《Still images in the depths of hell》(C13) Chapter 4-3


When I woke up, I found myself inside a crate made of wood, currently being carried via a carriage to who knows where.

I could only hear the steps of the horse, making a splash on every step as well as shaking the carriage slightly. Sometimes, I could hear the snapping of the reins and the agonized groan of the other passengers. Presumably, inside a box respectively.

I'm such an idiot.

Why did I carelessly trust her that much?

No, why did I trust anybody in the first place?

My mind was transferred inside a two horned demon's body. Being two horned's a social outcast for some reason, and even with the fact that I know of this when I escaped the hospital, why did I still trusted her?

Even when the guy that we met on the streets told me that she's going to sell me off to the slave market, why did I still returned to her home?

Am I just naive or am I just desperate for help?

Maybe both.

Life is a bitch here. Especially for a two horned like me. Being this life a bitch, the God who sent me here is an asshole. Fuck you.

Fuck you for ruining my normal life, even if it was just a fucking illusion.

Motherfucker didn't even thought of creating another human being and give them the task to kill who-the-fuck.

Like shit, how the fuck am I supposed to kill the fucker when I don't even have any form of combat ability let alone a grace period just for me to prepare for this shit world.

At the very start of coming into this world, I was dying then some wanderers saves me just to sell me as a slave. I didn't even have a break.

Then the bitch, Bulrom, deceived me because she knew I was ignorant on the ways of the world which I stupidly told her that very information.

Fucking life this is.

I just want to die.

I hope that who'll ever buy me kills slaves for fun.


Oh, I'm crying. I didn't even noticed it. I'm really pathetic.


I need to calm down for a minute.


"Wake up you pieces of shits!"

I got woken up by a loud thud accompanied by a shout saying to wake up.

He's probably the driver.

Well, if you think about it, that was pretty stupid of him to wake us up when we're still in these boxes. It wouldn't really matter now, would it?

Pushing away his idiocy, looks like we would be transferred to the main market now considering that we just stopped somewhere which is most likely where the market is.

At least I got out of that town. I got what I wished for.

Who am I kidding? That doesn't make the situation any better.


The box that I reside in just lifted up and is now mobile. It's quite bouncy but not at all unpleasant.

To be honest, I'd rather be carried like this than in a carriage.

Oh what's that, my beautiful subconscious that will never betray me? Why do I act so calm right now when I'm on the verge of being sold of to who-knows-who?


It's quite simple actually. I cried myself to sleep. That's it.

Also, I'd rather not think about that, it will just infuriate me to the point that I might explode spectacularly.

I still can't use my powers that that bastard, that false God gave me. Yeah, I'm calling him false God now. That's what he is. A fucking useless piece of shit. This is the reason why I'm an atheist.

Hah... OK chill.

Alright I'm chill.

Good thing this box has a tiny hole in one of its sides. I could barely see the place outside.

Well, it's dark so I'm guessing it's night time. I could see other demons– wait, no. Those are Beasts.

So those Beasts, having the appearance of a boar like animal with chains on their necks, are carrying the boxes with new slaves which I'm a part of and also there's demons keeping watch. Though I barely see it, each one of them has a whip and a dagger on their waist.

Pretty prepared I should say.

I'm guessing, this place is the back alley which I assume , leads to the back entrance of the market place.

Glancing at the ground for a moment, looks like this place has better waste management. Thank God. Not that fucker though.

The supervising demons shouted some incomprehensible sounds which the beasts then understood for someone. From their communication, the content of the weird sound doesn't matter, the context of which does. These beasts are like cavemen.

Some Beasts, while carrying the other slaves, went to another entrance while the one carrying me went to the center entrance. Presumably, classed as such. Being the two horned slaves be entered at the center back entrance while other species of slaves be entered at the other entrances.

How organized.

Once we entered the establishment, it's surprisingly doesn't smell like shit and piss. The slaves here are really well kept with proper hygiene.

Wait no, they aren't actually.

In a Woop, I got dropped on the floor.

It really pains my buttocks but I didn't expect them to treat me with respect now do i? Just a little rub should fix it. Wait, no. It still hurts.

The lid of the crate is creaking. A metallic something just poked inside. Looks like it's a crowbar.

Eventually, the lid popped open and I got lifted up by beast who was carrying me earlier.

The place is barely being lit up by a bunch of candles. This looks like a dungeon than a slave market. That being said, this place also had the smell that I've expected from a dungeon. A putrid smell of piss and shit lingers and is most potent at the very middle of the room.

To why they don't regularly clean this place to attract customers, I really don't know.

Cages like that in circus, are packed close together to conserve space since this room isn't that big for a storage space.

The contents of these cages varies but all of them are two horned demons.

