《Abnormal Days》A story about Confronting The Supernatural Chapter 5


Just as the monk and I had finished our conversation, Amelia returned.

"Now just because you're the bait doesn't mean we can leave you out to dry and salt, can we, Fish? Look what I brought you."

Dry and salt... What am I? A dead fish? I really don't like the implications of that.

"Look at what, exactly?."

She literally wasn't carrying anything.

"Really? Look real carefully."

She leans in, intruding on my personal space. I could feel her breathing on my face in fact, that's how close she was. In fact I could see down her dress... Is that a bulletproof vest she's wearing underneath? Not mystical invisible chainmail as one in my position might have imagined. Just regular old body armor.

"So that vest you're wearing. I assume I'm going to be wearing one of those as well?"

"Oh my, FIsh did you just look down a lady's dress? How crude of you~"

She has her hands on her hips in an overly exaggerated manner. My eye twitched. This obnoxious girl...

You were the one who chose to lean in that close to begin with, of course my eyes are going to naturally drift there. It is a man's pride!

"Yes. I could not avert my gaze from thy beauty."

I just felt a cold shiver down my spine. The monk is glaring a hole in my back, I can feel it... I better take my banter down a notch.

"Oh you flatter me! That is a surprisingly pleasant thing for you to say, Fish. I have a new opinion of you!"

"Wait, wait. What kind of opinion did you hold of me before?"

"I thought you were kind of dumb."

What the heck gave her that impression?

"...That's all?"


"That's all."



The audacity of this airhead. The worst part is that she isn't even trying to insult me, there's no malicious intent behind it. She's doing it on accident! No. This is on a whole nother level higher. It's automatic! Insulting me comes to her as easy as breathing air! It's an action that she's completely unaware of!

"Ahem! The two of you, please continue your two man comedy skit at an appropriate time. Boy, go put on the vest and we can go hunting immediately."

That's right. This isn't the time for fooling around. There's a monster on the loose. I understand that they want to be as quick as possible too. Even if this is all so sudden, I'll endure it.

"We've been keeping track of its location with a talisman. We'll be departing immediately."

I put on the vest and ready myself mentally. I'm the bait. I am bait.

"There's no need grandpa. It's here. It was following us this whole time."

No way. Wait a sec-This is too sudden. I'm still not mentally ready.

The monster stood still at the steps of the terrace. A mere 10 steps away from me. Too close. A mere ten steps from death.

It drags one of its feet forward. 9 steps left.

A small shuffle at a time.

When I don't move it shuffles along at a snail's pace.

"The monster ties itself to its target's pace. While it's still bound to the boy, let's cut it down. No matter what, boy, do not move from that spot."

"I understand."

If I run, that thing will speed up and everyone will be in danger. Even if I'm attacked, that's the one thing I absolutely can't do.

The old monk and Amelia both drew their swords.


The humanoid monster began to erratically scratch at its head. What was it doing? That was when its head snapped in my direction and locked eyes with me.

I shifted my right foot. The sheer intimidation caused irrational fear in me and forced me to move a step.

From its previous shuffling motion, it suddenly slid fowards towards the old monk and struck out with its knife. The monk parried the blow and moved back several steps.

7 steps left.

Swiftly Amelia stepped between me and the monster, cutting the line of sight.

"Don't be scared, Fish! That's just its ability to scare you into moving. Either close your eyes or keep your gaze on this pretty girl over here."

Though she kept facing forwards the whole time, I could tell. She had a smile on her face that said 'Everything's alright'.

Alright I'll keep my eyes closed. I trust you, Amelia.

From then on, my ears were the only thing I had left to tell what was going in the battle.

...The sound of metal striking metal. A shredding and clanging sound.

Another shredding noise but this time it's loud and really close in front of me. But ignoring it, I keep my eyes shut tight.

Suddenly, I'm knocked down to the ground by a rough movement. I open my eyes.

Directly in my face, the monster had an outstretched arm, knife in hand about to slash my face. And then it suddenly turned to dust. A sword embedded in the monster's back fell out. And there she was.

"We're done, Fish."

Amelia was standing above me, just like when we first met, parts of her dress slashed open exposing her bulletproof vest. And this time I could clearly see her panties without the glaring light of a lamp overhead shining in my eyes.

My shirt and the jacket I borrowed from Amelia was shredded at the chest area, revealing my own vest underneath as well. That was a close call.

And so, the impossible to escape monster, was dead.

A sense of relief washed over me. I wouldn't constantly be looking over my shoulders now. To be honest, sleeping in the hospital alone at night had been nerve wracking. Trapped in a bed with my foot suspended by cloth in the air, it was a vulnerable position to be in, mentally and physically. But because she was there, I felt safer.

"Thank you, Amelia. For more things than one. But I hope I can burden you with one last favour."

"Well spit it out then~"

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