or brainwash.

We have seen this specific insect spreading across the world. Right now they have only spread to a low populated area like towns and villages, but if we delayed any longer, the situation will only get worse.”

Jayden explained while keeping an eye on everyone.

"Great Job!!”

“The three of you deserve your reputation.” Lord Adril praised.

“We are very pleased with the way you manage and handle the situation. I’m a little less worried when I know the world is in good capable hands. I have more hope in this upcoming war knowing that the three of you will be presiding over the battle." Adril complimented and gave more responsibilities to the three military leaders, Adril was truly pleased with the three of them.

"Thank you Lord Adril! We were just doing our duty." The three of them replied

"Nolan! Come in!" Adril shouted.

“Now let’s weed out the rats.” Adril snorted and sat back in his chair. He looked at everyone with stern eyes. What he can’t tolerate was traitor.


Everyone was scared silly and starting to get nervous. They never expected Adril to make this abrupt decision.

Nolan arrived with a few medical staff and 100 Elite soldiers.

These Elite soldiers were huge and look different, they stand around 3.1 to 3.3 meters tall, they walk in with their whole body covered with black and gold color advanced bio suits holding high energy guns and blasters.

Black and Gold color represents the highest standards in the military, It means they are one of the best soldiers in their field.

"Lord Adril!”

Nolan gave a deep bow and paid his respect to everyone. When the Lords and Elders saw the elite soldiers coming in, they were intimidated and begin to panic.

"Lord Adril!”

“What's going on? We haven’t been informed about any of this." Some of the Lord and Elder clamored and start causing a scene in the chamber.

They couldn’t hide their nervousness looking at the Grade 3 elite soldiers, they look at their neighboring Lord and Elder for support, but none of them stood up and help them. Everyone is a smart person. They knew what was going on and this was not the right time to do anything stupid, they don’t want to risk their necks for a friendship. Just now they were discussing about traitors, and now they are surrounded by the elite soldiers. It was obvious that Lord Adril was weeding out spies, and there is no room for any discussion. Even a fool can recognize the severity of the situation.

"I know this is sudden and everyone is worried.” Lord Adril spoke out.

“Everyone will be given a fair trial and we will thoroughly investigate before giving out any punishment. So until the investigation is done, I hope everyone to be co-operative.” Adril said resolutely. There was no room for any discussion.

“This is for the sake of humanity. The medical test will now be mandatory for everyone. We will soon find out if we have rats in this chamber or not.”

“Nolan!! PROCEED!!"

Adril shouted as he flicks his sleeve and sat down ignoring the pitiful eyes of some of the Lords and Elders.

"Yes, Lord!"

Nolan gave a bow and calmly proceed with the medical test. He started calling out the names of the Council members one at a time.

Nobody could question the authority and influence held by Lord Adril Ryde. Everyone knew he was doing good for Humanity.

When humanity became a multi-planetary system, they are not bound to any country or nationality anymore. Everyone was free to travel without any boundaries and they can join any federations.

And no authority has the right to stop people from travelling or accessing the resources, that is as long as they are willing to work, resources are not by any means free.

So unlike the old world where power is divided between the countries, the power structures in the future have changed. Currently, the Union has the most power and influence on humanity. They oversee everything, from human rights to regional conflict. Rule of law, fairness, and justice was important for the stability of the world.

And with immortality, there is little to no corruption, because the people in power want to stay in power for a lifetime and politicians steered away from anything that’s gonna hurt their careers.

People can vote every 25 years and launch an anti-corruption investigation by an independent court which keeps checks and balances to the society.

Everything was possible because of Lord Adril. He is the stabilizer on everything including corruption. He is given the power to strip corrupt politicians as long as any evidence is presented.


Lord Adril is elected by the people permanently as the head of the Union with a few sets of rules, which is never to betray and do anything that will harm humanity and always uphold the rule of law.

Lord Adril has been staying in power for more than 5 centuries, his current position is unshakable. He has the full support of the people and everybody has blind faith in him.

Currently, all of the power is in the hands of Lord Adril and the Military.

The lords and Elders still had their power and privileges, except for a few changes in their voting rights and decision making.

The Lords and Elders could attempt to overthrow Lord Adril if they had sufficient evidence and accuse Lord Adril of colluding with the enemies, which is an impossible task because everybody knows Lord Adril’s true character, he has been transparent about everything and doesn’t leave behind anything that can be used against him by the enemies.

He is a very good and kind person, but not stupid.

The people in the futures are well informed on everything, they won’t believe anything thrown at them by the politicians. The military won’t accept it and even the members of the Union won’t accept it either.

Nobody is stupid enough to go against the will of the people or destroy the fabric of the society, which would make them sinners of humanity, which is worse than death.

Everyone knew that he, Lord Adril had the best intentions for mankind, and nobody was qualified enough to replace him of such a huge responsibility.


The medical staff guides the council members into a room supervised by Nolan, a robotic machine pricks their fingers and start scanning their blood. After nothing was found, it sprayed the fingers with liquid proteins and heals within a second without leaving any scar. The medical bots than starts scanning their body, the layout of the person’s body came out in a 3D hologram, after scanning a few more times the medical bots reported the findings to Nolan.

The elite soldiers were on standby keeping their eyes vigilant, they were looking out for any signs of trouble.

The test was halfway done. When everything was going smoothly, suddenly there was a loud explosion.


