《Abnormal Days》Joined at the stomach


"Zhang Shun... Please stop... It hurts... I can't take it... My stomach's gonna break..."

"Oi! Don't phrase that in a weird way! I'm just making up for lost food! No wonder I felt like I lost some weight, it's because you've been holding back on the food."

"I wasn't holding back on anything. This is overeating. Puke... I'm gonna puke. Bleurgh..."

"Don't talk about vomit while I'm eating. Do you have no tact? Actually, don't vomit at all! Who knows what kind of weird side effects that could bring."

It seems we are in our first conflict, as I predicted would happen soon, with us sharing the same body. But of all things, this conflict about food consumption is the last thing I could have expected.

I am unable to read Ai's mind but to a lesser degree, I am able to feel what she's feeling as well so I understand that she does indeed feel bloated.

Well I'll try and help her out by drinking some coffee to wash it down.

"Aaaah! Hot! Bitter! Yuck! Please cease drinking that monstrosity at once!"

"This isn't hot. It's warm. And it's not that bitter, I added a teaspoon of sugar just for you!"

The way we tastes things differ as well apparently.

But shouldn't the things I like, she likes too? After all what she is experiencing is what I'm experiencing... No. I got an idea. What we are experiencing is indeed the same but the way we perceive it...

How we perceive an experience, is dependent on our minds which differs from person to person. Which explains why there's a drastic difference between how Ai and I see things.

When I drink coffee, I look for the aroma and rich taste while she notices the more apparent bitter taste.


"That does seem to be the case..."

Can you turn off that mind reading ability of yours? I like having my alone time to monologue about useless things.

"No can do."


"Zhang Shun... I'm sleepy... Let's go home."

Alright time to head home I guess. I am feeling a bit tired too.

This is nice.

Being able to feel my feet touching the ground. The slight impact of each step and the way my feet push off the ground. The muscles in my lower body contracting and expanding. This is what being human feels like.

"Having a body sure is nice... It feels great just to exist, doesn't it, Zhang Shun?"

Yeah. On this we can see eye to eye.

The four kilometre walk home didn't even seem that far with me enjoying it and Ai to accompany me.

I open the door and I step inside. This is home.

It's changed but I still recognise it.

"Welcome home, Zhang Shun. Where did you go? Were you meeting a girl this late at night perhaps?"

My mom usually never teases me. This show of affection was a bit startling for me.

"Ah... I might be responsible for that. I spent a lot of time with your family. They seem like very pleasant people. I hope you don't mind that."

I don't mind it. Actually I'm very glad you did.

"Nah mom. Just meeting a friend."

And I'm technically not even lying.

"I'll go to bed now, mum."

I walk up the stairs to my room.

"Hoho... so I'm your friend? When did I allow this upgrade in relationship status?"

What? I need permission for that? I thought all our bantering made us friends already.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You're still far too serious, Zhang Shun. That was your cue to respond with an even better gag."


Ah... Sorry. I'm still a bit rusty at socialising. It's only been a week since I was able to talk with people again.

I lie down on my bed, enjoying the soft pillow beneath my head.

"I suppose. I will let it slide this time. But by next time, we will have beaten Harry and Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber as most iconic comedy duo and we'll be the best comedy duo of all time!"

I think you're skipping quite a few years ahead in the timeline there. Actually what makes Harry and Lloyd the best comedy duo?

"Ho? Do you have a objection to Harry and Lloyd? Would you prefer Han Solo and Chewbacca? You can be Chewbacca, of course."

That isn't even in the comedy genre anymore! They're just a duo! And quit using my memories to create cheap pop cultural reference jokes!

"So you don't want to be Chewbacca? Then you can be Clyde and I can be Bonnie."

Like I said, that isn't even in the comedy genre anymore!

"Well... that was fun but I'm tired. Good night, Zhang Shun."

Good night... Ai.



I have to go to the toilet.

"... No."

No? What do you mean by, no?

"No means no. Just wet your bed, it's socially acceptable, you're still a child."

Eh? No, it's not socially okay to wet your bed at eighteen years of age...


Ai, do you have something to confess?

"S-shut up! Go to the toilet, whatever. I won't look!"

Great. That makes me feel a lot more relieved.

"A-actually I changed my mind. I will look."

Oi! Don't embarrass yourself just to get me embarrassed as well!

"I'm determined-"

No. No. No. Don't use such a positive, inspiring word like determined to describe what you were about to do.

"But... using a word like determined makes it sound cooler and more acceptable, doesn't it?"

... Just close your eyes alright. For both of our sakes.

"I will... You don't need to remind me. I'm just kidding..."

How did you even manage for the past year?

"I... I... I am not obliged to inform you."

This incredible wave of shame, embarrassment and humility passes over both of us.

In silence, I do what I need to do. I flush the toilet and wash my hands.

And I go back to bed.

"I looked, I'm sorry."

I know you did... You should know that I knew too, you didn't need to vocalize it. You can read my mind and our feelings are a two way street after all.

"I just felt that I had to formally apologize."

Let's just go to bed and pretend none of this ever happened.


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