《Transmigration: Operation Don't be a Martyr!》Chapter 3.12: Fang Chunhua


The two people created a mutual understanding of each other's feelings.

One's initiative made the other respond.

After that nerve-wracking and sweet confession, both retreated to their own rooms with flushed faces.

When Blare arrived in her room, she laid down in bed and smiled.

'Success!!' she screamed inside her mind, celebrating.

Although it was only the first stage of being in love, Blare thought differently. The first stage should not have physical contact! Yet they held hands and the man even kissed her hand!!

Okay, Blare held the man's arm, but she refuted that it was only locking arms!

An unreasonable excuse.

Blare was squealing like a 13-year-old who saw her crush smiling at her. But the truth is, she was rooting for Fang Chunhua, who finally have a man that will love her.

Still, Blare was cautious. Although the man confessed, she cannot guarantee that Fang Chunhua will be the only woman in his eyes.

Men, after all, would always sway once they saw someone more beautiful.

'Except my dad, Fang Chunhua's father, my uncles, and my married male cousins.' Blare thought and nodded.

The woman was biased.

However, Blare also thought that Zhao Kang's silent temperament is trustworthy by comparing it to her own father.

Blare's father is a silent man too, and would only show his gentle side to them. She was assuming that Zhao Kang must be the same, and would definitely show his other soft sides to his beloved.

Because throughout their journey, the man stayed silent and somehow.. indifferent to others. Even to her, but it was more mild and respectful. It was only natural because she's the young miss.

Now that they have a mutual understanding, Blare saw the man smiled, smirked, chuckled and laughed in a span of a week.

Blare felt that the body she's residing in is feeling so cheerful. Heart beating loud and rhythmic.

'So this is what it feels like liking someone. It's more emotional than what I've felt before.' Blare closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the body's beating heart.

The beating heart is mixed with nervousness and excitement. There is a lot of anticipation for future interactions with Zhao Kang.


Morning came, but the sky is still dark. Blare wore the pink cheongsam dress patterned with plum blossoms. Since the inn was owned by Guang Fan Ai's family, the servants always attended to them diligently.


Blare's habit back in the Fang Estate was brought in the Capital of Wanshu Empire.

As always, she would wake up early and would take a hot bath. After that, she would head to the garden filled with tall bamboos. |×|Chinese lanterns were hanged on the end of the roof, supported by a rope made of thin metal.

It gives her a calm feeling and Blare would always seat on the wooden chair, her elbow rested on the wooden table and the palm of her hand supporting her chin.

With closed eyes, Blare could hear the cicadas and bamboos touching, accompanied by the sound of leaves rustling because of the sudden arrival of wind.

Then she heard incoming footsteps that are getting louder. Blare turned around and saw Zhao Kang.

The man always accompanied her at this place, every morning without fail. So she was curious about why he was a bit late and got there before him.

Zhao Kang understands Blare's curious gaze and said, "This lowly one apologize for being late"

Blare only sighed to the man's respectful words. She felt uncomfortable that Zhao Kang would always refer to himself as a lowly one.

Blare tap the chair beside her, indicating Zhao Kang to sit. Zhao Kang obediently sat down and stare at her.

Blare put her arm on the wooden table and sat her head on it. She was looking at the bamboos. Blare felt the man's gaze on her. She can only smile sweetly, but her arms hid her smile.

She then closed her eyes, and unknowingly doze off.

Zhao Kang watched her with a loving gaze. He rested his elbow on the table and his palm supported his head, looking directly at the sleeping woman.

Zhao Kang had seen beautiful women all his life, whether they are commoners or rich ladies. Some of those women would stick to him like glue. However, because he was poor, he would reject those women. Besides, the thought of having a wife never crossed his mind. Especially when his mother got sick.

Out of the blue, this young miss offered her work to cure his ill mother. His father's favorable opinion towards the woman made him curious until the news got out that her father's craftsmanship was praised by the beauty.


He was moved. They were peasants, and getting praised for their hard work was never uttered by others, much less nobility.

Serving her for months in the Fang Estate, the woman would always watch the servants work, and that includes him. It was hard working on the first month until he heard the woman fought with his father for unknown reasons. But he knew that he was hated by the General. Still, he endured for his mother.

Until a week came by and he received the same amount of break and food that the other servants received. Only then did he know that the General's anger on him subsided.

But months after, the General had used him as a pawn to deviate the Prince from his daughter. In the end, he was thankful that his young miss told the truth and saved him from possible execution.

Thinking about that time, Zhao Kang remembered Blare's teary eyes and painful cries. His eyebrows furrowed. Remembering her pain back then made his heart uncomfortable. He wanted to avenge her, but what can he do? He is a peasant who has a mother to cure. If he got a wife, she'll surely suffer with him.

With that kind of life, how can she live comfortably?

With his own power, how can he protect her?

Zhao Kang looks sadly at the distance. He didn't notice that Blare woke up from her nap.

While Blare looked at him and saw his troubled expression. He didn't know what the man was thinking, but she assumed it was something about status again.

"You wouldn't leave me, right?" Blare said, and the man quickly looked at her. Then his eyes turning solemn.

"You have promised to care for my fragile heart, so take responsibility." Blare said with her eyebrows furrowed. She also felt her eyes getting teary.

When Zhao Kang saw this, he was filled with guilt. He hasn't thought to leave her but thinking about his status, how can he even protect the woman he loves?

"Young Miss--"

"Chunhua, this shameless young miss of yours is ordering you to call her Chunhua" Blare cut him off and shot him a hateful and solemn look.

"I cannot protect you," Zhao Kang said, straight to the point. His expression the same.

Blare's lips parted in surprise. 'He was worried about Fang Chunhua's safety' she thought as she clenched her chest, it was aching.

"Why give up if you haven't tried it in the first place? Why give up on me if you know you could lose me forever? Why give up without knowing how I feel?"

Blare was not the one who's talking. Right now, Fang Chunhua resides in the body.

Blare's soul gladly stepped back and watched the two.

Fang Chunhua cried, her eyes pleading to the man.

'Aahh.. this kind of woman is a keeper. Still, loving only one person wholeheartedly in two timelines is admirable.. and pitiful.' Blare thought as she watched the two. Her soul stands beside Fang Chunhua.

Zhao Kang comforts Fang Chunhua and his face looking troubled.

'If this man failed, I'll definitely smack him and quickly find another guy' Blare soul shot a glare at the man.

".. Chunhua, this lowly--"

"Kang! Do not lower yourself!" Fang Chunhua stood up and shouted at Zhao Kang.

'Ahh... So that's why I'm feeling uncomfortable when he called himself lowly one... I have to ask Reyna how to identify if the emotions throughout the mission are my own or the original owner of the body.' Blare thought to herself.

Blare's thought was cut off when he saw the man kissed Fang Chunhua.

'OHHHHH!!!' Blare shout in excitement but no voice came out.

Fang Chunhua was stunned, the man's lips stayed on hers. Then slowly, she closed her eyes and responded to his kiss. Zhao Kang titled his head, while Fang Chunhua opened her mouth to allow his tongue access.

It was intense.

'KYAAAAA!!' Blare covered her eyes but parted her index finger to see the whole show.

'Thank God I'm not the one who's residing in that body!' Blare felt shy watching so she turned her attention to the tree branches that are swaying.

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