《Abnormal Days》A Return to Normal Life


After meeting with the town council, I have returned to normal, everyday life.

I am back to my job as a painter, working my butt off. I am still 205000 USD in debt after all. Nowadays I spend my weekends hanging out with Jun Ling, making up for lost time you could say. She hasn't seemed to have forgiven herself yet. But that's fine with me. Maybe I'm deluding myself but someone who's willing to sacrifice their life for you despite having done horrible things to you, well it kind of balances things out, don't you think?

Jun Ling is getting recruited for the national girls basketball team, she's training every weekday. Her memories about certain things are still a bit spotty, but we're working through it. Her desire to come back to life wiped out most of her memories about the dreamscape event which occured after her death. I'm assuming of course. I'd need Amelia's help to get a more reliable answer. But for now it isn't a dire question needing to be answered.

Amelia is still out there somewhere, exorcising supernatural beings and helping people. I haven't had contact with her since she helped me out with Jun Ling's identity crisis but I'm convinced she'll be fine.

As for Ai, she did not depart to the afterlife. I attend every town hall meeting now so that she can talk with her mother. She says it's solely because of her mother but our link makes me suspect she has another reason for not departing. I'm not going to pry any further however. She's not talking right now because it's early in the morning and she's still sleeping. Apparently even ghosts sharing a body need to sleep. So this is the only time I have to monologue without being interrupted.

The town council and I have reached a point where we aren't wary of each other anymore. Ai's presence and her relationship with granny carpenter seems to be helping out with that as well. Overall I have no more supernatural problems plaguing me. Besides the shui gui. After I finish paying my debt, I plan on journeying to find a way to cleanse the negative energies in this town so that no one ever has to go through the pain of being a shui gui. I plan on finding the fortune teller again to ask for a method. For that, I need to keep working hard and earn as much money as I can. I suspect it's going to cost another fortune to be able to afford that question.


To be continued...

"Shut up, Zhang Shun! It's 4 in the morning you loon!"

Ah, she woke up.

"I know you're excited for your date with little Jun but could you simmer down?"

Today, at 11am, starting at the park. I'm going on a date with Li Jun Ling. I've come close to death but this has got to be the most heart stopping event I've ever experienced. I wonder what kind of clothes is she going to wear? I've seen her entire wardrobe so I have some idea of what to expect. Maybe she's going to be wearing those ero-

"Zhang Shun, I know you enjoy having these little fun daydreams. But... it's embarrassing for the both of us."

I'll try to restrain myself in future. By the way, what kind of clothes do you think would look good on me?

"Frankly, your own clothes don't matter, just don't dress like a homeless person or a gigolo."

Not a hobo or gigolo. Those are awfully low requirements... My normal clothes should be fine then I guess. But I want to give the impression that I take this date seriously! So I should make an effort to change it up a bit I guess...

"It's the female's clothes that require most attention, Zhang Shun. Surely you know what I'm hinting at."

Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't get what you're hinting at.

"In other words, remember to compliment her on her choice of clothing. Oh. A word of caution, don't overdress lest your clothes outshine your partner's."

That does make sense. Thank you for thy advice, gracious senior.

"Senior?! Watch your tongue or you do not wish to speak any longer?! The cheek!"

Hehe... sensitive~ I'll be careful about that from now on.

This pleasant, normal life, I hope it continues like this from now on, Ai.

"I hope so as well..."

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