《Abnormal Days》Second Dream Chapter Three


That weird out of body sensation, upon waking up is a feeling I've come to dislike. You're not really in control of your limbs and your sight resembles an amateur handling a camera.

What is this place? Why does it looks so unfamiliar? The ceiling, the sounds of the ocean... This is the ship. I am lying in bed. I'm back to reality?...Not. Because Ai was still here, lying next to me. We're still in the dream world.

She starts the conversation first, "Hey, you, you're finally awake. You were caught trying to-"

"Hush. I don't wanna hear any game references right now."

"Not the right situation?"

"Definitely not the right situation. Let's hurry up and find a way out. At least we're in a slightly familiar place this time."

"I see. I see. If you were to remain here too long, you might die from dehydration after all. That would be mildly bothersome."

"Mildly bothersome? Please don't talk as if it's only my problem, we share the same body."

Getting up, I notice somebody else sleeping in the bed besides Ai and me. Jun?

"I wonder if I could repossess your body after you die of dehydra-" She notices Jun as well.

"Oh-ho, your lady friend is here. Should I leave you two be?"

"S-shut up... Wake up. Jun."

I nudge her arm and she slowly wakes up.

"Shun? Is it time for dinner..." Her words trail off as her gaze slowly drifts to Ai who is by now standing and doing morning stretches. The light in Jun's eyes seemed to darken and it left a chill in me. Seeing the obvious way, the plot was about to swing, I quickly interrupt Jun before she could formulate any further coherent thoughts based on her limited understanding of the current, unfortunate in numerous ways, situation.


"We're stuck in a supernatural incident right now, she's here to help."

But alas, that seemed to confuse the half awake Jun even more. Her mouth slightly open, as she gathered herself and mouthed words. Cute. If only I could take a photo and save it on my computer. My brain alone would do this memory a great injustice. My brain seems to have a cap when it comes to viewing memories and they all seem to have this poor, hazy, 240p level of quality to them. Ahhh... curse the inadequacy of the human mind...

"Shun, I believe your lady friend needs a little help. She seems to be having an internal meltdown."

Ah, that's right. I was too busy trying to permanently burn the visage of her cute face into my brain.

"Something attacked us and sent us into a dreamworld sort of place. This here is Ai, the ghost girl that's sharing my body. I told you about her before. We can't keep staying in this dreamworld, if we stay too long, our bodies in the real world will die of dehydration."

"Ouch!" Why did my head just get smacked? What have I done to deserve such unjust punishment? "What'd you do that for, Ai?!"

"Too sudden! 4/10! Lack of delicacy! The poor girl's going into shock!"

"No... I think I get the gist of things now. We've gotten wrapped up into a troublesome situation again, haven't we? Heheh... trip's put on hold... I guess." Jun puts on a sad smile.

"Well let's resume this holiday as quickly as possible. Now that we aren't downsized, and with the three of us, maybe we can put up a fight."

"By the way, can I have a private talk with Ai before we go outside?"

Eh? I felt like there was an extremely sudden in shift in the conversation topic that just occured. Must be my imagination.

"Sure thing, you girls have to have some girl time I guess." Ai was frantically shaking her head but I failed to see it in time. I'm sure it'll be fine. Jun's a nice girl and wouldn't even harm a fly, I'm sure Ai is just overreacting.

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