《DarkVoid: The God of Death》11


"He-hello! My name is Kayla Picaro! I'm twelve years old, and umm… I'll be your new classmate for the year!"

Shyly standing in front of the class was a small petite girl. She had shoulder length wavy buttery blonde hair which was a sight to behold. Her attire was basic, wearing a white chiffon popover dress exposing a tiny bit belly skin. Her dress had a black stripe around the bottom end circling it and two horizontal black lines on each top shoulder strap. Just as if she wasn't cute enough her dress had a big red bow attached on top of the chest. She wore a soft colored black skirt and black slippers which complimented the rest of her wear in a simple color palette of black and white.

Kayla was never comfortable with the idea of standing in front of people, especially new people. More so embarrassed about her stuttering nature and making a fool out of herself during public. During these instances, she tried her best to be brave like her mother had told her many years ago. Even as she tried her best she couldn't help but falter, the petite girl was stiff as a rock, palms were sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy and her mouth, dry as a tundra after her introduction.

The round of applause didn't make it any better. The shy girl tried her best to look at each classmate to get a better idea who they were, but she adverted her light brown eyes from each time she made eye contact.

Nevertheless, her coffee-colored eyes caught a small glimpse of a particular boy sitting in the far-right corner alone. The desk he preoccupied looked awfully damage, but she couldn't see much detail in the front of the class. From where she stood, he had messy black hair and wore nothing but black. Shirt, jeans, all were black except his shoes which were deep green. What was quite unusual was the four empty desks surrounding him like some sort of makeshift barrier to keep him contained in the corner.

What was even more unusual was the lack of students in the class,12 to be exact. Plenty of empty desks, fifteen to be precise counting the four blocking the boy, This broke the notion of the classroom being more massive than she initially thought. The rest of the students all sat the far left from the boy as if they were avoiding the plague.

Kayla was perplexed by this. Was he doing this on purpose or is the class isolating him for a reason, and to a certain extent the school? Her curious nature was slowly overpowering her mind, and her caring nature was also beaming inside of her. Kayla noticed unlike the rest of the students who were conversing loudly after her intro; the boy had his head down. Not entirely sure if he was sleeping or not.

The voice of her teacher Ms. Jazz broke her thoughts, "Kayla, do you have any questions for me about this class before we get started?"

The petite girl glanced at her brown hair teacher and back at the boy, not sure if she should ask this, but she didn't think there was any harm asking it, "Why is he sitting all by himself?"

Muttering those words caused the class to go silent from their loud conversation, now all eyes were on her again, but this felt much different than before. Ms. Jazz herself was a little stun, but she laid her hand firmly on Kayla's shoulder looking deep into her eyes.


"Please ignore him at all cost." She wrinkled her nose, "I'm sorry to say the only desks are by… his side, so I advise you to sit in the front." She sternly said, motioning to the empty tables furthest from the back with her hands.

Kayla raised her eyebrows and frowned at the reaction coming from everybody in the class, especially from her teacher, her tone alone made it even more terrible. She was hoping it wasn't a case of bullying; doubts were entering her mind though. Just why are they isolating this single kid? It didn't make any sense to her; the teacher of all people should help the bullying stop not join in on it.

A sigh escaped from the small girl lips as she focused her gaze at the front desks. Maybe she should just leave this one alone. For all, it's worth it would be best for her not to get involved with this and risk getting tormented on too. Despite not wanting to deal with this circumstance, her eyes continued swaying back to the one next to the "sleeping" boy. Upon several glances something was drawing her in, seeing someone else suffer isolationism as she had experienced before, was disheartening. The feeling of loneliness must be killing him, she knew he needed someone to talk to, and if no one else is going to do it, then she will.

Kayla furrowed her brow, contemplating it for a few moments before deciding. "I-I wouldn't mind sitting by him." She said, her teacher now wide-eyed along with everyone else in the class from this surprising response.

