《Transmigration: Operation Don't be a Martyr!》Chapter 5.31: Lilith Winterburn


In the neat department, a group of people sat on their own stations. All of them kept quiet and stared at nothing. The one who has the worst appearance is a dazed woman. With her red lipstick, the paleness of her face became more eminent.

The door opened slowly - creating a creaking sound that made them tremble.

"Yrma, the boss is calling you." The indifferent voice of her colleague made her ashamed.

Yrma stood up weakly. "I'll be there."

She walked towards the boss's office at a steady pace. Her other colleagues peeked at her actions which made her movements more rigid.

Upon entering the boss's office, a thick stack of papers came flying at her. It hit her chest and then she staggered backwards.

"Look at what you did!"

The loud voice of her boss made her frown. Yrma silently closed the door and kept her head low.

Her boss was fuming. "This wouldn't have happened if you asked her relationship with the Ace first!"

Yrma frowned more. 'Then the show wouldn't be interesting.' She decided to hide her thoughts. Reasoning with the old man before her would not end well.

She deeply breathes to calm her nerves. After staying silent for a short time, her eyes regained its lights when she found a solution to their problem.

"Boss... Isn't the Charlestons on our side? Maybe we could--"

She was stopped when her boss hushed her.

The old man - her boss - angrily whispered. "Shut up! What if someone hears you?"

Yrma tightly shut her lips and nodded.

He sighed. "I already called them... and they only advised me."

Yrma gritted her teeth and whispered. "They're not gonna do anything? Are they planning to pin the blame on us?!"

The boss gives her a meaningful look. She squinted her eyes and questioned him through her gaze.


"You should resign."

That's when she received the answer.

"They're... They're blaming me?!" She yelled in shock.

"No way! No way!!" Yrma started screaming as the tears in her eyes ruined her eyeliner.


At the call of her boss, two guards held her arms and forcefully pulled her out of the office.

"I don't want to lose this job!! Boss!"

Her colleagues looked at her with pity but all she can see is their mockery.

She bowed her head low and stopped resisting.

"Let go." She ordered.

When the guards refused to, she snapped and yelled at them. "Let go!! I'm going to pack my things!"

She forcefully pulled her arms. Once she was free from the guards gripped, she fiercely strode towards her department. She casually wiped her tears and walked with her head held up - showing that she was not bothered.


The information about Blare's engagement with Ace spread in the whole country. It was only possible using Yrma's popularity with the masses.

Blare did not deny Lilith's past through the interview but claimed that she had changed and no longer carried any feelings for Aiken.

When asked why and Yrma jokingly exclaimed that Blare might have fallen for Ace - she did not refute it. Even declaring that she and Ace were engaged by showing the infinity ring on her left hand.

The reason why Yrma became speechless is that Blare proved that she was not a "mere businesswoman". Blare had strong backing that was shielding her - which stunned Yrma and her team. In the end, Blare was the one who spoke to end the whole broadcast.

After Yrma's resignation, news about her spread - some unknown individual made a whole article about Yrma and it wrote about how she tried to ruin Lilith's career by highlighting her past.


Many believed it because it was Yrma who first reported about Lilith - deliberately ruining her image. Then a bunch of media outlets also followed to stressed Lilith's negative side.

Soon, the people did not focus on her anymore and their attention shifted towards Yrma and the media outlets who put Lilith in a bad light.

"Why don't you sue those media outlets for slander? They tried to ruin your career!" Rhieanne pursed her lips unhappily.

Blare inwardly sighed. "If I do that then I would have more enemies... The worse enemies, Rhieanne."

Rhieanne exhaled sharply and spoke in a whisper. "...You have Ace?"

Blare looked at her tiredly. "He helped me enough. That's it."

She turned her attention to the guy who was busy typing on his laptop. "Lance, how many people sold their stocks?"


Blare's right eye twitched. "You got all of them?"

Lance - who was still focused on his laptop - frowned. "Two of them are making a ridiculous demand. Each of the two have over 5% stocks on Emperio... and both of them are trying to sell it for 10 million pounds."

Blare mockingly scoffed. "And their buyers?"

Only then did Lance looked at Blare. With furrowed brows, he reported, "The Charlestons."

Rhieanne gasped in horror while Blare gritted her teeth in anger.

Blare breathed silently to restrain her emotion. "Was it Aiken?"

"Not sure. The only information that the private detective found is the existence of a third-person. That third-person is being instructed by the Charlestons to buy the Emperio's stocks."

Lance turned his attention to his laptop screen - as if he was reading something. "These two investors did not accept my offer of 3 million... even though there's an additional 1 million - clearly a much higher offer than the Charlestons."

Blare laughed sarcastically. "Those leeches..."

"Don't accept their demands. If they won't accept the 3 million, let them be." She stated as her eyes glint.

Lance glanced at her. "Are you letting them in?"

Blare beamed her smile to her two assistants. "The best way to know your enemies is by keeping them closer."

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