《Abnormal Days》Human Again Chapter 2


Now that I'm human again, Zhong Kui shouldn't have a reason to chase after me.

I hope that's the case at least. Internally, I prepare myself for combat.

"Your spirit and body have reunited it seems."

"Yeah so where does that leave us?"

"Now that you aren't a spirit without a body, I no longer have any jurisdiction over you. I won't pursue you any longer. As the King of Ghosts, I wish you continue your life in an upright manner so that you may reach Heaven in the long afar future. And... as Zhong Kui, I wish for you to appreciate life now that you've returned to being human. Farewell, Zhang Shun."

"Wait, Zhong Kui, I have one important question. Is keeping shui gui in this town, the only method to use up the negative energies? Isn't there a way for them to return to the afterlife while using up the negative energies?"

"I apologize, Zhang Shun. There is no such method that I am aware of."


"On a happier note, you're lucky that the shui gui who possessed your body was so selfless. Not many could be so benevolent. You should thank and appreciate her sacrifice. Farewell!"


Without warning, Zhong Kui disappeared in a burst of light which seemed to extend beyond the clouds. Simultaneously, I hear a voice in my head.

"Yo! Zhang Shun, do you hear me? Oi~ please don't ignore me! It's kind of lonely in here!"

"H-hey! I know it must've a difficult decision for you to give up control of my body. But thank you for doing it and saving me."

"No biggie! I knew I couldn't keep hogging your body forever. And it's not really all that bad of a deal for me either. I get to keep the sensations of a human body and it's better than you forcing me out and me being trapped in the river after all."


"How are you feeling? It must be uncomfortable having to share a body and worst of all not have control of it."

"You know it's not as bad as I thought it would be in here. I can freely move around. I can see what you're seeing, sense what you're touching, feel how you're feeling and know what you're thinking. It's like a super moving picture!"

"Moving picture? How old are you exactly?"

"Hmph. You should have more tact than to ask a lady her age. Just kidding~ I'm probably around 50 maybe? I lost count. I don't even remember what year I was born."

She's as old as my mother...

"Oi! That actually was rude. Even if you don't say it out loud I can still hear your thoughts you know. Change your thoughts immediately!"

"...I'll try my best."

"I was kidding! Please don't feel so depressed. It's making me feel depressed too... Let us move on to another topic."

"So what's your name? You know mine but it's a bit unfair for me not to know yours, don't you think?"

"Ai, the one with 14 strokes and written with the grass radical, meaning friendly! I forgot the rest of my name though..."

"Ai... That's a good name. Fitting for your character as well."

"Aww~ That's sweet of you..."

"Thanks for taking care of my body for the past year. I was kind of scared some crazy spirit possessed it and might have landed me in prison or debt."

"If you truly wish to thank me, feel free to treat yourself to some delicious fast food. Since I'll be able to taste it too, it's killing two birds with one stone!"

"I'll go do that right now then."

"Off to the 24 hour McGronalds joint!", the two of us chorused.

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