"I forbid you from sitting near that evil monster! This is for your safety." Kayla wince from the extra grip enforce on her shoulder, she pulled away from it immediately.

"R-really I-its fine! I can handle it myself." She stuttered, obviously taken back from the sudden attitude change from her teacher.

She turned and hurried to their destination until a hand sprung up and grabbed her arm forcefully. A brown hair boy whispered harshly as did the rest of the class. "What are you doing! Are you nuts!"

"Don't sit by him he's evil!"

"Complete bonkers he'll make you leave the school!"

A whole onslaught of hateful and fearful comments was directed to her way, faces full despair and terror, pleading to her to stop like she's going on a suicide mission. Why are they all so afraid of this single kid? Judging from their reactions, this alone boy had done something quite heinous to warrant such a response, even to the point of not uttering his name like it's some curse, just how bad was his reputation? So many questions unanswered She was starting to have second thoughts about this, and maybe follow her fellow peers' input on the situation and sit elsewhere.

But she couldn't. Leaving him to suffer the torture of solitude is not what she ever wanted to do. Her heart clench from the dark times in her life when she was alone, the way they're treating this poor kid is absolutely disgusting. Having enough of this ridiculousness, she pulled her arm away from the tight grip and turned to walk and sat in her new seat.

"Kayla dear! Plea- "the teacher stopped in midsentence after noticing the cause of this entire chaos shuffling in his sleep presumably waking up from his "slumber." Sweat was pouring down her teachers face as she hastily made a fake cough and commenced discussing today's lesson. The other students followed suit and halted their whispering and ignored the petite girl and focus on their teacher with terrified expressions engraved on their faces. Kayla was astonished on the sudden change of behaviors.


She turned to him with sweat pouring down her face. The blondie did not expect this to happen today, on her first day of school nonetheless. The dark hair boy slowly lifted his head inches away from his arms. Only his left eye was visible.

"H-hello?" She said to the waking boy, staring into his emerald eye in concern.

She could see his single eye widen upon setting their sight on her, without saying anything he promptly put his face back inside his shielded arms.

Kayla bowed her head down, and her shoulders slump not expecting the reaction. It seemed this is was going to be harder than she thought.

The blonde decided to try later in lunch, however, before the blondie could focus on the teacher's lecture, she felt something poking her…belly? Gradually looking to her right, she saw the boy in the same position as before poking her stomach in curiosity. Kayla couldn't help but giggle from the small pokes; she was ticklish after all. Although her giggle spooked the boy causing his eye to widened a second time and went back into hiding.

A small smile plastered on her face, replaced by a frown. "Why are they doing this to you?" she whispered to herself, still not understanding the fear of everyone else had for this boy. She might find out soon enough, however.

Class went by as usual with the teacher discussing the lesson and answering questions for other students. Kayla noticed the teacher was actively ignoring her throughout the period as if she was an invisible ghost, even with her hand raise she didn't bother to glance in the corner where the petite girl was, instead chose to ignore and answered the other students only.

It was irritating since she had genuine questions on the notes. The boy on the other hand still hadn't come out of hiding. She wasn't sure if he was still asleep or uncomfortable because of someone such as herself was sitting next to him. Her kind nature again took over, taking notes just in case he needed them.

For what felt like an eternity, the bell finally rang for lunch to her appreciation. This entire day was such a ruckus her belly was practically begging for food to ease the unsettling feeling she had. All students exited the classroom which became barren except for two who stayed behind.

Kayla stood up with a pink tin lunchbox in hand and waited for the boy to the same. She wanted to interact with him during lunch at least. In such a rush the black hair kid stood up and ran past her without sparring a glance. She was startled at first, regaining her composer she let out a sigh as she glanced down.

The sadden girl exited the room and walked through the hallway, in the corner of her eyes she saw people whispering among themselves as they pointed at her making comments. Kayla was glad she couldn't hear any of their conversations. Instead, she focused on her goal.