The ground shook and a huge pillar of smoke arise from a far distance town. The explosion attracted everyone’s attention.

“What was that?”

“I think that was the sound of an explosion!” Everyone in the chamber has doubts.

“Does anyone know what the hell is going on! Someone come and report to me immediately!!” Brayden shouted loudly at the door.

"My Lord!!”

An officer rushed into the meeting hall and took a deep bow to Lord Adril.

“There is an enemy attack at the nearby Town 52 miles away from the South East City Wall."

"Soldier, Introduce yourself!" Marshal Brayden said.

"My name is Cooper String, a Commanding Officer of 1st Eagle Sniper Squad. Currently, I’m overseeing the security for this meeting. My code is MOS 0317. Right now, I'm currently serving under General Rick as a Colonel.”


Cooper saluted.

"What's the current situation outside. How many enemies, and what are their weapons?"

Marshal Brayden bombarded him with questions.

"Sir!” Current data of the enemy count is 349... The background of the enemy has been identified as terrorist Notata. We have sighted 16 Grade D1 Energy Blasters and 5 D2 Sniper Rifles in their possession, these are military-grade weapons which is extremely lethal. Other than that, most of them have grade E conventional weapons such as E5 laser weapons and E3 machine guns, Sir..."

Cooper reported with extreme details.

"Good job Colonel Cooper!! I’m convinced that you are General Rick subordinate, not many soldiers can become his subordinates.”

Brayden sounded a little jealous. “Now I'll give you an order... Go and solve this problem within half an hour."


“Then this subordinate will take his leave." With that, Cooper walked out of the chamber hurriedly.

"It seems someone desperately doesn't want us to continue, causing disruption to the process.”


“Nolan…! Continue with the test. Let me see what kind of tricks you can pull off this time." Adril looked at the Council members with stern eyes.

Suddenly a long sigh... came out.

"I guess there is no escaping then.” Elder Dominic stood up from his seat and walked out slowly.

“Lord Adril! I think we should discuss and take this matter slowly.” Elder Dominic looked at Lord Adril and said with a sincere tone.

“What do you want to discuss?” Lord Adril squinted his eyes and look at Elder Dominic. He knew where this was heading. He was disappointed that it was Elder Dominic.

“Let us surrender to the Entomons. God Khepri is ready to forgive and willing to take us as his children.” Dominic had a fanatic look when he mentions Khepri’s name.

He continued and tried to persuade everyone. “As you have heard from our great commanders. We stand zero chance against the Entomons. So the best viable option for everyone is to accept the Entomons. We don’t have any other choice but to surrender.”

Dominic looked at everyone sincerely with hopeful eyes.

“You sound like you are trying to convince yourself. Tell me. What did they offer you in return for selling out humanity?” Lord Adril looks deeply at ELder Dominic’s eyes. He wanted to know the reason.

"It's simple... I want to live! You and I both know very well that there is no chance of winning or escaping against the Entomons. They have promised to give me godlike powers and take me in as one of their kinds." Dominic said with a frantic voice as if he had totally lost it.

“Did you actually believe in their lies? If you haven’t realized, we are just food for the Entomons." Adril was fuming with anger.

"I know! We just have to sacrifice 95% of our population. The Entomons are willing to let us live and re-populate the Earth again." Elder Dominic said with a righteous tone.


Lord Adril slammed his hand hard on the table.

"Are you out of your mind!!” Shouted Lord Adril. “To sacrifice billions of people just so a few greedy and selfish people like you could live? We rather go extinct than become livestock for those disgusting bugs." Lord Adril veins pop out with madness. He had never been this angry.

‘I would never let the future generation become some livestock.’ He thought.

"Arrest this traitor!!”

Lord Adril shouted. he had enough of his nonsense.

Field Marshal Brayden was the first one to act, in a flash, he was in front of Elder Dominic and punched right into his face, knocking him out cold in an instance.

“Freeze him before some bugs triggers and kills him," shouted Marshal Brayden, the soldiers rush in and zaps Elder Dominic’s body with their static gun. It is a weapon that blocks all of your senses and nerves from your neural networks.

“That was satisfying.”

Brayden smirks as he crackles his fist and body. He had long wanted to punch Elder Dominic when he comes out as a traitor.

"Take him to the lab and extract all of his memory.”

“And Nolan! Continue with the medical test." Adril gave out orders. He sat back in his chair feeling tired.

“Yes, Lord!”

Nolan indicates his medical staff to proceed.

They found another 3 more Notata; 1 Lord and 2 Elders. They tried to plead for mercy, but they were frozen before they could finish their sentences.

The test was finally over. Everyone sigh a relief as if a heavyweight has been lifted off their shoulders.


Lord Adril stood up and call out.

“Takedown these orders; Hunt down all of the Notata and Blue Bloods.

Organize a wide range of medical tests. Make the medical test mandatory for everyone. Don’t skip a single person whether they are in the cities of far in the outback. Anyone who denies or disagrees, arrest them and put them into custody for trails.

And for the resources, invest them into farmings, weapons, and ammunition. Summon all the Scientists to the Central Tower along with their families. Give them access to everything, including all of the confidential files.

With this, today’s meeting is over.”

“Everyone is Dismissed!!"

Adril dismissed everyone and walk out of the chamber.

Finally, the High Council meeting was over. Everyone stiffly walked out of the building and got into their respective flying vehicles, hundreds of flying vehicle flew off in different directions and vanish into the clouds.

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