《FINAL WAR: ENTOMONS》Chapter 3: Lord Adril Ryde


3 Months have passed since the humans have encountered the Entomons...

A full-scale war had already blown out on Island 2 Cluster, millions of soldiers were shipped to the frontline and suffered thousands of casualties whilst killing millions of low-class Entomons.

The situation on Earth was slowly deteriorating, information about the Entomons was leaking out to the public causing chaos and panic. The officials had no choice but to take extreme measures and suppress the news to stabilize the situation, but nobody knows how long they can keep the news buried.

Rumors sprung around in many parts of the world that some humans came into contact with bizarre insects which can control people. The government has been investigating these weird phenomenons and they found many clues regarding these bizarre cases. They believe that these people have been infected by parasitic insects with physic abilities and a few reports show that these infected people are lurk in the dark and spy on the governments.

A few of them have been caught by the military and after physically examining their bodies, the scientists were astounded at their findings, all of the infected people have a strange marking on their necks at the upper cervical spine, it was a small circular dot and a big dot in the middle, which is directly connected to the spinal cord, and most of these people are big wig who has a high social standing in the society, the doctors name these people who have been marked by the insect as Notata (Marked in Latin). These Notata form large organizations, cults, and new religions, worshipping the Entomon as God.

"The end is coming!"

"Worship the mighty Entomon's and salvation awaits you!"

The Notata took their religion into the streets and discreetly starts spreading their faith to criminals and lower rung of the society. They walk to the dark corner of the streets performing rituals, spreading lies, misinformation and scaremongering people, wherever the Notatas goes, chaos, and disaster followed them.

As the Notatas grew in number, the crime rate rises exponentially. The Notatas took advantage of the situation and recruited a lot of people, most of these people are easy to control emotionally and mentally weak people.

People began to notice the increasing number of crimes and missing people, the people in the cities were getting restless, more and more criminals were pouring into the cities putting the city officials on high alerts. The atmosphere in the rural areas was bleak, people living in these sparsely populated areas are the most affected one. People living in these villages are now afraid to travel at night. Now, almost all of them are migrating to the big cities for safety.

Criminals and gangs flourished in this chaotic situation, organize crimes were taking place in every part of the world. Human trafficking and kidnapping were increasingly getting high, these criminals lurked in the dark and prey upon the weak and innocents. Humans are the easiest targets for these gangs and criminals, and right now, they are the highest valuable commodities in the black markets with great demands. Some hidden organizations are paying high amounts of money for a living human. One thing you can never eradicate from human nature is their greed.

Mountains of reports were piling up on the database of the police stations. Most of the cases were about a missing person, human trafficking and murders, some of the cases were bizarre, like human sacrifices. At this time of war, the police officers were having a hard time maintaining public orders and dealing with organized crimes. They all had an eye bag for working overtime, these past couple of days, they have been trying to solve the problem with sleepless nights.


Angry families who have lost their loved ones are out on the street protesting in front of the city council. Their demands were simple, they want answers for the missing people and rumors about the Entomon's. The high ranking officials were in distress over the situation, they were pulling their hairs trying to come up with a solution, but the situations have gone far out beyond their control.

The police have been investigating the crimes and got some leads, but the leads were cut off in the middle of the investigation and led to a wild goose chase. These criminals were more advanced then they expected, they used a lot of sophisticated technologies to erase their tracks which led the officers to believe that these criminals were tied to some powerful people and organizations.

The officials were frustrated, none of their investigations had been successful, the problems weren't as simple as they thought. These Notata have big backgrounds and used high tech equipment which was only issued only to the military.

They have been trying their best to come up with a solution, but they lack both human and material resources due to the ongoing war.

"We cannot just sit here and do nothing, the situation will only worsen if we don't get help and fast. This is not within our capabilities anymore..." One of the officials voices out his concern.

"Jonathan! You should make a decision... We can't delay anymore." He looked at Jonathan for an answer. Jonathan Smith was the head of the whole police organization.


Jonathan banged his fist on the table, veins were popping out from his forehead.

"Inform the higher-ups." He shouted in frustration. One could tell he was almost about to explode from anger.

He helplessly sighed and slouched back in his chair, he was truly exhausted. Everybody in the room was tired, they have not been able to sleep for the past couple of days, even so, he did not want to bother the higher-ups because of the ongoing war, but now he was out of option.

He stood up and walked towards the balcony... the glass door slide open and fresh air gush inside the room soothing the heavy atmosphere.