Entering the loud and boisterous cafeteria, she narrowed her eyes in search for a boy in all black clothing. Not having luck, she tried wandering around, dodging people larger and tinier than her. Unfortunately, no matter how far and wide she looked she found no trace of him.

"Where could he be? It shouldn't be hard finding a lonely boy in all black in here…" She whispered to herself, barely audible in the loud cafeteria. A kid larger than her bumped her side.

"Move out of the way weirdo!" He shouted, walking away with a tray full of gross food she didn't even know existed on this planet.

"I'm sorry!!" realizing she was in the middle of the cafeteria with numerous students passing by she decided to exit out in the hallway.

A heavy sigh was released for the hundredth time since this day has started, "I guess mission was a failure. How hard is it to find an isolated bo- wait..."? The gears in her mind started spinning in her head. "Of course! How could I be so stupid!? He's secluded not just from the classroom but the school as well, which means he wouldn't be in a cafeteria full of obnoxious people rather he would want to be alone in a quiet private area during lunch." She snapped her fingers with a big ole smirk on her face, proud of her assumption.

"Hmm, the black hair boy is somewhere in the building where people wouldn't think of intruding him."

Quickly her tiny mind thought of certain animes where the main protagonist or a side character would eat lunch on the rooftop… The problem is, it only occurred in Japan and not to mention the roof is off limits for students of course. Her index finger pressed on her chin she thought maybe the faculty wouldn't bother checking there. I mean honestly who else would eat up on the scorching bright rooftop? It's worth a shot.

If not, then Kayla might have to do the unthinkable of any girl and search through the boy's restroom, some anime characters do eat there sometimes. "Maybe I shouldn't use anime as a basis of reality heh." She said with an embarrassed sigh, continuing her journey by taking a turn on the left and walked at the absolute end of the hallway. There was a secret set of stairs hidden away here. Well, she liked to imagine it being secretive, but in reality, not many students ever opted to use this to go towards the second floor since its furthest away from many classes.

Kayla now in front of double doors opened it and was about rush up the steps, but at last, on the fifth step, she noticed someone in the corner of her eye. Halting her venture, she glanced to her right, and her pupils widen when she saw the boy she's been looking for this entire time sitting on the furthest right on the fourth step. He was sitting like a statue with no signs of visible movement, glancing downward in solemn.

"Whaa- I thought you would've been at... the rooftop…" she said, her shyness returning after realizing she found the apparent boy who struck fear in the hearts of everyone at this school.

Her voice, however, broke through his state of mind, registering it as he looked at her faster than any human could move with wide eyes, pushing himself against the wall like he saw his dead relative appear before him. His breathing increased more than usual, sweat pouring down his face with shakiness adding to his body. The petite girl stood back from the abrupt behavior change with her hands over her mouth. His reaction was getting worse, staring into those wide emerald eyes the small girl saw fear and anguish in them. In those eyes, she could feel dread and pain surrounding her body like a pack of crows pecking her skin endlessly.

Kayla didn't understand how someone can ever have those sadden eyes, the immense pressure she was feeling was so high that even tears were starting to form around her own soft brown eyes. It was as if she was looking into the eyes of a being who never learned what love is, who never learned what friendship was and who doesn't even know, his self or experience anything happy in life.

Removing her hand from her mouth, Kayla crouched to his eye level and tried to reason. "Please calm down. I'm not here to hurt you or bully you or anything…I just want to be f-friends."

Her soft, meek voice penetrated through his mind, easing his panic attack, she could see his eyes no longer shrouded with fear but still had hesitation.

"I thou- I thought you were someo-" He panted, "Nothing, never mind…" His body, now relaxed, turned back its original position from before.

Kayla wondered what he was going to say just then. Did he recall someone with the same appearance as herself he knew before? The petite girl shook her head and slowly sat right on the fourth step, keeping her distance away as not to make him more uncomfortable and unease, and frankly, she was too. The blonde settled her lunch bag down next to her, not mustering an appetite anymore and was instead twiddling with her fingers. The effects from earlier still affecting her. She can't even process any words to say right now; her mind wandered off to a distant place far from reality to figure out what just happened. Fortunately for her, a whisper broke the silence.

