《Transmigration: Operation Don't be a Martyr!》Chapter 5.25: Lilith Winterburn


Blare continued her days normally. The only difference in her day was that the Comperio was demanded in other places around schools on their online page. As a result, a lot of investors were willing to finance her business. Blare took this opportunity and built several internet cafes that were near colleges.

She was both busy with her work and business so she failed to notice her health deteriorating. Blare only felt the sharp pang in her head when she almost reached her car. She unsteadily leaned on the car's hoods and closed her eyes while massaging her temples.

"What happened?"

She heard a low voice asked with worry. Before she could open her eyes, a cold hand held her two hands - stopping her action.

"Don't put too much pressure on it."

Blare opened her eyes to see but because of extreme fatigue, her sights turned blurry. Blare could feel her senses shutting down but she refused to give in. Not caring about the unknown man in front of her, she sat down slowly and tried to breathe steadily with closed eyes. The man did not force her to stand up, she can only feel his cold hand cupped the side of her face.

"You're bu------ u--!"

Blare wasn't able to hear anything. In the end, the fatigue consumed her as she finally passes out.

Blare didn't know how long she was asleep. So, when she regained her senses, she slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Blare figured that she was in a hospital because of the hospital gown that she's wearing and several types of hospital equipment that she recognized. But what made her surprised was Ace's presence. The man is sleeping while sitting on the sofa with his arms crossed.

She sat up with difficulty, causing the bed to creaked and the sleeping man to wake up.


"You're awake." Ace said as he made his way towards Blare. He supported Blare from sitting properly and Blare thanked him in a raspy voice.

After making sure she was comfortable, Ace took a glass of water and handed it to Blare - which she drank slowly.

"What happened?" Blare whispered but was enough for Ace to hear.

"You were asleep for two whole days," he explained in furrowed brows.

Before Blare could react, Ace's suppressed anger stopped her. "You're barely sleeping and eating for a whole week! (Sighs) Your secretary told me how you're pushing yourself too hard despite her warnings. Lilith... you could've died..."

Ace's angry yet sorrowful expression startled her. She reassured him by saying, "I already slept for two days so... I may be fine now, right?"

Ace took a hold of her two hands as his dangerous eyes stared at her. "Your temperature reached 40° when you passed out in the parking lot. Right now, you still have a fever... So you're not fine."

Blare didn't think that her condition would endanger her life. She never bothered to take care of her well-being because she was too focused on her goal. She thought that if she handled both her work and her business - finishing the third wish would be at her grasp sooner.

"You're resting until your health turns back to normal."

"What?!" Blare asked in disbelief. How could she possibly leave her work and business? Who would take her place then?

All her worries made her uneasy.

"The construction workers were halfway done renovating the place, right? I already told Lloyd to handle it. The Comperio was well taken care of by your secretary. She successfully gained a lot of useful investors that could fund your business." Ace explained but Blare was still anxious.

Seeing her distressed expression, Ace couldn't help but ask, "Why do you work so hard?"


Blare glanced at him and shut her lips tight - unsure what reason she should say. Nevertheless, she was able to make an excuse.


Her answer did not surprise Ace.

"What for?"

Blare gulped and thought of another reason.

"T-To get whatever I want."

Even though she stuttered, she kept her gaze firm. Ace sat at her side and leaned a bit close to her.

"Why work so hard? If you're with me you can get whatever you want." Ace said - his lips showed a teasing smile.

Blare processed his words and was quite confused about its meaning. "With you?"

Ace bent towards Blare - the tips of their nose is almost touching.

"Marry me."

Blare's eyes widened along with her loud beating heart. She stuttered in disbelief because of his unexpected proposal. "W-What... I'm not even sure about you...!"

Ace chuckled. "You're red face says otherwise."

Blare blocked her face with her two hands in embarrassment.

"I'm just embarrassed!" Her muffled voice made Ace smile more.

Ace always teased her in every moment he could get. But this was the first time that he proposed marriage - which caught her off guard.

Although Blare never responded and remained clueless at first, Ace was able to get a reaction from her overtime. However, if she made Blare blush today - she'll act like everything was normal by tomorrow. Ace realized that it was her way of pushing him out of her heart.

When Blare took of her hands on her face, Ace embraced her - making her flinched at the sudden hold. "How can you keep me into your heart, Lilith?"

She can't make up an excuse for his sudden question. Although she stayed still, his embrace tightened - as if he was afraid that she will push him away.

Blare let the man hold her tight. By impulse, her hands wrapped around his waist - which made Ace's heart pound loudly.

No matter how much she denied her growing feelings for him, her mind betrayed her action. Feeling his pounding heart made her convinced - she has a place in Ace's heart.

With her head resting on his shoulder, she answered his previous question. "I don't know..."

Blare - in her own life - rejected the idea of falling in love. It happened when she learned that her beloved auntie was cheated on many times. This crushed her image of pure love that her parents and married cousins have.

She hid in the kitchen and watched her mother soothe her auntie - which was her mother's elder sister. Blare saw her aunt's anguish state and all she could do is listen to her cries. As her mother patted her aunt's back softly, she told her crying aunt determining words that she carried on to this day.

"Never trust easily, Briana. No matter what sweet words you may hear - remember to never easily trust any man, ever again."

As Blare remembered her aunt's misery, she felt scared for her future as well.

Her hands around Ace loosed as she said, "I remember to not trust anyone easily."

Ace also loosened his hold and gazed intently at her eyes. "I'll work harder then."

Blare was touched by his words. She did not answer and only smiled gratefully.

Blare knows who she is. Since Lilith did not voice out her desire to fall in love with another - Blare would not answer Ace based on what she feels.

Seeing her quiet smile, Ace helplessly sighed and kissed her forehead.

Once again, Blare turned red and froze on her spot.

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