He looked at the surroundings and saw many beautiful buildings incorporated with nature, it was a beautiful and refreshing sight. He looked at the little kids giggling and playing tags with their cute little Ai pets, their laughter and smiles could brighten anyone's day.

The children were oblivious to everything happening around the world, he was a bit tad jealous of these kids.


"You don't have to feel guilty. I think the higher-ups will understand." one officer tried to comfort him.

"That's why I'm even more ashamed." Jonathan shook his head with shame. "They put me in this position with high regards and I let them down." He remembers how Nolan entrusted him with this position. It was a huge responsibility and also an honor, but now he can't even control the situations at hand.

Notata and the criminals were running wild and rampant in all of the worlds, the worlds aren't safe anymore.


The year 2623

Alaska, March 24, 8:00 AM...

Somewhere deep in the mountains, in a secluded location stood a beautiful mansion.

"Lord Adril!!"

"The message has been sent out to all of the high council members," declared one of the assistants with a small bow.

"Thank you, Nolan!"

He said while looking at the beautiful scenery from his balcony garden. He was none other than Lord Adril, founder and leader of the Union.


Loved by many for his kind nature, known for uniting the people and bringing peace to the land. Respected for his one great achievement; that is making space travel the forefront of humanity.

All of the current development and progress had been achieved under the guidance of Lord Adril. The Visionary, as he was called.

However, at this moment, his back was sunken, heavy under the worries concerning the discovery of new intelligent alien life.

"Let's go!" He floats and went to the vehicles.

The number of Entomons they saw on the reports worried everyone. They received a report this morning, and the data suggested that they are far more intelligent than what they had imagined.

One report had confirmed the rumors of some Entomon's having psychic abilities. It is believed that the Notata's had been influenced by the psychic Entomons.

The current situation of the war was not looking good for the Humans, they are being pushed back further into the Island 1 Cluster. The Entomons had become more organized with their attacks, which cause major damage on the human side. They had captured lots of humans as a prisoner and treat them like the tasty food.

"I can only hope for miracles."

The attendant, Nolan, sighed as he floats and followed Adril. He knew this was a hopeless war.

They got into military-grade armored flying vehicles___light particles started to condensed below the car, which rose up high above the ground and flew across the mountains and vanished into the clouds.


Washington, Odessa.

Central Tower…

One gigantic building, towering above the clouds, connecting to the outer space. It was the most magnificent structure that humanity ever created.

When you climb 4 miles into the structure, you will feel like you are in heaven.

The structure looks like it was right out of the fantasy. The whole structure was 300 miles tall, it has 6 ovular rings as a foundation forming a circle and a plate sits above the rings.

Each ring then extended a beautiful curve arm which supports another smaller plate. The plate then supports another 5 smaller ovular rings and continuing the previous making curve arms into spiral structures which gets smaller as the structure grows and eventually stops at plate 6.

The whole structure was designed for the wind to pass through without any resistance and pressures. With a wide base and strong materials, it was a perfect design and a beautiful structure.

Each plate has gigantic holes in the middle where the gravity elevator passes through and connects all of the plates and the cities in outer space which is 22.4k miles away from Earth.

The plates have gigantic transparent domes in the rear which houses small hills, lakes, and rivers and all of the domes are connected by a large transparent tube that can house small cities and towns, and a river runs through the tube giving life to the cities. The whole tower was a self-sustaining structure.

The outside view from the dome was spectacular; seas of white clouds, green forest, blue oceans, and tiny cities. It made you feel like a god sitting above the clouds and watching over everything, it was a whole different world view.

The cities were lively as gravity elevators constantly lit up and people were constantly flowing in and out of the cities.

The gravity elevator of the building was comprised of three sections.

The gigantic tube in the center was used for freight transportation, whilst the medium and the small tubes surrounding the gigantic tube were at the disposal of the owners. they could be used for cargo, tourist or travel, all had to be contracted by the Union.

The tube was made up of Nanian, a material that was 5 times stronger than pure graphene. It could only be found on planet Nanian in PE5 Cluster in one of the primitive planets.

PE5 Cluster was one of the most important clusters for humanity, It produced some of the rarest and most important materials used by humanity. These materials were also used in some of the most advanced technologies and weapons.

The Union preserved the planet and farmed only a minimal amount of resources without harming the planet's environment.

The glass was structured into a honeycomb design which made the glass, even more, stronger and durable.

The elevator tube has magnetic rings attached to the structure which is divided into segments according to their sizes. The elevator pots have magnetic plates attached to the top and bottom surface which sync together with magnetic rings and helps the elevator travel at lightning speed.

