《Abnormal Days》Disingenuous Chapter 2


"What the hell is this..."

That wasn't a question. I know what I'm looking at. But I'm having a hard time processing this.

Hmm? How come Jun Ling isn't attacking me or trying to push me out right now?

S-she passed out. The impact from the fall must've!

I feel for her pulse and check for breathing.

"Amelia! She isn't breathing and she doesn't have a pulse! What do I do?!"

"Oi, goldfish. Did you forget you don't have a physical body right now? Of course you can't feel for her pulse. Move aside."

Oh yeah, that's right... I wasn't thinking straight.

"She's just knocked out, she'll be fine if we put her to bed. Carry her to the bed will you? Hmm... so this is her room. Well I think you can figure this out, but I'll hang around in the living room just in case. You kids have fun~ Call me if you have any questions about the birds and bees~"

"Hey! Don't even joke about that while she's asleep."

I pick Jun Ling up and place her on her bed, careful not to wake her.

Getting back to serious matters now. Her room.

No matter how good of an image I had of Jun Ling, it would've been impossible for me to create this room.

The only conclusion I have is... Yeah that must be it.

Anyways, now only one important part remains. Exploring her room for any additional information.

This room seems like an ordinary room at first glance but I realized something the moment I stepped in. It's too clean.

And not clean as in like the floor was shining and reflecting and not a speck of dust was to be seen. This clean is referring to the placement of objects in the room.


All her study books are all neatly sorted on her desk. Her teddy bears and stuffed toys are neatly arranged by her bed. Her bookshelf is all filled with books sorted painstakingly by genre, author and title number.

In other words, it's all too clean and too normal. Like this room was fabricated to push an image of normalcy. To conceal.

I checked her dresser first. And I tossed out everything till I reached the back. Nothing. Secret compartment? Nope.

Yeah, it would be obvious to hide things here.

Next was her closet. All clothes neatly folded up or hung up. I tossed everything out again. I turned the whole wardrobe upside down. No door within the closet leading to a magical world, nothing.

The next place is... under her bed. Nope. Instantly knew there was nothing. I even tried opening up the underside of the wooden boards to see if there was anything in between.

The last place should be... the bookshelf. The painstakingly arranged bookshelf. The bookshelf she probably spent hours sorting through...

God, I am sorry for the sin I am about to commit.

I'll try to take them out in a way that makes it easy to put back later.

Nothing was found...

I'm slightly peeved. I'll leave those books there for now... I'll totally help put them back later. Yeah...

So is there actually nothing in this room? Is it actually normal and I'm overanalyzing this? Nope.

There is one place that I didn't want to check. Her drawers. Where her underwear are probably kept.

Zhang Shun is not a pervert. I repeat, I, Zhang Shun am not a pervert.

This is all merely to find the secret to helping solve her identity crisis.

There are three compartments. Let's start with the bottom one. It's full of boardgames like chess and monopoly. Nothing.


Second compartment. I find stationery and lots of papers. Some papers back from when we were in highschool. Damn... her grades suck just as much as mine... She even did the same thing as me where I arranged the tests from highest scoring showing first, to the lowest ones at the bottom... Okay... It's quite embarrassing but I don't think this is the secret she was really worried about.

Only the top drawer left. That means... this must be the fabled treasure...

Reverently, my shaking hand lightly pulls it open. It is... her bras, panties and stocking. Neatly folded and sorted into three columns.

Her undergarments are all so modest and dainty with little bows on them...

This... this is not a crime. I am merely doing this for her.... Yes... This is something I must do!

I-I... I still can't bring myself to touch it...

Hurry up, you doofus! She's gonna wake up any moment!

No, Zhang Shun! Remember your name, it means good natured! You can't betray the name your parents gave you!

Come on! She's not gonna mind! Plus you're doing this for the greater good, right?

Yeah... I'm not doing this for any perverted purpose or anything like that...

I place my hands on them. That's when I notice it. Hey, isn't this drawer kind of shallow?

I take out the entire compartment out from the drawer.

There's something inside...

I take it out of the drawer.

This... this is...!

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