《Abnormal Days》Enjoying my life as a supernatural being


Hello, Zhang Fish Shun here. It is currently day 200 since I became a ghost and I am currently enjoying my 'life' as a member of the exclusive supernatural beings club. No humans allowed, only supernatural beings.

It's great not having a body you know! No more migraines, your eyesight is basically 20/20 and my the dark spots in my vision have vanished completely!

I've had lots of time lately, in fact, I now have an infinite amount of time. Since I can no longer die, I've just been practicing all the time with my ethereal body.

One particular activity I've gotten really good at is swimming. Yes, swimming. After all I am a water ghost. I can swim against the river, following the river, doggy paddle, freestyle, backstroke and butterfly. I've mastered all of those. Fish is truly a nickname which suits me now!

The second fun activity to pass my infinite time and in my opinion, the most fun, is stone throwing!

To throw a stone, go to the shallow edge of the river, reach to the riverbed, pick out a stone, get into your stance and throw as hard as you can! You can throw the stone anywhere! You could skip it along the water surface, annoy innocent passersby while your ghostly comrades watch said innocent passersby, blow out windows on the convenience store by the river and bonus points for hitting fast moving objects such as birds and cars.

I'm such a good stone thrower that I bet if I was a human, I would be playing in the major league for baseball. I can pitch with my right, my left and hit just about any target. The other day, a cat was looking at me and my comrades funny, so I showed it a thing or two with a soft right handed pitch. It ran off terrified, mwahahaha!


Another favourite ghostly activity and my ghostly friends' favourite, is to watch humans passing by the river. I dubbed it "human watching". All my ghost friends do it all the time! I myself like to go real up close and peek up skirts. The best part is we won't ever get caught, cause we're invisible!

Day 250.

Recently, me and my friends have been trying to come up with a new game. "Human watching", is still their favourite by far but I thought it was a bit lacking. So I've been thinking about what to do.

Another idea that came to mind was using my ghostly powers to stand on the water and enter the humans' dreams. However that failed miserably. Only Jun Ling could do those sorts of things because she's special. All the other ghosts and me, on the otherhand...


So I've just been dedicating my time to stone throwing ever since. And I am proud to say, that even major league baseball pitchers stand no chance against me. I can knock out an entire flock of migrating birds within seconds with my dominant left hand. And I can skip a stone up to ten times off the water surface when it's calm.

Also, I successfully came up with a new game. I'm trying to get the other ghosts to join in on my new way to pass the time, juggling.

I daresay, I'm pretty skillful. I can juggle four stones. Four! That's like twice as many hands as I've got!

But that got boring after about day 300.

So now I'm getting into ethereal body building! What? Body building doesn't work for ghosts? And who told you that? Our spirits can get stronger too you know! Ethereal muscle!

Underwater pushups! Underwater situps! Underwater squats!

And when you feel like training with weights, hope you get lucky and that a plastic bag happens to be floating down the river. Fill that with rocks and you have a dumbbell!


Ah the plastic tore and all the rocks fell out.

Okay maybe making a dumbbell is a bit hard but you just need to keep trying.

It's now day 365. My ghost birthday anniversary! All the other ghosts didn't celebrate with me but they're just preoccupied with their favourite activity, 'human watching'. I don't blame them, humans are pretty fun to watch. The ghosts are always so single mindedly focused in their hobby of 'human watching' though. I wish some humans would celebrate my birthday with me instead. I wish Amelia could come celebrate with me.

Amelia? Who's Amelia? She's my savior. Savior? Savior of what? Savior of...

Ah no. She's the one who abandoned me here. Why would I want to celebrate my ghost birthday with her then?

Well she is the best punster I know. It would be fun to talk with her again. The other ghosts never talk to me.

I'm... I'm so alone. And so lonely.

I wonder how she's doing... what she's doing? My savior... didn't you say you'd rescue me? Why have you abandoned me?

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