The inside of the elevator was pressurized at 1 G, a normal G-force of Earth's gravity (Gravity force) so it doesn't have any influence from the outside world.

This technology transforms society into a whole new different level, it made easier for people to travel to different places. Taking a ride from central tower to the moon takes around 3 hours and you need to change a few stations before you get to the moon.

Humans are capable of extraordinary things, with imaginations and innovations, they have invented incredible things, and they have unlimited possibilities.

Building the central tower had been a challenge for engineers and architects alike, and this tower served as a command center for humanity and a place where bright minds and officials resided.


Central Tower, 4th Plates.

The Council Chamber was located in the 4th plates of the Central Tower.

Adril and his subordinates landed their vehicle on the plates of Tria (Name of the 4th plate) and arrived at the Chamber of Council.

"Welcome Lord Adril."

The head of the security staff gave a deep bow as he greeted Lord Adril.

"All of the High Council Members have arrived, and they are waiting for you inside the chamber."


He informed Lord Adril and guides him to the chamber.

The chamber door opens widely as Adril entered the hall, everybody stood up from their chairs and bowed to Lord Adril as soon as he entered the hall.

He gave a nod and walk up to his seat, and sat down.

"Everyone please sit down!!" He looked at everyone and continued.

"I presume, all of you have received the Intel sent out from C1 cluster (Cygnus 1 Cluster), Mothership Nebula 2SA 447? Each and every one of you understands how dire the situation is."

"Now, let's hear some of your ideas," Adril said and officially starts the meeting.

"Field Marshal Brayden, Marshal of the Air Force. Colton, and Admiral of the Fleet, Jayden!" Lord Emilia calls out.

"Yes, Lord Emilia!!" The three of them answered in unison.

"The three of you are leaders of the whole military. Tell us, what are your thoughts on the enemy, and do you have any suggestions?" She asked looking at the three big men sitting in the front row of the military section. These three men were the highest in commands of the military.

"May I direct everyone's attention towards me?" Brayden said as he stood up and walked to the center of the hall, a 3D image of Entomon in a hologram pop up and shown it to everyone.

"This is Class 1 Entomons. They have thick and strong layers of shells which is 4 - 5 times tougher than steel, but with our advanced weapons and equipment, any of our standard soldiers should be able to kill these Entomons easily, given that he or she has the right equipment."

With a gesture, he constantly slides the virtual screen showing different types of Entomons while giving a detailed explanation.

After a few minutes of into the briefing, a large and fierce-looking Entomons started appearing onto the display.

Brayden enlarge the fierce-looking Entomons and starts explaining.

"These are class 2 Entomons. Sadly___ starting from Class 2 and above Entomons, they are very hard to kill. They have thicker shells and skins, which is hard to penetrate with our conventional weapons. It takes more than 400 bullets from a 500D3-Megaguns to stop a Class 2 Entomons and a 100C3-Gigaguns to take down the Class 3, 250B3-Gigaguns to take down Class 4 and 1B4-Teraguns for Class 5 Entomons, and right now our highest class of weapons are Teraguns, let's not even mention how strong the higher class of Entomons would be.

The lucky thing is that, so far we haven't encounter higher classes of Entomons and we haven't confronted the Leviathan so we don't know the exact details of their combat capabilities."

With a gesture, he presented them with new visuals.

"These are the new types of weapons our scientists are currently developing, they have passed the trial and just need the authorization to manufacture them on a mass scale. With this new weaponry, we can kill almost anything, the only problem is the amount of energy and materials needed to manufacture these weapons.

While we have a limited amount of energy and ammunition, the enemy number seems to be limitless." He cast his eyes towards everyone.

"After evaluating the enemy's number and strength. In my opinion, I don't think we can last long in a frontal war.

The enemy numbers are overwhelming, our chances of winning are zero. We can only extend the war by pushing them back for a few decades and hope for a miracle. Other than that, I don't have any more ideas." Brayden shook his head and went back to his seat.

"What Field Marshal Brayden said is true." Jayden and Colton both express their opinions on the matter, which is the same as Brayden.


Authors Note: Central Tower has six plates. The higher it goes, the smaller it gets.

Name of the plates; 1st plate = Unia, 2nd plate = Dua, 3th plate = Tria, 4th plate = Quadria, 5th plate = Quinia, 6th plate = Sexia.

Weapon example, 500D3-Megagun = 500 Megawatt power, Grade D 3th Generation Gun.

Weapon Class: Mega, Giga, Tera, and ???

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