《System Tournament》10: Samuel 3


We continued working our way through the jungle during the last 3 days, finally starting to see a decrease in its density. Before that, we have been attacked by another Flayguar at night, and it was Jessica that actually killed it in the end.

Now, it has been one week since the crash, and going by the other passengers’ words, we will be attributed something called classes any moment now.

Congratulations! You survived the first 7 days! Due to your enormous achievements, you will be able to choose between 3 Classes. Choose wisely, you won’t be able to change it.

Available Classes:

Survivor Selfless Healer Last Hope’s Healer

“Heh! Looks like this system is a bit cheeky, isn’t it?” I say out loud. “I have the Survivor class available, I suppose you all do too?” I ask the others.

They all nod and acquiesce. Curtis looks really thrilled with his choices, but it looks like Celia is a bit disappointed and Jessica is acting aloof .

Eh, we’ll see that later, first, I need to choose my class, because apparently, it’s a great deal in video games.

I sit down on a nearby rock, starting to ponder my choices.

“I got two “Healer” classes, what does that exactly mean?” I mumble. “Is it related to my healing touch skill, perhaps? It looks like the best go to class based on my knowledge and actual job...”

Then, I got a selfless part for one, clearly related to my Selfless Skill. So, would it be a better choice for this one because I already have a related skill? It might do the same as a path and evolve the skill. But then again, it’s not a superlative but the same exact name, maybe it’ll just reinforce it… And they’re ordered in the number of words in the class, maybe it also means the last one is the strongest?


“Okay! Let’s go with Last Hope’s Healer, then.” I finish, choosing the class in the panel.

Congratulations! Thanks to your accomplishment, you have been awarded the Last Hope’s Healer class.

You will now gain +2 Intelligence, +1 Perception and +1 Concentration per level.

“I got 4 stat points per level, what about you all?” I ask the rest of the party.

“Four? I got 3 myself, 2 to Strength and 1 to Endurance, looks like killing a Flayguar like I did really is an accomplishment.” Answer Curtis, all excited by his newfound power.

Meanwhile, I see Jessica looking down on the ground on the other side of our temporary camp.

“What’s going on?” I ask her, slowly approaching her. She turns to me, her eyes a bit teary. “Hey! It’s okay you know, even if you got a less useful for now Class, it might reveal to be really good later.” I try reassuring her.

And instead of breaking down in tears as I expected she beams.

“No no! It’s not that, I got a really good class, it even got me a skill!” She practically screams. “I’m apparently a Wind Mage, now. I first thought when seeing it in my list that it might be hard to actually use magic without any knowledge on the matter, but going by my class flavor text, defeating a Flayguar unlocked my latent talent in this, and the skill lets me know how to use it.”

“Wow! Then that’s really great! We got someone that can attack the creatures from safety now, it’s really nice. And having a skill thanks to that is nice.”

“Wait, you didn’t get a skill?” She asks us. I nod to this, but some of the others don’t and fill us in.


Apparently, the most common was getting 2 stats and a skill. Then, some like Curtis or Kevin, with special skills or achievements, got 3 stats. Furthermore, Celia confirmed that longer classes meant in most cases stronger ones when in a game, but that it wasn’t exactly a rule. So it would seem my random guess was quite fortuitous.

Celia told us she got the Survivors’ Guide Class, since all the other choices didn’t really look good to her. It apparently gave her a skill that allows her to see different things, such as if something is edible or not or which path is dangerous and which isn’t.

“Really, that’s a shame I got such a situational Class. The moment we’ll be back to civilization, it will be completely useless…” She sighs.

“Maybe, but at least, thanks to you, we’ll be able to travel even more safely.” Was what Kevin said to cheer her up.

And after that impromptu stop to look and talk about the Classes, we resumed our walk through what is starting to feel like an endless sea of trees along an equally endless river.

I’m saying it is endless but in fact, it seems like both Kevin, with his Nomad Class, and Celia, with her Skill, have observed big changes.

Kevin noticed that the ground was starting to be easier to walk on than just after he got his class. Celia instead noticed a lot of the previous flora being replaced by another one. She told us that there was an abundance in edible plants so we took the chance to pick a lot of them.

However, while we were doing so, we noticed something strange.

“Where are Jack and Maria?” Celia asked, the first to notice their absences.

“Did they stray from the group at some point? What happened?” I ask in turn to the rest of our group.

“We were behind everyone since we departed from the clearing where we discussed the Classes. There was nothing happening…” Says Curtis.

“So you are telling us that we lost them before we set off or just now?” Asks Kevin, looking somber.

“So what do we do now? We can’t really let them to their own devices now, Jack is quite old and can’t run… But if we backtrack we could actually miss them and since we were clear on following the river, they should do the same, no?” Inputs Celia.

“I’ll go search for them!” Declare Curtis, wooden spear in hand. “They could have gone the wrong way too, we must help them.”

“No, we can’t split further, and you can’t go alone either, even with your Warrior Class, you won’t be able to stave off a Flayguar by yourself while on ground.” I firmly announce.

“I don’t care, I’ll go with Curtis!” Exclaim Gillain.

Four other me toos comes and like that, six of us ten decided to go look for the two missing.

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