《OP status copy/stealer》prologue


Prologue :

my name was Lucas I was 17 years old and I always wanted to live in a world were people had super powers and now I get to have the chance to do that. Because I died and the ‘god’ in front of me said that I can have any superpower I want! That is just too awesome don’t you think just think about it if you could have any superpower what would you choose to have? My choice was the power to copy or steal other people’s power and skills. That means if I see other people with powers or skills I want I can look at their status and steal their power and skills so that they lose them or just copie them so that it becomes my own and they get to keep them. So that is what I chose because I think that would be the most OP power I can think of. When I chose that power the ‘god’ that I was talking to he gave me another cool addition to my power I won’t be getting their weaknesses! So I don’t get restrictions on my power either. So I actually take their power but make it better :P

I know this sound really OP but who cares who would not want to be OP I don’t want to be a hero and save the day but I’m also not going to be a villain I just be neutral I don’t like either but if they ask for my help and give me something in return that would benefit me then I’m happy to help.

it just has to benefit me im really selfish I know but I don’t really care for other people but me and my family so if somebody threatens them I will destroy everything about them.


you could say I am protective of the people I like but the rest I don’t really care about if they don’t get in my way. I had that problem in my previous life too I would get really mad when somebody did something bad to my family. I can be really calm and don’t talk a lot but when I get mad then you have a real problem .

So people in my new world be warned don’t fuck with me or I will destroy you!

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