《FINAL WAR: ENTOMONS》Chapter 1: Beginning and the End


Aug-18, 2091 – After the third world war ended, humanity ushered in a new era called the technological era. It was an era where technologies developed rapidly and became more matured; especially in engineering, molecular and evolutionary science.

In this era, science and technologies answered and fulfilled everyone's needs; especially the needs for a longer lifespan.

Everyone yearns for the miracle drug that can extend a person's lifespan. This issue has been bugging mankind since the memorial of time. In the end, human beings were finally able to succeed in developing medicines that can extend human lives for a few decades, taking a gigantic leap for mankind towards the path of immortality.

Even though early and mid-21st-century technologies were advanced and solved most of the problems, they didn't solve any of the major problems like; limited resources, energy, longevity, materialistic science, environment, and space technologies. Now, humans have transformed into a much more advanced civilization after the end of the war.

Since the 4th industrial revolution, technologies had been stuck in a bottleneck for a long period of time and hadn't been able to make any further improvements or make any major changes. That all changes after the Third world war.

The Third world war was one of the most brutal wars in the history of mankind. The nature of the war was totally different from the first and second world wars. In this war, almost all of the war was fought by genetic warriors or super soldiers. Genetic warriors are the people who had enhanced their bodies through special means. These new soldiers or warriors are the most effective weapons in this new era. They have a decent amount of destructive powers given that it has the right equipment and very high mobility which is very useful in performing certain tasks, like assassination or raids in certain locations. With fully build armor, they are walking tanks with high mobility.

In this new era, all the missiles are rendered useless. Because humans had already developed mature laser guns and gauss magnetic guns that can destroy any target instantly with 100% accuracy.

After the collapse of the missile system, every country and organization on earth started searching for new and effective weapons. The most viable choices for the countries were super-soldiers after the technical breakthrough of science and technologies. Super-soldiers were one of the main fighting forces in the third world war. Even though they were not as destructive as a nuclear missile, they held more advantages in the war. They can be deployed in countries to do covert operations like assassinating major political and military figures creating chaos for the whole country. And if you equipped them properly with the right weapons, they could easily destroy the strategic resources of a country like nuclear base, weapon factories, science laboratory, power supply. and even kidnap major figures including scientists.


In a real face to face confrontation, these super-soldiers could even wipe up 3 to 5 platoons easily. Their major advantage comes from their mobility, flexibility, and re-usability. Because of their effectiveness, many countries wantonly started researching and experimenting with human bodies without any bottom line.

During the war, technologies progressed rapidly with all the fundings coming from the governments. But, in the end, none of them achieved anything due to the destructive nature of the war. The war brought nothing but destruction; thousands of cities were destroyed, the world economy collapses, and many countries faced major food crises along with social unrest.

And In this darkest period of time, when humanity was on the brink of destruction... A mysterious person name Lord Adril came out from nowhere and stopped the war. This wasn't an easy battle, but he wasn't alone on this journey. He was accompanied by a lot of people with extraordinary abilities. These people were his loyal followers who had the same ideal as him. And with the help of his trustee subordinates, they brought peace to the world.

These people not only stopped the war but also brought major changes to the world. With them, they brought a new style of government called "Union" and "Federation". It was a system where people can freely choose to stay between any organization. And you won't be tied down to any land, nations, and geographical locations anymore. It was widely supported by the people, except for the government institutions and the people in power. Even though the government and the people in power disagreed, they cannot stop the changes anymore, because they don't have any power left in their hands. The people had already decided to adopt the new system. They are left with no choice but to agree to the end result. Government institutions without its citizens are nothing but just an empty shell without any value.

With the system in place, the world began to recover slowly and regain its strength. And the man name Lord Adril who brought peace to the world became the beacon of light for humanity. And under his careful guidance, the world was stabilized and everyone's life started to improve significantly.