"So…Why are you here exactly? Are you here to just find secrets about myself? Because I got none of them! Or-or-or are you here to make fun of me?"

Kayla stared at her twiddling fingers, "N-no no! I-I told you I want to be f-friends with you…"

He narrowed his eyes at the ground, "That's hard to believe…" He whispered, still staring at the floor, "I can't see someone as cute as you ever hanging out with me, to be honest."

A faint blush appeared, her shaky voice vanishing, " Its true! I'm new here, so I don't really know what happened, but even so, they shouldn't treat you that way in the first place. They shouldn't treat anyone that way for that matter." She saw his eyes raise a little bit.

Kayla glanced away from her fingers and at the boy, "Listen… I've suffered a similar situation to what’s been happening to you at my old school. It was never this intense though, but I was alone with barely anyone ever supporting me in my need." A sigh escaped her lips, "I-i've been teased a lot, for not being more girly then I should. I watch a-anime, play video games" She could see his face light up at the mention of video games, "and listen to music that the other girls my age would call boyish."

"Only a few girls would talk to me, but then they would transfer to another school before we could ever be closer…Leaving me all alone."

"What about the boys. Did you hang with them instead?"

She shook her head, "It was an all-girls school… I don't want anyone else to feel lonely like I did. It's truly is a terrible feeling, and that's why I wanted to be friends with you."

A brisk of silence ensued, lasting only a minute before the boy brought his hand up, staring intently at it as if something was on it.

"I agree that no one should be treated like this ever. Being isolated… Its one of the worst things to experience… However, I should be an exemption."

Kayla furrowed her brow, "W-what no you should-"

"I'm willing to be isolated…S-so I wouldn't hurt anyone else…" he brought his other hand up as well. His hands were trembling, unstable as his eyes stared deeply into them like they're the devil's creation. "These hands have done the unthinkable… I-I've committed such cruel acts with them. So heinous that I deserve to be isolated from the world… I don't want to hurt anyone else... being alone is for the best, not just me but everyone else including yourself..."

Before she could ask a question, he set down his hands on his knee, "Forget what I said…"

The worried girl didn't comply and instead reflected on what he had stated. All she could think of were endless waves of questions she had for him. The petite girl knew not to overwhelm the poor boy which she's done in the past with other people before. What bothered her the most was his response, he was willing to be isolated because he had harmed people in the past? The way he stared at his hands during it signified it as well. Before she could pry further, the boy asked a casual question not concerning with the topic at hand.

"What's your favorite video game?"

She blinked a few times not understanding the sudden change of subject, was this a trick question? Not sure about it she replied anyways.

"U-uh umm, Bioshock I guess. I don't have a specific order for my favorites…"

He hummed at the answer, "Heh not a bad choice." He nodded.

The petite girl tilted her head, not sure if he was warming up to her, she remembered his face did light up from the mention of gaming, so maybe she's making progress after all. The black hair boy stood and made his way towards the doorway, her brown eyes following him until he stopped, "You should avoid me like the rest of the people." He said with a serious tone.

Maybe not she thought as the boy looked back at her with a set of stern eyes. Kayla, however, could see a trace of sorrow in them.

"Seek safety whenever I'm around… Don't sit by me again. Please…" her eyes widen from the humility of his voice, is he really begging her to avoid him like the rest of the school?

"Also, thanks." He gave her one last solemn look before he departed as the bell rang at the perfect time. Kayla now within her thoughts had little time to contemplate their interaction. Never had she met such a broken person in all her life.

This gave Kayla Picaro a new mission now, standing tall with her eyes full of fiery youth. She will do everything in her power to change his life to something more significant, give him a purpose to live. Maybe even changing her life in the long run as well.

But first, she must focus on the small goals.

One which is finding out the name of this boy.

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