《Still images in the depths of hell》(C12) Chapter 4-2


"Bulrom, is that true?"

I asked her directly.

I don't believe it. We got a plan for me to get out of this place, I even saw who the letter was addressed to. This guy is just lying.

But... Why is she trembling?

"Valefar, why don't we talk someplace else, it sure reeks in here."

Still hadn't received my answer, she gestured me to go home by myself. Presumably, Bulrom's place.

Yeah, that Valefar guy is lying. He must be.

Maybe I'm just being pathetic right now.

Desperate for help and now my brain resorted to perpetual denial of the things I don't want to hear.

I headed back, opened the door with the key that she gave me and waited for her there. Staring blankly through the window covered by curtains.

I didn't get bored though. I got my thoughts to keep me company. Bulrom said that she would show me around town before I head towards the mansion.

Roam around town, eh? I learned a lot on our trip, about how the buildings here are structured and how people here interact with one another which are the same in earth.

Then again, I'm still clueless about the world outside this town. Surely their culture there is different. More varied species of Beasts, more varied people with differing social standings, cleaner streets unlike this one. I sure want to see all that.

Maybe that's what those two nomads who rescued me also thought. Rabusto said that those two are wanderers so that would mean that they go around places often. They must have learned a lot of things from different places.

Well, these kinds of thought is really useless now unless I do something in order for me to freely roam around and learn about this world so right now, I should just focus on escaping this place with the help of Bulrom.

I'll just wait here...

Lying on this bed...


When I woke up, I found myself inside a wooden box.


– [Demon Race] Bulrom

– A one horned demon who works at the the mansion of Zagan.

"Why are you so mad? Did I not just speed up the process of transfer? With me being here directly, you won't need to wait for tomorrow."

"That's not the issue here."

I said so, pouting. I can't believe my plan almost fallen apart.


Depending on what that two horned will do will determine the success of my plan.

"Then what is it? You've been one of my regular source for new products regarding two horned demons. Our cooperation and relationship regarding business, I wouldn't want it to be tainted at the slightest. Your products are unusually exceptional."

I pointed my finger at him and said my thought with clear annoyance.

"This isn't about business, Valefar. The two horned is no ordinary two horned. He knows something and I want to know what he knows before I sell him. The letter I sent you says that I would be sending him to you in a week from now on my next weekend vacation. Still, I couldn't believe he didn't saw switched the letter."

As expected, he didn't believe me.

"What are you saying? Haha! We're talking about a two horned demon here! The dumbest kind of demons next to those Beasts. That's the reason why they're ostracized in society and to why they're being sold off in the slave market."

"I know that but what I'm telling you is the truth, the two horned, Denis isn't a normal two horned. Have you heard the news lately? It is said that a two horned just escaped the hospital and having killed a caretaker, that was him. Do you think that that's something a regular two horned can do?"

To why I want to know more about what Denis speaks of, I only want to tell it to Master Zagan. If he were to know about it, if proven true, he would surely praise me. He always trusts me and took me in when my parents were taken away because of the debt they made.

Although, I always wonder where my parents are now, but those thoughts are meaningless now. I have a master to serve and I sell off ignorant two horned demons to gain money in order to support master Zagan even more. But I guess it’s rather ironic for me to do that.

"Well nonetheless, he's still a two horned demon. Even if he knows something unique, didn't you ask yourself that what he may be saying is wrong or perhaps, something he just made up in order for you to have some sort of investment in him? Then if that guy is really the one who managed to escape from the hospital then that possibility may very well be true."


"Of course I thought of that. That's why I requested of him to show me an actually device if he spoke the truth."

"Then think about it. Do you really think that what he said is actually true? Like I said before, this is something that he may have made up in the fly. The last thing you know, Denis might backstab you on the back. From what he's done until now, that's not entirely unlikely."

To how our conversation is going, I just let out a sigh. A sigh which had recently been escaping my mouth more frequently since that two horned, Denis had entered my life.

"For the headmaster of thieves and slave traders, you sure do care for someone who only gives you one or two products every month or so. Even to the point of advising said someone personally regarding a particular product's behaviour?"

"It's only natural to do so. Plus, it promotes trust all around so expectedly, it promotes better business also."

"Nonetheless, please don't interrupt someone if they don't want to. I was clearly ignoring you and you persist. Being the information he gave me is the truth or just a fabricated lie, it doesn't matter overall. I still want to hear it at its end."

"Suit yourself. Why are you so invested on what that two horned has to say? I'm sure you know how they act by now yes? Even if he's capable of doing something a normal two horned can do, by the end of the day, he's still a two horned."

What's so I interesting in what he said anyway? Photography. Why did it caught my attention in the first place? Is it because it's new, is it because if I told it to Master Zagan, being a ruler who finds different things exciting, he would reward me, is it because of the surprise that a two horned actually knows something that I don't, or is it because the two horned who told me that is quite interesting?

I know now.

I'm not interested in the information itself, but rather, I'm interested in the man who told said information. A peculiar demon who, not only managed to escape capture but also, though ignorant towards the world, is a knowledgeable person for a two horned in areas still unknown to the world. Even if what he just said is made up, I would still consider him knowledgeable.


I shall remember that name.

But I don't want to be so attached to that person. I think it's best if Valefar were to take him away.

But I sent him home. Regarding if whether he is at home or not, it doesn't really matter.

I just wish to be with him and hear this photography he speaks of.

An intriguing story.

And for that I have a plan.

From the back of a building, I walked toward the direction where my house is located.

"I had enough of your lecturing. Please come to my house and take him away. I want the pay to be due tomorrow."

Valefar, rather than following, just stood there stunned. Presumably, because of my sudden change of mind.

"What's with the sudden change of decision? You're easier to negotiate with than I thought. Do you find it also in your head that it would be better to send him off right now than tomorrow?"

"Just follow me. I just realized that I don't have any more use of him so it's better for him to be removed from my hands as soon as possible and like what you said, it more convenient this way. It saves a lot of time."

Though only for a split second I glanced at him, I immediately noticed his wide grin when every time a successful transaction was made. It was really creepy given the light setting we are in.

Even though he has already too much slaves on stock to sell where some literally dies from age and disease, he still wishes to buy more?

"Stop it with the pathetic expression and follow me."

"Hahaha! Sharp tongued as always. I like the part of you."

Though I didn't particularly listened to what he just said, I can tell that what he just said is a line coming from a masochist.

When we arrived at my home, we found him sleeping on top of my bed.

I looked around to see if he did something but surprisingly, he didn't. Or rather, he cleaned the whole place.

Oh Denis. Such a naive boy.

I guess that's something that I like about him.

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