Everyone was happy with the new changes. Lord Adril was also happy with the way how things were progressing. He encourages everyone to pursue science and engineering. He believes that the limitation of humanity is because of the limitation of technologies. Once they break through this limitation, they will be a carp turning into a dragon. So, most of his focus was oriented towards the development of science and technology. And he was right about that. After giving more attention and enough resources to the developments of science and technology, a lot of technologies made major breakthroughs, lifting humanity into a new height. Now, it's just a matter of time before they step into the Type 1 civilization.


Everyone around the world was happy about the outbreak of the technological era. Because this will determine the fate of their civilization – that is, either stuck on this planet forever or become an advanced civilization that conquers the stars. One of the major scientific breakthroughs was genetics, which everyone was enthusiastic about. This breakthrough was so meaningful to humans that it was marked on the calendar, as "Eos"(Goddes of Dawn).

Mars occupation hasn't been going well, because they have overestimated their capabilities. Humans were tiny compared to the size of a planet, and even with all of the natural resources on Earth, building city from a scratch took a lot of time, resources, energy, and money. Not to mention building on a barren planet with no resources. Overpopulating the planet will take hundreds or even thousands of years, not to mention creating an ecosystem fitting for human survival, and with the technological limitations, they don't even have the technology to transfer enough resources to continuously feed a million people.

Unlike Mars, Earth has millions of different species and trillions of micro-organism species helping the eco-system and the environments, it's was not an easy task to replicate nature, but now they have hope. With the new technologies, they could become a multi-planetary system.

After the major changes took place in the world, humans were absorbed in all kinds of new researches and developing new technologies, and after many decades of trials and error, humanity finally succeeds in making a way to improve their genetics and lived longer. After this discovery was made, it brought monumental changes in the world. Everyone was happy including Lord Adril.

After seeing a glimpse of hope towards the path of immortality, genetic engineering became popular overnight and became mainstream in society. After heavily funded by large interest groups and governments, scientists wholeheartedly began developing the miracle drug. That pushed the human's innovation even further, taking a giant leap towards the path of immortality.

After many decades of research and development, the hard work finally paid off. Humans were finally able to create the miracle drugs that can extend their lifespan for a few decades, and ultimately achieving immortality in the near future. Technological advancement in other fields of science did not stop either. Space technology was also a rising star after the discovery of new materials and elements, and also the growing markets of space tourism brought in more capital to expand rapidly and colonized other planets.

Time fleets away as humans continued to expand and developed towards different parts of the galaxy. In their exploration, they came across many beautiful planets harboring life, but most of these lives were primitive and had only just begun their evolutionary process. Some of these species were extremely dangerous and destructive by nature, but not to a degree where it can threaten human civilization. Most of these highly destructive species were either exterminate or control by limiting their population, and hazardous species were thoroughly destroyed.

As an advanced specie and a civilized race, the Union prohibited people from harming any innocent nascent civilizations, or interfered in their natural evolutionary process, allowing nature to take its courses. Without law and order, sympathy and decency, civilizations always crumble, hence the Union prioritized in protecting all non-hostile species.

A few centuries have passed since the birth of the Union and the Federations, and at that point in time, humanity had explored 4 % of the Milky Way Galaxy, which was a great achievement if you look at how massive the size of the Galaxy is.


It was the year 2623, humans finally reached the edges of the Milky Way Galaxy. These open clusters and nebula on the edges of the Galaxy were the first ones to separate from the bulge and were much older than the clusters near the center, which gives these places a mystical vibe and a very highly anticipated location for humans. And all these places had very high chances of giving birth to some extraordinary lifeforms.

After exploring for many decades, they finally reached the edge of the Galaxy... And oh boy, did nature not disappointed them. They finally found aliens that are likely to be of high intelligence, and these aliens look like giant insects that came right out of the horror movies, their features look a lot similar to the insects from Earth, except, these aliens are more humanoid and menacing-looking than anything they had ever seen.

Hence, humans donned the name of these creatures; Entomons. Yet, from that day onward, humanity had to fight for their survival from extinction.

The Final War had begun between humans and insects.

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