《Abnormal Days》Resolve


Day 366.

Wouldn't it be so easy if I just possessed someone? What the other Shui gui are doing, maybe they aren't wrong. Shouldn't I be looking for someone to possess too?

But what about my real body?

My real body is probably long gone. This is all you can hope to do. Look, aren't those kids straying awfully close to the river? Easy pickings~! Plenty to go around and share amongst you and your ghostly comrades!

Pickings? Just what do you think humans are?

Vessels waiting to be stolen.


Hurry up! If you don't hurry and possess one, your friends are going to finish them off with or without you.


Jun Ling, would be sooo~ disappointed if you couldn't fulfill your dreams, now wouldn't she?

... Don't you dare bring her up.

Oh but poor Amelia right? Boohoo, she'll be so disappointed in you if you did possess someone wouldn't she? She might even be forced to exorcise you just for being a Shui gui who possessed a child from her town. Listen... she left you for dead in this river. She wouldn't risk sinning, breaking the rules, ruining and damning herself to hell for someone like you. So why do you have to care about what she thinks?

Shut up!

Oh but it's the truth. Don't you see gullible, naive, Zhang Shun?

I'll kill you. You're just the Shui gui nature within me. Once I go back to my original body, you will cease to exist. I'd already decided since a long time ago. That's why I've been waiting for this moment. First I'll kill all the Shui gui in the river. Then you.

"Stupid kids! Get out of the water!"

With all the time I've had to hone my spiritual body, it's stronger now.

Pick a rock out from the riverbed, get into your stance... and throw.


The first rock connects with the closest Shui gui to the children. The hurtling rock rockets through, scattering its spirit apart killing it.

The rock shatters into tiny pieces after landing, scaring off the children and they run to safety.

The Shui gui are beyond angry. Most of them have been waiting here for decades, centuries even. And I just ruined their chance at freedom. I understand how some of them have already given up long ago. Their original bodies no longer exist. They can no longer return to being humans. I understand and I sympathise.

But it is when they willingly choose to damn others to the same fate. That is when they truly lose their humanity.

And that's why I can't, I WON'T GIVE IN!

"I am still a human!"

Amelia, I'll prove that you were wrong! I'm not a demon and I'm not a monster. I'll show that I'm still worth saving!

As the Shui gui rush towards me, I calmly pick up a few rocks, take my stance and throw again.

None are taken down. The one from earlier was just taken by surprise. With their guard up and their century old anger on full display, I stand no chance. Now that my spirit is basically that of a monster, I wonder where I will go when I die? Heaven or Hell? I really don't like pain... I hope I can go to Heaven. But I'd be fine with going to Hell too. If Jun Ling is waiting there for me, I'd go anywhere to see her.

This is the end. Goodbye. Sorry for dying before you, Mum and Dad.

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