《Transmigration: Operation Don't be a Martyr!》Chapter 5.28: Lilith Winterburn


Blare woke up the next day to the sound of her phone. She groggily took the phone and answered the call.


"It's me, did I wake you up?"

From the sound of the other party's voice, she could already tell who he is.

"I just woke up." Blare said as she sat up.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

His soft chuckle tickled her ear. "I'm outside"

Her groggy state dispersed. She told him to wait and the man only replied with a hum. Blare washed her face and brushed her teeth. She combed her messy hair and tied it in a ponytail and she also changed her clothing into a more decent one. Satisfied at her appearance, she opened the door and allowed Ace inside. Ace sat at the table and watched Blare.

"Did... something happen?" Blare hesitantly asked as she started preparing two cups of black tea.

"Nothing. Can't I visit you?" He responded with a teasing tone.

Blare only shrugged and placed a cup of tea in front of him. She also sat down and faced Ace - his smile still intact.

"I thought you were busy." She said as she avoided his gaze.

When Blare escaped the mob of reporters with the help of Ace's bodyguards, the man had been silent throughout the ride. Blare apologized but Ace only told her to rest and that he would not see her for a while. Although she didn't mind it, Blare felt a tinge of disappointment. She thought that Ace already regarded her as a 'bitch' like what the media portrayed her.

It was like the closeness that they'd built for years had suddenly withered - at least for Blare.

"... Are you angry?" He questioned as the smile on his lips disappears.

She replied a simple "No" and then held the warm cup of tea in her two palms.


Blare was not lying. Even so, the man felt an indescribable fear at her reaction. Recalling the news about her past, Ace's eyes darkened.

"Lilith... Did someone bother you?" He asked with a dangerous tone.

Blare confusedly looked at him. "Who would?"

Ace sighed in relief and stared at her hands that were free from any scars. Without looking at her, he asked, "Then why..."

Because the table wasn't exactly wide, Ace was able to place both of his palm on the back of her hands slowly. Because of his hold, Blare became stiff and stared at Ace with wide eyes.

"Why aren't you looking at me properly?"

Blare quietly stared at his eyes - there was a new emotion that she saw - his dark brown orbs were solemn. She felt his warm palm more than the cup of tea that she was holding.

She gulped nervously as she felt tenser in his hold.

"I'm not good at eye-contact." She honestly replied.

She sneaked a peak on his features and added, "Long... eye-contact."

Ace softly took her hands away from the warm cup of tea. She still stared at the side - refusing to look at him.

"Is that really it?" He asked with a hint of worry.

Instead of answering, Blare asked him a question instead. "Do you think people can change even if they've done stupid things in their past lives?"

Seeing her eyes devoid of any emotion, Ace clutched at her hands anxiously. Her crystal blue orbs that seemed empty scared the man so he considered several ideas before answering.


Although a minute had only passed, both felt like it's already been an hour. Blare softly sighed and tried to escape the man's grasp. However, his hold only tightened.

"Anyone can change for the better... As long as they're willing."


Hearing his answer, Blare's face beamed with satisfaction.

"That's why I can change for the better as well." She proudly announced. She wanted to prove to him that Lilith's past had long been buried and she was striving to be better as time passes.

It only took a second when Ace realized the meaning behind her words.

He chuckled and said as he softly caressed her hands, "Of course, so don't sulk anymore."

Blare unhappily frowned and denied, "I'm not sulking."

The man laughed again, finding her denial cute and lovely. Blare only sighed helplessly and then flashed a smile at him. She looked at their entangled hands and felt how comfortable it is.

"So... what did you do when you pushed me away?" She sarcastically asked.

"See, you are sulking," he said as he played with her hands.

Blare pouted and shot him a glare. Her crystal blue eyes were no longer empty as it held a tinge of annoyance - which Ace found amusing.

He brought her right hand to his lips - giving her delicate hand a quick kiss then playfully showing his attractive grin.

Blare's cheeks and ears glowed bright red. She gaped at the man's unabashed move.

She retreated her right hand with force and shouted, "Y-You!!"

She closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down. To break the embarrassing situation, she asked with a fake scowl, "Are you... Are you trying to avoid my question?"

Surprisingly, Ace's reply is something that she did not expect. "I can't tell you now but I definitely will."

His serious tone concerned her. However, she didn't dare to pry more and just said, "I understand... If there's anything I can do, don't hesitate to call me."

Blare's left hand was still locked with the man's grasp. So she softly squeezed his hand to reassure him. On Ace's case, he didn't expect that the woman would be willing to support him. For the times that they've been together, he was mostly the one who reached out to her - which he thought was normal since he was courting her. Nevertheless, it dismayed him as he thought that Blare didn't hold any feelings for him. Slowly, she was responding and he felt an unspeakable joy that made his heart flutter.

Ace took out a small box. Blare didn't have time to react when the man opened the box - revealing a sapphire ring with an infinity symbol. The small diamonds shined in the slightest movement and it shined brighter as the sun beamed to it.

"Ace?" With widened eyes and gaped mouth, Blare doesn't know what words to utter.

"If they asked about our relationship, you can freely say that we're engaged by showing this ring... If you want to."


Disappointment occupied Blare's heart and mind. But his next words made it disappear.

"It's also our engagement ring in advance. I'm still waiting for you to be my girlfriend. Then we're gonna get married right after."

His bold statement made Blare laughed.

"Hahaha! Alright then!" She consciously agreed as her lips curved up.

The man pretended to act sad. "I'm not kidding."

Blare continued to laugh - not only because of his statement but also because she was truly delighted.

The two enjoyed each other's company by talking about themselves. Their lips softly curved up and both would laugh as they drank the warm black tea. The mild sun passed through the windows while the trees and plants dance as the wind arrived. The current atmosphere gave their eyes a fresh view of the small balcony and the two undoubtedly became closer than ever.

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