Looks like they organize them by age. Being the old at the very back and the young at the front it. Specifically, close to the main entrance where the customers are coming.


Since I'm 18, then that would mean I would be very close to the entrance myself.

From the looks of these slave's bodies, it looks like they are at the most part, aren't starved to death. They are malnourished but not to the point that their bones are visible. Though, the slaves at the front is more well taken care off than the slaves at the back, where the oldest are in.

There on my left, I see a vacant cage which the beast then thrown me in it.

Welp, this will be my home, or at least someone took a liking toward me then bought me but until then, this is my home and I should try my best to be comfy.

I'll be more specific towards describing the place. Basically we are in the back room of the market place. Warehouse or storage room if you will. Which means we aren't entirely seen by the people outside. People will only come in here if they want to see more products, I assume anyway.

Through the window of the door, I could see a bunch of people, presumably looking at the best looking slaves I think. Or maybe a kind of slave with rarity. Be it a rare kind of beast or a noble birth. I don't really care.

Some of the demons in the crowd is wearing luxurious clothes. Kind of like mine, excluding the tear and stains.

Hah... This is life. Almost dying at the start of the summon, getting healed in a hospital to only be sold off to the slave market for a higher price because I'm a fucking two horned, getting my hand burned just to escape from the hospital, and being tricked by a red haired bitch and sold me off anyway, making my efforts meaningless.

This is my life now.

Fuck this world.

And all its inhabitants.


"...Psszt. wewyk up."

As I was dozing off, trying to spend as little time here as I can by being asleep, some asshole whispered in my ears.

The culprit being the girl I'm next with. Having really long and messy brown hair, with a petite body, and just wearing white plain shirt so long that it's practically a gown. No she doesn't wear any pants but at least she has a pantsu and no I'm not a lolicon.

Her horns are barely visible due to how messy her hair is but her red eyes, which is very much impossible in earth due to genetics, is quite alluring.

No, I'm not a lolicon.

So in response, I gave her a threatening glare which clearly means to fuck off.

But sadly, it's ineffective as she nonetheless spoke anyway.

"Whawt yuwr neym?"

What the fuck?

No wait. Two horned demons are retarded in nature. Why did I get so surprised?

Well whatever.

Since the guards are nowhere to be seen, I might as well chit chat with her to kill time.

"Denis. Yours?"

"Sahrna... Saharna... Noow..."

She talks like a baby. She even bangs her head with her hand when she couldn't remember her name.

"Sahara! My name'is Shahara! Sowry I fowrgowt hehe."

And so it is. Who could've thought?

"Hey Sahara. Now leave me alone."

I said so, forcefully and laid my head on the other side of the cage.

Done wasting time now.

Leaving pointless matters aside, I guess the best bet for me to actually escape here than waiting for someone to buy me.

Plus, people might not buy me considering my reputation right now. The two horned who killed someone and escaped.

That news might still not had spread to this place but sometimes the speed of rumours can be really unpredictable sometimes.

But while I was thinking that, the girl, Sahara talked to me.

"Awr you owkay?"

She said so innocently, while tilting her head and all.

Fucking annoying.


She looks dumbfounded for some reason and spoke again in her usual childish manner.

"Bawt you doown'd lewk layk iwt."

What? Oh wait. But you don't look like it.

"Why do you care?"

"Cawz your my frewnd!"

With a fucking cheerful face, she said that.

I don't want to associate myself to people like you! Always assuming that they're my friend. Fuck. Giving me false hope.

"How could you be my friend when we barely know each other?"

"Soow... Dwen I shouwld gewt tu know yuw bewtter?

"Yes but sadly, I don't want to associate myself to you."


"Sleep already. Don't talk to me. I'm tired."

After that, I just ignored her. There's no use in talking to her anyway. Well at least she stops talking.

What use could I have for talking to a retard like her? It's just a waste of time. I should just think of a way to escape from this place.

If I were to be bought before I could escape, I would be treated with cruelty but if I act smart, I might change the thoughta of the one who'll buy me towards me. As I was thinking about that, I began to feel drowsy. Before I knew it, my eyes were shut. Then I woke up again.

"Yowr weewrd. Why diwd you dress layk thawt?"


"Why do you care?"

"Beewcuz I wawan'td tu know yu bewtter."

"Please shut up for fucks sake."

She pouted like a child.


"So what? I don't care if you think I do. Rather, I don't care if you hate me or not. Don't talk to me. I want to sleep."

"I wown't heywt yu."

She twisted her mouth into a large grin, revealing her teeth with some missing.

I could barely understand her. It's fucking annoying to just even translate what she is saying.

I tried to ignore her the best I can.

I managed to sleep after that.

When the morning came, the girl I've talked to before...

Is gone.

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