《Abnormal Days》The King of Ghosts: Zhong Kui Chapter 2


The King of Ghosts, deity, guardian spirit, vanquisher of evil spirits and commander of 80000 demons versus a regular old water ghost. No contest there. You'd expect the water ghost to get absolutely slaughtered a million times out of a million.

But I'm not just a regular mindless water ghost.

With a decent head start I run, leading the king of ghosts on a merry chase throughout the town.

As ghosts without the limitations of our physical bodies, we are able to run at max speed continuously without ever tiring. And it seems that I am barely fast enough to maintain a good distance. Thank you extracurricular activities!

Away from the town bridge I run towards the town centre. I'm searching for the skatepark I had once seen while visiting here.


Something just landed behind me... It was an arrow!

Even if he doesn't catch up, the arrows he's firing will eventually find its mark. I need to hurry and find it.

A bicycle! A marvel of technology which allows even old people to travel at high speeds and which will allow me to easily escape.

This may be a stupid idea but a bicycle is faster than running on foot.

And while a good distance away from the skatepark, I see it. A bicycle without locks left there. And to top it off, it's one of those stunt bicycles! It can definitely withstand me using my full strength.

I get on it as fast as I can and by cycling off a ramp, I'm flung into the air over several buildings. I land on the rooftops with a skid and am jumping from one building to the next. The tiles of the roofs are being torn off with each landing I make. Apologies to anyone who has to fix this later but I had good reasons!


I thought I had a made a successful getaway when I see the king of ghosts chasing me on... a scooter?

The king of ghosts is on a scooter pursuing a water ghost who is on a bicycle.

This would be a weird scene to watch, if anyone could see us.

What is this? Some comedy skit?! Or so they would think.

I'm not even sure where to start about describing what's currently happening!

The king of ghosts, over 6 feet tall, large beard, stern face, is currently chasing me across the rooftops with one hand on the scooter handlebar and a sword in the other hand.

This is horrifying. And I don't just mean the fact that he's chasing me to kill me. I'm talking about how badly the aesthetics of his traditional clothes and large body clash with the modern, compact scooter.

After a lot of juking, I managed to be on the way heading back towards the bridge again.

Soon we were already on the road towards my town, long past the bridge and he was still following close behind.

However I had a plan. That scooter of his looked like it was just about to fall apart. How about I speed up that process a little?

Back on the rooftops I managed to catch one of the pieces of tile which were flung off from my rough landing.

I'm going to chuck this piece of tile right between the wheels' spokes. That should rough it up a bit.

On the next sharp turn, I'll throw it then.

I see the signs warning about a sharp right turn up ahead. This is it! On this sloped road on a hill, it's the perfect opportunity.

While turning on a road, vehicles are most vulnerable to lose control.

We enter the bend and I turn around, calculate and with as much strength I can muster in my weird positioning, I toss the tile.

It was a success. It struck the front wheel's spoke and the sudden halt of the wheel and momentum caused the king of ghosts to be launched off the side of the hill.

I breathe a sigh of relief. But I don't stop pedalling. Once he gets back up, he's going to be coming after me again. I don't doubt that the king of ghosts has incredible durability as well.

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